Interim Results - Part 1

HSBC Hldgs PLC 31 July 2000 Part 1 HSBC HOLDINGS PLC 2000 INTERIM RESULTS - HIGHLIGHTS * Operating income up 15 per cent to US$12,018 million (US$10,410 million in the first half of 1999). * Operating profit before provisions up 9 per cent to US$5,442 million (US$4,995 million in the first half of 1999); excluding goodwill amortisation (cash basis) up 12 per cent to US$5,614 million. * Group pre-tax profit up 28 per cent to US$5,206 million (US$4,068 million in the first half of 1999); cash basis up 32 per cent to US$5,378 million. * Attributable profit up 31 per cent to US$3,525 million (US$2,694 million in the first half of 1999); cash basis up 37 per cent to US$3,697 million. * Return on average shareholders' funds of 20.2 per cent. * Assets up 2 per cent to US$580 billion (US$569 billion at 31 December 1999). * Basic earnings per share up 27 per cent to US$0.42. * Cash earnings per share up 33 per cent to US$0.44. * First interim dividend of US$0.15 per share; an increase of 13 per cent over the 1999 first interim dividend. * Total capital ratio of 14.1 per cent; tier 1 capital ratio of 9.6 per cent. HSBC HOLDINGS REPORTS PRE-TAX PROFIT OF US$5,206 MILLION HSBC Holdings plc made a profit before tax of US$5,206 million in the first six months of 2000, an increase of US$1,138 million, or 28 per cent, over the same period in 1999. Profit attributable to shareholders was US$3,525 million, an increase of 31 per cent. The Directors have declared a first interim dividend for 2000 of US$0.15 per ordinary share (1999 first interim dividend of US$0.133 per ordinary share), an increase of 13 per cent. The dividend will be payable on 5 October 2000. Net interest income of US$6,684 million was US$771 million, or 13 per cent, higher than the same period in 1999. Other operating income rose by US$837 million, or 19 per cent, to US$5,334 million. The Group's cost:income ratio (excluding the impact of the amortisation of goodwill) increased to 53.3 per cent from 51.9 per cent in the same period in 1999. The charge for bad and doubtful debts was US$368 million, which was US$714 million lower than in the same period in 1999 and US$623 million lower than the second half of 1999; this was after releasing 40 per cent (US$116 million) of the special general provision for Asian risk established in 1997. Gains on disposal of investments of US$162 million were US$7 million higher than in the same period of 1999. The total capital ratio and tier 1 capital ratio for the Group remained strong at 14.1 per cent and 9.6 per cent, respectively, at 30 June 2000. Had the acquisition of Credit Commercial de France been completed on 30 June, it is estimated that on a proforma basis the tier 1 ratio would have been 9.1 per cent at that date. The Group's total assets at 30 June 2000 were US$580 billion, an increase of US$11 billion, or 2 per cent, since 31 December 1999. Geographical distribution of results Half-year to Figures in US$m 30 Jun 2000 30 Jun 1999 31 Dec 1999 Profit before tax % % % Europe 1,962 37.6 1,719 42.3 1,603 40.9 Hong Kong 1,903 36.6 1,391 34.2 1,663 42.5 Rest of Asia-Pacific 734 14.1 180 4.4 149 3.8 North America 414 8.0 530 13.0 429 11.0 Latin America 193 3.7 248 6.1 70 1.8 Group profit before tax 5,206 100.0 4,068 100.0 3,914 100.0 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (1,263) (1,103) (935) Profit on ordinary activities after tax 3,943 2,965 2,979 Minority interests (418) (271) (265) Profit attributable 3,525 2,694 2,714 Comment by Sir John Bond, Group Chairman 'HSBC's results for the first half of 2000 were encouraging. Our performance has enabled us to declare a 13 per cent increase in the first interim dividend and make some major investments in the future of our business, in line with our strategic plan. 