No2 HSBL Final Results (2/2)

HSBC Holdings PLC 4 March 2002 PART 2 10. Overdue advances to customers Rest of Americas/ Figures in HK$m Hong Kong Asia-Pacific Europe Total At 31Dec01 Gross advances to customers which have been overdue with respect to either principal or interest for periods of ^ - six months or less but over three months 2,286 798 - 3,084 - one year or less but over six months 2,064 1,636 - 3,700 - over one year 7,352 6,040 - 13,392 11,702 8,474 - 20,176 Overdue advances to customers as a percentage of gross advances to Customers ^ ^ - six months or less but over three months 0.4 % 0.5 % - 0.5 % - one year or less but over six months 0.4 % 1.0 % - 0.5 % - over one year 1.4 % 3.5 % - 1.9 % 2.2 % 5.0 % - 2.9 % Overdue advances to customers (as above) 11,702 8,474 - 20,176 Less: overdue advances on which interest is still being accrued (766 ) (238 ) - (1,004 ) Add: advances overdue for periods of three months or less, or which are not yet overdue, and on which interest has been placed in suspense: - included in rescheduled advances 2,024 1,381 4 3,409 - other 2,856 3,662 - 6,518 Gross non-performing advances (Note 9) 15,816 13,279 4 29,099 Rest of Americas/ Figures in HK$m Hong Kong Asia-Pacific Europe Total At 31Dec00 Gross advances to customers which have been overdue with respect to either principal or interest for periods of ^ - six months or less but over three months 1,732 1,076 - 2,808 - one year or less but over six months 2,332 1,448 1 3,781 - over one year 10,472 8,249 - 18,721 14,536 10,773 1 25,310 Overdue advances to customers as a percentage of gross advances to Customers ^ - six months or less but over three months 0.3 % 0.6 % - 0.4 % - one year or less but over six months 0.5 % 0.9 % 0.4 % 0.5 % - over one year 2.0 % 5.1 % - 2.8 % 2.8 % 6.6 % 0.4 % 3.7 % Overdue advances to customers (as above) 14,536 10,773 1 25,310 Less: overdue advances on which interest is still being accrued (590 ) (468 ) - (1,058 ) Add: advances overdue for periods of three months or less, or which are not yet overdue, and on which interest has been placed in suspense: - included in rescheduled advances 1,998 1,802 20 3,820 - other 3,713 3,485 - 7,198 Gross non-performing advances (Note 9) 19,657 15,592 21 35,270 ^ Gross overdue advances to customers are stated after deduction of interest in suspense. ^ ^ Expressed as a percentage of gross advances to customers after deduction of interest in suspense. 11. Rescheduled advances to customers Rest of Americas/ Figures in HK$m Hong Kong Asia-Pacific Europe Total At 31Dec01 Rescheduled advances to customers ^ 3,088 1,588 4 4,680 Rescheduled advances to customers as a percentage of gross advances to customers ^ ^ 0.6 % 0.9 % 36.4 % 0.7 % At 31Dec00 Rescheduled advances to customers ^ 4,691 2,643 20 7,354 Rescheduled advances to customers as a percentage of gross advances to customers ^ ^ 0.9 % 1.6 % 7.1 % 1.1 % Rescheduled advances are those advances which have been restructured or renegotiated because of a deterioration in the financial position of the borrower, or because of the inability of the borrower to meet the original repayment schedule. Rescheduled advances to customers are stated net of any advances which have subsequently become overdue for over three months and which are included in overdue advances to customers (Note 10). ^ Rescheduled advances are stated after deduction of interest in suspense. ^ ^ Expressed as a percentage of gross advances to customers after deduction of interest in suspense. 12. Analysis of advances to customers based on categories used by the HSBC Group The following analysis of advances to customers is based on categories used by the HSBC Group, including The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited and its subsidiary companies, to manage associated risks. Rest of Americas/ Figures in HK$m Hong Kong Asia-Pacific Europe Total At 31Dec01 Residential mortgages 179,919 30,274 - 210,193 Hong Kong SAR Government's Home Ownership Scheme and Private Sector Participation Scheme and Tenants Purchase Scheme mortgages 63,335 - - 63,335 Other personal 37,536 16,363 7 53,906 Total personal 280,790 46,637 7 327,434 Commercial, industrial and international trade 75,314 59,517 - 134,831 Commercial real estate 66,051 16,830 4 82,885 Other property-related lending 36,725 6,993 - 43,718 Government 4,233 4,269 - 8,502 Other commercial 49,502 31,728 - 81,230 Total corporate and commercial 231,825 119,337 4 351,166 Non-bank financial institutions 12,051 4,954 - 17,005 Settlement accounts 1,547 550 - 2,097 Total financial 13,598 5,504 - 19,102 Gross advances to customers 526,213 