Final Results

JPMorgan Overseas IT PLC 25 September 2007 STOCK EXCHANGE ANNOUNCEMENT JPMORGAN OVERSEAS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF FINAL RESULTS Financial Highlights Total return to shareholders Total return on net assets Benchmark total return +12.5% +11.3% +13.9% (2006: +25.0%) (2006: +17.6%) (2006: +13.3%) Chairman's Statement JPMorgan Overseas Investment Trust plc (the 'Company') today announces its results for the year to 30th June 2007. The Company delivered a positive return on net assets of +11.3% for the year ended 30th June 2007. The return to shareholders was slightly higher at +12.5%, reflecting a small narrowing of the discount at which the Company's shares trade to its net asset value. Although this positive return to Shareholder's was satisfactory, it was lower than the return on the Company's benchmark, the MSCI World Index expressed in sterling terms, of +13.9%. The shortfall in the Company's performance against the benchmark was largely attributable to disappointing stock selection. During the year under review, the Board has endeavoured to maintain the discount at around 5% by means of repurchases of the Company's shares in the market. A resolution to renew the authority to permit the Company to repurchase shares will be submitted to the Annual General Meeting. The Board maintains a close watch on the costs of operating the Company to ensure that they are kept to a minimum. The Company's total expense ratio, (the proportion that its management expenses represent of its market capitalisation) continues to be the lowest within its peer group at 0.45%. While some of the Company's expenses will vary with its size, there are, nevertheless, other expenses that are fixed. High levels of share buybacks could, over time, have a detrimental effect on the total expense ratio and the Board will continue to monitor this figure to ensure that it remains within acceptable parameters. Shareholders are invited to attend the Company's Annual General Meeting which will be held at Trinity House, Tower Hill, London EC3N 4DH on Thursday 22nd November 2007 at 12 noon. The investment manager, Ed Walker, will review the past year and comment on the outlook for the current year. Shareholders who are unable to attend the AGM in person are encouraged to use their proxy votes. George Paul Chairman 25th September 2007 JPMorgan Overseas Investment Trust plc Unaudited figures for the year ended 30th June 2007 Income Statement (Unaudited) (Audited) Year ended 30th June 2007 Year ended 30th June 2006 Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Gains from investments held at fair value through profit or loss - 15,433 15,433 - 69,797 69,797 Net foreign currency losses - (68) (68) - (32) (32) Income from investments 4,429 - 4,429 6,982 - 6,982 Other interest receivable and similar income 156 - 156 422 - 422 Gross return 4,585 15,365 19,950 7,404 69,765 77,169 Management fee (457) (457) (914) (755) (755) (1,510) Performance fee - 1,287 1,287 - (2,147) (2,147) Other administrative expenses (439) - (439) (525) - (525) Net return on ordinary activities before finance costs and taxation 3,689 16,195 19,884 6,124 66,863 72,987 Finance costs (10) (10) (20) (28) (27) (55) Net return on ordinary activities before taxation 3,679 16,185 19,864 6,096 66,836 72,932 Taxation (458) - (458) (639) - (639) Net return on ordinary activities after taxation 3,221 16,185 19,406 5,457 66,836 72,293 Return per share (note 2) 9.69p 48.68p 58.37p 8.88p 108.75p 117.63p Dividends proposed in respect of the financial year ended 30th June 2007 total 10.0p per share (2006: 12.5p per share including 4.0p per share special dividend) costing £3,049,000 (2006: £4,532,000). All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. The 'Total' column of this statement is the Profit and Loss account of the Company and the 'Revenue' and 'Capital' columns represent supplementary information. The 'Total' column represents all the information that is required to be disclosed in a Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses ('STRGL'). For this reason a STRGL has not been presented. JPMorgan Overseas Investment Trust plc Unaudited figures for the year ended 30th June 2007 Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds (Unaudited) Called up Capital Share redemption Capital Revenue capital reserve reserve reserve Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 At 30th June 2005 17,435 16,510 323,878 18,030 375,853 Adjustment to shareholders' funds at 1st July 2005 to reflect the adoption of bid prices - - (301) - (301) Shares bought back and cancelled (8,371) 8,371 (214,720) - (214,720)) Net return on ordinary activities - - 66,836 5,457 72,293 Dividends appropriated in the year - - - (5,546) (5,546) At 30th June 2006 9,064 24,881 175,693 17,941 227,579 Shares bought back and cancelled (1,442) 1,442 (35,040) - (35,040) Net return on ordinary activities - - 16,185 3,221 19,406 Dividends appropriated in the year - - - (4,202) (4,202) At 30th June 2007 7,622 26,323 156,838 16,960 207,743 JPMorgan Overseas Investment Trust plc Unaudited figures for the year ended 30th June 2007 BALANCE SHEET (Unaudited) (Audited) 30th June 2007 30th June 2006 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Investments at fair value through profit or loss 208,170 226,520 Current assets Debtors 3,067 716 Cash and short term deposits 84 3,743 _______ _______ 3,151 4,459 Creditors : amounts falling due within one year (2,962) (1,483) Net current assets 189 2,976 _______ _______ Total assets less current liabilities 208,359 229,496 Creditors : amounts falling due after more than one year (200) (200) Provisions for liabilities and charges (416) (1,717) _______ _______ Total net assets 207,743 227,579 ===== ===== Capital and reserves Called up share capital 7,622 9,064 Capital redemption reserve 26,323 24,881 Capital reserve 156,838 175,693 Revenue reserve 16,960 17,941 _______ _______ Shareholders' funds 207,743 227,579 ==== ===== Net asset value per share 681.4p 627.7p CASH FLOW STATEMENT (Unaudited) (Audited) 30th June 2007 30th June 2006 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 2,250 4,213 Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of (20) (55) finance Taxation recovered 8 42 Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and financial investment 33,161 208,327 Dividends paid (4,202) (5,546) Net cash outflow from financing (34,788) (214,277) _______ _______ Decrease in cash for the year (3,591) (7,296) ===== ==== Notes to the Accounts 1. Accounting policies The accounts are prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985, United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ('UK GAAP') and with the Statement of Recommended Practice 'Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies' dated 31st December 2005. All of the Company's operations are of a continuing nature. 2. Return per share (Unaudited) (Audited) 30th June 2007 30th June 2006 £'000 £'000 Return per share is based on the following: Revenue return 3,221 5,457 Capital return 16,185 66,836 Total return 19,406 72,293 Weighted average number of shares in issue 33,247,679 61,455,911 Revenue return per ordinary share 9.69p 8.88p Capital return per ordinary share 48.68p 108.75p Total return per ordinary share 58.37p 117.63p 3. Net asset value per share The net asset value per share is based on the net assets attributable to the ordinary shareholders of £207,743,000 (2006: £227,579,000) and on the 30,489,448 (2006: 36,257,448) ordinary shares in issue at the year end. 4. Status of preliminary announcement The financial information set out in this preliminary announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30th June 2007 or 2006. The statutory accounts for the year ended 30th June 2007 have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, nor have the auditors yet reported on them. The statutory accounts for the year ended 30th June 2007 will be finalised on the basis of the information presented by the Directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the approval of the accounts by the Board of Directors. JPMORGAN ASSET MANAGEMENT (UK) LIMITED 25th September 2007 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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