'The increase in total revenues of 15 per cent reflected both organic growth and the contribution from recent acquisitions. In addition, with improved trading conditions in much of Asia and the major OECD economies remaining strong, the level of provisions for new bad and doubtful debts returned to historical levels which helped achieve the 31 per cent increase in attributable profit. The geographical distribution of our earnings remained broadly stable with increased earnings in Asia balancing the cash contribution from the acquisitions of Republic New York Corporation and Safra Republic Holdings completed at the end of 1999. We estimate that the contribution of these businesses, before funding costs and goodwill amortisation, was about US$300 million. 'In the UK we saw strong competition from traditional providers of financial services and a fierce challenge from new entrants. In this environment success depends on achieving high levels of customer trust and satisfaction. HSBC has taken an industry lead in becoming customer driven. HSBC Bank plc has a growing reputation for fairness and openness in its provision of wealth management and other services. In the first half, life, pensions and investments income grew by 9 per cent. 'In July, having achieved its objectives as a founding partner in British Interactive Broadcasting, HSBC Bank has agreed to sell its 20 per cent shareholding to BSkyB for a consideration which, at current share prices, is approximately three times the capital it has contributed of US$121 million. The sale remains subject to regulatory approvals. 'In Hong Kong major initiatives to expand fee services in the light of limited credit demand were successful. Revenues from securities distribution, credit cards and mutual fund business all rose strongly. HSBC invested heavily in preparing for the introduction of the Mandatory Provident Fund, a compulsory retirement plan covering company employees and the self-employed. 'Our results in the rest of Asia improved as economies rebounded from the regional downturn. New provisions for bad and doubtful debts declined and we were able to recover certain provisions made previously. Given the improving conditions we considered it appropriate to release 40 per cent of the US$290 million special general provision made in 1997. Expense discipline remained firm and the marked rise in staff costs and marketing expenditure were encouraging reflections of increased business opportunities. In May we announced an agreement in principle to acquire 75 per cent of Bangkok Metropolitan Bank. 'In the United States we have made good progress in integrating the former Republic New York business. We are on target to achieve the annual cost savings of US$300 million after tax that we projected when we announced the acquisition. 'In Latin America we have started to build our loan business in Brazil on the back of historically low interest rates. Our insurance businesses in both Brazil and Argentina produced strong results. 'Within investment banking our private banking operations performed well. The number of clients we serve and the funds they entrust to us increased, growing to US$103 billion. Together with institutional and retail, HSBC now has US$239 billion funds under management. With equity volumes very strong in both the institutional and retail markets our securities business produced a record performance in generating commission income of US$291 million. Good teamwork within HSBC contributed to customers of our commercial banks making greater use of the services provided by our investment banks. Corporate finance revenues increased by 28 per cent to US$183 million. 'We took two major steps during the first half of 2000 to expand both our geographic reach and our product range. The acquisition of Credit Commercial de France, which became effective on 28 July, provides us with a platform within the euro-zone and with the opportunity to build on the fine reputation which CCF enjoys for serving its major corporate and high net worth customer base in France. The high take up of the share exchange element of our offer for CCF has maintained our Tier 1 capital ratio above our target and thus added flexibility to our capital management. 