No1 HSBC Final Results (2/2)
HSBC Holdings PLC
4 March 2002
7. Capital resources
Figures in US$m At 31Dec01 At 31Dec00
Capital ratios (%)
Total capital ratio 13.0 13.3
Tier 1 capital ratio 9.0 9.0
Composition of capital
Figures in US$m
Tier 1:
Shareholders' funds 45,979 45,570
Minority interests 3,515 4,419
Innovative tier 1 securities 3,467 3,512
Less: property revaluation reserves (2,271 ) (2,611 )
: goodwill capitalised and intangible assets (14,989 ) (15,597 )
: own shares held ^ (628 ) (673 )
Total qualifying tier 1 capital 35,073 34,620
Tier 2:
Property revaluation reserves 2,271 2,611
General provisions 2,091 2,132
Perpetual subordinated debt 3,338 3,531
Term subordinated debt 9,912 10,224
Minority interests in tier 2 capital 693 697
Total qualifying tier 2 capital 18,305 19,195
Unconsolidated investments (1,781 ) (1,463 )
Investments in other banks (627 ) (1,241 )
Other deductions (116 ) (147 )
Total capital 50,854 50,964
Total risk-weighted assets 391,478 383,687
The above figures were computed in accordance with the EU Banking Consolidation
^ This principally reflects shares held in trust to fulfil the Group's
obligations under employee share option plans.
8. Foreign exchange exposure
The Group's foreign exchange exposure comprises trading exposures and structural
foreign currency translation exposure. Foreign exchange trading exposure
comprises those which arise from foreign exchange dealing within Treasury and
currency exposures originated by commercial banking businesses in HSBC. The
latter are transferred to local treasury units where they are managed, together
with exposures which result from dealing activities, within limits approved by
the Group Executive Committee.
The Group's structural foreign currency translation exposures are represented by
the net asset value of the holding company's foreign currency equity and
subordinated debt investments in its subsidiaries, branches and associated
undertakings. Gains or losses on structural foreign currency exposures are taken
to reserves. The Group's structural foreign currency exposures are managed with
the primary objective of ensuring, where practical, that the Group's and
individual banking subsidiaries' tier 1 capital ratios are protected from the
effect of changes in exchange rates.
9. Contingent liabilities and commitments
The total contract amounts of contingent liabilities and commitments which, at
31 December 2001, were US$242,504 million (31 December 2000: US$221,858 million)
are credit-related instruments which include acceptances, letters of credit,
guarantees and commitments to extend credit. The contractual amounts represent
the amounts at risk should the contract be fully drawn upon and the client
default. Since a significant portion of guarantees and commitments are expected
to expire without being drawn upon, the total of the contract amounts is not
representative of future liquidity requirements.
10. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from operating activities
Year ended Year ended
Figures in US$m 31Dec01 31Dec00
Operating profit 7,153 9,447
Change in prepayments and accrued income 452 (772 )
Change in accruals and deferred income (2,207 ) 1,863
Interest on finance leases and similar hire purchase contracts 27 26
Interest on subordinated loan capital 1,074 1,216
Depreciation and amortisation 1,933 1,591
Amortisation of discounts and premiums (640 ) (727 )
Provisions for bad and doubtful debts 2,037 932
Loans written off net of recoveries (1,893 ) (1,653 )
Provisions for liabilities and charges 1,229 723
Provisions utilised (542 ) (510 )
Amounts written off fixed asset investments 125 36
Net cash inflow from trading activities 8,748 12,172
Change in items in the course of collection from other banks 1,009 656
Change in treasury bills and other eligible bills 2,200 (826 )
Change in loans and advances to banks 19,601 838
Change in loans and advances to customers (16,072 ) (10,265 )
Change in other securities (20,307 ) (16,006 )
Change in other assets (1,856 ) (1,858 )
Change in deposits by banks (8,546 ) (2,333 )
Change in customer accounts 19,799 42,153
Change in items in the course of transmission to other banks (827 ) (1,576 )
Change in debt securities in issue (1,437 ) (17,019 )
Change in other liabilities 9,179 7,004
Elimination of exchange differences ^ 1,424 2,283
Net cash inflow from operating activities 12,915 15,223
^ Adjustment to bring changes between opening and closing balance sheet
amounts to average rates. This is not done on a line-by-line basis, as it cannot
be determined without unreasonable expense.
