Preliminary Results

Intec Telecom Systems PLC 27 November 2007 Intec Telecom Systems PLC Preliminary results for the year ended 30 September 2007 Tuesday 27 November 2007 Intec Telecom Systems PLC (ITL.L/ITL LN), a leading supplier of billing and operations support systems to the global telecoms industry, announces its audited preliminary results for the year ended 30 September 2007. Financial Highlights • Revenue up 8% to £124.5 million (2006: Revenue before exceptionals1 £115.3 million) • Revenue up 15% in constant currency • EBITDA(2,5) up 119% to £14.7 million (2006: £6.7 million) • EBITDA(2,5) margin up six percentage points year on year to 11.8% (2006: 5.8%) • Adjusted PBT(3) of £8.7 million (2006:£2.1 million) • Loss after tax(4) of £7.8 million (2006: £6.3 million) • Adjusted earnings per share5 of 2.36p (2006: 0.13p) • Basic loss per share4 of (2.55p) (2006:(2.06p)) • Net cash of £22.6 million up 21% (2006: £18.6 million) Operational Highlights • Cost reduction actions taking effect - margin improvements coming through • Strengthened leadership team with appointment of Group Finance Director and NED during the financial year. CEO appointment imminent. • Continuing substantial wins across all product lines underpinning product leadership Commenting on today's results, John Hughes, Chairman and interim CEO, said: "2007 has been a year of improving financial performance and rebuilding the platform for future growth. 2008 will see further efforts to progress margins, grow the top line and improve cash conversion as we seek to drive increasing shareholder value." Enquiries: Intec Telecom Systems PLC John Hughes, Chairman and interim CEO +44 (0)1483 745 800 Robin Taylor, Group Finance Director Andrew Rodaway, Marketing Director College Hill 0207 457 2020 Sara Musgrave Ben Way About Intec Telecom Systems PLC Intec supplies billing software solutions to over 60 of the world's top 100 telecoms carriers and is one of the world's leading BSS/OSS (business and operations support systems) vendors. Intec's customers include AT&T, Cable & Wireless, The Carphone Warehouse, China Mobile, Deutsche Telekom, Eircom, France Telecom, Hutchison 3G, Orange, T-Mobile, Telefonica, Telstra, Vodafone, Virgin Mobile, Vivo and Verizon. Intec has a comprehensive and expanding range of solutions and services ranging from market leading mediation and convergent billing products through to innovative IMS Charging solutions. Intec works closely with its customers, many of whom have been with Intec since its inception, to provide the highest standards of performance, flexibility and robustness to help carriers service their customers effectively and profitably. Founded in 1997, Intec is listed on the London Stock Exchange (ITL.L) and has over 1,600 staff and 30 offices in 24 countries. For more information visit Notes (1)In the Annual Report for the year ended 30 September 2006 Intec reported that £5.5 million of previously recognised revenue was reversed due to uncertainty over the timing of payments following the delay of a major project roll out with a large US customer. Included in this revenue reversal of £5.5 million was £3.0 million that was actually recognised as revenue in 2005, and as such would have been more appropriately disclosed separately in the audited financial statements in 2006. Accordingly this disclosure has been made in 2007. (2) EBITDA is reconciled to the loss before tax in note (ii) in the detailed financial highlights below. (3) Before exceptionals, impairment and amortisation of acquired intangible assets (4) After impairment charge of £13.2 million (2006: £nil) (5) Before exceptionals and impairment Restated 2007 2006 Detailed Financial Highlights Note £000 £000 Revenue before exceptionals (i) 124,496 115,326(1) Profit before tax before exceptionals, impairment and amortisation of acquired intangibles 8,742 2,145 Loss before tax (7,503) (5,301) Operating loss (7,863) (5,907) EBITDA before exceptional items and impairment (ii) 14,749 6,743 Cash generated from operations 10,599 14,072 Basic and diluted loss per ordinary share (2.55)p (2.06)p Adjusted earnings per share (iii) 2.36p 0.13p Notes to the detailed financial highlights £000 £000 (i) Revenue before exceptional items 124,496 115,326 Exceptional revenue reversal - (3,006) 124,496 112,320 (ii) Loss before tax (7,503) (5,301) Exceptional items 1,732 6,744 Impairment 13,238 - Amortisation of acquired intangible assets 1,275 702 Profit before tax before exceptionals, impairment and amortisation of acquired intangibles 8,742 2,145 Interest (360) (606) Depreciation 3,675 3,259 Amortisation of other intangible assets 2,692 1,945 EBITDA before exceptional items 14,749 6,743 (iii) Adjusted earnings per share calculation: Loss after tax (7,781) (6,252) After tax effect of exceptional items 1,732 6,651 Impairment 13,238 - Earnings after tax - before exceptional items and impairment 7,189 399 Chairman and Interim CEO's statement Year In Review We pledged this year to improve the financial performance of the business. To that end we made changes to the management team, continued the focus on cost reduction and operational efficiencies and worked diligently to win new contracts. I am pleased to report that the operational actions have begun to pay off, enabling us to meet our objective of better financial performance in 2007. We have delivered margin, revenue and EBITDA improvement slightly above expectations despite the currency headwind. Although we are pleased with current progress after an unsatisfactory 2006 there is still both the opportunity and need to enhance the financial performance of Intec, and 2008 should see further operational improvement alongside a continued focus on delivering top line growth. Financial Results Revenue for the year was up 8% to £124.5 million with EBITDA before exceptionals and goodwill impairment up 119% to £14.7 million, compared to £6.7 million in 2006. Revenue was up 15% in constant currency. Cash less bank loans at the period end was up 21% to £22.6 million in 2007, from £18.6 million in 2006. Intec is a truly global business with over 90% of revenues being generated outside the UK. The year saw marked revenue increase across the North American, EMEA and APAC regions, driven by new customer wins and successful cross-selling. Whilst the performance of our Caribbean and Latin American region (CALA) was somewhat disappointing we have been notified that we are the preferred bidder on a large convergent billing contract which we are in the process of