Interim Results

Island Oil and Gas PLC 09 March 2007 9 March 2007 ISLAND OIL & GAS PLC INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 JANUARY 2007 Island Oil & Gas plc ('Island' or the 'Company'), today announces its interim results for the six months ended 31 January 2007. The results are announced against the backdrop of an extremely active period of domestic and international portfolio expansion, successful strategic industry alliances and the Company's continued recognition as a successful operator offshore Ireland. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS •Increased turnover of Stg£1.2 million from gas sales (six months ended 31 January 2006 Stg£0.5 million) •Gross profit of Stg£0.8 million (six months ended 31 January 2006 Stg£0.1 million) •Operating loss (including Stg£5.5 million write-off following the plugging and abandonment of the Inishbeg exploration well in August 2006) of Stg£5.39 million, (six months ended 31 January 2006 Stg£0.22million) •Retained cash balances of Stg£2.4million (retained cash balance as at 31 January 2006 Stg£13.6million) •October 2006 - Island appointed UK Broker, Bridgewell, to work alongside the Company's Irish Broker, Davy, to diversify Island's shareholder profile in the UK •December 2006 - Island announced the successful agreement of a Stg£7.5 million short term loan facility through RMB Resources, the resources merchant banking business of Rand Merchant Bank, part of the First Rand Group of South Africa OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS Island now operates seven out of its eleven domestic and international licences. •August 2006 - Island confirmed that the Old Head of Kinsale well marked a significant gas discovery for the Company, and the first new gas discovery in the Celtic Sea for 16 years. •August 2006 - The Company was awarded two new Frontier Exploration Licences ('FEL') in the Slyne-Erris-Donegal Bid Round, FEL 3/06, the Inishowen Licence in the Donegal Basin, and FEL 4/06, the Inishmore Licence in the Southern Slyne Trough. These licences further strengthen the Company's position in the important Atlantic Margin, offshore Ireland. •September 2006 - Island announced the provision of a drilling slot to Providence Resources plc ('Providence') for the Petrolia Rig in 2007, and a common strategy study between Island and Providence on the potential joint development of the companies Celtic Sea oil assets, based on a shared floating production facility. •October 2006 - Island announced that it had entered into a Cooperation Agreement with EnCore Oil plc ('EnCore') covering the future development by both companies of their respective portfolios of exploration and near-development interests in both Ireland and the UK. EnCore was also granted an exclusive option by Island to acquire up to a 20% working interest in the Island-operated Frontier Exploration Licence 1/04 on the Atlantic Margin, offshore the west of Ireland in the Porcupine Basin. This option has been extended to 30 June 2007, subject to certain terms and conditions. Island also announced that it was in the process of increasing its interest in Frontier Exploration Licence 1/04 to 61.5% through the acquisition of a 21.5% interest from X-ipec Limited •October 2006 - Island announced the appointment of Carl Kindinger as non-Executive Director responsible for overseeing the Company's financial management. •November 2006 - Island announced the award of its first international acreage; an interest in the Q13 Production Licence, offshore the Netherlands. Following the Dutch Government's decision to take up its 40% equity entitlement, Island now holds a 60% interest in this licence. •November 2006 - Production from the Seven Heads gas field, in which Island holds a 12.5% stake, increased to 20 mmscf per day. •December 2006 -Island announced details of its planned 2007 drilling programme, to include appraisal drilling in the Old Head of Kinsale and the Schull gas accumulations, along with its planned Atlantic Margin farmout programme. •December 2006 - Island announces the further expansion of its international portfolio with the award of an exclusive 12 month Reconnaissance Licence in Morocco, through which the Company is fully carried. It is expected that the Interim Report will be posted to shareholders by the end of this month. Commenting upon the Company's performance, Paul Griffiths, Chief Executive of Island, stated: 'The period under review has seen Island expand and progress its extensive Irish and International project portfolio. The Company has added to its acreage in the highly prospective Atlantic Margin, whilst also delivering upon a stated intention to add an international element to the portfolio through the acquisition of projects in the Netherlands and a fully carried interest in Morocco. During the interim period, we confirmed that our focus was to bring forward the value of our extensive portfolio by farming down our interests in projects and seeking strategic industry alliances which