171,478 11 697,702 Suspended interest (1,673 ) (952 ) - (2,625 ) Gross advances to customers net of suspended interest 524,540 170,526 11 695,077 Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (10,946 ) (9,570 ) (4 ) (20,520 ) Net advances to customers 513,594 160,956 7 674,557 Rest of Americas/ Figures in HK$m Hong Kong Asia-Pacific Europe Total At 31Dec00 Residential mortgages 180,192 23,770 - 203,962 Hong Kong SAR Government's Home Ownership Scheme and Private Sector Participation Scheme and Tenants Purchase Scheme mortgages 57,345 - - 57,345 Other personal 36,932 12,406 4 49,342 Total personal 274,469 36,176 4 310,649 Commercial, industrial and international trade 74,740 62,490 - 137,230 Commercial real estate 64,612 18,930 70 83,612 Other property-related lending 29,627 6,046 - 35,673 Government 1,014 2,548 207 3,769 Other commercial 58,177 32,547 - 90,724 Total corporate and commercial 228,170 122,561 277 351,008 Non-bank financial institutions 12,974 4,355 - 17,329 Settlement accounts 1,108 524 - 1,632 Total financial 14,082 4,879 - 18,961 Gross advances to customers 516,721 163,616 281 680,618 Suspended interest (2,710 ) (961 ) - (3,671 ) Gross advances to customers net of suspended interest 514,011 162,655 281 676,947 Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (14,054 ) (10,360 ) (30 ) (24,444 ) Net advances to customers 499,957 152,295 251 652,503 13. Analysis of advances to customers by geographical area according to the location of counterparties, after risk transfer Rest of Americas/ Figures in HK$m Hong Kong Asia-Pacific Europe Others Total At 31Dec01 Gross advances to customers, net of suspended interest 488,222 157,329 46,752 2,774 695,077 Overdue advances to customers 11,059 7,649 1,467 1 20,176 Non-performing advances to customers 13,675 12,309 3,115 - 29,099 At 31Dec00 Gross advances to customers, net of suspended interest 470,363 164,983 39,292 2,309 676,947 Overdue advances to customers 12,136 9,816 3,355 3 25,310 Non-performing advances to customers 17,280 14,503 3,487 - 35,270 14. Analysis of advances to customers by industry sector based on categories and definitions used by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority ('HKMA') The following analysis of advances to customers is based on the categories contained in the 'Quarterly Analysis of Loans and Advances and Provisions' return required to be submitted to the HKMA by branches of the bank and by banking subsidiary companies in Hong Kong and is shown net of suspended interest. Figures in HK$m At 31Dec01 At 31Dec00 Gross advances to customers for use in Hong Kong Industrial, commercial and financial Property development 43,770 34,671 Property investment 67,588 69,149 Financial concerns 10,485 12,264 Stockbrokers 445 186 Wholesale and retail trade 22,231 22,894 Manufacturing 9,182 8,331 Transport and transport equipment 29,950 28,371 Others 37,542 40,086 221,193 215,952 Individuals Advances for the purchase of flats under the Hong Kong SAR Government's Home Ownership Scheme and Private Sector Participation and Tenants Purchase Scheme 63,335 57,345 Advances for the purchase of other residential properties 163,467 162,090 Credit card advances 17,051 14,919 Others 19,939 20,877 263,792 255,231 Gross advances to customers for use in Hong Kong 484,985 471,183 Trade finance 30,910 32,771 Gross advances to customers for use outside Hong Kong made by branches of the bank and subsidiary companies in Hong Kong 8,645 10,057 Gross advances to customers made by branches of the bank and subsidiary companies in Hong Kong 524,540 514,011 Gross advances to customers made by branches of the bank and subsidiary companies outside Hong Kong - rest of Asia-Pacific 170,526 162,655 - Americas/Europe 11 281 Gross advances to customers net of suspended interest 695,077 676,947 An explanation of the significant differences between the categories of advances and their definitions used by the HSBC Group and those used by the HKMA is given on pages 13-15 of the Annual Report and Accounts for 2000. 