Interim Results - Part 4

HSBC HOLDINGS PLC 2 August 1999 PART FOUR HSBC Holdings plc HSBC Investment Banking (continued) ____________________________________________________________________ Figures in US$m 30JUN99 30JUN98* 31DEC98 Net interest income 183 168 205 Fees and commissions (net) 728 675 661 Trading income** 182 81 16 Other income*** 114 142 99 Total income 1,207 1,066 981 Operating expenses (904) (780) (756) Bad and doubtful debts (19) 1 (39) Other 32 10 (5) Profit before tax 316 297 181 Attributable profit 211 172 127 Total assets 40,177 35,576 36,649 Shareholders' funds 2,141 2,008 2,128 Return on average shareholders' funds 19.6% 17.7% 12.2% Staff numbers (FTE basis) 8,290 8,210 8,213 Segmental analysis of pre-tax profit: - Asset management 39 29 26 - Private banking 107 110 110 - Other investment banking 170 158 45 316 297 181 * Restated to include HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt KGaA transferred to HSBC Investment Banking on 1 January 1999. ** In order to present the results of HSBC Investment Banking on a basis consistent with common practice in investment banking, trading income as reported above includes all profits and losses relating to dealing activities, including interest income/expense and dividends arising from long and short positions. In this respect, it differs from dealing profits as reported on page 13. *** Includes profit on disposal of venture capital investments, US$47 million in the first half of 1999 (first half 1998: US$71 million; second half 1998: US$24 million) which were included in gains on disposal of fixed assets and investments at HSBC Group level. HSBC Holdings plc Additional Information ____________________________________________________________________ 1. Accounting policies The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those described in the 1998 Annual Report and Accounts. 2. Dividend The Directors have declared a first interim dividend for 1999 of US$0.133 per ordinary share, an increase of 8 per cent. The dividend will be payable on 7 October 1999 to shareholders on the Register at the close of business on 20 August 1999. The dividend will be payable in cash, in US dollars, sterling or Hong Kong dollars, or a combination of these currencies, at the exchange rates on 27 September 1999, with a scrip dividend alternative. Particulars of these arrangements will be mailed to shareholders on or about 27 August 1999, and elections will be required to be made by 20 September 1999. The dividend payable to holders of ADSs, each of which represents five ordinary shares, will be paid in cash in US dollars on 7 October 1999 or invested in additional ADSs for participants in the dividend reinvestment plan operated by HSBC Bank USA as depositary. The Company's shares will be quoted ex-dividend in London and in Hong Kong on 16 August 1999. The ADSs will be quoted ex-dividend in New York on 18 August 1999. 3. Earnings and dividend per share Half-year Half-year Half-year Figures in US$ to 30JUN99 to 30JUN98 to 31DEC98 Basic and diluted earnings per share 0.33 0.30 0.24 Headline earnings per share 0.33 0.29 0.24 Dividend per share 0.133 0.123 0.185 Under the terms of the share capital reorganisation approved by the High Court on 30 June 1999, each shareholder of HSBC Holdings plc received three new ordinary shares of US$0.50 for each existing ordinary share of HK$10 or ordinary share of 75p held on 2 July 1999. Figures for earnings per share, dividend per share and net asset value per share reflect the 3-for-1 share capital reorganisation that took place on 2 July 1999. Basic earnings per share was calculated by dividing the earnings of US$2,694 million by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding of 8,167 million (first half of 1998: earnings of US$2,402 million and 8,045 million shares; second half of 1998: earnings of US$1,916 million and 8,077 million shares). Diluted earnings per share was calculated by dividing the basic earnings, which require no adjustment for the effects of dilutive ordinary potential shares, by the weighted average number of shares outstanding plus the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on conversion of all the dilutive potential ordinary shares of 8,237 million (first half of 1998: 8,114 million shares; second half of 1998: 8,140 million shares). The headline earnings per share, calculated in accordance with the definition in the Institute of Investment Management and Research (IIMR) Statement of Investment Practice No. 1, 'The Definition of IIMR Headline Earnings', increased by 12 per cent. The headline earnings per share excluded the gains on the sale of fixed assets (other than investment securities) and included the add back of amortised goodwill. 