11. Bad and doubtful debts
2001 Half-year ended 2000 Half-year ended
By category: 30Jun 31Dec 2001 30Jun 31Dec 2000
Loans and advances
to customers
- specific charge:
new provisions 1,126 1,544 2,670 995 1,298 2,293
releases and
recoveries (676 ) (530 ) (1,206 ) (493 ) (590 ) (1,083 )
450 1,014 1,464 502 708 1,210
- net general
Argentina - 600 600 - - -
special general
provision for
Asian risk - - - (116 ) (58 ) (174 )
other (9 ) (18 ) (27 ) (16 ) (90 ) (106 )
(9 ) 582 573 (132 ) (148 ) (280 )
Customer bad and
doubtful debt
charge 441 1,596 2,037 370 560 930
Loans and advances
to banks
- net specific
(release)/charge - - - (2 ) 4 2
Total bad and
doubtful debt
charge 441 1,596 2,037 368 564 932
12. Analysis of fees and commissions receivable and payable
2001 Half-year ended 2000 Half-year ended
Figures in US$m 30Jun 31Dec 2001 30Jun 31Dec 2000
Account services 814 806 1,620 744 793 1,537
Credit facilities 311 317 628 308 305 613
Remittances 121 125 246 109 116 225
Cards 537 579 1,116 509 561 1,070
Imports/Exports 257 267 524 262 278 540
Underwriting 86 49 135 88 107 195
Insurance 337 331 668 276 294 570
Mortgage servicing rights 40 38 78 35 34 69
Trust income 58 56 114 90 95 185
Broking income 499 429 928 686 521 1,207
Global custody 158 150 308 147 277 424
Maintenance income on operating
leases 84 81 165 91 85 176
Other 1,130 1,096 2,226 815 951 1,766
Total fees and commissions
receivable 4,432 4,324 8,756 4,160 4,417 8,577
Less: fees payable (664 ) (622 ) (1,286 ) (601 ) (665 ) (1,266 )
Net fees and commissions 3,768 3,702 7,470 3,559 3,752 7,311
13. Geographical distribution of results
HSBC European Operations
2001 Half-year ended 2000 Half-year ended
Figures in US$m 30Jun 31Dec 2001 30Jun 31Dec 2000
Net interest income 2,635 2,928 5,563 2,365 2,623 4,988
Dividend income 58 58 116 51 33 84
Net fees and commissions 2,166 2,044 4,210 1,957 2,143 4,100
Dealing profits 341 367 708 420 367 787
Other income 473 549 1,022 420 531 951
Other operating income 3,038 3,018 6,056 2,848 3,074 5,922
Operating income 5,673 5,946 11,619 5,213 5,697 10,910
Staff costs (2,055 ) (2,172 ) (4,227 ) (1,813 ) (2,049 ) (3,862 )
Premises and equipment (387 ) (399 ) (786 ) (280 ) (371 ) (651 )
Other (737 ) (882 ) (1,619 ) (581 ) (793 ) (1,374 )
Depreciation (324 ) (332 ) (656 ) (292 ) (339 ) (631 )
Goodwill amortisation (319 ) (313 ) (632 ) (89 ) (259 ) (348 )
Operating expenses (3,822 ) (4,098 ) (7,920 ) (3,055 ) (3,811 ) (6,866 )
Operating profit before
provisions 1,851 1,848 3,699 2,158 1,886 4,044
- new specific provisions (328 ) (474 ) (802 ) (271 ) (336 ) (607 )
- releases and recoveries 175 150 325 120 184 304
(153 ) (324 ) (477 ) (151 ) (152 ) (303 )
- net general release/ 25 11 36 (18 ) (25 ) (43 )
Bad and doubtful debt (128 ) (313 ) (441 ) (169 ) (177 ) (346 )
- net specific release/ - - - 2 (4 ) (2 )
Total bad and doubtful
debt charge (128 ) (313 ) (441 ) (167 ) (181 ) (348 )
Provisions for contingent
liabilities and (9 ) (21 ) (30 ) (45 ) (22 ) (67 )
Amounts written off
fixed asset investments (27 ) (63 ) (90 ) (9 ) (14 ) (23 )
Operating profit 1,687 1,451 3,138 1,937 1,669 3,606
Income from associated
undertakings (19 ) (18 ) (37 ) (37 ) (59 ) (96 )
Investment and fixed asset
disposal gains 386 55 441 62 86 148
Profit before tax 2,054 1,488 3,542 1,962 1,696 3,658
