Interim Results
Jetcam International Holdings Ld
23 October 2000
JETCAM International Holdings Limited
('JETCAM' or 'the Group')
Consolidated Interim Results for the Six Months ended 30 June
JETCAM develops and markets software systems for computer
programming of punching and cutting machines used in sheet
metal fabrication.
I am pleased to report the results of JETCAM for the six
months ended 30 June 2000. Group turnover has more than
doubled to £2,055,000 (1999: £902,000). Profit before tax and
goodwill amortisation was £154,000 (1999: £300,000). This
profit is after charging £85,000 amortisation of goodwill on
the acquisition of Camtek Limited ('Camtek'). These results
reflect the acquisition of Camtek, together with an increase
in expenses, to which I refer below, which have been carried
for most of the period. They also include an exceptional item
of £116,000 from the sale of intellectual property to plc, a newly formed B2B portal for the
sheet metal industry.
JETCAM International dealer revenues increased overall by some
47% compared to the same period last year. Whilst OEM
revenues, which are largely denominated in Euros, also rose
some 26%, the increase was largely offset by the exchange loss
caused by the weakness of the Euro. Sales in Camtek UK were
also slightly higher, despite weakness in the Yen.
Review of operations
The first half of the financial year has been marked by a
concentrated effort to implement the key outstanding elements
of product development and the marketing and sales
infrastructure needed to enable the Group to grow its business
aggressively. There has, as a result, been an inevitable
increase in associated costs, resulting in considerable
additional expense being incurred in the period under review.
However, your Directors believe that this investment, although
costly in the short term, will ensure higher returns in the
medium term.
The JETCAM UK sales operation has been streamlined with the
full integration of its operations with those of Camtek,
resulting in a reduction in trading losses experienced earlier
in the year. These losses were largely caused by adverse
market conditions in the UK manufacturing sector due to the
strength of sterling, exacerbated by problems particularly in
the motor industry. However, your Directors believe that the
UK still holds great potential for the Group and that the
marketing resources put in place at the beginning of the year
will enable JETCAM to take full advantage of those
A business development manager for Europe has been appointed
and new dealers are now beginning to generate additional
enquiries and sales. Clive Daykin, our Group financial
controller, has been appointed Group finance director in place
of Ian Ilsley who remains on the Board as a non-executive
Director. In addition, Geoff Hawkesford is stepping down as a
director of the Company and from day-to-day executive
responsibility for Camtek, but will continue to provide
consultancy services in the area of software development. The
administrative systems, which were under development in the
second half of last year, have now been completed. In parallel
with this, the fabrication products of JETCAM and Camtek have
been co-ordinated under a single product development strategy,
which allows the Group to maximise the utilisation of
development resources and to minimise the time to market for
new product features and functionality.
A significant event during the period was the sale of
intellectual property developed by JETCAM International in
exchange for cash and a 40% holding in
plc, a company which is being developed independently of the
Group but which will provide continuing consultancy income. In
the event that the corporate ambitions of
are fully realised, JETCAM should become a major beneficiary
in terms of its asset base.
New product launch
A major new product, Pentacut(TM), was released in September
2000, after the end of the period under review. Pentacut(TM) is
a system for 3D sheet metal component manufacture programming.
This important product release means that Group products now
meet the needs not just for flat metal manufacturers, but also
for manufacturers of complex three-dimensional components such
as those found in automobiles, domestic appliances and the
aerospace industry. Pentacut(TM) is already generating a great
deal of interest, opening doors to previously inaccessible
OEMs as well as enhancing the reputation and sales momentum of
our existing products.
In addition to the release of Pentacut(TM), we have developed
an important new user configurable interface to our fabrication
products, which, again, has attracted a great deal of interest
in the OEM community. The interface gives OEMs the opportunity
to supply an 'own-label' version of the software, which the
Directors of JETCAM believe, is difficult with competitor
US activity
Our activities in the USA are increasing and sales of JETCAM
products are now being channelled through the Atlanta office
of Camtek USA, as the base for building and supporting the
Group dealer network. A significant order from a large, high
profile US customer has helped in reinforcing existing product
presence in this important market and created a great deal of
new interest in what we have to offer.
In view of the trading results for the first six months, your
Board believes it is prudent not to declare an interim
dividend. The dividend policy will be reviewed in the light of
the outcome for the year as a whole.
Current trading and prospects
As already indicated above, the trends in dealer and OEM sales
for JETCAM International have been encouraging with a
significant increase in sales compared to the corresponding
period last year and the trend is expected to continue. The
Group is also in active discussion on several major OEM and
joint venture opportunities. One of these ventures has
already been agreed, with the recent announcement of a
technology partnership with Virtek ((TSE): VRK) a provider of
advanced laser systems for sheet metal component inspection.
