Half-yearly report

JUPITER SECOND ENHANCED INCOME TRUST PLC Preliminary announcement of the unaudited results for the half year to 30 April 2007. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am pleased to confirm that the total assets of your Company's Geared Income shares rose by 10.0 per cent. from 31 October 2006 to 30 April 2007. This compares favourably with the performance of the Company's benchmark, the FTSE All-Share Index, which gave a total capital return of 6.9 per cent. over the same period. The geared split capital structure of the Company meant that the return on the Net Asset Value of the Company's Geared Income shares increased by 16.9 per cent. during the six months under review. Taking the dividend payments into account the Company provided Geared Income shareholders with a total return of 18.1 per cent., with a total return on the FTSE All-Share Index of 8.3 per cent. over the same period. The Packaged Units are not geared by the Company's split capital structure since they each comprise one Geared Income share and one Zero Dividend Preference share. The return on the Net Asset Value of the Packaged Units was 10.0 per cent. over the period. The Zero Dividend Preference shares enjoyed an increase in their Net Asset Value of 3.7 per cent. over the six months under review to 70.22p. The shares have also attracted a modest premium rating of between 3.6 per cent. and 1.8 per cent. on the London Stock Exchange during the period, in comparison with their accrued entitlement of 70.22p under the Company's Articles of Association. As at 6 July 2007, the latest practicable date prior to the publication of these accounts, the estimated Net Asset Value of the Geared Income shares, the Zero Dividend Preference shares and the Packaged Units were 71.55p, 71.16p and 142.71p respectively. Their middle market prices on the London Stock Exchange were 63p, 72p and 137.25p respectively. The increase of 12.9 per cent. in the Net Asset Value of the Geared Income shares since 31 October 2006 compares with a return of 2.9 per cent. on the FTSE All-Share index (in capital terms) over the same period. Revenues and Dividends Two interim dividends of 0.80p (net) have been declared in respect of the period under review. In the year ended 31 October 2006 the Company paid aggregate dividends of 3.15p (net) in respect of each Geared Income share and Packaged Unit. It is hoped by your Board that the Company will be in a position to maintain and improve dividend payments to shareholders year on year subject to unforeseen circumstances. Market Review During the period under review the UK equity market made steady progress. Stock markets continued to rise in the first four months of 2007, despite a knee-jerk correction in the last week of February when investors' risk appetite was tested after the market fell in dramatic fashion. Numerous events and rumours combined to drive markets lower had at its core two main factors. Firstly, concern that the authorities in Beijing would use March's National People's Congress to clear the way for new taxes to further cool off the property sector. Secondly, fears that a recent spate of weak economic reports from the United States - most notably in the US subprime mortgage market - were likely to undermine global economic activity. The latter was underscored by the selective quoting of ex- Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. The Bank of England raised the base rate by 0.25% to 5% in November and again - much to the surprise of the market - to 5.25% in January. Recent figures for the CPI inflation rate have been volatile as the rise and fall of domestic energy prices works its way though the calculations. Indeed, the annual figure for March was 3.1%, up from 1.8% a year ago and, for only the first time since its independence, this triggered a letter of explanation from the Bank's governor, Mervyn King, to Chancellor Gordon Brown. February is the annual reporting season for banks and can be a good indicator of the health of the UK consumer alongside trends in global growth. This year it was a dull season for several of the mortgage banks (single-digit dividend rises), but good for those with a wider range of income streams. There was pleasing dividend growth from Barclays, which posted a 17% increase and from global operator Royal Bank of Scotland which once again raised its dividend by 25%. Of particular interest was that the bank had listened to shareholders and agreed that it would now return capital via increased dividends (payout ratio lifted to 45%) as buybacks do not benefit all shareholders equally. In his final, broadly neutral, Budget, Chancellor Brown announced unexpected cuts in income tax and corporation tax. But lower direct taxes were offset by higher indirect taxation resulting in a muted market reaction. The annual rate of UK economic growth ended the first quarter at 2.8%. This was down from the 3% in the previous quarter but still above the long term trend growth rate. Consumer spending remained stronger than expected, perhaps helped by an atypically warm April, while house price inflation continued to move upwards. Outlook Your manager has long been of the view that a turn in the credit cycle is coming, at a time when credit spreads remain tight, because conditions have been benign for so very long. In early June markets started to acknowledge their former complacence in mispricing risk. In the short term, investors' pessimism could be overdone but, unlike the 1990s, many companies and private equity operators have been able to fix their borrowings favourably, over a long period. They will not be forced to sell assets