HSBC Hong Kong Operations
2001 Half-year 2000 Half-year ended
Figures in 30Jun 31Dec 2001 30Jun 31Dec 2000
Net interest 2,073 2,092 4,165 2,003 1,994 3,997
Dividend 12 14 26 18 16 34
Net fees and 564 608 1,172 567 601 1,168
Dealing 134 84 218 124 105 229
Other income 209 227 436 161 198 359
Other 919 933 1,852 870 920 1,790
Operating 2,992 3,025 6,017 2,873 2,914 5,787
Staff costs (619 ) (660 ) (1,279 ) (576 ) (590 ) (1,166 )
Premises and (110 ) (124 ) (234 ) (109 ) (109 ) (218 )
Other (199 ) (229 ) (428 ) (170 ) (242 ) (412 )
Depreciation (97 ) (102 ) (199 ) (94 ) (96 ) (190 )
Goodwill - - - (1 ) - (1 )
Operating (1,025 ) (1,115 ) (2,140 ) (950 ) (1,037 ) (1,987 )
profit before
provisions 1,967 1,910 3,877 1,923 1,877 3,800
- new specific (206 ) (243 ) (449 ) (217 ) (237 ) (454 )
- releases and 108 135 243 95 112 207
(98 ) (108 ) (206 ) (122 ) (125 ) (247 )
- net general 11 (2 ) 9 (6 ) 5 (1 )
Total bad and
debt charge (87 ) (110 ) (197 ) (128 ) (120 ) (248 )
Provisions for
liabilities 2 4 6 1 (11 ) (10 )
written off
fixed asset (14 ) (4 ) (18 ) (5 ) (4 ) (9 )
Operating 1,868 1,800 3,668 1,791 1,742 3,533
Income from
undertakings 12 5 17 9 12 21
and fixed
asset 175 23 198 103 34 137
disposal gains
Profit before 2,055 1,828 3,883 1,903 1,788 3,691
HSBC Rest of Asia-Pacific Operations
2001 Half-year ended 2000 Half-year ended
Figures in 30Jun 31Dec 2001 30Jun 31Dec 2000
Net interest 725 757 1,482 668 699 1,367
Dividend 1 2 3 1 2 3
Net fees and 332 349 681 363 347 710
Dealing 196 199 395 172 152 324
Other income 24 34 58 27 21 48
Other 553 584 1,137 563 522 1,085
Operating 1,278 1,341 2,619 1,231 1,221 2,452
Staff costs (374 ) (397 ) (771 ) (358 ) (375 ) (733 )
Premises and (69 ) (74 ) (143 ) (66 ) (71 ) (137 )
Other (186 ) (215 ) (401 ) (154 ) (189 ) (343 )
Depreciation (41 ) (41 ) (82 ) (38 ) (41 ) (79 )
Goodwill (4 ) (4 ) (8 ) (2 ) (3 ) (5 )
Operating (674 ) (731 ) (1,405 ) (618 ) (679 ) (1,297 )
profit before
provisions 604 610 1,214 613 542 1,155
- new specific (269 ) (308 ) (577 ) (231 ) (312 ) (543 )
- releases and 282 124 406 181 189 370
13 (184 ) (171 ) (50 ) (123 ) (173 )
- net general 5 (6 ) (1 ) 116 72 188
Total bad and
debt (charge) 18 (190 ) (172 ) 66 (51 ) 15
Provisions for
liabilities (33 ) (10 ) (43 ) 4 1 5
written off
fixed asset (6 ) (5 ) (11 ) - (3 ) (3 )
Operating 583 405 988 683 489 1,172
Income from
undertakings 48 46 94 51 49 100
and fixed
disposal 3 3 6 - (7 ) (7 )
Profit before 634 454 1,088 734 531 1,265
HSBC North American Operations
2001 Half-year ended 2000 Half-year ended
Figures in 30Jun 31Dec 2001 30Jun 31Dec 2000
Net interest 1,162 1,240 2,402 1,057 1,095 2,152
Dividend 16 13 29 33 35 68
Net fees and 437 461 898 451 402 853
Dealing 211 113 324 132 86 218
Other income 94 111 205 68 110 178
Other 758 698 1,456 684 633 1,317
Operating 1,920 1,938 3,858 1,741 1,728 3,469
Staff costs (714 ) (698 ) (1,412 ) (707 ) (683 ) (1,390 )
Premises and (155 ) (162 ) (317 ) (157 ) (150 ) (307 )
Other (384 ) (256 ) (640 ) (269 ) (283 ) (552 )
Depreciation (58 ) (61 ) (119 ) (54 ) (60 ) (114 )
Goodwill (71 ) (71 ) (142 ) (74 ) (69 ) (143 )
Operating (1,382 ) (1,248 ) (2,630 ) (1,261 ) (1,245 ) (2,506 )
profit before
provisions 538 690 1,228 480 483 963
- new specific (144 ) (258 ) (402 ) (170 ) (217 ) (387 )