15. Reserves Figures in HK$m At 31Dec01 At 31Dec00 Share premium account 3,892 3,891 Revaluation reserves - Premises revaluation reserve 10,011 12,694 - Investment properties revaluation reserve 2,138 2,284 - Long-term equity investment revaluation reserve 2,171 3,867 14,320 18,845 Retained profits 19,980 44,818 38,192 67,554 16. Contingent liabilities, commitments and derivatives Credit Risk- Contract equivalent weighted Figures in HK$m amount amount amount At 31Dec01 Contingent liabilities - Acceptances and endorsements 11,148 2,254 2,161 - Guarantees 72,842 62,022 33,004 - Other 28 28 28 84,018 64,304 35,193 Commitments - Documentary credits and short-term trade-related transactions 34,348 8,208 6,715 - Forward asset purchases and forward forward deposits placed 1,441 1,441 288 - Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments to lend: - one year and over 49,587 24,793 21,054 - under one year 461,405 - - 546,781 34,442 28,057 Exchange rate contracts - Spot and forward foreign exchange 1,899,434 37,157 8,812 - Other exchange rate contracts 310,080 19,853 5,670 2,209,514 57,010 14,482 Interest rate contracts - Interest rate swaps 1,323,477 26,532 6,303 - Other interest rate contracts 544,706 886 256 1,868,183 27,418 6,559 Other derivative contracts 2,277 804 264 Impact of counterparty netting agreements on derivatives' exposure - (27,915 ) (5,844 ) Credit Risk- Contract equivalent weighted Figures in HK$m amount amount amount At 31Dec00 Contingent liabilities - Acceptances and endorsements 12,092 2,548 2,391 - Guarantees 55,971 45,081 35,758 - Other 27 27 27 68,090 47,656 38,176 Commitments - Documentary credits and short-term trade-related transactions 37,641 9,345 7,084 - Forward asset purchases and forward forward deposits placed 2,661 2,661 532 - Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other commitments to lend: - one year and over 45,018 22,509 20,993 - under one year 452,257 - - 537,577 34,515 28,609 Exchange rate contracts - Spot and forward foreign exchange 1,603,602 34,595 8,095 - Other exchange rate contracts 218,065 13,666 3,960 1,821,667 48,261 12,055 Interest rate contracts - Interest rate swaps 909,236 13,933 3,320 - Other interest rate contracts 610,220 524 133 1,519,456 14,457 3,453 Other derivative contracts 430 169 161 Impact of counterparty netting agreements on derivatives' exposure - (16,643 ) (3,791 ) The tables above give the nominal contract amounts, credit equivalent amounts and risk-weighted amounts of off-balance sheet transactions. The credit equivalent amounts are calculated for the purposes of deriving the risk-weighted amounts. These are assessed in accordance with the Third Schedule of the Banking Ordinance on capital adequacy and depend on the status of the counterparty and the maturity characteristics. The risk weights used range from 0 per cent to 100 per cent for contingent liabilities and commitments, from 0 per cent to 50 per cent for exchange rate and interest rate contracts, and from 0 per cent to 100 per cent for other derivative contracts. The group has executed close-out netting agreements with certain counterparties, which allow for positive and negative mark-to-market values on different transactions to be offset and settled by a single payment in the event of default by either party. These have been taken into account in calculating total risk assets. Contingent liabilities and commitments are credit-related instruments which include acceptances, letters of credit, guarantees and commitments to extend credit. The contract amounts represent the amounts at risk should the contract be fully drawn upon and the client default. Since a significant portion of guarantees and commitments is expected to expire without being drawn upon, the total of the contract amounts is not representative of future liquidity requirements. Derivatives arise from futures, forward, swap and option transactions undertaken by the group in the foreign exchange, interest rate and equity markets. The contract amounts of these instruments indicate the volume of transactions outstanding at the balance sheet date; they do not represent amounts at risk. Replacement cost of contracts Figures in HK$m At 31Dec01 At 31Dec00 Exchange rate contracts 26,969 28,408 Interest rate contracts 24,027 11,822 Other derivative contracts 21 5 51,017 40,235 Less: netting adjustments (19,773 ) (12,165 ) 31,244 28,070 The replacement cost of contracts represents the mark-to-market assets on all contracts with a positive value, i.e. an asset to the group. This comprises the mark-to-market assets on contracts with third parties and fellow subsidiary companies included in the balance sheet in 'Other assets', and on accrual accounted contracts which are not marked-to-market in the balance sheet. Replacement cost is a close approximation of the credit risk for these contracts as at the balance sheet date. The actual credit risk is measured internally as the sum of positive mark-to-market values and an estimate for the future fluctuation risk, using a future risk factor. The netting adjustments represent amounts where the group has in place legally enforceable rights of offset with individual counterparties where there is a right to offset the gross amount of positive mark-to-market assets with any negative mark-to-market liabilities with the same customer. These offsets are recognised by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority in the calculation of risk assets for the capital adequacy ratio. 