4. Provisions against advances Half-year to 30 June 1999 Suspended Figures in US$m Specific General Total interest At 1 January 1999 4,639 2,019 6,658 768 Amounts written off (504) - (504) (78) Recoveries of advances written off in previous years 81 - 81 - Charge/(credit) to profit and loss account 1,102 (20) 1,082 - Interest suspended during the period - - - 365 Suspended interest recovered - - - (114) Exchange and other adjustments (92) (13) (105) (8) 5,226 1,986 7,212 933 At 30 June 1999 Total outstanding provisions At At At Figures in US$m 30JUN99 30JUN98 31DEC98 Loans and advances to customers: - specific provisions 5,200 3,774 4,608 - general provisions 1,986 2,077 2,019 7,186 5,851 6,627 Loans and advances to banks: - specific provisions 26 45 31 Total provisions 7,212 5,896 6,658 Interest in suspense 933 715 768 Provisions against loans and advances to customers At At At 30JUN99 30JUN98 31DEC98 Total provisions to gross lending* % % % Specific provisions 2.18 1.57 1.93 General provisions - held against Asian risk 0.12 0.12 0.12 - other 0.71 0.75 0.72 Total provisions 3.01 2.44 2.77 Non-performing loans and advances Figures in US$m Banks 41 58 42 Customers 9,821 6,504 8,871 Total non-performing loans and advances 9,862 6,562 8,913 Total provisions cover as a percentage of non-performing loans and advances 73.1% 89.9% 74.7% * Net of suspended interest and reverse repo transactions 5. Gains on disposal of investments Half-year Half-year Half-year to 30JUN99 to 30JUN98 to 31DEC98 Figures in US$m Gains on disposal of: - investment securities 142 138 72 - part of a business 10 - - - associates 3 - 3 - subsidiaries - 9 - 155 147 75 HSBC Private Equity recorded a US$47 million profit from venture capital investment disposals (first half 1998: US$71 million; second half 1998: US$24 million). Hang Seng Bank recorded profits on the sale of listed equity investments of US$12 million (first half 1998: US$8 million; second half 1998: nil). 6. Taxation Half-year Half-year Half-year to 30JUN99 to 30JUN98 to 31DEC98 Figures in US$m UK corporation tax 431 488 244 Overseas taxation 634 576 542 Deferred taxation 34 (40) (31) Associated undertakings 4 8 2 Total charge for taxation 1,103 1,032 757 Effective tax rate 27.1% 28.0% 26.2% The Company and its subsidiary undertakings in the UK provided for UK corporation tax at 30.25 per cent, the rate for the calendar year 1999 (1998: 31.0 per cent). Overseas tax included Hong Kong profits tax of US$175 million (first half 1998: US$170 million; second half 1998: US$123 million) provided at the rate of 16.0 per cent (1998: 16.0 per cent) on the profits assessable in Hong Kong. Other overseas taxation was provided for in the countries of operation at the appropriate rates of taxation. At 30 June 1999, there were potential future tax benefits of approximately US$425 million (31 December 1998: US$380 million) in respect of trading losses, allowable expenditure charged to the profit and loss account but not yet allowed for tax, and capital losses which have not been recognised because recoverability of the potential benefits is not considered certain. The effective tax rate was below the standard rate of UK corporation tax of 30.25 per cent, mainly because of lower rates of tax in major subsidiaries overseas. The effective tax rate was adversely affected by unrelieved losses in Malaysia in both the second half of 1998 and the first half of 1999, and likewise, but to a greater extent in the first half of 1998, as a result of unrelieved losses in other Asian countries. The effective tax rate in the second half of 1998 benefited from an exceptional prior year tax credit in the US amounting to US$10 million in respect of Brazilian tax credits. 7. Liabilities At 30JUN99 At 30JUN98 At 31DEC98 Figures in US$m % % % Customer accounts 315,639 64.6 303,009 63.5 308,910 65.0 Deposits by banks 35,920 7.3 41,288 8.7 34,342 7.2 Debt securities in issue 29,084 5.9 30,268 6.3 29,190 6.1 Shareholders' funds 31,642 6.5 27,540 5.8 27,402 5.8 Mark-to-market of exchange rate and interest rate contracts 13,454 2.7 18,168 3.8 19,615 4.1 Other liabilities 63,504 13.0 56,570 11.9 56,261 11.8 489,243 100.0 476,843 100.0 475,720 100.0 HK SAR currency notes in circulation 7,277 7,524 7,408 Total liabilities 496,520 484,367 483,128 Customer accounts include: - repos 4,719 8,728 5,441 - settlement accounts 10,834 7,369 5,125 Deposits by banks include: - repos 4,246 7,380 7,614 - settlement accounts 4,998 4,412 2,981 The Group continues to be funded primarily out of its customer deposit base and its liability mix remains stable. 8. Financial instruments, contingent liabilities and commitments At At At Figures in US$m 30JUN99 30JUN98 31DEC98 Contract amounts Contingent liabilities - acceptances and endorsements 3,663 4,077 4,032 - guarantees and assets pledged on collateral security 23,574 24,543 23,686 - other 7 113 64 27,244 28,733 27,782 Commitments - documentary credits and short- term trade-related transactions 6,072 6,560 5,927 - forward asset purchases and forward deposits placed 481 1,839 893 - undrawn note issuing and revolving underwriting facilities 360 147 405 - undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments to lend: - over 1 year 27,586 29,810 27,028 - 1 year and under 106,364 106,680 112,399 140,863 145,036 146,652 Exchange rate contracts 636,820 810,124 765,665 Interest rate contracts 913,272 940,923 1,060,563 Equities contracts 30,147 26,891 29,799 The table above gives the nominal principal amounts of off-balance- sheet transactions. For contingent liabilities and commitments, the contract amount represents the amount at risk should the contract be fully drawn upon and the client default. The total of the contract amounts is not representative of future liquidity requirements. For exchange rate, interest rate and equities contracts, the notional or contractual amounts of these instruments indicate the nominal value of transactions outstanding at the balance sheet date; they do not represent amounts at risk. The decrease in exchange rate contracts since December 1998 and June 1998 was largely as a result of falls in market volumes subsequent to the introduction of the euro at the beginning of 1999. 