finalising; assuming it is secured, it will help underpin our expectations for growth in the CALA region in 2008. Looking at the past year, it is clear that the second half (H2) has better demonstrated the operational and financial progress that we targeted as improvements have taken effect. This is reflected in our EBITDA margins, which rose to 13.1% in H2 from 10.5% in H1. Whilst 2007 was undoubtedly an important year in terms of our recovery, we firmly believe that further improvement can be achieved and that some of the additional margin improvement initiatives we have launched in the past few months are still coming through the system. Board Changes We are pleased to announce that we have identified a highly capable candidate to take the role of Intec's Chief Executive Officer. We are finalising contractual terms and expect to be able to make an announcement shortly. The candidate has extensive knowledge of the Telecom's market and a strong track record of delivering top-line growth and organisation improvement. The candidate is expected to join us at the beginning of 2008. Additionally, and in line with our previously stated aim of further strengthening our Board, we were delighted to welcome John Allkins to the Company as a non-executive director in August 2007. John was previously group finance director of MyTravel Group plc, and oversaw the company's transition from a loss-making operator into a leading brand which merged with Thomas Cook. John has previous telecoms experience with both Equant and BT. The previous CEO Kevin Adams, and Group Finance Director John Arbuthnott, both stepped down from the Board in early 2007, and on behalf of the Board, I record my thanks for their valuable contribution. During the period, we also announced the departure of our senior non-executive Director, Roger McDowell, after a five-year tenure. Cost Reduction and Margin Improvement Intec's improved financial performance was delivered through a sustained effort to increase productivity whilst reducing operational costs. We have continued working towards our objective of improving gross margin through ongoing cost management, replacing expensive contractors with full time staff, and the delivery of a greater proportion of services from lower-cost locations. The investment in our professional services centre in Bangalore is now beginning to deliver, as demonstrated by improving project profitability. Structural Changes As part of the ongoing strategy to simplify and improve Intec's global operations we have effected a number of changes since the year end. As announced on 19 November 2007, we sold the Denmark based Intec DCP business to VoluBill SA for an initial consideration of £1.0 million, plus a percentage of revenues for the next two years. Intec has retained certain commercial and technical rights relating to this business, which recorded a loss of £1.1 million on revenues of £3.4 million in 2006, to allow for a smooth transition of customers to the new owners, with whom we have created a formal partnership. In 2007 the business delivered a breakeven performance and revenues of £3.7 million. We do not expect the disposal, the sale proceeds or subsequent revenues to have a material impact on our results in future periods. The performance of Intec's managed services business and the number of its locations in North America has led us to conclude that we should consolidate the facility in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, incorporating the EUR business acquired in 2006, into Intec's three service activities in Atlanta, Dallas and San Antonio; which is expected to create a one-time cost of approximately £1.0 million. The customers from the Mechanicsburg facility are being transferred and the centre will close by April 2008. This reflects management's steps to achieve economies of scale in the North American operations against a backdrop of a consolidating US customer base. Whilst we are pleased with current progress, there is still more that can be delivered and throughout 2008 we shall continue our focus on operational simplification, cost control and organisational improvement. Impairment charges In our interim statement, in March 2007, we announced an impairment charge of £8.5 million related to the Intec DCP business. In September 2007, we recorded a further impairment charge of £4.7 million on the goodwill and intangibles relating to the EUR Systems acquisition. Product Development and Contract Wins I am pleased to report a number of key contract wins with Tier 1 players in the telecommunications industry, and a continued focus by the management team towards improving revenue quality. In particular, we announced key contract wins with Alfa in Lebanon, Meteor in Ireland, R Cable in Spain, Telefonica O2 in the Czech Republic, Digicel Pacific, China Mobile, Qualcomm, VimpelCom, Cox Communications, HT Mobile in Vietnam, Claro in Brazil, and Polkomtel in Poland. All contracts were won against a range of major industry competitors. This success underlines our technology leadership as well as our capability to deliver on a global scale. In the past year we have launched a new solution for IMS based charging in next-generation networks; the Intec Mobile Business Solution for new and emerging mobile operators; and a new version of Intec Convergent Billing with important revenue management and reporting capabilities. During the course of 2008 we will continue to invest appropriately in development to ensure our products, services and distribution preserve their competitive edge. Outlook During 2007, we demonstrated material contract wins with significant players, bolstering our position as a technology leader within the highly competitive telecoms solutions market. We took steps to improve the operations of the business and met our objective of achieving better financial performance in 2007. That improvement is by no means finished, and the impending appointment of our new Chief Executive Officer will ensure further focus on operational measures designed to improve margins and profitability, whilst continuing the focus on converting the current pipeline of opportunities into top line growth. We believe that we have the products, systems and people to deliver further results and are cautiously optimistic about the future. John Hughes Chairman and Interim CEO 26 November 2007 Group Finance Director's Review I am pleased to report a marked improvement in the Group's financial results and position with revenue, cash less bank borrowings, and operating