will allow us to progress a timeline of project development. We have had great interest from the industry, given that we have built an attractive and diverse portfolio of near-development oil and gas projects, and believe that decreasing our financial exposure and finding partners willing to progress these projects quickly towards commerciality will build shareholder value.' Enquiries: Lisa J Newman MCIPR MIRS Newman Consulting Tel: +44(0)1252 878682 Island Oil & Gas plc ('Island' or the 'Company') INTERIM RESULTS CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Introduction The six months ended 31 January 2007 has been a period of intense activity for Island which has seen the Company significantly expand its asset portfolio within Ireland and internationally. Our successful 2006 drilling campaign in the Celtic Sea has significantly advanced our near term development strategy. Securing the Petrolia Rig for a two well drilling programme in 2007 has further progressed the development of these assets. We also added to our Irish portfolio by acquiring two exploration licences in the highly prospective Atlantic Margin. The Company also delivered upon its stated intention of adding a valuable international element to its portfolio with the award of a production licence in the Netherlands and a fully carried exploration licence interest in Morocco. It is of strategic significance that the Company was accepted as an approved operator of a field development in the Netherlands, supported by its operating track record. We are the first company of our size to have achieved such status in the Dutch North Sea sector. At our Annual General Meeting in January 2007, we communicated our strategy of accelerating the key development projects through alliances with industry partners. This should allow us to reduce capital costs and bring forward cashflow. Examples of this can be seen in our Cooperation Agreement with EnCore Oil plc ('EnCore') and our agreement with Providence Resources plc ('Providence') to initiate a common strategy report for the joint development of the companies Celtic Sea oil assets. The Company continues to actively pursue significant farmout transactions that will demonstrate our ability to successfully deliver our strategy of developing key industry alliances based on the strength and integrity of our most advanced near-development oil and gas projects. The Board was further strengthened with the appointment of Carl Kindinger as a Non-executive Director in October 2006. We secured a Stg£7.5 million loan facility through RMB Resources, in December 2006, with whom we intend to build a key financial relationship for the further development of our portfolio. We believe the Company has further enhanced its capability to deliver and maintain shareholder value in the foreseeable future through building strategic relationships with oil industry partners and financial institutions. FINANCIAL RESULTS The Company recorded a loss before taxation of Stg£5,344,000 for the half year period compared to Stg£33,000 in the previous comparable period. As advised in the 2006 Annual Report provision of Stg£5,500,000 was required following the plugging and abandonment of the Inishbeg exploration well in August 2006. The Company's loss reflects full provision for that write-off. Gross revenue from our interest in the Seven Heads Gas Field resulted in improved turnover of Stg£1,182,000 compared to Stg£476,000 in the previous comparable period, largely reflecting increased production due to winter profiling. Cost of sales for the half year were Stg£0.38m in line with costs incurred in the same period last year. Administration costs for the half year were Stg£0.7 million compared to Stg£0.3million in the previous comparable period. This reflects the Company's growth during the period and the obligations connected to its operatorship of an offshore drilling programme. In December 2006, we announced that Island secured a Stg£7.5 million short term loan facility ('facility') through RMB Resources. The facility is repayable, at Island's option, at any time up to 31 December 2007, and is intended to be used primarily to further the Company's appraisal and near-term development activities during 2007, including our planned Celtic Sea wells. As part of the agreement, Island agreed to grant RMB Resources warrants to purchase new ordinary shares in Island at a subscription price of Stg£0.7813 per ordinary share, subject to certain conditions. The number of warrants to be issued is linked to the repayment date of the loan. An initial 1,439,908 warrants were granted on signature of the Facility Agreement and a further 1,919,877 and 2,399,846 warrants may be granted on 30 June 2007 and 31 December 2007 respectively, if Island elects to maintain the facility as at these dates. All warrants expire on the third anniversary of their date of issue. Cash balances at the year ended amounted to Stg£2.4 million. It is anticipated that farmout and asset sale transactions will