Legal Entity Identifier: 549300II3MHI98ZLVH37
Update from the Board of JPMorgan Russian Securities plc
Following the RNS announcement of 27th October 2022 referring to the publication and issue of a Circular that included details of a proposal to amend the Company's Investment Objectives and Policies ('the proposal'), the Board have received a number of questions from shareholders regarding whether the proposal, if passed, would be followed by an issue of shares or capital raising that would dilute their shareholding in the Company.
The Board confirms that there are currently no plans to issue shares or raise capital, even in the event that the current prohibitions on the trading of and receipt of dividends on Russian securities are lifted. The Board is conscious of the Company's existing shareholders pre-emption rights and that its duty is to promote the success of the Company for the benefit of the members as a whole.
7th November 2022
For further information:
Paul Winship
Simon Elliott
JPMorgan Funds Limited 020 7742 4000
Hugh Jonathan
Numis Securities plc 020 7260 1000