profit before exceptionals and impairment up year on year despite the currency headwind. We continued to make progress in reducing operating costs and increasing gross margins during the second half of the year and we expect to achieve further benefits from better operational and cash management in the year to September 2008. The financial statements include substantial non-cash charges for goodwill impairment, the amortisation of intangibles and the notional cost of share-based payments. A re-allocation of certain facilities and IT costs was made from Administration expenses to Cost of Sales, Distribution and Development costs for all reported numbers and a change made in the analysis of revenue by type. These changes were first highlighted in the interim statement to March 2007. In 2006 £5.5 million of revenue was reversed due to uncertainty over the timing of payments following the delay of a major project roll out with a large US customer. Included in this revenue reversal of £5.5 million was £3.0 million that was recognised in 2005. These revenues would have been more appropriately disclosed separately in the audited financial statements in 2006 and accordingly we have made this disclosure in 2007. Business Performance The Group uses a set of key performance indicators to manage the business on a monthly basis. The key financial indicators are highlighted below and comments are provided on material changes to facilitate a better understanding of the financial statements. A reconciliation has been made in the table below to the Group consolidated income statement. Key Financial Indicators Reconciliation with Consolidated income statement 2007 2006 2007 2006 £m £m £m £m Revenues* 124.5 115.3 Loss before tax per income statement (7.5) (5.3) EBITDA** 14.7 6.7 Add: % of revenues 11.8% 5.8% Exceptionals 1.7 6.7 Profit before tax*** 8.7 2.1 Impairment of goodwill and 13.2 - intangibles Cash less bank loan 22.6 18.6 Amortisation of acquired intangibles 1.3 0.7 Profit before tax - Key financial 8.7 2.1 indicator * before exceptionals Add / (deduct): ** before exceptionals and impairment Depreciation and amortisation 6.4 5.2 ***before exceptionals, impairment, and Interest (0.4) (0.6) amortisation of acquired intangible assets EBITDA - Key financial indicator 14.7 6.7 In the commentary that follows, amounts are before exceptional items and impairment unless otherwise stated. Revenue Revenue increased by 8% to £124.5 million (2006: £115.3 million) and included the full year contribution of £13.7 million from EUR Systems, acquired on 1 September 2006. Revenue was impacted by the weakness of the US Dollar, but in constant currency grew by 15%. Gross margin rates increased steadily during the year from 51% in H2 2006 to almost 55% in H2 2007. The average year on year change from 52% to 54% was due to a combination of the cost reduction exercise initiated late in 2006, better resource management through the introduction of a global professional services organisation, and an increase in the use of India based professional services resources. The quality of Intec's revenue (the mix of revenue and related margin) varies each year depending on the nature and timing of products sold. 2007 2006 2006 Growth £m £m £m Constant Reported *Constant Reported Currency Currency Licence 27.3 25.6 26.8 7% Professional Services 48.4 45.2 48.8 7% Managed Services 16.3 7.0 7.7 133% Support & Maintenance 32.5 30.7 32.0 6% Total Revenue 124.5 108.5 115.3 15% *Constant currency comparisons are made between 2007 reported revenues and those of 2006 by applying the average exchange rates for 2007 to the 2006 local currency numbers. Although the majority of the revenue continues to be delivered from North America and Europe, we are pleased to report successful growth in all of the geographical regions, with the exception of the Caribbean and Latin America (CALA). Whilst the performance of our Caribbean and Latin American region (CALA) was somewhat disappointing we are in the process of finalising, and assuming it is secured, will underpin our expectations for growth in the region in 2008. Of note is the growth in Asia Pacific where revenue increased by 12%. Revenue for the former EUR Systems business reduced faster than expected at the time of the acquisition in 2006, primarily due to a consolidation of communication service providers in North America. Action has been taken to reduce costs, further details of which are reported later in this statement. 2007 2006 Growth Reported Restated Reported £m £m EMEA 52.5 50.6 4% North America 43.6 36.3 20% Asia-Pacific 21.1 18.9 12% CALA 7.3 9.5 (23%) Total Revenue 124.5 115.3 8% Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortisation (EBITDA) As previously stated, it is the Board's objective to achieve a gradual year on year increase in EBITDA as a percentage of revenues. EBITDA as a percentage of revenues has increased from 3.3% in H2 2006 to 10.5% in H1 2007 and to 13.1% in H2 2007. The ratio for the full year was 11.8% (2006: 5.8%). We have separately disclosed share based payments and the employee incentive plan to provide clarity on reductions in the annual operating costs and have provided a reconciliation with those numbers reported in the consolidated income statement. Share based payments include a charge for share options and the Long Term Incentive Plan. All share based payments awarded to Directors of the Company are subject to performance conditions. Key components of EBITDA FY07 FY06 FY06 FY07 IP(1)/SBP(2) Reported Restated IP/SBP Restated Gross Profit 69.3 (2.1) 67.2 60.7 (0.7) 60.0 Development (14.2) (0.9) (15.1) (16.4) (0.2) (16.6) Distribution (19.1) (0.8) (19.9) (20.5) (0.3) (20.8) Administrative (16.9) (1.6) (18.5) (15.1) (0.3) (15.4) Forex 1.0 - 1.0 (0.5) - (0.5) (1)All employee incentive plan (3.8) 3.8 - - - - (IP) (2)Share based payments (SBP) (1.6) 1.6 - (1.5) 1.5 - Total overheads (54.6) (52.5) (54.0) (53.3) EBITDA 14.7 14.7 6.7 6.7 Analysing overheads before share based payments and the employee incentive plan: Development costs decreased by £2.2 million (13%), following a reduction of staffing after the completion of certain major projects and the transition of some R&D resources to lower cost locations. Distribution costs reduced by £1.4 million (7%), following a successful restructuring of the sales and marketing organisation earlier in the year. Administration expenses increased by £1.8 million as a result of additional costs related to the acquired EUR Systems business of £0.6 million, reduced