Investec Limited NSX share code: IVD BSE share code: INVESTEC ISIN: ZAE000081949 |
Investec plc JSE share code: INP |
Investec Bank Limited Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa Registration number 1969/004763/06 JSE share code: INLP ISIN: ZAE123000048393
Further to the announcement released on 6 February 2018 and receipt of the requisite regulatory approvals, Investec is pleased to confirm that the following appointments have been made by the boards of Investec plc and Investec Limited, Investec Bank Limited and Investec Bank plc.
Investec plc and Investec Limited - appointment of Chairman
Perry Crosthwaite has been appointed as independent non-executive Chairman of Investec plc and Investec Limited and Fani Titi has stepped down from that role with effect from 16 May 2018.
Investec Bank plc
Brian Stevenson has been appointed as independent, non-executive Chairman of Investec Bank plc and Fani Titi has stepped down from that role with effect from 15 May 2018. At the same time, Brian stepped down as Senior Independent Director of Investec Bank plc and Moni Mannings was appointed to that role.
Investec Bank Limited
Khumo Shuenyane has been appointed as independent, non-executive Chairman of Investec Bank Limited and Fani Titi has stepped down from that role and became an executive director with effect from 15 May 2018. Bradley Tapnack after having served on the board for 21 years, has stepped down from the board as executive director, but remains a valued employee. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Bradley for his many years of exemplary service.
Johannesburg and London
16 May 2018
Investec Bank Limited