17. Foreign exchange exposure At 31 December 2001 the group's US dollar structural foreign currency position exceeded 10 per cent of the group's net structural foreign currency exposure in all currencies. The group's net short US dollar structural foreign currency position increased during the year following the issue of HK$28,689 million of US dollar non-cumulative irredeemable preference shares. These US dollar denominated shares were issued to maintain the bank's capital ratios following the payment of a special interim dividend out of HK dollar retained profits. Figures in HK$m Net structural positions At 31Dec01 United States dollar (39,680 ) At 31Dec00 Australian dollar 1,094 Indian rupee 1,603 Korean won 1,548 Philippine peso 729 Singapore dollar 4,406 Thai baht 828 Taiwan dollar 420 United States dollar (14,717 ) The group's US dollar non-structural foreign currency position exceeded 10 per cent of the group's net foreign currency non-structural positions in all currencies and was made up as follows: Figures in HK$m USD non-structural position At 31Dec01 At 31Dec00 Spot assets 809,254 780,010 Spot liabilities (701,270 ) (691,311 ) Forward purchases 1,115,011 975,594 Forward sales (1,151,384 ) (989,410 ) Net options position 306 (543 ) 71,917 74,340 18. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities Figures in HK$m 2001 2000 Operating profit 33,250 33,142 Interest on loan capital 995 1,182 Depreciation and amortisation 2,032 1,942 Provisions for bad and doubtful debts 2,257 1,355 Advances written off net of recoveries (6,025 ) (5,547 ) Other provisions for liabilities and charges 286 302 Provisions utilised (105 ) (277 ) Income on long-term investments (14,091 ) (11,545 ) Net cash inflow from trading activities 18,599 20,554 Change in treasury bills with original term to maturity of more than three months 25,814 (7,235 ) Change in placings with banks maturing after one month 24,366 29,058 Change in certificates of deposit with original term to maturity of more than three months (974 ) (10,922 ) Change in securities held for dealing purposes (16,673 ) (33,453 ) Change in advances to customers (18,013 ) (11,657 ) Change in amounts due from fellow subsidiary companies 1,628 (667 ) Change in other assets 26,308 9,069 Change in current, savings and other deposit accounts (17,583 ) 132,343 Change in deposits by banks 9,587 (9,068 ) Change in amounts due to fellow subsidiary companies 4,126 478 Change in amounts due to ultimate holding company (115 ) 143 Change in other liabilities (4,146 ) 31 Exchange adjustments (730 ) (1,390 ) Net cash inflow from operating activities 52,194 117,284 19. Analysis of cash and cash equivalents a. Changes in cash and cash equivalents during the period Figures in HK$m 2001 2000 Balance at beginning of period 399,815 377,649 Net cash (outflow)/inflow before the effect of foreign exchange movements (78,939 ) 26,847 Effect of foreign exchange movements (6,670 ) (4,681 ) Balance at end of period 314,206 399,815 b. Analysis of balances of cash and cash equivalents as classified in the consolidated balance sheet Figures in HK$m 2001 2000 Cash in hand and current balances with banks 24,008 17,494 Placings with banks 236,379 341,485 Treasury bills 53,112 39,264 Certificates of deposit 707 1,572 314,206 399,815 c. Analysis of net (outflow)/inflow of cash and cash equivalents in respect of acquisition of and increased shareholding in subsidiary companies Figures in HK$m 2001 2000 Cash consideration (941 ) (172 ) Cash and cash equivalents acquired 783 181 (158 ) 9 d. Analysis of net (outflow)/inflow of cash and cash equivalents in respect of sale of subsidiary companies Figures in HK$m 2001 2000 Sales proceeds 105 236 Cash and cash equivalents transferred (23,646 ) (23 ) (23,541 ) 213 20. Segmental analysis The allocation of earnings reflects the benefits of shareholders' funds to the extent that these are actually allocated to businesses in the segment by way of intra-group capital and funding structures. Common costs are included in segments on the basis of the actual recharges made. Geographical information has been classified by the location of the principal operations of the subsidiary company or, in the case of the bank, by the location of the branch responsible for reporting the results or advancing the funds. Due to the nature of the group