'On 18 April we announced the formation of a 50:50 partnership with Merrill Lynch to create the first global on- line banking and investment services company for affluent customers outside the US. We are firmly on track to launch this service in the final quarter of this year. Our joint venture with Merrill Lynch is a major step forward in our strategy to enable us to succeed in the e-age. We described this in some detail when we announced our 1999 results and we are making good progress in implementing our plans. 'The progress we have made during the last two years and planning for the changes made possible by new technology have reinforced our view that national economies are increasingly inter-dependent. Geographical boundaries are becoming less relevant. We believe that, going forward, HSBC's internationalism - defined by its systems, people, branding and character - will give us a major competitive advantage. 'We view the remainder of 2000 with optimism although unexpected shocks to the financial system can never be ruled out. The United States, the principal motor of the world economy, has enjoyed an unprecedented period of growth. This may not continue indefinitely. However, the economic outlook in many of our markets remains favourable. After the exciting developments in the first half of the year we are concentrating on integration and execution. HSBC is in very good shape. We have a broad spread of businesses, an excellent customer base and a first class product range. We have an increasingly well known and respected brand. We have resources, both financial and human, which enable us to pursue growth. HSBC has built up real momentum and I am confident in our ability to deliver value to our customers and shareholders.' Contents ___________________________________________________________________________ The financial information in this news release is based on the unaudited consolidated accounts of HSBC Holdings plc and its subsidiaries for the six months ended 30 June 2000. Highlights of Results and Group Chairman's Comment Contents Financial Overview Consolidated Profit and Loss Account Consolidated Balance Sheet Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Other Primary Financial Statements Financial Review Net interest income Net interest margin of the principal banking subsidiaries Other operating income Operating expenses Bad and doubtful debts Customer loans and advances and provisions Country risk and cross-border exposure Asset disposition Capital resources Risk-weighted assets by principal subsidiary Review by Geographical Segment HSBC European Operations HSBC Hong Kong Operations HSBC Rest of Asia-Pacific Operations HSBC North American Operations HSBC Latin American Operations HSBC Investment Banking Additional Information Accounting policies Dividend Earnings and dividend per share Economic profit Subsequent events Provisions against advances Gains on disposal of investments Taxation Liabilities Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating activities Financial instruments, contingent liabilities and commitments Off-balance-sheet risk-weighted and replacement cost amounts Market risk Segmental analysis Attributable profit by principal subsidiary and line of business Differences between UK GAAP and US GAAP Other information Within this document the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China has been referred to as 'Hong Kong'. Financial Overview Half-year to Half-year to 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun 1999 1999 2000 US$m US$m US$m £m HK$m For the half-year 4,068 3,914 Profit before tax 5,206 3,317 40,535 2,694 2,714 Profit attributable 3,525 2,245 27,446 1,118 1,754 Dividends 1,280 815 9,966 At period-end 31,642 33,408 Shareholders' funds 35,319 23,311 275,311 44,990 44,270 Capital resources 47,935 31,637 373,653 Customer accounts and 351,559 398,075 deposits by banks 426,122 281,240 3,321,620 496,520 569,139 Total assets 580,280 382,985 4,523,283 294,016 336,126 Risk-weighted