result in cash payments to the Company. Following the provision of a drilling slot to Providence for the Petrolia Rig in 2007, Providence paid Stg£0.7million to the company being its share of the Stg£2million deposit paid to Petrolia in 2006 to secure the Petrolia Rig. The Stg£2million deposit will be repaid during the 2007 drilling programme. The Company has adopted FRS 20 'Share-based payment' from 1 August 2006. The fair value of share options granted to directors is recognised in the financial statements as a cost of share awards. This accounting standard replaces UITF Abstract 17 'Employee share schemes'. The financial results for the half year have been prepared following the accounting policies set out in the Company's 2006 Annual Report and these have been applied on a consistent basis. Gas Production Revenue Gas sales revenues for the interim period now total Stg£1,182,000 compared with Stg£476,000 for the same comparable period in 2006. This reflects increased production from the Seven Heads gas field which produced at rates ranging from 12 - 20 mmscf per day since production restarted in October 2006. It is expected production rates will be maintained at 12 mmscf per day until the end of September 2007. Estimated gross remaining reserves from 1 January 2007 are 7.8 bcf or 0.975 bcf net to Island, according to Marathon's latest estimates. Portfolio Expansion During the interim period, Island has successfully expanded its project portfolio both domestically and internationally. The Company was awarded two new licences along the Atlantic Margin, 'Inishmore' in the Slyne Trough and 'Inishowen' in the Donegal Basin. One significant gas prospect has already been identified in the Slyne Licence 4/06. Island was granted operatorship and currently holds a 60% share in the Amstel Oil Field in the Netherlands, making it the first company of its size to be named as an 'approved operator' of a field development in the Dutch North Sea. The Company was also awarded a fully-carried interest in a 12 month Reconnaissance Licence in Morocco. Celtic Sea Assets The focus of the 2007 drilling programme will be a pre-development well at the Old Head of Kinsale gas field, which is expected to commence early in the second quarter. A fast track development with two producing wells tied back 25 km. to the Kinsale platform facilities is planned, pending a successful test on this gas field and approval of a Plan of Development by the Irish regulatory authorities. Following this, the Petrolia rig will move to the nearby Schull Licence, where Island will drill an appraisal well to evaluate the 57/2-2 discovery made in 1987 by Total. We are currently in negotiations with several parties who are interested in participating in the Old Head and Schull projects. Atlantic Margin In the Rockall Basin, the Company continues to evaluate the potential multi TCF 'Killala' prospect and a farmout programme has now commenced. A 3D seismic survey will be conducted in 2008. Plans have been put in place to fast-track the technical evaluation of this potentially large gas structure, analogous to the Corrib gas field, given the possibility of a deepwater rig being mobilized to Ireland in 2008 to drill elsewhere on the Atlantic Margin. Reservoir engineering studies are continuing on the Connemara Oil Field to optimise a potential development strategy and potential recoverable reserves. Exploratory discussions have begun with potential suppliers of floating production facilities interested in earning equity in any future field development plan, subject to a satisfactory outcome of the current reservoir engineering and commercial studies. Two potentially significant exploration leads have also been identified which could further attract joint venture partners and an appraisal and exploration drilling programme. Evaluation work is underway on the two new Island-operated Licences in Slyne Trough and Donegal with a large gas prospect already identified in the Slyne Licence ('Inishmore'). Although the Inishbeg exploration well in the South Donegal Basin was plugged and abandoned as a dry hole in 2006, results from the well supported the Company's decision to acquire the Inishowen Licence in this under-explored, shallow water basin with potential for Triassic oil and gas structures. International Portfolio In November 2006 Island was awarded operatorship and 100% of the Amstel Production Licence. Subsequently the Dutch Government has taken up its 40% full paying equity entitlement. We are currently evaluating development options for this oil field with estimated recoverable reserves of approximately 10 million barrels. In December 2006, the Company was awarded a fully carried 20% equity in the Zag Basin Licence in Morocco. This is a continuation of the Palaeozoic oil and gas basins of Libya and Algeria and the area under licence to Island is approximately a third the size of Ireland. Island is actively pursuing further exploration and development opportunities in the Netherlands and