- releases and 46 52 98 59 43 102
(98 ) (206 ) (304 ) (111 ) (174 ) (285 )
- net general (16 ) 33 17 39 99 138
Total bad and
debt charge (114 ) (173 ) (287 ) (72 ) (75 ) (147 )
Provisions for
(excluding (2 ) (5 ) (7 ) - 1 1
written off
asset (4 ) (1 ) (5 ) - - -
Operating 418 511 929 408 409 817
Income from
undertakings 1 (3 ) (2 ) 2 (4 ) (2 )
and fixed
disposal 109 20 129 4 31 35
Profit before
tax (before
Princeton 528 528 1056 414 436 850
Princeton - (575 ) (575 ) - - -
528 (47 ) 481 414 436 850
HSBC Latin American Operations
2001 Half-year ended 2000 Half-year ended
Figures in 30Jun 31Dec 2001 30Jun 31Dec 2000
Net interest 597 516 1,113 591 628 1,219
Dividend 12 - 12 8 - 8
Net fees and 269 240 509 221 259 480
Dealing (6 ) 46 40 30 38 68
Other income 183 175 358 206 191 397
Other 458 461 919 465 488 953
Operating 1,055 977 2,032 1,056 1,116 2,172
Staff costs (418 ) (446 ) (864 ) (439 ) (467 ) (906 )
Premises and (79 ) (80 ) (159 ) (83 ) (84 ) (167 )
Other (226 ) (222 ) (448 ) (227 ) (268 ) (495 )
Depreciation (34 ) (44 ) (78 ) (33 ) (34 ) (67 )
Goodwill (7 ) (10 ) (17 ) (6 ) (7 ) (13 )
Operating (764 ) (802 ) (1,566 ) (788 ) (860 ) (1,648 )
profit before
provisions 291 175 466 268 256 524
- new specific (179 ) (261 ) (440 ) (106 ) (196 ) (302 )
- releases and 65 69 134 38 62 100
(114 ) (192 ) (306 ) (68 ) (134 ) (202 )
Argentina - (600 ) (600 ) - - -
- net general (16 ) (18 ) (34 ) 1 (3 ) (2 )
Total bad and
debt charge (130 ) (810 ) (940 ) (67 ) (137 ) (204 )
Loss on
Argentina - (520 ) (520 ) - - -
written off
fixed asset (2 ) 1 (1 ) - (1 ) (1 )
Operating 159 (1,154 ) (995 ) 201 118 319
Income from
undertakings 2 (1 ) 1 - 1 1
and fixed
disposal 3 (3 ) - (8 ) (1 ) (9 )
Profit before 164 (1,158 ) (994 ) 193 118 311
14. Registers of shareholders
The Overseas Branch Register of shareholders in Hong Kong will be closed for one
day, on Friday 22 March 2002. Any person who has acquired shares registered on
the Hong Kong Branch Register but who has not lodged the share transfer with the
Branch Registrar should do so before 4.00 pm on Thursday 21 March 2002 in order
to receive the dividend.
Any person who has acquired shares registered on the Principal Register in
the United Kingdom but who has not lodged the share transfer with the Principal
Registrar should do so before 4.00 pm on Friday 22 March 2002 in order to
receive the dividend. Transfers between the Principal Register and the Branch
Register may not be made while the Branch Register is closed.
Similarly, transfers of American Depositary Shares must be lodged with the
depositary by 12 noon on Friday 22 March 2002 in order to receive the dividend.
15. Foreign currency amounts
The sterling and Hong Kong dollar equivalent figures in the consolidated profit
and loss account and balance sheet are for information only. These are
translated at the average rate for the period for the profit and loss account
and the closing rate for the balance sheet as follows:
Period end 31Dec01 31Dec00
Closing : HK$/US$ 7.798 7.800
£/US$ 0.690 0.670
Average : HK$/US$ 7.800 7.792
£/US$ 0.695 0.660
16. Litigation
HSBC, through a number of its subsidiary undertakings, is named in and is
defending legal actions in various jurisdictions arising from its normal
business. None of these proceedings is regarded as material litigation.
