Final Results

Informa Group PLC 12 March 2002 Tuesday, 12 March Informa Group plc Results for the year ended 31 December 2001 Operating highlights • Turnover up 9% • Profit on ordinary activities before tax* 24% lower at £30.1m • Two major acquisitions in Finance and Insurance, and Life Sciences performing well • Over 30% of Group revenue from subscriptions and 50% of profit from publishing • Unchanged dividend for 2001 of 7.6p *before loss on disposal of a subsidiary and goodwill amortisation Informa Group's Chairman Peter Rigby commented: "2001 was a difficult year for Informa, particularly in the second half with the downturn in the telecom market and lower advertising and delegate numbers in the final quarter of the year." "The first few months of the current year has seen a stabilisation in the market conditions. We are cautiously optimistic that when market conditions improve we will be well placed to take advantage." For further information Peter Rigby, David Gilbertson, Jim Wilkinson Informa Group plc 020 7017 4302 Fiona Piper The Maitland Consultancy 020 7379 5151 Results 2001 was a difficult year for many media companies including Informa. The year saw increasing recessionary pressures in many economies, a substantial downturn in the mobile telecommunications market and economic uncertainty caused by the terrorist attacks in the United States and the ensuing hostilities. We saw pre-tax profits (excluding goodwill amortisation and the loss on disposal of a subsidiary) fall by 24% to £30.1m (2000 £39.7m) on turnover up by 9% to £323m (2000 £297m). This decline was largely caused by a fall in the number of delegates attending our conferences, down on average by 16% and a reduction in advertising income of 8%. Adjusted earnings per share fell by 29% to 16.40p (2000 23.17p). The Board recommends a final dividend of 4.94p payable on 28 May 2002 to shareholders whose names are on the register of members on 26 April 2002. When added to the interim dividend of 2.66p this gives a total dividend for the year of 7.6p, unchanged from 2000. Operating Review 2001 started well with the 3GSM World Congress welcoming over 7,200 delegates and a further 16,000 exhibition visitors during February. A record breaking annual Energy conference in Germany preceded this success. With some strong advertising sales, especially in the mobile telecommunications area, we had a good first quarter. We started to see some signs of weaker trading during the second quarter of 2001 and took appropriate action. During the year we reduced the workforce by around 13%, excluding acquisitions, at a cost of £4.9m. Although some benefit of the cost reduction measures was felt in 2001 most of the expected £10m savings will flow into 2002. We examined all other cost lines during the year eliminating unnecessary expenditure and achieving a number of cost savings. We closed our office in Finland, downsized in the USA and discontinued some marginal products. We continue to review our portfolio actively. At the half year in 2001 we saw growth in all six of our market sectors but in the full year only Finance and Insurance, and Life Sciences still showed growth over 2000 and both of these were bolstered by acquisitions. Our Finance and Insurance business stood up well during the year, with profits up 29% to £10.3m from high levels of subscription retention and some good new business. However, the insurance side was more difficult as advertising spend fell away and delegate numbers declined drastically following the terrorist actions. The Life Sciences division did well with profits up 49% to £3.8m. Another record Drug Discovery Congress was held in August with other notable successes especially in the research and development area. The event business was badly affected by travel restrictions in the autumn, although we do not expect this to have damaged the business or affected its underlying growth rate in the medium to long term. The Telecoms and Media division profit fell by 40% to £10.9m in response to the difficulties of the mobile telephone industry following their huge investments in the 3G network licences and a slowing in handset sales. Although our flagship conferences performed well and sponsorship and exhibition sales held firm, delegate attendance at our smaller events and display advertising in our magazines declined. With 36% of our Maritime, Trade and Transport division's revenue coming from advertising it was hard hit by the events of 11 September, particularly in the air freight area as airlines cancelled advertising campaigns. Despite a strong performance from conferences and