9. Off-balance-sheet risk-weighted and replacement cost amounts At 30JUN99 At 30JUN98 At 31DEC98 Figures in US$m Risk-weighted amounts Contingent liabilities 19,814 19,241 19,823 Commitments 14,440 15,990 14,187 Replacement cost amounts Exchange rate contracts 5,893 10,522 8,899 Interest rate contracts 4,743 5,002 7,297 Equities contracts 2,177 2,221 2,218 Risk-weighted amounts are assessed in accordance with the Financial Services Authority's guidelines which implement the Basle agreement on capital adequacy and depend on the status of the counterparty and the maturity characteristics. Replacement cost of contracts represents the mark-to-market assets on all contracts with a positive value, ie, an asset to the HSBC Group. Replacement cost is, therefore, a close approximation of the credit risk for these contracts as at the balance sheet date. The actual credit risk is measured internally and is the sum of positive mark-to-market value and an estimate for the future fluctuation risk, using a future risk factor. The decrease in the replacement cost amounts reflects both the effect of market movements on outstanding contracts and a reduction in business volumes. 10. Market risk Market risk is the risk that interest rates, foreign exchange rates or equity and commodity prices will move and result in profits or losses to the HSBC Group. Market risk arises on financial instruments which are valued at current market prices (mark-to- market basis) and those valued at cost plus any accrued interest (accruals basis). The Group makes markets in interest rate, exchange rate and equity derivative instruments, as well as in debt, equities and other securities. Trading risks arise either from customer-related business or from position taking. The Group manages market risk through risk limits approved by the Group Executive Committee. Group Market Risk, an independent unit within HSBC Holdings plc, develops risk management policies and measurement techniques, and reviews limit utilisation on a daily basis. Risk limits are determined for each location and within location, for each portfolio. Limits are set by product and risk type with market liquidity being a principal factor in determining the level of limits set. Only those offices with sufficient derivative product expertise and appropriate control systems are authorised to trade derivative products. Limits are set using a combination of risk measurement techniques, including position limits, sensitivity limits, as well as value at risk (VAR) limits at a portfolio level. Similarly, option risks are controlled through full revaluation limits in conjunction with limits on the underlying variables that determine each option's value. VAR is a technique which estimates the potential losses that could occur on risk positions taken due to movements in market rates and prices over a specified time horizon and to a given level of confidence. The Group VAR, calculated on a variance/co-variance basis, uses historical movements in market rates and prices, a 99 per cent confidence level, a 10 day holding period and generally takes account of correlations between different markets and rates. The movement in market prices is calculated by reference to market data from the last two years. Aggregation of VAR from different risk types is based upon the assumption of independence between risk types. The Group VAR is a principal component of the management of market risk for the Group. Historically this has been calculated to a 95 per cent confidence level and for a one day holding period. From the beginning of 1999, VAR is being calculated at a 99 per cent confidence level for a 10 day holding period*. This change has been made to facilitate consistency with the regulatory requirements for the use of internal models used to calculate market risk capital requirements and remains consistent with the Group's risk management control framework. VAR methodologies have inherent limitations. Therefore, the Group VAR should not be viewed as a maximum amount that the Group can lose on its market risk positions. The Group recognises these limitations by augmenting the VAR limits with other position and sensitivity limit structures, as well as with stress testing, both on individual portfolios and on a consolidated basis. The Group's stress testing regime provides senior management with an assessment of the impact of extreme events on the market risk exposures of the Group. VAR for all interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk positions at 30 June 1999 was US$257.3 million compared with US$125.3 million at 31 December 1998*. The average for the first half of 1999 was US$216.8 million with a maximum of US$277.2* million and minimum of US$167.9 