Legal Entity Identifier: 549300C0UCY8X2QXW762
Information disclosed in accordance with LR 9.6.18
Following the Annual General Meeting of the Company, which was held today, the Board is pleased to announce that all of the ordinary resolutions put to shareholders were voted on by Poll and passed. In addition, three items of special business were voted on by Poll and passed which:
i) allow the Directors of the Company to exercise all powers of the Company to allot shares in the Company up to an aggregate nominal amount of £75,368 representing approximately 10% of the Company's issued ordinary share capital as at the date of the passing of the resolution;
ii) allow the disapplication of pre-emption rights on the allotment of new ordinary shares;
iii) allow the Company to make market purchases of up to 11,297,724 ordinary shares, representing 14.99% of the issued share capital;
iv) allow the Company to continue as an investment trust for a further five years
Where 20 per cent. or more of votes have been cast against any Board recommendation for a resolution, the Company is required by provision 5.2.4 of the AIC 2019 Code of Corporate Governance to explain what action it will take to consult shareholders to understand the reasons behind the result.
The Board notes that against votes of 24.88% were received on resolution 12. for the Company to continue as an investment trust for a further five years.
The Board through the Chair and the Manager will continue to consult with shareholders who cast these against votes, in order to understand the reasons for the result. An update on the views received from shareholders and actions taken by the Board in response will be announced within six months. A final summary of the impact that the feedback has had on the decisions the Board has taken and any actions proposed will be included in the Company's 2024 Annual Report and Financial Statements.
The full text of all the resolutions can be found in the Notice of Annual General Meeting contained in the Annual Report and Accounts which is available for viewing at the National Storage Mechanism which can be located at and from the Company's website,
A summary of proxy votes received and the poll results will shortly be available on the Company's website,
4 July 2023
For further information, please contact:
Paul Winship
For and on behalf of
JPMorgan Funds Limited, Secretary
020 7742 6000