Interim Management Statement

Jupiter Second Enhanced Income Trust PLC Interim Management Review for the three months ended 31 July 2008 The Board of Jupiter Second Enhanced Income Trust PLC (the "Company") is pleased to announce its interim management review for the quarter ended 31 July 2008. The following report relates to the performance of the Company's investment portfolio in the three months leading up to 31 July 2008. Investment Manager's Report for the Quarter Ended 31 July 2008 For the period from 1 May 2008 to the 31 July 2008, the loss on the Company's Total Assets was 9.3 per cent.* compared to a decline of 11.3 per cent. for the Company's benchmark index**. Manager's Review UK indices were broadly flat over May as surging oil prices continued to fuel worries about the impact on company margins. Consumers remained under pressure from higher bills. In June, UK equities declined sharply amid concerns about inflation and the weakening economy. The FTSE All-Share fell 7.1% during the month. Banks continued to hoard cash to shore up their balance sheets, making it difficult for companies and individuals to borrow money. In July, the UK stock market slid further taking the FTSE 100 into bear territory before abruptly changing tack. In the first half of the month, the FTSE 100 declined almost 7% amid weakening economic data, a record oil price and further inflation fears. In the middle of the month, the blue-chip index slid through 5100 before reaching an inflection point. From there, it rebounded sharply on a sudden retreat in the oil price and news of US government action to back struggling mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In the portfolio we remained defensively positioned with around 27% in cash and fixed interest. We added to our holding in AstraZeneca, whose shares rallied on strong interim results. Sales growth was driven by good contributions from emerging markets and the growth of key drugs. We also added to Lloyds TSB, which increased its dividend, and to subprime lender Provident Financial, which gained as high street banks ceased targeting its traditional customer base. Anthony Nutt Fund Manager, Jupiter Asset Management Limited Sources * Jupiter Asset Management Limited ("Jupiter") ** The Company's benchmark index is FTSE All-Share Index Total Assets as at 31 July 2008: £67,610,531 Shares in Issue on 31 July 2008: 62,822,084 Zero Dividend Preference shares 62,822,084 Geared Income shares Net Asset Market Price Premium/ Value (p) (p) (Discount) Geared Income excluding income/expenses 30.74 27.00 (12)% Geared Income including income/expenses 31.06 Packaged Units excluding income/expenses 107.62 104.00 (3)% Packaged Units including income/expenses 107.94 Zero Dividend Preference shares 76.88 75.50 (2)% Portfolio Distribution on 31 July 2008 Percentage of Total Assets United Kingdom 69% Europe 4% Cash and fixed interest 27% 100% The Company had no exposure to other UK listed investment companies as at 31 July 2008. Top Ten Holdings on 31 July 2008 Company Country of Listing % of Total Assets BP United Kingdom 6.9 Royal Dutch Shell `B' United Kingdom 6.8 Vodafone United Kingdom 5.3 BT Group United Kingdom 4.6 Astrazeneca United Kingdom 4.3 Premier Farnell United Kingdom 2.5 ENI Italy 2.4 Lloyds TSB United Kingdom 2.3 Standard Life United Kingdom 2.2 Brit Insurance United Kingdom 2.2 _____ 39.5 Comparative Performance to 31 July 2008 1 Month 3 Months 1 Year 3 Years Since Last Since Annual Launch Report % % % % % % Total Assets* (3.3) (9.3) (20.4) (2.9) (23.4) 9.3 FTSE All-Share Index (3.7) (11.3) (16.4) 3.9 (20.3) 19.7 Geared Income Share NAV (11.8) (28.7) (51.7) (37.1) (54.6) (22.4) Geared Income Share Price (10.0) (28.5) (54.2) (38.6) (50.9) (32.5) * adjusted for share issue in November 2004 and June 2005 Material Events Following a ruling by the European Court of Justice, HM Revenue and Customs has recently accepted that VAT will no longer be charged on investment management fees. For the Company it may also be possible to recover some of the VAT paid in the past on management fees. However, the amount repayable is subject to a number of legal and procedural considerations which currently are under review by the Directors. The Board is not aware of any other significant events or transactions which have occurred since the board's last report (30 April 2008) and the date of publication of this interim management statement which would have a material impact on the financial position of the Company. Payment of dividends On 30 June 2008 an interim dividend of 0.9p per Geared Income share was paid to shareholders on the register as at the close of business on 6 June 2008. A further interim dividend was declared on 4 July 2008 of 1.0p per share that will be paid on 26 September 2008 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 29 August 2008. Availability of Monthly Fact Sheets Monthly fact sheets for the Company are available for download from and by post or fax on request from the company secretarial department. The Company's Ordinary shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange and the prices are published in the Financial Times under `Investment Companies'. The Net Asset Values of the Company's ordinary shares are calculated weekly and can be viewed on the London Stock Exchange website at (under the heading `Market News'). Investment Objectives The objectives of the Company are to repay the capital entitlement of the Zero Dividend Preference shareholders and to maximise the income and return of capital to the Geared Income shareholders. Investment Policy The investment policy of the Company is to invest mainly in a portfolio of UK listed equities, UK equity-related securities (such as convertible securities, preference shares, convertible unsecured loan stock, warrants and other similar securities) and UK fixed interest securities. The equities selected by the Investment Manager as suitable for the portfolio will generally be those judged to be lowly valued, typically offering an attractive dividend yield with sufficiently strong cash generation from their operational activities to grow the dividend to shareholders over a number of years. Such equities are likely to be considered by the Investment Manager to be undervalued by the stock market at the time of purchase and will offer scope for capital gains. The portfolio manager selects each stock on its individual merits as an investment rather than replicating the relevant company's weighting within its benchmark, the FTSE All-Share index. The portfolio is therefore unlikely to represent the constituents of its benchmark, but instead is intended to offer a well diversified investment strategy focused on maximising returns from the prevailing economic background. The portfolio manager has complete flexibility to invest any proportion of the Company's investment portfolio in debt securities from time to time. Investment in debt securities will be in convertible bonds, corporate bonds and other debt securities (such as gilts) considered by the Investment Manager to be quasi-cash instruments. Investment in bonds issued by corporate issuers will generally be in those of issuers which are either rated as "investment grade" issuers or are considered by the Investment Manager to have an equivalent grade. The Investment Manager may also invest in sub-investment grade corporate bonds where it considers that their ratings are likely to improve. The percentage of the portfolio invested in debt securities at any given time will primarily be driven by tactical considerations but will also depend upon the outlook for interest rates and the scope for improved debt ratings. It is the Company's policy to invest no more than 15 per cent. of its total assets in other UK listed closed-ended investment funds as defined in section 15.6.8 of the Listing Rules. Any material change in the investment policy of the Company described above may only be made with the approval of Shareholders by an ordinary resolution and the separate class approval of Geared Income Shareholders. For further information, please contact: Richard Pavry Director of Investment Trusts Jupiter Asset Management Limited 020 7314 4822 Jenny Thompson Company Secretarial Department Jupiter Asset Management Limited 020 7314 5565 The Company's Registered office is at 1 Grosvenor Place, London SW1X 7JJ. This interim management statement has been prepared solely to provide information to meet the requirements of the UK Listing Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
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