exhibitions they failed to offset the fall in advertising leaving the division down 38% at £4.5m profit. The Commodities and Energy division profits were down 11% to £3.7m largely due to a difficult year for our commercial fishing business, which was affected by North Sea fish quota concerns. Our energy events performed well as the oil exploration and production industry continued to recover, whilst our energy consultancy had its best year ever. The Law and Tax division saw profits fall 23% to £5.3m as a lack of legislation in the UK before the General Election, decreased demand for our events. The subscription renewal rates continued to hold firm and our overseas events businesses, particularly in Germany performed well. The Netherlands government is conducting an investigation into funding for third party training of university students, which is likely to have an adverse impact on future revenues at Opleiding & Ontwikkeling, the Dutch academic training provider we acquired in late 2000. The final results of this review have yet to be determined but in view of the uncertainty concerning future government funding we have taken the opportunity to provide fully for the goodwill associated with the acquisition of O&O. Subscription, exhibition, sponsorship and delegate revenue Subscription, exhibition and sponsorship revenues held firm as advertising and delegate revenues suffered. Subscription income, which is our most stable source of income, now accounts for around a third of the Group's revenue and around 40% of the Group's operating profit. This part of our income renews at around 80% per annum. Sponsorship and exhibition revenue increased by 15% to account for 13% of the Group's revenue. This remains our fastest growing organic revenue stream and reflects the quality of our delegates and their attractiveness to sponsors. Delegate income fell by 11% largely due to a reduction in customers' willingness to travel after the events at the World Trade Centre and because of decreased demand for our smaller mobile telecoms events. It now accounts for 36% of Group revenue. During the last two months of the year we saw a small recovery in delegate numbers. Advertising income, which we see as the most volatile form of income, remains at only 12% of Group revenue, a relatively small proportion. E-Commerce Our on-going investment in electronic formats continues to pay dividends with the proportion of the Group's profit derived from electronic products rising from 11% to 23%. In addition 22% of delegates booked over the internet. With around 20% of these registrations coming from new customers there are opportunities to reduce our significant marketing spend. Acquisitions On the back of the good start to the year we made two major acquisitions both of which have performed well. In total we spent £51million, which was financed by a cash and vendor placing share issue in March 2001. In February we acquired MCM, an electronic real time financial analytical service covering the fixed income and foreign exchange markets. This fits well with our existing business in the sector and with the integration now largely complete the company is performing in line with our pre-acquisition expectations. We also acquired the monthly scientific magazine publisher BioTechniques which we had targeted to help add publishing product to our largely conference based life sciences business. We merged the magazine and conference businesses into a market-facing unit and are achieving positive results. The performance of the magazine has exceeded our expectations. Later in the year we acquired a small private company, Evandale, which produces subscription based periodicals in the financial and taxation area and which is also doing well. Towards the end of the year we declined a number of potential acquisitions due to the economic uncertainty and a desire to preserve cash and minimise indebtedness. Last week we announced a small investment in Xinhua Financial Network that increases our operations in the Chinese market. It is intended that following the investment, Informa will provide further products and also become the official Conference arm of XFN using the Xinhua brand where appropriate. Outlook Although there are always further ways in which costs can be reduced, we enter 2002 leaner and more efficient than before. We believe we have retained the muscle of the group and have enough resources to have the ability to take opportunities and achieve good organic growth as markets and economies recover. Although we do not assume that market conditions will improve markedly this year we are well