capitalised cost by £0.5 million on the SAP business system and a £0.7 million provision for an onerous lease at the Woking headquarters. These increased costs are partially offset by other savings including the consolidation of the North American financial organisation which took place in the second half of 2006 and early in 2007. Development and Distribution costs have both reduced as a percentage of revenue when compared to 2006. Foreign exchange gains of approximately £1 million were reported as a result of net intercompany payable positions in the Canadian Dollar, the Indian Rupee, the South African Rand and the Brazilian Real. These currencies all strengthened against Sterling and the US Dollar during the year. Exceptional charges Exceptional charges of £2.4 million were incurred in the first half of the year resulting from a detailed business structure and operations review and an associated Board and staff restructuring. In the second half a settlement was reached concerning employment grants resulting in the reversal of a provision of £0.2 million. A credit of £0.5 million was also taken against the Danish onerous lease provisions, established in late 2006 as part of the global restructuring. The credit results from an increase in the space rented to sub-tenants at the Danish office facility. Goodwill impairment and the amortisation of intangible assets In March 2007, an impairment charge of £8.5 million was taken for the goodwill associated with the 2003 acquisition of the Intec DCP business based on a review of the future expected cash flows of the business. In September 2007, we conducted a similar exercise on EUR Systems and determined that a 100% impairment of both goodwill and intangible assets was appropriate, amounting to a charge of £4.7 million. As stated in the Chairman's report, action has been taken to reduce costs; further details of which are reported under post balance sheet events. Net finance costs Finance costs in 2007 amounted to £0.7 million (2006: £0.3 million) and were incurred primarily on a US dollar loan raised in September 2006 to finance the acquisition of EUR Systems and the unwinding of discount on onerous lease provisions. The loan was repaid in September 2007. Finance income reflects interest received on surplus cash during the year at market rates of interest. Taxation The overall tax charge is £0.3 million (2006: £1.0 million). This represents a current tax charge of £2.6 million (2006: £1.5 million) offset by a deferred tax credit of £2.3 million (2006: credit £0.5 million). The current tax charge comprises £1.3 million (2006: £1.5 million) of taxes on local profits in a number of smaller overseas territories, £0.9 million (2006: £0.4 million) of withholding taxes for which full credit relief is irrecoverable and a prior period charge of £0.4 million (2006: prior period credit £0.4 million). The deferred tax credit includes £1.5 million (2006: nil) for the anticipated use in 2008 of carried forward tax losses in Canada, Ireland and the United States for the first time. In 2008 this credit is expected to reverse and we will reassess the recoverability of the remaining losses and recognise and credit as appropriate. The major trading companies in the Group have not incurred material corporate tax liabilities. The US operations have annual goodwill allowances, based on the original purchase price, which will continue to reduce tax charges against future profits. In addition there are substantial tax losses in the UK, the US, Canada, Denmark and Ireland, with a tax value of £25.2 million (2006: £27.1 million) available for future use. Cash payments of taxes in the year amounted to £3.3 million (2006: £2.0 million) including withholding taxes of £0.7 million (2006: £0.7 million). The level of tax in future years will depend to a considerable extent on the location of contracts and the rate of utilisation of the carried forward tax losses. As an international business with customers in over 90 countries the Group's tax affairs are necessarily complex although efforts continue to simplify this where possible. Earnings per share Basic earnings per share adjusted for exceptional items and impairment increased from 0.13p in 2006 to 2.36p per share in 2007 reflecting in part the recognition of the deferred tax credit set out above. Basic and diluted loss per share were (2.55p) (2006: (2.06p)), reflecting the substantial impairment of goodwill and intangibles and the exceptional charges. The weighted average of shares used to calculate basic earnings per share was 305,042,000 (2006: 302,952,000). Balance sheet and Cash Management 2007 2006 £m £m Goodwill & Intangibles 99.7 115.9 Property, Plant & Equipment 6.9 7.9 Other non current assets 5.2 2.1 Non-current assets 111.8 125.9 Trade & other receivables 48.6 46.7 Cash 22.6 26.0 Current Assets 71.2 72.7 Non-current liabilities 5.5 5.9 Trade and other payables and provisions 37.9 38.3 Bank loans and borrowings 0.5 7.6 Current liabilities 38.4 45.9 Net Assets 139.1 146.8 Key Movements in the Balance Sheet The reduction in non-current assets comes mainly from the impairment of goodwill and intangible assets disclosed above and a charge of £1.3 million for the amortisation of acquired intangibles. In addition, there was an annual charge for the amortisation of third party software. Non-current assets include deferred project implementation costs of £1.0 million on three managed services contracts. These costs will be charged against the service fees received over the initial contract period. The carrying value of capitalised development at 30 September 2007 was £0.7 million (2006: £1.0 million) to be amortised over a maximum of three years. Trade receivables and accrued income have increased over 2006 due to a stronger sales month in September 2007 relative to that of September 2006. Debtors' days based on invoice date have reduced to 69 days (2006: 80 days). Although there is a history of slow payment in some parts of Africa, South America and Asia, the Group's customers are typically large, well financed communications companies. Trade receivables are stated net of provisions for doubtful receivables. Cash The business continues to be cash generative, facilitating the repayment of the $13.5 million bank loan raised to fund the acquisition of EUR Systems in September 2006. Cash less bank borrowings increased to £22.6 million (2006: £18.6 million). The working capital increase of £3.3 million is due to a combination of weak sales in September 2006 generating low