million in the period. VAR has been impacted significantly by increased market volatility in the first half of 1999 particularly in sterling and Brazilian Real interest rates. VAR related to foreign exchange dealing positions as at 30 June 1999 was US$29.1 million (US$14.2 million at 31 December 1998)*. The average VAR for the first half of 1999 was US$29.1 million, with a maximum of US$58.5 million and a minimum of US$16.6 million in the period. The VAR noted for foreign exchange positions excludes structural foreign currency exposures, since related gains or losses are taken through reserves. VAR at 30 June 1999 related to interest rate exposures including interest rate risk related to accrual book positions, was US$255.2 million (US$123.4 million at 31 December 1998)*. The average VAR for the first half of 1999 was US$213.4 million, the maximum was US$275.4 million and the minimum was US$163.0 million. * The comparative figures for 1998 have been recalculated using a 99 per cent confidence level for a 10 day holding period using the VAR models in place at that date. It is not practicable retrospectively to amend these comparatives for other technical changes made to the VAR models since 31 December 1998. The average daily revenue earned from market risk-related treasury activities in the first half of 1999, including accrual book net interest income and funding related to dealing positions, was US$9.5 million (first half 1998: US$7.9 million; second half 1998: US$7.7 million). The standard deviation of these daily revenues was US$4.6 million. An analysis of the frequency distribution of daily revenues shows that the lowest daily revenue was between US$1 million and US$2 million, with three occurrences and there were no days showing losses. The most frequent result was a daily revenue of between US$7 million and US$8 million, with 17 occurrences. The highest daily revenue was US$26 million. VAR at 30 June 1999 related to equities trading positions was US$20.2 million (31 December 1998: US$12.0 million*). The average VAR for the first half of 1999 was US$15.4 million, the maximum was US$26.4 million and the minimum US$11.1 million. 11. Segmental analysis The allocation of earnings reflects the benefit of shareholders' funds to the extent that these are actually allocated to businesses in the segment by way of intra-Group capital and funding structures. Common costs are included in segments on the basis of the actual re-charges made. Geographical information has been classified by the location of the principal operations of the subsidiary undertaking, or in the case of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Midland Bank and HSBC Bank Middle East operations, by the location of the branch responsible for reporting the results or for advancing the funds. Due to the nature of the Group structure, the analysis of profits includes intra-Group items between geographic regions. The 'Rest of Asia-Pacific' geographical segment includes the Middle East, India and Australasia. 12. Year 2000 readiness HSBC recognises that with the approach of the new millennium the inability of information technology (IT) and other systems around the world to recognise the date change from 31 December 1999 to 1 January 2000 could pose significant issues. HSBC has adopted the Year 2000 conformity requirements issued by the British Standards Institution as its definition of Year 2000 compliance, that is neither performance nor functionality be affected by the changing of dates during and after the Year 2000. HSBC has assessed the impact of Year 2000 and does not expect either its operations or service to customers to be disrupted as a result of HSBC's systems not being Year 2000 compliant. HSBC does not believe that the Year 2000 risks it faces in emerging markets are markedly greater than those it faces in other markets. Steering Committees have been formed in all the key business units and progress on the Year 2000 compliance programme (the Year 2000 Programme) is reported regularly to their Boards of Directors and to the Group Audit and Executive Committees. HSBC is testing all of its relevant systems under the Year 2000 Programme to ensure that they are Year 2000 compliant and is seeking written confirmation from suppliers and service providers that their products and services are Year 2000 compliant. While HSBC has received responses from a majority of its suppliers and service providers and no material problems appear to be present, it is still evaluating the responses. HSBC is also assessing its customers' commitment to achieving compliance and is providing information and assistance to help customers understand the risks and issues. HSBC has revised relevant credit and investment policies and trained relationship managers to ensure that Year 2000 risks are taken account of in credit and investment evaluations. HSBC has already reviewed substantially all lines of programme code in its computer systems for Year 2000 compliance and made the required amendments or replacements. The great majority of these systems have been tested and are currently in use. In addition, HSBC expects to replace the small number of computer systems which remain non-compliant by September 1999 