On 17 December 2001, HSBC USA Inc. announced that it had settled civil law suits
brought by 51 of the 53 Japanese plaintiffs who have asserted claims arising
from the involvement of its subsidiary, Republic New York Securities Corporation
('RNYSC'), with its customers Princeton Global Management Ltd. and affiliated
entities and their Chairman Martin Armstrong (the 'Princeton Note Matter'). It
also announced that it had resolved all of the previously reported regulatory
and criminal investigations arising from the Princeton Note Matter. The
Princeton Note Matter came to light prior to HSBC's acquisition of Republic New
York Corporation, RNYSC's parent, in December 1999.
As part of the resolution, RNYSC, now a dormant subsidiary, pleaded guilty in
federal court in Manhattan to two federal criminal charges arising from the
misconduct of certain of its former executives in assisting Martin Armstrong's
scheme to defraud numerous purchasers of Princeton Notes, which Armstrong
offered for sale in Japan. Following the acquisition by HSBC, RNYSC ceased
active business during the year 2000, and the employment of all the RNYSC
executives associated with RNYSC's misconduct was terminated.
The United States Attorney's Office in its public filing acknowledged HSBC's '
exemplary cooperation' and recommended to the Court that no criminal fine be
imposed on RNYSC. Instead, RNYSC agreed to the imposition of a restitution order
requiring it to make payments totalling approximately US$569 million to
Princeton noteholders, as compensation for their out-of-pocket losses. Since
RNYSC's capital was about US$81 million, HSBC USA Inc. agreed to pay the
remaining amount of compensation due to the noteholders in exchange for their
termination of the pending civil litigation against HSBC USA Inc. and RNYSC, and
in connection with the United States Attorney's Office commitment not to pursue
any claims against RNYSC's parent company or its banking affiliate. In addition,
the settling Princeton noteholders can expect to receive payments totalling
approximately US$72 million from assets held by Princeton's court-appointed
At hearings held on 7 and 9 January 2002 the court entered the restitution order
agreed to by RNYSC and the US Attorney's Office and also approved the related
settlement between HSBC and the Princeton Receiver. Promptly thereafter 17
lawsuits filed in the federal court in Manhattan by 51 Princeton noteholders
against HSBC USA Inc., RNYSC and others were dismissed pursuant to the
previously-announced settlements, terminating the plaintiffs' claims for damages
arising from unpaid Princeton Notes with face amounts totalling approximately
US$1 billion. RNYSC has also reached settlements with seven additional Princeton
noteholders who did not file suit.
The after tax cost to date of the settlement is within the range of the price
reduction taken by Republic's largest stockholders, companies controlled by the
late Mr. Edmond Safra, at the time of HSBC's acquisition of Republic. Two of the
noteholders, whose civil suits seek damages arising from unpaid Princeton Notes
with face amounts totalling approximately US$125 million, are not included in
the settlement and their civil suits will continue. The US Government excluded
one of them from the restitution order because that noteholder is being
criminally prosecuted in Japan for its conduct relating to its Princeton Notes,
and excluded the other because the sum it is likely to recover from the
Princeton Receiver exceeds its losses attributable to its funds transfers with
RNYSC as calculated by the US Government.
Under the regulatory settlements RNYSC agreed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission to the revocation of its broker-dealer registration and with the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission to the revocation of various
commodities-related licenses and the payment of a US$5 million civil monetary
penalty. It is also expected that RNYSC will shortly reach an agreement with The
New York Mercantile Exchange resolving Princeton-related matters.
17. Dealings in HSBC Holdings shares
Save for dealings by HSBC Investment Bank plc, trading as an intermediary in the
Company's shares in London, neither the Company nor any subsidiary undertaking
has bought, sold or redeemed any securities of the Company during the year ended
31 December 2001.
18. Statutory accounts
The information in this news release does not constitute statutory accounts
within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 (the Act). The
statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2001 will be delivered to the
Registrar of Companies in England and Wales in accordance with Section 242 of
the Act and filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission. The auditor
has reported on those accounts; the report was unqualified and did not contain a
statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Act.
19. Forward-looking statements
This news release contains certain forward-looking statements with respect to
the financial condition, results of operations and business of the Group. These
forward-looking statements represent the Group's expectations or beliefs
concerning future events and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainty
that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from
those expressed or implied in such statements. Certain statements, such as those
that include the words 'potential', 'estimated', and similar expressions or
variations on such expressions may be considered 'forward-looking statements'.
