September 4 , 2020
In relation to the Shareholders´ Meeting of INTERNATIONAL CONSOLIDATED AIRLINES GROUP, S.A. (the "Company") that will be held on second call, on September 8, 2020 at 12 noon (CEST), it is reminded to the shareholders the possibility to participate remotely by exercising the right to proxy representation and remote voting or remote attendance, without attending physically the venue at which the meeting is expected to be held ( at Duques de Pastrana, Paseo de la Habana, 208) .
It is also reminded to the shareholders that the physical attendance by the shareholders (or their proxies) at the Shareholders' Meeting may be hindered or restricted to comply with the recommendations on social distance or other applicable measures, as well as by the limitations on capacity imposed by the competent authorities.
By virtue of this, it is not possible to guarantee that persons who intend to attend the Shareholders' Meeting in person will be able to access the venue where the meeting will be held, with the express warning that, in view of the situation, in accordance with the principle of equal treatment and in order to safeguard the general interest and preserve the health of all persons involved, access to the venue may be denied and the meeting may be held without the physical presence of shareholders or representatives.
For such reasons, as a consequence of the public health crisis arising from COVID-19 pandemic and the latest recommendations and actions by the competent authorities, shareholders who wish to participate are strongly encouraged to do so remotely through any of the remote means outlined above and avoid the physical attendance.
Shareholders may find in the call notice and in the Company's website ( ) the complete information to exercise their rights to proxy representation and remote voting or remote attendance. It is also placed on record that, in order to facilitate remote assistance, the deadline for pre-registration on the platform for attendance by remote means has been extended to 1400 (CEST) on 7 September 2020.
It is reminded that the Shareholders´ Meeting will be broadcast live on the Company's corporate website.
In order to obtain additional information, it is reminded that shareholders may contact the Shareholder Office (IAG) located at calle Martínez Villergas, 49, 28027 Madrid, in person, by phone on +34 915 878 974 between 0900 to 1600 (CET), Monday to Friday, or by e-mail at the following addresses: institutional investors: and private shareholders: (Spanish) or (English).
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Álvaro López-Jorrín Hernández
Secretary of the Board of Directors