Under this agreement, the companies will work together to
provide a customised version of the JETCAM Expert CNC
programming system which will be integrated with Virtek's
laser inspection machines. This will result in some sales this
year, but the major impact is likely in the next financial
year. The Directors believe that the major reorganisation,
which has taken place in the UK operations, in particular,
will begin to reverse the operating profit decline experienced
in the first half of the financial year, although, the
outcome for the Group for the current financial year as a
whole, is expected to fall short of current market
Camtek UK's sales are expected to increase following the
release of the new Pentacut(TM) product, which is stimulating
interest across the whole fabrication product range. New
features in the mill/turn area are expected to accelerate
sales through existing OEM relationships and Camtek USA is
expected to benefit from new third party sales channel
initiatives. The considerable investment in product
development and Group infrastructure made during the current
financial year is expected to yield tangible results in the
financial performance of the Group in the medium term.
JETCAM International Holdings Limited Tel: 00 377 97 97 16 40
John Wright
George Kynoch Tel: 0860 452 6066
College Hill Tel: (00 44) 20 7 457 2020
Chelsea Allen
JETCAM International Holdings Limited
Consolidated Interim Profit and Loss Account
Six Months ended 30 June 2000
Half Year Half
year ended year
2000 31/12/99 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000
Turnover 2,055 2,200 902
Cost of sales (116) (134) (47)
Gross profit 1,939 2,066 855
Administrative expenses (1,901) (1,661) (555)
Operating profit 38 405 300
Exceptional profit 116 - -
Profit on ordinary
before taxation 154 405 300
Taxation - (35) -
Profit for the period 154 370 300
Dividend paid and - (474) -
Retained profit for the 154 (105) 300
Earnings Per Share
Basic 0.7p 2.7p 1.7p
Diluted 0.7p 2.6p 1.7p
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
Six Months ended 30 June 2000
Profit for the Financial 154 370 300
Currency translation 85 (16) 22
Total gains and losses 239 354 322
recognised since last
annual report
JETCAM International Holdings Limited
Consolidated Interim Balance Sheet
30 June 2000
Period Year Period
ended ended ended
30/06/00 31/12/99 30/06/00
£'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed Assets
Tangible assets 530 544 121
Investments 1 1 -
Intangible asset 3,415 3,387 -
3,946 3,932 121
Current Assets
Stocks 12 20 -
Trade debtors 924 1,094 570
Other debtors 369 121 96
Prepayments and accrued 13 50 45
Cash at bank and in hand 313 366 303
1,631 1,651 1,014
Creditors: amounts
due within one year
Trade creditors 304 327 24
Other taxes and social 114 185 -
Accruals and deferred 89 222 174
Dividend payable 250 333 -
757 1,067 198
Net Current Assets 874 584 816
Total assets less 4,820 4,516 937
current liabilities
Creditors: amounts
falling due after more
than one year
Provisions for (97) (132) -
liabilities and charges
Net Assets 4,723 4,384 937
Capital and Reserves
(see note 4)
Called up share capital 144 143 113
Contributed surplus 3,995 3,896 36
Profit and loss account 584 345 788
Equity Shareholders' 4,723 4,384 937
JETCAM International Holdings Limited
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Six Months ended 30 June 2000
Half Year Half
year year
ended ended ended
30/06/00 31/12/99 30/06/99
£'000 £'000 £'000
Cash flows from operating
Operating profit 154 405 300
Depreciation 58 56 15
Amortisation of goodwill 85 29 -
Exchange differences 107 (35) 20
Decrease in warranty provision (35) - -
Decrease in stock 8 - -
(Increase)/decrease in trade 170 (265) (34)
(Increase)/decrease in other (211) 207 (99)
debtors and prepayments
Increase/(decrease) in (224) - 102
Net cash inflow from operating 112 397 304
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Payments to acquire tangible (44) (93) (78)
fixed assets
Acquisitions on investment and
servicing of finance:
Purchase of subsidiary (13) (2,256) -
Equity dividends paid (108) (142) -
Cash (outflow) before use of (53) (2,094) 226
liquid resources and financing
Issue of share capital - 3,210 309
Share issue expenses - (789) (271)
(Decrease)/increase in cash (53) 327 264
during the period
Analysis of movement in net
(Decrease)/increase in cash (53) 327 264
during the period
Net funds at 1 January 2000 366 39 39
Net funds at 30 June 2000 313 366 303
JETCAM International Holdings Limited
Notes to the Interim Financial Information
for the Period Ended 30 June 2000
1. Results
The six month results have been prepared on the
historical cost basis. They are unaudited and do not
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of
section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
2. Earnings per share
The calculation for earnings per share is based on profit
after tax divided by the weighted average number of
shares in issue during the financial period. The diluted
earnings per share calculation is based on profit after
tax, divided by the weighted average number of shares in
issue as adjusted for the dilution effect of the full
exercise of all ordinary share options granted by the
4. Reserves
Share Contributed
Capital Surplus Reserves
£'000 £'000 £'000
At 1st January 2000 143 3,896 345
Shares issued 1 99 -
Retained profit for the - - 154
Currency translation - - 85
At 30th June 2000 144 3,995 584
5. Copies of this report are to be sent to all shareholders
and are available from Cornhill Secretaries Limited, 1
Snow Hill, London EC1A 2EN.