assets 339,444 224,033 2,645,966 US$^^^ US$ Per share US$ £ HK$ 0.33 0.32 Basic earnings 0.42 0.27 3.27 0.33 0.33 Cash earnings^^ 0.44 0.28 3.43 0.33 0.32 Diluted earnings 0.41 0.26 3.19 0.133 0.207 Dividend 0.15 0.10^ 1.17^ 3.76 3.95 Net asset value 4.14 2.73 32.27 Share information 8,407m 8,458m US$0.50 ordinary shares in issue 8,532m US$99bn US$118bn Market capitalisation US$98bn Closing market price per £7.49 £8.63 share £7.56 % % Ratios (annualised) % Return on average 18.6 16.4 shareholders' funds 20.2 Post-tax return on average 1.22 1.18 assets 1.37 Post-tax return on average 2.02 2.00 risk-weighted assets 2.33 Capital ratios 15.3 13.2 - total capital 14.1 11.4 8.5 - tier 1 capital 9.6 Cost:income ratio (excluding goodwill 51.9 55.8 amortisation) 53.3 ^ The first interim dividend is translated at the closing rate on 30 June 2000 (see page 59). ^^ Cash earnings per share comprise basic earnings per share after adding back the impact of goodwill amortisation. ^^^ Restated to reflect the share capital reorganisation implemented on 2 July 1999. Consolidated Profit and Loss Account Half-year to Half-year to 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun 1999 1999 2000 US$m US$m US$m £m HK$m 14,460 14,744 Interest receivable 17,431 11,104 135,718 (8,547) (8,667) Interest payable (10,747) (6,846) (83,676) 5,913 6,077 Net interest income 6,684 4,258 52,042 4,497 4,515 Other operating income 5,334 3,398 41,531 10,410 10,592 Operating income 12,018 7,656 93,573 (5,415) (5,934) Operating expenses (6,576) (4,189) (51,201) Operating profit before 4,995 4,658 provisions 5,442 3,467 42,372 Provisions for bad and (1,082) (991) doubtful debts (368) (234) (2,865) Provisions for contingent (52) (91) liabilities and commitments (40) (25) (311) Amounts written off fixed (10) (18) asset investments (14) (9) (109) 3,851 3,558 Operating profit 5,020 3,199 39,087 Income from associated 60 63 undertakings 25 16 195 Gains/(losses) on disposal of: 155 295 - investments 162 103 1,261 2 (2) - tangible fixed assets (1) (1) (8) Profit on ordinary 4,068 3,914 activities before tax 5,206 3,317 40,535 Tax on profit on ordinary (1,103) (935) activities (1,263) (805) (9,834) Profit on ordinary 2,965 2,979 activities after tax 3,943 2,512 30,701 Minority interests: (234) (226) - equity (290) (185) (2,258) (37) (39) - non-equity (128) (82) (997) Profit attributable to 2,694 2,714 shareholders 3,525 2,245 27,446 (1,118) (1,754) Dividends (1,280) (815) (9,966) Retained profit for the 1,576 960 period 2,245 1,430 17,480 Consolidated Balance Sheet At At At 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 June 1999 1999 2000 US$m US$m US$m £m HK$m ASSETS Cash and balances at 2,591 6,179 central banks 3,494 2,306 27,236 Items in the course of collection from other 6,776 5,826 banks 8,126 5,363 63,342 Treasury bills and other 23,683 23,213 eligible bills 21,380 14,111 166,657 Hong Kong SAR Government certificates of 7,277 9,905 indebtedness 7,910 5,221 61,664 96,136 100,077 Loans and advances to banks 112,667 74,360 878,239 Loans and advances to 236,125 253,567 customers 261,593 172,651 2,039,117 75,066 110,068 Debt securities 104,143 68,734 811,794 4,420 4,478 Equity shares 5,503 3,632 42,896 Interests in associated 875 926 undertakings 3,542 2,338 27,610 Other participating 297 280 interests 128 84 998 299 6,541 Intangible fixed assets 6,372 4,206 49,670 11,640 12,868 Tangible fixed assets 12,505 8,253 97,476 26,564 29,363 Other assets 26,967 17,799 210,204 Prepayments and accrued 4,771 5,848 income 5,950 3,927 46,380 496,520 569,139 Total assets 580,280 382,985 4,523,283 LIABILITIES Hong Kong SAR currency 7,277 9,905 notes in circulation 7,910 5,221 61,664 35,920 38,103 Deposits by banks 37,026 24,437 288,617 315,639 359,972 Customer accounts 389,096 256,803 3,033,003 Items in the course of transmission to other 5,090 4,872 banks 5,922 3,909 46,162 29,084 33,780 Debt securities in issue 20,680 13,649 161,201 48,920 59,584 Other liabilities 51,237 33,816 399,389 Accruals and deferred 