(the 'Company')
Board Succession
Legal Entity Identifier: 549300C0UCY8X2QXW762
Information disclosed in accordance with L isting Rule 9.6.11
The Board of JPMorgan Multi-Asset Trust plc (the Company) confirms, as anticipated in earlier announcements, that Sarah MacAulay has today become Chairman of the Company following the retirement of Sir Laurence Magnus as Chairman and a director and that Patrick Edwardson has been appointed a director.
Commenting on the retirement of Sir Laurence Magnus, Sarah MacAulay, Chairman of the Board said:
"I and the Board offer our thanks for the valuable service that Sir Laurence Magnus has provided to the Company as Chairman and Director and wish him well for the future."
JPMorgan Funds Limited
Company Secretary
1st October 2020
For further information, please contact:
Paul Winship
JPMorgan Funds Limited
020 7742 4000