as part of its existing technology development programme. In other areas of IT, HSBC is reviewing its end-user computing applications, networks, centralised data systems and desktop environments for Year 2000 compliance. Substantially all of HSBC's end-user computing applications and inventory items related to HSBC's networks have already been made compliant. HSBC's programme to ensure the hardware and software elements of HSBC's data centre systems have been made Year 2000 compliant is on schedule and substantially complete. HSBC has evaluated the potential effect of the Year 2000 on its non- IT systems, including its facilities and other business processes. Substantially all of HSBC's facilities and related systems have been evaluated and, where not already compliant, are in the process of being made compliant. Other business processes are similarly being addressed across HSBC. HSBC is finalising business contingency plans to address the perceived risks associated with the arrival of Year 2000. These plans include mitigating the effects of any failure to complete remedial work on critical business systems, business resumption contingency plans to address the possibility of systems failure and market resumption contingency plans to address the possibility of the failure of systems or processes outside HSBC's control. HSBC is, however, unable to predict the effect if any of the efforts to address the Year 2000 problem fail. Lack of readiness on the part of third parties could expose HSBC to the potential for loss, impairment of business processes and activities and disruption of financial markets. HSBC is addressing these risks through bilateral and multiparty efforts and participates in industry, country and global initiatives. For more than a decade, parts of HSBC have been modifying their systems to be Year 2000 compliant when making other enhancements. The costs of the Year 2000 modifications made as part of such a combined package have not been separately identified. Costs incurred for the six months ended 30 June 1999 were US$30 million (including US$12 million attributable to incremental external costs). HSBC expects that the additional costs of completing the Year 2000 compliance and testing process will be approximately US$24 million (including US$8 million attributable to incremental external costs). Costs relating to major systems changes that are not directly related to the Year 2000 but which address some Year 2000 issues are not included in these costs. 13. Attributable profit by subsidiary and line of business Half-year Half-year Half-year Figures in US$m 30JUN99 30JUN98 31DEC98 Hang Seng Bank 550 491 385 less: minority interests (208) (186) (146) 342 305 239 HSBC Investment Bank Asia Holdings 49 23 36 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and other subsidiaries 707 459 330 The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation and subsidiaries 1,098 787 605 Midland Bank 1,004 909 817 less: preference dividend (37) (35) (36) 967 874 781 HSBC USA Inc. 235 249 278 HSBC Bank Middle East 60 61 80 HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad (140) 5 (96) HSBC Bank Canada* 52 55 67 HSBC Latin American operations 169 98 49 HSBC Holdings sub-group - Canary Wharf vacant space provisions - - (158) - other 27 33 (5) Other commercial banking entities 67 79 108 UK GAAP adjustments 22 42 119 Less: investment banking profits included above** (74) (53) (39) Commercial banking 2,483 2,230 1,789 Investment banking** 211 172 127 Group profit 2,694 2,402 1,916 * Figures for HSBC Bank Canada for the second half of 1998 are based on the eight month period to 31 December 1998. The attributable profit arising in the additional two month period was US$16 million. ** Restated to include HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt KGaA transferred to HSBC Investment Banking on 1 January 1999. 14. Differences between UK GAAP and US GAAP The consolidated financial statements of HSBC are prepared in accordance with UK GAAP which differs in certain significant respects from US GAAP. A summary of the significant differences applicable to HSBC can be found in HSBC's Registration Statement on Form 20-F for the year ended 31 December 1998. The following tables summarise the significant adjustments to consolidated net income and shareholders' equity which would result from the application of US GAAP: Figures in US$m Half-year to Half-year to 30JUN99 30JUN98 Net Income Attributable profit of HSBC (UK GAAP) 2,694 2,402 Lease financing (32) (41) Debt swaps - 5 Shareholders' interest in long- term assurance fund (55) (31) Pension costs (112) (19) Stock-based compensation (36) (16) Goodwill (151) (161) Internal software costs 72 - Revaluation of property 22 46 Deferred taxation - US GAAP (8) 12 - on reconciling items 35 28 27 40 Minority interest in reconciling items - (12) Estimated net income (US GAAP) 2,429 2,213 Per share amounts US$ US$ Amounts on a US GAAP basis Basic earnings per ordinary share 0.30 0.28 Diluted earnings per ordinary share 0.29 0.27 Figures in US$m At 30JUN99 At 31DEC98 Shareholders' equity Shareholders' funds (UK GAAP) 31,642 27,402 Lease financing (206) (184) Debt swaps (67) (66) Shareholders' interest in long -term assurance fund (503) (473) Pension costs (980) (945) Goodwill 3,260 3,640 Internal software costs 72 - Revaluation of property (2,471) (2,507) Fair value adjustment for securities available for sale 507 742 Dividend payable 1,118 1,499 Deferred taxation - US GAAP 653 661 - on reconciling items 407 318 1,060 979 Minority interest in reconciling items 240 264 Estimated shareholders' equity (US GAAP) 33,672 30,351 Total assets Total assets at 30 June 1999, incorporating adjustments arising from the application of US GAAP, would be US$507,058 million (31 December 1998: US$493,099 million). 