4,696 6,129 income 5,959 3,933 46,450 Provisions for liabilities and charges 1,264 1,388 - deferred taxation 1,362 899 10,617 2,691 2,920 - other provisions 2,991 1,974 23,315 Subordinated liabilities 3,223 3,235 - undated loan capital 3,337 2,202 26,012 7,718 12,188 - dated loan capital 12,091 7,980 94,249 Minority interests 2,484 2,072 - equity 2,148 1,418 16,744 872 1,583 - non-equity 5,202 3,433 40,549 3,514 4,230 Called up share capital 4,266 2,816 33,253 28,128 29,178 Reserves 31,053 20,495 242,058 31,642 33,408 Shareholders' funds 35,319 23,311 275,311 496,520 569,139 Total liabilities 580,280 382,985 4,523,283 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Half year to Figures in US$m 30 Jun 30 Jun 31 Dec 2000 1999 1999 Net cash inflow from operating activities 17,896 12,768 8,776 Dividends received from associated undertakings 67 84 2 Returns on investments and servicing of finance: - Interest paid on finance leases and similar hire purchase contracts (13) (14) (11) Interest paid on subordinated loan capital (533) (379) (430) Dividends paid to minority interests - equity (245) (199) (469) - non-equity (42) (35) (41) Net cash (outflow) from returns on investments and servicing of finance (833) (627) (951) Taxation paid (994) (701) (874) Capital expenditure and financial investments: - Purchase of investment securities (58,517) (34,526) (73,850) - Proceeds from sale of investment securities 62,501 30,703 60,682 - Purchase of tangible fixed assets (631) (488) (681) - Proceeds from sale of tangible fixed assets 102 87 122 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital expenditure and financial investments 3,455 (4,224) (13,727) Acquisitions and disposals: Net cash (outflow)/inflow from acquisition of and increase in stake in subsidiary undertakings (9,764) (123) 848 Purchase of interest in associated undertakings and other participating interests (2,626) (32) (91) Proceeds from disposal of associated undertakings and other participating interests 140 3 25 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from acquisitions and disposals (12,250) (152) 782 Equity dividends paid (1,286) (1,049) (889) Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing 6,055 6,099 (6,881) Financing: Issue of ordinary share capital 17 2,978 110 Issue of preference share capital 3,614 - - Subordinated loan capital issued 481 714 1,387 Subordinated loan capital repaid (245) (452) (147) Net cash inflow from financing 3,867 3,240 1,350 Increase/(decrease) in cash 9,922 9,339 (5,531) Statement of total consolidated recognised gains and losses for the half- year to 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun 1999 1999 2000 US$m US$m US$m Profit for the period attributable to 2,694 2,714 shareholders 3,525 Unrealised (deficit) on revaluation of investment properties: - (45) - subsidiaries - - (1) - associates - Unrealised surplus on revaluation of land and buildings (excluding - 371 investment properties) - (764) 142 Exchange and other movements (819) Total recognised gains and losses for 1,930 3,181 the period 2,706 Reconciliation of movements in consolidated shareholders' funds for the half-year to 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun 1999 1999 2000 US$m US$m US$m Profit for the period attributable to 2,694 2,714 shareholders 3,525 (1,118) (1,754) Dividends (1,280) 1,576 960 2,245 Other recognised gains and losses (764) 467 relating to the period (819) 3,008 295 New share capital issued 340 (30) - Less: issue costs - Capitalised reserves arising on issue of shares to a qualifying employee - (185) share ownership trust (323) Amounts arising on shares issued in 450 229 lieu of dividends 468 4,240 1,766 Net addition to shareholders' funds 1,911 Shareholders' funds at beginning of 27,402 31,642 period 33,408 31,642 33,408 Shareholders' funds at end of period 35,319 Net interest income Half-year to Figures in US$m 30 Jun 2000 30 Jun 1999 31 Dec 1999 % % % Europe 2,365 35.4 2,080 35.2 2,151 35.4 Hong Kong 2,003 30.0 1,815 30.7 