levels of cash in the first quarter of 2007 and a strong weighting of second half sales to September 2007. Tax payments increased to £3.3 million (2006: £2.0 million) reflecting higher level of advance payments and a movement into taxable profits in Australia. The Group has no borrowings other than obligations under finance leases. Liquidity risks are therefore associated with short-term cash deposits only. No deposits are made with a maturity date greater than three months. All deposits are at market rates with major banking groups. Following the repayment of the US$ bank loan, a revolving credit facility of £6.75 million has been retained to fund any abnormal cash requirements during 2008. Foreign exchange management Intec is a global business and as such, has exposure to foreign currency risk on transactions denominated in a currency other than the functional currency and on the translation of the balance sheet and income statement into the Group's reporting currency, sterling. The currencies that give rise to this risk are primarily US Dollars, Euros, Indian Rupees and Australian Dollars. During 2007 the mix of and movement in the billing currencies, together with the geographical location of the cost base, created a natural hedge, resulting in foreign exchange transaction gains. However, over 50% of the Group's revenues are in US dollar denominated companies and as the US dollar weakened considerably over the reporting period, Intec experienced translation losses when converting the results into Sterling. We estimate that a movement of one percentage point in the value of Sterling against other currencies would have impacted the Group's profit before tax by approximately £0.3 million for the year ended 30 September 2007. During 2007, the Group did not enter into hedging contracts for either cash or net investment positions denominated in foreign currencies but has plans to introduce a more detailed foreign exchange management process during the first half of 2008. Post Balance Sheet events Consolidation of North American facilities On 24 October 2007 employees at the Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania facility were advised that with effect from 28 April 2008 the site would be closed and all activities moved to other sites within North America. The cost of closure is expected to have a cash and income statement charge in the first half of FY2008 of around £1.0 million but with savings in future years of the order of £0.5 million per annum. Sale of the primary assets of Intec Denmark On 19 November 2007, an asset sale and purchase agreement was announced with VoluBill SA to sell certain of the assets and liabilities of Intec Denmark for an initial consideration of £1.0 million in cash plus a royalty on some parts of the revenue stream over the next three years. As part of the agreement, approximately 40 staff will transfer to VoluBill SA. The transaction is expected to close on 30 November 2007 with an estimated book gain of £0.5 million. Robin Taylor Group Finance Director 26 November 2007 Consolidated income statement for the year ended 30 September 2007 Restated Restated Restated (Note 1) (Note 1) (Note 1) Note Before Exceptional Total Before Exceptional Total exceptional items 2007 exceptional items 2006 items and £'000 items Total £'000 and impairment Total 2006 impairment 2007 2006 £000 2007 £000 £000 £000 Revenue Continuing 2,3 124,496 - 124,496 115,326 (3,006) 112,320 operations Cost of sales (57,251) - (57,251) (55,319) - (55,319) Gross profit 67,245 - 67,245 60,007 (3,006) 57,001 Distribution costs (19,937) - (19,937) (20,832) - (20,832) Development (15,133) - (15,133) (16,549) - (16,549) expenditure Administrative expenses: Depreciation and (7,642) - (7,642) (5,906) - (5,906) amortisation Impairment of - (8,875) (8,875) - - - goodwill Impairment of - (4,363) (4,363) - - - intangible assets Exceptional items 2 - (1,732) (1,732) - (3,738) (3,738) Other administrative (17,426) - (17,426) (15,883) - (15,883) expenses Total administrative (25,068) (14,970) (40,038) (21,789) (3,738) (25,527) expenses Operating profit/ (loss) Continuing 7,107 (14,970) (7,863) 837 (6,744) (5,907) operations Finance income 1,012 - 1,012 894 - 894 Finance costs (652) - (652) (288) - (288) Profit/ (loss) 7,467 (14,970) (7,503) 1,443 (6,744) (5,301) before tax Income tax expense 4 (278) - (278) (1,044) 93 (951) Profit/ (loss) for 7,189 (14,970) (7,781) 399 (6,651) (6,252) the year attributable to equity shareholders 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 Earnings/(loss) per Pence Pence Pence Pence Pence Pence share (pence) Basic and diluted 5 2.36 (4.91) (2.55) 0.13 (2.19) (2.06) Consolidated statement of recognised income and expense 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 Exchange differences arising on translation of foreign (2,053) (2,889) operations Loss for the year (7,781) (6,252) Total recognised income and expense for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent (9,834) (9,141) Consolidated balance sheet 30 September 2007 Restated (Note 1) 2007 2006 Note £000 £000 Non-current assets Goodwill 93,022 101,924 Other intangible assets 6,643 14,006 Property, plant and equipment 6,881 7,946 Trade and other receivables 6 2,184 1,076 Deferred tax asset 3,107 1,011 111,837 125,963 Current assets Trade and other receivables 6 48,629 46,687 Cash and cash equivalents 22,580 25,960 71,209 72,647 Total assets 183,046 198,610 Equity and liabilities Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent Share capital 10 3,057 3,043 Share premium account 10 161,989 161,500 Merger reserve 10 249 6,768 Own shares 10 (95) (95) Translation and other reserves 10 (4,020) (1,967) Retained earnings 10 (22,102) (22,463) Total equity 139,078 146,786 Non-current liabilities Other payables 7 2,614 2,287 Deferred tax liabilities 576 821 Bank loan and other borrowings 8 256 235 Provisions 9 2,083 2,570 5,529 5,913 Current liabilities Trade and other payables 7 36,825 36,881 Current tax liabilities 603 1,139 Bank loan and other borrowings 8 488 7,655 Provisions 9 523 236 38,439 45,911 Total liabilities 43,968 51,824 Total equity and liabilities 183,046 198,610 Consolidated cash flow statement Restated Year ended 30 September 2007 (Note 1) 2007 2006 £000 £000 Operating loss (7,863) (5,907) Adjustments for: Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 3,675 3,259 Amortisation of intangible assets 3,598 2,488 Amortisation of capitalised development expenditure 369 159 Impairment of goodwill 8,875 - Impairment of