structure, the analysis of profits shown below includes intra-group items between geographical regions. Profit and loss account: Rest of Americas/ Figures in HK$m Hong Kong Asia-Pacific Europe Total Year ended 31Dec01 Interest income 68,564 18,653 601 87,818 Interest expense (36,616 ) (11,412 ) (516 ) (48,544 ) Net interest income 31,948 7,241 85 39,274 Dividend income 200 16 9 225 Fees and commissions receivable 9,939 3,753 14 13,706 Fees and commissions payable (1,448 ) (786 ) (8 ) (2,242 ) Dealing profits 1,422 2,029 (2 ) 3,449 Rental income from investment properties 259 2 - 261 Other 3,164 322 1 3,487 Operating income 45,484 12,577 99 58,160 Operating expenses (15,924 ) (6,610 ) (41 ) (22,575 ) Operating profit before provisions 29,560 5,967 58 35,585 Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (1,531 ) (774 ) 48 (2,257 ) Provisions for contingent liabilities and commitments 49 (127 ) - (78 ) Operating profit 28,078 5,066 106 33,250 Profit on tangible fixed assets and long-term investments 1,270 4 15 1,289 Surplus/(deficit) on property revaluation 4 (40 ) - (36 ) Share of profits less losses of associated companies 132 - - 132 Profit on ordinary activities before tax 29,484 5,030 121 34,635 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (3,512 ) (953 ) (14 ) (4,479 ) Profit on ordinary activities after tax 25,972 4,077 107 30,156 Minority interests (3,923 ) 4 - (3,919 ) Profit attributable to shareholders 22,049 4,081 107 26,237 Rest of Americas/ Figures in HK$m Hong Kong Asia-Pacific Europe Total Year ended 31Dec00 Interest income 89,142 19,901 1,017 110,060 Interest expense (58,173 ) (13,313 ) (934 ) (72,420 ) Net interest income 30,969 6,588 83 37,640 Dividend income 261 10 8 279 Fees and commissions receivable 9,351 3,722 27 13,100 Fees and commissions payable (1,281 ) (728 ) (2 ) (2,011 ) Dealing profits 1,715 1,574 (2 ) 3,287 Rental income from investment properties 260 6 - 266 Other 2,572 250 12 2,834 Operating income 43,847 11,422 126 55,395 Operating expenses (14,716 ) (6,036 ) (57 ) (20,809 ) Operating profit before provisions 29,131 5,386 69 34,586 Provisions for bad and doubtful debts (1,933 ) 460 118 (1,355 ) Provisions for contingent liabilities and commitments (76 ) (29 ) 16 (89 ) Operating profit 27,122 5,817 203 33,142 Profit on tangible fixed assets and long-term investments 985 160 130 1,275 Surplus/(deficit) on property revaluation 96 (42 ) - 54 Share of profits less losses of associated companies 163 2 - 165 Profit on ordinary activities before tax 28,366 5,937 333 34,636 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (3,646 ) (1,203 ) (68 ) (4,917 ) Profit on ordinary activities after tax 24,720 4,734 265 29,719 Minority interests (3,838 ) 84 - (3,754 ) Profit attributable to shareholders 20,882 4,818 265 25,965 Interest income and interest expense include intra-group interest of HK$4,232 million (2000: HK$5,407 million). Fees and commissions receivable and fees and commissions payable include intra-group fees of HK$72 million (2000: HK$23 million). Other operating income and operating expenses include intra-group items of HK$535 million (2000: HK$356 million). 21. Capital adequacy The table below sets out an analysis of regulatory capital and capital adequacy ratios for the group. Figures in HK$m At 31Dec01 At 31Dec00 Composition of capital Tier 1: Shareholders' funds 83,129 90,812 Less: proposed dividends - (7,000 ) property revaluation reserves (12,14 9) (14,978 ) long-term equity investments revaluation reserve (2,171 ) (3,867 ) term preference shares (3,896 ) (3,895 ) goodwill (652 ) (288 ) Minority interests ^ 15,495 15,753 Total qualifying tier 1 capital 79,756 76,537 Tier 2: Property revaluation reserves (@70%) ^ ^ 7,977 7,977 Long-term equity investments revaluation reserve (@70%) 1,520 2,707 General provisions 4,939 5,022 Perpetual subordinated debt 12,282 12,284 Term subordinated debt 3,082 3,479 Term preference shares 3,896 3,895 Total qualifying tier 2 capital 33,696 35,364 Investments in associated companies (1,566 ) (1,641 ) Investments in unconsolidated subsidiary companies (2,200 ) (2,016 ) Investments in other banks (515 ) - Total capital 109,171 108,244 Risk-weighted assets 836,946 817,967 ^ After deduction of minority interests in unconsolidated subsidiary companies. ^ ^ Capped at 31 December 1998 amount. The group's capital adequacy ratios calculated in accordance with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority Guideline on 'Maintenance of Adequate Capital Against Market Risks' are as follows: At 31Dec01 At 31Dec00 Total capital 13.0 % 13.2 % Tier 1 capital 9.5 % 9.4 % The group's