placed to take advantage of upturn should it occur. The 3GSM World Congress, which took place in early 2002, had 30% fewer delegates this year than last. But with higher sponsorship and exhibition sales and tight cost control it was in line with our expectations. The first quarter is similarly in line and we look forward to the remainder of 2002 with cautious optimism. Consolidated Profit and Loss Account For the year ended 31 December 2001 2001 2000 Notes £'000 £'000 Turnover Continuing operations 290,466 296,992 Acquisitions 32,387 - 1 322,853 296,992 Operating profit before goodwill amortisation Continuing operations 31,877 46,811 Acquisitions 6,214 - 1 38,091 46,811 Goodwill amortisation (9,959) (5,900) Goodwill impairment (4,288) - (14,247) Operating profit Continuing operations 20,211 40,911 Acquisitions 3,633 - 23,844 40,911 Loss on disposal of subsidiary undertaking (838) - Profit on ordinary activities before interest 1 23,006 40,911 Interest (7,977) (7,130) Profit on ordinary activities before tax 15,029 33,781 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (9,485) (12,400) Profit on ordinary activities after tax 5,544 21,381 Minority interests - equity (96) (174) Profit for the financial year 5,448 21,207 attributable to shareholders Equity dividends paid and proposed (10,184) (8,922) (Loss)/profit for the financial year (4,736) 12,285 Divdends per share 7.6p 7.6p Earnings per share (basic) 2 4.35p 18.13p Earnings per share (diluted) 2 4.31p 17.84p Adjusted basic earnings per share 2 16.4p 23.17p Alternative presentation Consolidated Profit and Loss Account For the year ended 31 December 2001 2001 2000 Results Results from Other From Other Notes operations items Total Operations items Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Turnover Continuing operations 290,466 - 290,466 296,992 - 296,992 Acquisitions 32,387 - 32,387 - - - 1 322,853 - 322,853 296,992 - 296,992 Operating profit Continuing operations 31,877 (7,378) 24,499 46,811 (5,900) 40,911 Acquisitions 6,214 (2,581) 3,633 - - - Goodwill impairment - (4,288) (4,288) - - - 1 38,091 (14,247) 23,844 46,811 (5,900) 40,911 Loss on disposal of subsidiary undertaking - (838) (838) - - - Profit on ordinary activities before interest 1 38,091 (15,085) 23,006 46,811 (5,900) 40,911 Interest (7,977) - (7,977) (7,130) - (7,130) Profit on ordinary activities before tax 30,114 (15,085) 15,029 39,681 (5,900) 33,781 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (9,485) - (9,485) (12,400) - (12,400) Profit on ordinary activities after tax 20,629 (15,085) 5,544 27,281 (5,900) 21,381 Minority interests - equity (96) - (96) (174) - (174) Profit for the financial year 20,533 (15,085) 5,448 27,107 (5,900) 21,207 attributable to shareholders Equity dividends paid and proposed (10,184) (8,922) (Loss)/profit for the financial year (4,736) 12,285 Divdends per share 7.6p 7.6p Earnings per share (basic) 2 4.35p 18.13p Earnings per share (diluted) 2 4.31p 17.84p Adjusted basic earnings per share 2 16.4p 23.17p Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses For the year ended 31 December 2001 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Profit for the financial year 5,448 21,207 Currency translation differences on foreign currency net investments and borrowings 17 1,156 Total gains and losses recognised relating to the financial year 5,465 22,363 Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31 December 2001 Notes 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Cash inflow from operating activities 3 41,076 46,474 Return on investments & servicing of finance (6,581) (8,563) Taxation (11,145) (10,991) Net capital expenditure (15,489) (6,584) Acquisitions and disposals (59,262) (32,226) Equity dividends paid (9,825) (8,433) Cash outflow before financing (61,226) (20,323) Financing 61,454 16,044 Increase / (decrease) in cash in the year 228 (4,279) Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt for the year ended 31 December 2001 Notes 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Increase / (decrease) in cash in the year 228 (4,279) Cash inflow from increase in debt financing (8,393) (16,388) Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (8,165) (20,667) Translation differences 714 626 Movements in net debt in the year (7,451) (20,041) Net debt at 1 January 4 (111,381) (91,340) Net debt at 31 December 4 (118,832) (111,381) Consolidated balance sheet At 31 December 2001 2000 2001 (as restated) £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 174,396 131,166 Tangible assets 28,292 16,095 Investments 4,109 2,709 206,797 149,970 Current assets Stocks