intangible assets 4,363 - (Gain) / loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment (10) 30 Shared-based payment expense 1,623 1,501 Exchange gain on non operating items (351) - (Decrease)/ increase in provisions (345) 343 Operating cash flows before movements in working capital 13,934 1,873 (Increase)/decrease in receivables (4,602) 10,205 Increase in payables 1,267 1,994 Cash generated by operations 10,599 14,072 Income taxes paid (net) (3,279) (1,994) Net cash generated by operating activities 7,320 12,078 Investing activities Interest received 1,012 933 Purchase of plant, property and equipment (2,336) (3,480) Purchase of intangible assets (1,101) (4,356) Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment 69 28 Expenditure on capitalised product development (123) (490) Acquisition of subsidiaries - (7,380) Net cash used in investing activities (2,479) (14,745) Financing activities Interest paid (411) (83) Interest element of finance lease rental payments (120) (16) Repayment of VAT on acquisition costs 205 261 Proceeds on issue of shares 255 521 (Repayment of)/proceeds from bank loan (6,751) 7,101 Repayment of other borrowings - (2,173) Repayments of obligations under finance leases (661) (62) Net cash (used in)/generated from financing activities (7,483) 5,549 Net (decrease)/ increase in cash and cash equivalents (2,642) 2,882 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 25,960 23,770 Effect of foreign exchange rates (738) (692) Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 22,580 25,960 Cash and cash equivalents (which are presented as a single class of assets on the face of the balance sheet) comprise cash at bank and other short-term highly-liquid investments with a maturity of three months or less. Notes to the accounts 1. Accounting policies Basis of preparation The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement does not constitute the company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 September 2007 or 2006, but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 2006 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2007 will be delivered following the company's annual general meeting. The auditors have reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain statements under Section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. The preliminary announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on 26 November 2007. The financial information has been prepared on a basis consistent with the accounting policies set out in the 2006 annual accounts, with the exceptions disclosed below. Restated income statement Revenue As reported in the Chief Executive Officer's Statement and Review in the 2006 Annual report, £5.5million of previously recognised revenue was reversed due to uncertainty over the timing of payments following the delay of a major project roll out with a large US customer. Included in this revenue reversal of £5.5million was £3.0 million that was actually recognised as revenue in 2005, and as such would have been more appropriately disclosed separately in the audited financial statements in 2006. Accordingly, this disclosure has been made in 2007. Expenses In the prior year, facilities and IT costs were shown as a component of other administrative expenses. These costs are now allocated to the functions of cost of sales, distribution costs and development expenditure. This allocation has been based on the average headcount per key function. In addition, the unwinding of the discount on onerous lease provisions was not separately disclosed as part of finance costs, but included within other administrative expenses. This charge is now disclosed separately as part of finance costs. The balances for 30 September 2006 have been restated to reflect these allocations. The effect of this classification on the year ended 30 September 2006 is to reduce the other administrative expenses by £6,873,000 and to increase cost of sales, distribution costs, development expenditure and finance costs by £4,597,000, £790,000, £1,375,000 and £111,000 respectively. This decreases previously reported gross margin on revenue before exceptionals at 30 September 2006 from 55% to 52%. Depreciation charges for plant, property and equipment are now disclosed seperately together with the amortisation charge for intangible assets. The effect of this classification on the year ended 30 September 2006 is to reduce other administrative expenses by £3,259,000. Restated balance sheet In the prior year, finance lease liabilities were disclosed as part of trade and other payables. These are now shown as part of bank and other borrowings. The effect of this classisification on the year ended 30 September 2006 is to reduce non-current other payables and current trade and other payables by £235,000 and £339,000, and to increase non-current bank loan and other borrowings, and current bank loan and other borrowings by the same amounts. Furthermore, long term rental deposits were disclosed as current prepayments. These are now shown as part of non-current prepayments. The effect of this classification is to increase non-current prepayments and reduce current prepayments by £490,000. In the prior year, lease incentives were classified as provisions. These are now shown as part of accruals in trade and other payables. This has the effect of reducing non-current and current provisions and increasing non-current and current accruals by £1,632,000 and £90,000 respectively. Restated cash flow statement The effect on the consolidated cash flow statement of the income statement restatements is to reduce the 2006 operating loss by £111,000 to £5,907,000, and to reduce the movement in provisions by £111,000. The effect on the consolidated cash flow statement of the balance sheet restatements is to reduce the movement in provisions and to increase the movement in payables by £814,000. The Directors consider that the revised income statement, balance sheet and cashflow provide a clearer presentation of the group's activities and financial position. 2. Exceptional items In 2007, exceptional costs comprise £2.4 million resulting from a detailed business model and operations review and an associated Board and staff restructuring, offset by the reversal of a provision of £0.2 million relating to the settlement of employment grants and a reversal of £0.5 million of the Danish onerous lease provisions recorded as exceptional cost in 2006. In 2006, exceptional expenses of £3.7 million comprise costs in respect of the Group re-organisation and integration costs, including redundancy costs of £3.1 million and vacant property provision of £1.1 million offset by the successful recovery of £0.4 million related to debts previously written off in 2002. In 2006, exceptional revenue related to revenue reversed in repect of a major US customer previously recognised in 2005. 