in other countries where our proven record as an operator can be strategically utilised. Industry Alliances and Strategic Alliances The Company continues to build strategic alliances as demonstrated by our Cooperation Agreement with EnCore, rig sharing arrangement with Providence for the Petrolia Rig, and financial relationship with RMB Resources. It is the objective of the Company to progress a farmout schedule for its various domestic and international near-development and exploration and appraisal projects on the Atlantic Margin, which should allow the Company to establish a rolling programme of potential oil and gas developments over the next two to five years. This is to exploit prevailing market sentiment where oil companies and financial institutions are seeking opportunities to joint venture in the development of near-proven assets capable of generating early cash flow. OUTLOOK & PROSPECTS Island has another extensive Celtic Sea drilling programme for 2007 and is already looking at rig options for 2008, both in Ireland and the Netherlands. We also have some very attractive exploration acreage in the Atlantic Margin which is generating considerable industry interest. We have a well balanced portfolio of near-development, appraisal and exploration assets and will continue to seek out new international opportunities. Internationally, our growing reputation as an independent operator can be used to create a significant uplift in the value of the assets acquired for our shareholders through taking an asset stranded by the lack of an approved operator and taking over its development. This strategy was successfully executed with the award of the Amstel Production Licence in the Netherlands. Island differs from many of its competitors in that it has a portfolio of near-development oil and gas projects that it operates and controls, and the strategic industry and banking alliances in place necessary to develop these assets into production revenues. I look forward to reporting more progress on the successful delivery of our strategy to you in the near future. Bryan Benitz Chairman 8 March 2007 Island Oil & Gas plc Consolidated profit and loss account Interim to 31 January 2007 (unaudited) 6 Months 6 Months Year ended 31 ended 31 ended 31 Jan 2007 Jan 2006 July 2006 Stg£'000 Stg£'000* Stg£'000* Turnover 1,182 476 1,151 Cost of sales (376) (374) (712) ------ ------ ------ Gross profit 806 102 439 Administration expenses (696) (319) (1,040) Cost of share awards - - (70) Costs associated with uncommercial projects (5,500) - (227) ------- ---- ------- Operating loss - continuing activites (5,390) (217) (898) Interest receivable and similar income 61 199 446 Unwinding of discount on decommissioning provision (15) (15) (29) ----- ------ ------- Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (5,344) (33) (481) Taxation on loss on ordinary activities - (35) (8) Loss for the financial period/year (5,344) (68) (489) ======= ==== ====== Loss per share (Stg£) (0.0713) (0.0013) (0.0086) ======== ======== ======== *As restated for FRS20 'Share-based payment' Island Oil & Gas plc Consolidated balance sheet at 31 January 2007 (unaudited) 31 Jan 31 Jan 31 July 2007 2006 2006 Stg£'000 Stg£'000* Stg£'000* Fixed assets Tangible assets 1,943 2,335 2,147 Intangible assets 35,390 6,830 30,950 ------- ------ ------ 37,333 9,165 33,097 Current assets Bank and cash 2,367 13,556 6,071 Debtors 1,842 394 9,893 ------- ------ ----- 4,209 13,950 15,964 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (10,862) (941) (13,311) -------- ----- -------- Net current (liabilities)/assets (6,653) 13,009 2,653 -------- ------- ----- Total assets less current liabilities 30,680 22,174 35,750 Provision for liabilities and charges (661) (631) (646) ------- ------- ------- Net assets 30,019 21,543 35,104 ======= ======= ====== Capital and reserves Called up share capital 515 406 478 Share premium 35,175 21,372 29,712 Unrealised reserve 47 47 47 Share option reserve 340 270 340 Share warrants reserve 259 - - Shares to be issued - - 5,500 Profit and loss account (6,317) (552) (973) -------- ------ ------ Shareholders' funds 30,019 21,543 35,104 ======== ======== ======= *As restated for FRS20 'Share-based payment' Island Oil & Gas plc Consolidated cash flow statement Interim to 31 January 2007 (unaudited) 6 Months 6 Months Year ended 31 ended 31 ended 31 Jan 2007 Jan 2006 July 2006 Stg£'000 Stg£'000 Stg£'000 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 2,683 564 (569) Returns on investments and servicing of finance 61 199 446 Corporation tax 11 (2) 7 Capital expenditure and financial investment(18,759) (3,465) (18,486) --------- ------- -------- Net cash (outflow) before financing (16,004) (2,704) (18,602) Financing activities 12,300 7,894 16,307 -------- ------- ------ (Decrease)/increase in cash for the period/year (3,704) 5,190 (2,295) ========= ====== ======== This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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