15. Registers of shareholders The Overseas Branch Register of shareholders in Hong Kong will be closed from Wednesday, 18 August 1999 until Friday, 20 August 1999 (both dates inclusive). Any person who has acquired shares registered on the Hong Kong Branch Register but who has not lodged the share transfer with the Branch Registrar should do so before 4.00 pm on Tuesday, 17 August 1999 in order to receive the dividend. Any person who has acquired shares registered on the Principal Register in the United Kingdom but who has not lodged the share transfer with the Principal Registrar should do so before 4.00 pm on Friday, 20 August 1999 in order to receive the dividend. Transfers between the Principal Register and the Branch Register may not be made while the Branch Register is closed. Similarly, transfers of American Depositary Shares must be lodged with the depositary, HSBC Bank USA, by noon on Friday, 20 August 1999 in order to receive the dividend. 16. Foreign currency amounts The sterling and Hong Kong dollar equivalent figures in the consolidated profit and loss account and balance sheet are for information only. These are translated at the average rate for the period for the profit and loss account and the closing rate for the balance sheet as follows: Period-end 30JUN99 30JUN98 31DEC98 Closing : HK$/US$ 7.759 7.749 7.746 : £/US$ 0.635 0.600 0.603 Average : HK$/US$ 7.751 7.745 7.747* : £/US$ 0.617 0.606 0.601* * Average for the second half of 1998. 17. Litigation The Group, through a number of its subsidiary undertakings, is named in and is defending legal actions in various jurisdictions arising from its normal business. No material adverse impact on the financial position of the Group is expected to arise from these proceedings. 18. Substantial interests in share capital No substantial interest, being 10 per cent or more, in the equity share capital is recorded in the register maintained under Section 16(1) of the Securities (Disclosure of Interests) Ordinance. 19. Dealings in HSBC Holdings shares Save for dealings by HSBC Investment Bank plc, trading as an intermediary in the Company's shares in London, neither the Company nor any subsidiary undertaking has bought or sold any shares of the Company during the six months ended 30 June 1999. 20. Statutory accounts The information in this news release does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 (the Act). The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 1998 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies in England and Wales in accordance with Section 242 of the Act. The auditor has reported on those accounts; its report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Act. 21. Forward-looking Statements This news release contains certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and business of the Group. These forward- looking statements represent the Group's expectations or beliefs concerning future events and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainty that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. For example, certain of the market risk disclosures, some of which are only estimates and therefore could be materially different from actual results, are dependent on key model characteristics and assumptions and are subject to various limitations. Certain statements, such as those that include the words 'potential', 'value at risk', 'estimated', and similar expressions or variations on such expressions may be considered 'forward-looking statements'. 22. Interim report Copies of the Interim Report will be sent to shareholders on 13 August 1999 and may be obtained from Group Corporate Affairs, HSBC Holdings plc, 10 Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6AE, United Kingdom; The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong; HSBC Bank USA, 140 Broadway, New York, New York 10005, USA, or from the HSBC website - A Chinese translation of the report may be obtained on request from Central Registration Hong Kong Limited, Rooms 1901-5, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong. Custodians or nominees that wish to distribute copies of the Interim Report to their clients may request copies for collection by writing to Group Corporate Affairs at any of the addresses given above. Requests must be received by no later than 9 August 1999. 23. Review of Interim Financial Statements The unaudited interim consolidated financial statements have been reviewed by the Company's auditor, KPMG Audit Plc, and a report of its review will be included in the Interim Report to shareholders.
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