3. Segmental analysis The Directors consider that the Group operates in one continuing class of business, namely that of the development, sale, implementation and support of business/operations support software solutions. During the year, the Group reassessed its segmental reporting based both on IFRS in practice and the the way the group is managed and determined that product operations should be shown as a separate segment. Comparative amounts have been restated accordingly. The Group is organised into four key geographical segments comprising Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), North America, Caribbean and Latin America (CALA) and Asia-Pacific (APAC) and product operations. The geographical segments are based on customer location. Product operations comprise our development, product management and offshore operations. Segment results include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis. Unallocated items comprise corporate assets and liabilities and expenses. Segment information under the primary reporting format is as disclosed in the table below: Continuing operations North Product EMEA America APAC CALA operations Total 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Gross revenue 52,486 44,997 21,066 7,307 7,843 133,699 Inter-segment revenue - (1,360) - - (7,843) (9,203) Revenue 52,486 43,637 21,066 7,307 - 124,496 Segment profit before exceptional items and impairment 24,780 12,007 10,506 1,744 (30,434) 18,603 - impairment of goodwill - - - - (8,875) (8,875) - impairment of intangible assets - (4,363) - - - (4,363) - exceptional credits 197 - - - 487 684 Segment profit 24,977 7,644 10,506 1,744 (38,822) 6,049 Unallocated costs: - corporate costs (11,496) - exceptional expenses (2,416) Operating loss (7,863) Finance income 1,012 Finance costs (652) Loss on ordinary activities before tax (7,503) Taxation (278) Loss for the period (7,781) EMEA North APAC CALA Product Unallocated Total 2007 America 2007 2007 operations 2007 2007 £000 2007 £000 £000 2007 £000 £000 £000 £000 Other information Capital additions 524 818 162 58 1,244 1,218 4,024 Depreciation and 1,370 2,030 277 37 1,453 2,475 7,642 amortisation Share based payment 305 315 198 97 428 280 1,623 expense Assets Segment assets 33,819 29,369 9,650 4,092 99,989 6,127 183,046 Liabilities Segment liabilities 16,421 12,050 5,217 1,771 7,090 1,419 43,968 Unallocated segment assets principally comprise computer software fixed assets used throughout the group and other intangible assets. Unallocated segmental liabilities principally comprise group accruals. Restated EMEA North APAC CALA Product Total 2006 America 2006 2006 operations 2006 £000 2006 £000 £000 2006 £000 £000 £000 Continuing operations Revenue 50,646 36,281 18,854 9,545 - 115,326 Exceptional revenues - (3,006) - - - (3,006) Revenue 50,646 33,275 18,854 9,545 - 112,320 Segmental profit before 16,128 4,408 8,214 3,676 (25,678) 6,748 exceptional items Exceptional costs (1,051) (1,468) - - (1,659) (4,178) Segment profit 15,077 2,940 8,214 3,676 (27,337) 2,570 Unallocated costs: - corporate costs (8,917) - exceptional items 440 Operating loss (5,907) Finance income 894 Finance costs (288) Loss on ordinary activities (5,301) before tax Taxation (951) Loss for the period (6,252) The year ended 30 September 2007 was the first year in which all group companies were accounted for in the same group wide enterprise financial reporting system. Prior to this period, the different accounting systems used did not provide the necessary information to disclose on a consistent basis inter-segment revenues and accordingly this disclosure cannot be made for the year ended 30 September 2006. EMEA North APAC CALA Product Unallocated Total 2006 America 2006 2006 operations 2006 2006 £000 2006 £000 £000 2006 £000 £000 £000 £000 Other information Capital additions 1,499 846 293 9 1,527 3,834 8,008 Depreciation and 1,550 1,558 363 95 1,157 1,183 5,906 amortisation Share Based Payments 314 349 144 72 518 104 1,501 Assets Segment assets 33,540 32,997 6,729 4,838 110,788 9,718 198,610 Liabilities Segment liabilities 16,922 20,532 3,652 2,444 7,172 1,102 51,824 Revenue by activity Additional disclosures on revenue by activity is set out below. Restated (note one) 2007 Revenue Exceptional Revenue £000 before revenue after exceptionals 2006 exceptionals 2006 £000 2006 £000 £000 Licence 27,318 26,817 (3,006) 23,811 Professional services income 48,369 48,838 - 48,838 Managed services 16,286 7,675 - 7,675 Support and maintenance fees 32,523 31,996 - 31,996 124,496 115,326 (3,006) 112,320 Licence revenue now includes volume licence upgrades, which has been reclassified from recurring revenue. Previously £7,309,000 was disclosed as volume licence upgrades. Managed services revenue is a new category which we have established covering the provision of various outsourced services, primarily billing, to our customers and includes the ASP revenues previously disclosed under recurring revenues. 4. Income tax expense The charge for the year comprises 2007 2006 £000 £000 Current taxation: UK Corporation tax at 30% (2006: 30%) - - Foreign tax 2,186 1,935 2,186 1,935 Adjustments in respect of prior years: UK Corporation tax 280 (859) Foreign tax 85 385 365 (474) Total current tax expense 2,551 1,461 Deferred taxation: UK - - Foreign (2,273) (510) Total deferred taxation (2,273) (510) Total income tax expense 278 951 UK Corporation tax is calculated at 30% (2006: 30%) of the estimated assessable profit for the year. Taxation for other jurisdictions is calculated at the rates prevailing in the respective jurisdictions. 