and work in progress 6,558 7,648 Debtors 61,274 69,743 Cash at bank and in hand 4,102 3,047 71,934 80,438 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (126,309) (134,865) Net current liabilities (54,375) (54,427) Total assets less current liabilities 152,422 95,543 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Bank loans (116,181) (104,546) Other creditors (1,011) (5,019) (117,192) (109,565) Provisions for liabilities and charges (475) (674) 34,755 (14,696) Minority interest (206) (218) Net assets/(liabilities) 34,549 (14,914) Capital and reserves Called up share capital 12,787 11,800 Share premium account 122,334 69,139 Special reserve 2 2 Other reserve 37,398 37,398 Profit and loss account (137,972) (133,253) Surplus/(deficit) on shareholders' funds - equity 34,549 (14,914) NOTES Note 1 Segmental Analysis Turnover Underlying operating Profit/(loss) before profit interest 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Analysis by market sector Financial and Insurance 82,621 53,235 10,347 8,047 6,487 6,456 Telecoms and Media 73,866 74,693 10,910 18,195 7,458 17,136 Law and Tax 54,328 56,526 5,283 6,905 2,744 6,250 Maritime, Trade and Transport 52,484 55,278 4,531 7,282 2,079 5,867 Life Sciences 26,515 19,724 3,846 2,574 2,607 2,467 Commodities and Energy 31,880 32,064 3,717 4,190 2,227 3,163 Other 1,159 5,472 (543) (382) (596) (428) 322,853 296,992 38,091 46,811 23,006 40,911 Note 2 Earnings and adjusted earnings per share In order to show results from operating activities on a comparable basis, an adjusted earnings per share has been calculated which excludes amortisation of goodwill and loss on disposal of subsidiary. 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Profit for the financial year - basic and diluted earnings 5,448 21,207 Adjustments: Amortisation of goodwill and impairment 14,247 5,900 Loss on disposal of subsidiary 838 - Adjusted earnings 20,533 27,107 Weighted average number of equity shares - for basic and adjusted earnings 125,174,819 116,996,711 Average number of share options 1,110,519 1,897,334 Number of shares that would have been issued at fair value 126,285,338 118,894,045 Earnings per share (basic) 4.35p 18.13p Earnings per share (fully diluted) 4.31p 17.84p Earnings per share (basic adjusted) 16.4p 23.17p Note 3 Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating activities 2001 2000 £'000 £'000 Operating profit 23,844 40,911 Depreciation charges 5,798 4,304 Amortisation of goodwill 14,247 5,900 Loss on sale of tangible fixed assets 17 27 Decrease/(increase) in stocks 1,197 (1,356) Decrease/(increase) in debtors 16,336 (20,549) (Decrease)/increase in creditors (20,279) 17,274 Other operating items (84) (37) Net cash inflow from operating activities 41,076 46,474 Note 4 Analysis of Net Debt 1.1.01 Cashflow Exchange 31.12.01 movement £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Cash at bank and in hand 3,047 1,057 (2) 4,102 Overdrafts (2,986) (829) - (3,815) 61 228 (2) 287 Bank loans due in less than one year (6,392) 3,892 - (2,500) Loan notes due in less than one year (75) (363) - (438) Bank loans due after one year (104,546) (12,351) 716 (116,181) Loan notes due after one year (429) 429 - - Total (111,381) (8,165) 714 (118,832) NOTE 5 Basis of preparation and statutory information The financial information set out above on pages 5 to 11 does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2001 or 2000. The financial information for 2001 and 2000 is derived from the audited statutory accounts for 2001 which were approved by the Board of Directors on 12 March 2002 and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. Copies of the statutory accounts will be posted to shareholders on 20 March 2002. The statutory accounts were prepared on a going concern basis under the historical cost convention and in accordance with all applicable current accounting standards. Upon adoption of FRS18:Accounting Policies, the Group has changed the accounting treatment for the ESOP trust (QUEST) and has restated the comparative figures in the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2000. This restatement had the effect of reducing the Group's investments at that date by £725,000, increasing the share premium by £2,206,000, other creditors by £245,000 and reducing the profit and loss reserve by £3,176,000. The net result is a reduction of net assets at 31 December 2000 of £970,000. This change in treatment had no impact on either the current or prior year's Profit and Loss Account or Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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