capital adequacy ratios calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Third Schedule of the Banking Ordinance which does not take into account market risk are as follows: Total capital 12.8 % 13.2 % Tier 1 capital 9.3 % 9.3 % 22. Liquidity ratio The Banking Ordinance requires banks operating in Hong Kong to maintain a minimum liquidity ratio, calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Fourth Schedule of the Banking Ordinance, of 25 per cent. This requirement applies separately to the Hong Kong branches of the bank and to those subsidiary companies which are Authorised Institutions under the Banking Ordinance in Hong Kong. 2001 2000 The average liquidity ratio for the year was as follows: Hong Kong branches of the bank 54.1 % 47.0 % 23. Property revaluation The group's premises and investment properties were revalued by independent professionally qualified valuers as at 30 September 2001 and updated for any material changes at 31 December 2001. The basis of the valuation for premises was open market value for existing use or, in the case of one specialised building, depreciated replacement cost. The basis of the valuation for investment properties was open market value. Previously the bank's head office building in Hong Kong was valued using the depreciated replacement cost basis. Following the advice of professionally qualified valuers the basis of valuation of this building has been changed to open market value for existing use. Premises and investment properties in the Hong Kong SAR, the Macau SAR and mainland China, which represent 90.8 per cent by value of the group's properties subject to valuation, were valued by Chesterton Petty Limited. The valuations were carried out by independent qualified valuers who are members of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. Different independent valuers were used in the other eleven countries in which the group owns premises and investment properties. The property revaluation has resulted in a decrease in the group's revaluation reserves of HK$2,213 million as at 31 December 2001 and a debit to the profit and loss account of HK$36 million in respect of properties where the valuation had fallen below depreciated historical cost. Most of the decrease in the group's revaluation reserve was as a result of the change in the basis of valuing the bank's head office building in Hong Kong. 24. Accounting policies The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those described in the Annual Report and Accounts for 2000 except for the recognition and the presentation of proposed dividends which have been amended in accordance with Hong Kong Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 9 ('HK SSAP9') on Events after the balance sheet date. Dividends proposed or declared after the balance sheet date were previously recognised as a liability at the balance sheet date. Following the implementation of HK SSAP9, dividends proposed after the balance sheet date are not recognised as a liability at the balance sheet date but disclosed as a separate component of shareholders' funds. The effect of the above change in accounting policy was to increase shareholders' funds by HK$7,000 million at 31 December 2000 and to decrease liabilities by the same amount. In respect of dividends payable by subsidiaries, the effect was to increase minority interests by HK$2,027 million at 31 December 2001 and HK$2,027 million at 31 December 2000 while reducing liabilities by the same amount. 25. Comparative figures Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with the current year's presentation. 26. Statutory accounts The information in this news release is not audited and does not constitute statutory accounts. Certain financial information in this news release is extracted from the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2001 which were approved by the Board of Directors on 4 March 2002 and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. The Auditors expressed an unqualified opinion on those statutory accounts in their report dated 4 March 2002. The Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2001, which include the statutory accounts, can be obtained on request from Group Public Affairs, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong, and may be viewed on our web site:, on or after 25 March 2002. 27. Ultimate holding company The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited is an indirectly-held, wholly-owned subsidiary of HSBC Holdings plc. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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