5. (Loss)/earnings per share Continuing operations 2007 Restated (Note 1) 2006 £000 £000 Loss for the year - basic and diluted (7,781) (6,252) Reconciliation: Loss for the year - basic and diluted (7,781) (6,252) After tax effect of exceptional items and 14,970 6,651 impairment Profit for the year - before exceptional items and 7,189 399 impairment Number Number '000 '000 Weighted average number of shares - basic and 305,042 302,952 diluted Pence Pence Loss per share - basic and diluted (2.55) (2.06) Loss per share - basic (2.55) (2.06) Exceptional items 0.57 2.19 Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets 4.34 - Earnings per share before exceptional items and 2.36 0.13 impairment - basic Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares - - Earnings per share before exceptional items and 2.36 0.13 impairment - diluted Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year. Diluted earnings per share is calculated on the same basis as the basic earnings per share with a further adjustment to the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding to reflect the effect of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. The number of dilutive potential ordinary shares is derived from the number of share options granted to employees where the exercise price is less than the average market price of the Company's ordinary shares during the year. As the Group made a loss for the year, none of the share options are included in the calculation of diluted earnings per share for 2007 and 2006. Earnings per share before exceptional items has been calculated and disclosed above as the directors consider it provides an additional indication of underlying trading performance. Exceptional items in 2007 do not have a tax impact (2006: £93,000 credit). The 2006 adjusted profit for the year includes an additional £3,006,000 as a result of the exceptional revenue relating to 2005 reversed in 2006. 6. Trade and other receivables Non-current Current 2007 Restated 2007 Restated £000 (Note 1) £000 (Note 1) 2006 2006 £000 £000 Trade receivables - - 33,480 30,211 Corporation tax - - - 329 Overseas tax - - 836 104 Other receivables - - 1,433 1,560 Prepayments 2,184 1,076 3,035 3,950 Accrued income - - 9,845 10,533 2,184 1,076 48,629 46,687 The directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other receivables approximates to their fair value. The Group's credit risk on trade and other receivables is primarily attributable to trade receivables and accrued income. The amounts presented in the table above are net of allowances of £2,799,000 (2006: £2,676,000) for doubtful recoverability and foreseeable losses and a charge for the year of £1,057,000 (2006: £550,000). The Group has no significant concentration of credit risk since the risk is spread over a large number of unrelated customers and counterparties. Debtor days were 69 days (2006: 80 days) based on invoice date. In the prior year debtors days were calculated using revenue as a basis for the calculation. Management believe that invoice date is a more reliable measure, and the debtors days has now been calculated on this basis. Non-current prepayments comprise £1,150,000 (2006: £1,076,000) for deposits on leased properties currently due between 2 and 5 years and £1,034,000 (2006: £nil) for project costs incurred but deferred until revenue is recognised on the contract. 7. Trade and other payables Non-current Current 2007 Restated 2007 Restated £000 (Note 1) £000 (Note 1) 2006 2006 £000 £000 Trade payables - - 2,742 3,767 Other payables 908 655 4,878 6,227 Accruals 1,706 1,632 12,406 10,072 Deferred revenue - - 16,799 16,815 2,614 2,287 36,825 36,881 Trade and other payables comprise trade purchases and ongoing costs and are predominantly interest free. The directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other payables approximates to their fair value. Creditors days were 20 (2006: 20). 8. Bank loan and other borrowings Non-current Current 2007 Restated 2007 Restated £000 (Note 1) £000 (Note 1) 2006 2006 £000 £000 Bank loan - 7,209 Obligations under finance leases 256 235 488 339 Other borrowings - - - 107 Total 256 235 488 7,655 In 2006 the Group raised a bank loan of $13.5 million (£7.2 million) to fund the acquisition of the EUR systems business under a rolling twelve month facility. The loan, secured over the fixed and floating assets of the Group, attracted interest at a variable rate based on LIBOR plus 0.75%. Interest rates charged during the year ranged from 4.74% to 7.08%. The loan was repaid in full in September 2007. 9. Provisions Group Onerous Other Restated lease Provisions (Note 1) commitments £000 Total £000 £000 At 1 October 2006 2,010 796 2,806 Established during the year 867 11 878 Utilised/paid (359) (69) (428) Reversed during the year - to exceptional items (487) (197) (684) Reversed during the year - other (36) (103) (139) Unwinding of discount 122 - 122 Translation differences 51 - 51 At 30 September 2007 2,168 438 2,606 Analysed as: Current liabilities 485 38 523 Non-current liabilities 1,683 400 2,083 Onerous lease commitments disclosed above relate to future estimated losses on sub-let or vacant lease commitments on a number of properties within the group where the lease commitment is expected to be greater than any sub-lease income (where applicable). Amounts provided are for the period up to the first option to break in 2011 on a property lease in Denmark and a three year period up September 2010 for part of the office space at the Group's UK headquarters. As a result of additional sub-lets at the property in Denmark, £487,000 was reversed as an exceptional credit. In 2006, other provisions disclosed above included the future estimated costs to complete certain ongoing legal matters in respect of previous acquisitions , and a provision for potential repayment of a government grant. In April 2007, settlement was reached in respect of the grant and therefore the unutilised provision was released to the income statement. The remaining provision relates to the estimated restoration costs of properties primarily within North America, and is expected to be incurred in the years up to 2010. 10. Consolidated statement of changes in equity Group Issued Share Merger Own Foreign Profit Total share premium reserve shares exchange and equity capital £000 £000 £000 reserve loss £000 £000 £000 account £000 Balance at 1 October 2006 3,043 161,500 6,768 (95) (1,967) (22,463) 146,786 Exchange differences - - - - (2,053) - (2,053) arising on translation of foreign operations Loss for the year - - - - - (7,781) (7,781) Total recognised income - - - - (2,053) (7,781) (9,834) and expense for the period Issue of share capital net 14 284 - - - - 298 of share issue expenses VAT recovered on previous - 205 - - - - 205 share issue expenses Transfer to merger reserve - - (6,519) - - 6,519 - Recognition of share-based - - - - - 1,623 1,623 payments Balance at 30 Sept 2007 3,057 161,989 249 (95) (4,020) (22,102) 139,078 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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