1,920 31.6 Rest of Asia-Pacific 668 10.0 619 10.5 621 10.2 North America 1,057 15.8 817 13.8 870 14.3 Latin America 591 8.8 582 9.8 515 8.5 Net interest income 6,684 100.0 5,913 100.0 6,077 100.0 Average interest-earning assets (AIEA) 484,247 413,778 424,583 Net interest spread 2.23% 2.35% 2.26% Net interest margin 2.78% 2.88% 2.84% Net interest income was US$771 million, or 13.0 per cent, higher than the first half of 1999 at US$6,684 million with a large part of this increase due to the acquisition of the former Republic and Safra Republic businesses. Net interest income in Hong Kong was US$188 million, or 10.4 per cent, higher reflecting balance sheet growth together with a small increase in margin as the benefit of increased spreads on time deposits was largely offset by competitive pricing on the mortgage book; this was partially offset by a reduced contribution from net free funds in Hang Seng Bank. In local currency terms, there was a smaller increase in the UK where growth in customer accounts and personal lending was partly offset by narrower spreads. Average interest-earning assets increased by US$70.5 billion, or 17.0 per cent, compared with the first half of 1999 principally as a result of acquisitions. Excluding acquisitions, there was organic growth in Hong Kong driven principally by the placement of customer deposits, together with encouraging personal loan growth in Brazil and in the UK, Korea, India and Taiwan. The Group's net interest margin has been diluted by the acquisition of the lower margin but high quality balance sheets of the former Republic and Safra Republic businesses and by the funding for these acquisitions. At 2.78 per cent for the first half of 2000, the margin was 10 basis points lower than for the same period in 1999. Net interest margin was also impacted by competitive pricing in Hong Kong, together with a further reduction in the proportion of the balance sheet lent. The effect of these downward pressures was partly offset by improved deposit spreads in Hong Kong and an increase in recoveries of previously suspended interest, together with an increased contribution from net free funds. Net interest margin of the principal banking subsidiaries by region Half-year to 30 Jun 30 Jun 31 Dec 2000 1999 1999 Europe HSBC Bank plc (UK domestic) - margin 2.70% 2.73% 2.70% - AIEA (£m) 81,749 80,654 79,958 - AIEA (US$m equivalent) 128,280 130,668 129,256 HSBC Republic Holdings (Luxembourg) S.A. (HRL) - margin 1.35% - - - AIEA (US$m) 20,903 - - Hong Kong The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd and subsidiaries excluding Hang Seng Bank Ltd - margin 2.55% 2.40% 2.53% - AIEA (HK$m) 733,144 660,899 692,412 - AIEA (US$m equivalent) 94,163 85,268 89,147 Hang Seng Bank Ltd - margin 2.83% 2.96% 2.79% - AIEA (HK$m) 418,774 401,384 410,765 - AIEA (US$m equivalent) 53,786 51,786 52,885 Rest of Asia-Pacific The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd - margin 2.17% 2.11% 2.08% - AIEA (HK$m) 297,533 275,175 280,389 - AIEA (US$m equivalent) 38,214 35,502 36,046 HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad - margin 2.77% 2.85% 2.62% - AIEA (Ringgit m) 24,055 23,586 24,734 - AIEA (US$m equivalent) 6,330 6,207 6,509 HSBC Bank Middle East - margin 3.98% 4.05% 4.07% - AIEA (US$m) 7,685 7,164 7,359 North America HSBC Bank USA Inc (US domestic) - margin 2.74% 3.94% 3.72% - AIEA (US$m) 65,296 31,710 32,052 HSBC Bank Canada - margin 2.66% 2.28% 2.33% - AIEA (C$m) 23,816 23,215 23,868 - AIEA (US$m equivalent) 16,243 15,555 16,135 Latin America HSBC Bank Brasil S.A. Banco Multiplo - margin 12.77% 14.90% 13.67% - AIEA (Brazilian Reais m) 12,028 10,860 10,290 - AIEA (US$m equivalent) 6,733 6,208 5,419 HSBC Bank Argentina S.A. - margin 5.74% 6.30% 5.61% - AIEA (Peso m) 4,011 3,610 3,862 The other main contributions to net interest income were from: Figures in US$m Former Republic businesses outside of North America 168 - - Other HSBC Bank plc businesses 154 122 189 HSBC Holdings sub-group 51 102 196 MORE TO FOLLOW
UK 100