in any downturn. Consumers, meanwhile, have become more sensitive to statements on interest rates compared with the past. Where once rates needed to be raised aggressively, nowadays a lot more attention is paid by markets and consumers to the pronouncements of central bankers such as Bernanke, Trichet and King. Your manager remains comfortable in choosing to take positions in certain property, consumer and financial stocks - often best in class - which offer long- term value for shareholders. Jimmy West Chairman 16 July 2007 INCOME STATEMENT for the six months to 30 April 2007 (Unaudited) 30 April 2007 30 April 2006 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Realised gains on investments held at fair value through profit or loss - 3,334 3,334 - 3,472 3,472 Unrealised appreciation of investments held at fair value through profit or loss - 5,207 5,207 - 6,754 6,754 Income 1,783 - 1,783 1,807 - 1,807 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Gross return 1,783 8,541 10,324 1,807 10,226 12,033 Investment management fee (445) - (445) (392) - (392) Investment performance fee - (255) (255) - (797) (797) Other expenses (185) - (185) (174) - (174) ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Net return on ordinary activities before finance costs and taxation 1,153 8,286 9,439 1,241 9,429 10,670 Finance costs (1) (1,552) (1,553) - (1,444) (1,444) ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Return on ordinary activities before taxation 1,152 6,734 7,886 1,241 7,985 9,226 Tax on ordinary activities (6) - (6) - - - ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Net return on ordinary activities after taxation 1,146 6,734 7,880 1,241 7,985 9,226 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Return per Geared Income share 1.82p 10.72p 12.54p 1.98p 12.71p 14.69p The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period. A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the above statement. The financial information does not constitute `accounts' as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Dividends paid on Geared Income shares 2006 2006 1st Interim dividend 1.60 0.6p BALANCE SHEET at 30 April 2006 (Unaudited) 30 April 2007 30 October 2006 (Unaudited) (Restated) £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments at fair value through profit or loss 86,413 80,783 _______ _______ Current assets Cash at bank 2,958 3,282 Debtors 1,813 216 _______ _______ 4,771 3,498 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (525) (1,891) _______ _______ Net current assets 4,246 1,607 _______ _______ Total assets less current liabilities 90,659 82,390 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Zero Dividend Preference shares (44,114) (42,562) _______ _______ Net assets 46,545 39,828 _______ _______ Capital and reserves Called up share capital 628 628 Share premium 3,141 3,141 Special reserve 21,681 21,681 Capital reserve - realised 1,375 (152) Capital reserve - unrealised 18,534 13,327 Revenue reserve 1,186 1,203 _______ _______ Total shareholders' funds 46,545 39,828 _______ _______ Net Asset Value per Geared Income share 74.09p 63.40p RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS for the six months to 30 April 2007 (Unaudited) Share Share Special Capital Capital Revenue Total Capital Premium Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Realised Unrealised £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Six months to 30 April 2007(unaudited) Balance at 1 November 2006 628 3,141 21,681 (152) 13,327 1,203 39,828 Net profit for the period - - - 1,527 5,207 1,146 7,880 Dividends paid and declared 4th interim dividend for period ended 31 October 2006 - - - - - (660) (660) 1st Interim dividend for period ended 31 October 2007 - - - - - (503) (503) ______ _______ _______ ______ _______ ______ ______ Balance at 30 April 2007 628 3,141 21,681 1,375 18,534 1,186 46,545 ______ _______ _______ ______ _______ ______ ______ For the six months to 30 April 2006(unaudited) Balance at 1 November 2005 (restated) 628 7,180 17,642 (940) 4,831 550 29,891 Net profit for the period - - - 1,231 6,754 1,241 9,226 Dividends paid and declared 4th interim dividend for period ended 31 October 2005 - - - - - (440) (440) 1st interim dividend for year ended 31 October 2006 - - - - - (376) (376) _______ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ Balance at 30 April 2006 628 7,180 17,642 291 11,585 975 38,301 _______ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the six months to 30 April 2007 (Unaudited) 2007 2006 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Operating activities Net cash outflow from operating activities (1,194) (121) _______ _______ Servicing of finance Returns on investments and finance costs (1) - Taxation Net tax paid (9) - Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of fixed asset investments (8,432) (16,432) Sale of fixed asset investments 10,475 17,300 _______ ________ Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial investments 2,043 868 Equity dividends paid (1,163) (816) ______ ______ Net cash outflow before financing (324) (69) ______ ______ Financing Cost of share issue - (37) ________ ________ Net cash outflow from financing - (37) _______ _______ (Decrease)/increase in cash (324) (106) _______ _______ The interim report will be sent to all registered shareholders and copies may be obtained from the registered office of the Company at 1 Grosvenor Place, London, SW1X 7JJ By order of the Board Jupiter Asset Management Limited Secretaries Enquiries: Richard Pavry Jupiter Asset Management Limited 020 7412 0703
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