20. Remuneration
Within the authority delegated by the Board of Directors, the Remuneration
Committee is responsible for determining the remuneration policy of HSBC
including the terms of bonus plans, share option plans and other long-term
incentive plans, and for agreeing the individual remuneration packages of
executive Directors and other senior Group employees. No Directors are involved
in deciding their own remuneration.
The Remuneration Committee applies the following key principles:
- to pay against a market of comparative organisations;
- to offer fair and realistic salaries with an important element of variable pay
based on relative performance;
- to have as many top-performers as possible at all levels within HSBC
participating in some form of long-term share plan; and
- for new employees only, since 1996, to follow a policy of moving progressively
from defined benefit to defined contribution Group pension schemes.
Salaries are reviewed annually in the context of individual and business
performance, market practice, internal relativities and competitive market
pressures. Allowances and benefits are largely determined by local market
practice. The level of performance-related variable pay depends upon the
performance of HSBC Holdings, constituent businesses and of the individual
concerned. Bonus ranges are reviewed in the context of prevailing market
practice and overall remuneration.
In order to align the interests of staff with those of shareholders, share
options are awarded to employees under the Group Share Option Plan and the
Savings-Related Share Option Plan. When share options are granted which are to
be satisfied by the issue of new shares, the impact on existing equity is shown
in diluted earnings per share on the face of the consolidated profit and loss
account, with further details being disclosed in Note 11 of the 'Notes on the
Financial Statements' in the Annual Report and Accounts. The dilutive effect of
exercising all outstanding share options would be only 0.5 per cent of basic
earnings per share.
There were 171,049 full-time equivalent employees at 31 December 2001 (2000:
161,624). During 2001, almost 58,000 employees in 53 countries and territories
applied for savings-related share options. Performance related share options
were awarded to over 34,000 employees worldwide at all levels of the
organisation. In December, over 3,000 employees in the UK began investing in
shares within the newly launched UK Share Ownership Plan and over 10,000 CCF
employees participate in the Plan d'Epargne in France through which they have
subscribed to HSBC shares.
21. Annual Review and Annual Report and Accounts
The Annual Review 2001 and/or Annual Report and Accounts 2001 will be mailed to
shareholders on or about 3 April 2002. Copies may be obtained from Group
Corporate Affairs, HSBC Holdings plc, 10 Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6AE,
United Kingdom; Group Public Affairs, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation Limited, 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong; Group Public Affairs,
HSBC Bank USA, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10018, USA; Credit Commercial de
France, Direction de la Communication, 103 avenue des Champs-Elysees, 75419
Paris Cedex 08, France; or from the HSBC website -
Chinese translations of the Annual Review and Annual Report and Accounts may be
obtained on request from Central Registration Hong Kong Limited, Rooms
1901-1905, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong.
A French translation of the Annual Review may be obtained on request from Credit
Commercial de France, Direction de la Communication, 103 avenue des
Champs-Elysees, 75419 Paris Cedex 08, France.
The Annual Report and Accounts and Annual Review will be available on the Stock
Exchange of Hong Kong's website -
Custodians or nominees that wish to distribute copies of the Annual Review and/
or Annual Report and Accounts to their clients may request copies for collection
by writing to Group Corporate Affairs at the address given above. Requests must
be received no later than 11 March 2002.
22. Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the Barbican Hall,
Barbican Centre, London EC2 on 31 May 2002 at 11 a.m.
Notice of the meeting will be mailed to shareholders on or about 3 April 2002.
23. Interim results and first interim dividend for 2002
The interim results for the six months to 30 June 2002 will be announced on
Monday 5 August 2002. It is intended that any first interim dividend for 2002
that is announced on that date would be payable on 9 October 2002 to
shareholders on the Register on 23 August 2002. The Company's shares would be
quoted ex-dividend in London and in Hong Kong on 21 August 2002 and in Paris on
26 August 2002. The American Depository Shares would be quoted ex-dividend in
New York on 21 August 2002.
24. News release
Copies of this news release may be obtained from Group Corporate Affairs, HSBC
Holdings plc, 10 Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6AE, United Kingdom; The
Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong
Kong; HSBC Bank USA, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10018, USA; Credit
Commercial de France, Direction de la Communication, 103 avenue des
Champs-Elysees, 75419 Paris Cedex 08, France. The News Release will also be
available on the HSBC website -
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange