Final Results
Judges Capital PLC
28 March 2008
28 March 2008
Judges Capital plc ('Judges Capital' or the 'Company')
Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2007
• Record sales of £6.2 million (2006: £5.2 million)
• Record profit of £836,000 (2006: £516,000) before tax, gains on
divestments and amortisation
• Record adjusted fully diluted earnings per share of 12.9p (2006: 8.6p)
• Record order book
• Proposed final dividend of 2.2p, making 3.3p for the year (2006: 3p)
• All trading subsidiaries profitable and cash generative
• Cash balances in excess of £900,000; net debt reduced to £2 million
• Favourable start to current year's trading
Alex Hambro, Chairman of Judges Capital, commented: 'Benefiting from a strong
order book, the Group experienced a favourable start to 2008. Your Directors are
optimistic about the prospects for 2008, always bearing in mind the uncertain
macro-economic climate currently pertaining in global markets and the high
proportion of the Group's turnover which is derived from overseas.'
Chairman's Statement
I am delighted to report that your Company achieved record results for 2007.
Revenue advanced from £5.2 million in 2006 to £6.2 million and generated profit
of £836,000 before tax, gains on the disposal of securities and amortisation,
compared with £516,000 in the previous year. Earnings per share, similarly
adjusted, rose from 8.6p to 12.9p (fully diluted) and from 9.9p to 15.0p
After gains and amortisation, pre tax profit totalled £858,000 (2006: £281,000).
This equates to fully diluted earnings per share of 13.3p (2006: 4.8p) and
basic earnings per share of 15.5p (2006: 5.4p).
With effect from 1 January 2007, the Company is required to present its
consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS). The financial information in this preliminary
announcement has been prepared in accordance with accounting policies which are
based on IFRS and comparatives have been restated accordingly.
Constitution of the Group
All Group subsidiaries were owned throughout the financial year to 31 December
2007. The accounts for the previous year included a 10-month contribution from
UHV Design and a four-month contribution from Aitchee.
All our operations traded strongly during the year and achieved increases in
sales and EBIT. Activity proved particularly buoyant towards the end of the
year, a momentum that enabled the Group to enter 2008 with an order book almost
double the level in hand at the onset of 2007.
Despite the relative strength of sterling, the robust performance of the Group
in terms of sales, margins and orders is testament to our acquired companies'
solid niche positioning in their respective world markets.
Financial Performance
Favourable trading contributed to a satisfactory increase in our year-end cash
balances which stood at £910,000 (2006: £824,000) and to the reduction in net
debt from £2.4 million to £2.0 million. A significant proportion of our debt is
denominated in foreign currency to alleviate the impact of exchange fluctuations
on export activity.
During the year our last significant investment in securities was sold: an
offer for Poole Investments became unconditional in August 2007, a development
which resulted in cash proceeds of £342,000 and a pre-tax gain of £142,000.
Your Board is pleased to recommend a final dividend of 2.2p (2006: 2p) which,
subject to approval at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting on 22 May 2008,
would make a total distribution of 3.3p for the year (2006: 3p). The level of
cover by adjusted basic earnings per share has risen from 3 times to 4 times,
notwithstanding the proposed 10 per cent increase.
The proposed dividend will be payable on Friday 4 July 2008 to shareholders on
the register on 6 June 2008 and the shares will go ex-dividend on 4 June 2008.
Current trading and prospects
Benefiting from a strong order book, the Group experienced a favourable start to
2008 and, in the opinion of your Directors, enjoys good visibility for the first
half of the year. Your Directors are optimistic about the prospects for 2008,
always bearing in mind the uncertain macro-economic climate currently pertaining
in global markets and the high proportion of the Group's turnover which is
derived from overseas.
Since the year-end, the Company has contracted to purchase a freehold property
that adjoins the FTT factory for £490,000. This will enable Aitchee to be
relocated into larger, more suitable premises and will serve to enhance the
ongoing cooperation between Aitchee and FTT.
Your Board is progressing with the 'whitewash' resolution referred to in last
January's trading statement, in order to enable the Company to purchase its own
shares without an obligation being incurred by certain shareholders to make an
offer for the entire share capital. Such a proposal to shareholders forms part
of the Board's efforts to improve the liquidity of the Company's shares.
Consolidation has been the hallmark of 2007 and, in the wake of an excellent
trading performance reflected in record sales and profits, your Board is
conscious of the benefits to be derived from a significant expansion in the
scale of the Group. To this end your Directors are working hard to convert an
encouraging pipeline of prospective deals into tangible and value enhancing
I would like to take this opportunity to convey the Board's thanks and
appreciation to all our employees for their invaluable contributions to a first
class trading result.
Alex Hambro
David Cicurel, CEO, Judges Capital:
Tel: 01342 323 600
Pascal Keane, Shore Capital:
Tel: 020 7408 4090
Melvyn Marckus, Cardew Group:
Tel: 07775 896 491
2007 2006
Notes £ £
Revenue 6,191,965 5,195,325
Operating costs (5,267,084) (4,712,635)
__________ __________
Operating profit 924,881 482,690
Profit/(loss) on disposal of available-for-sale investments 142,217 (6,145)
Interest receivable 32,987 32,041
Interest payable (241,772) (227,418)
__________ __________
Profit before tax 858,313 281,168
Taxation (231,496) (84,653)
__________ __________
Profit for the year 626,817 196,515
__________ __________
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent company 552,468 190,105
Minority interest 74,349 6,410
__________ __________
Earnings per share - total and continuing
Basic 2 15.5p 5.4p
Diluted 2 13.3p 4.8p
__________ __________
2007 2006
Note £ £
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 274,626 295,468
Goodwill 4,383,347 4,389,963
Other intangible assets 75,909 195,924
Available-for-sale investments 20,000 210,950
_________ _________
4,753,882 5,092,305
_________ _________
Current assets
Inventories 553,311 402,941
Trade and other receivables 1,543,011 1,249,039
Cash and cash equivalents 910,366 824,156
_________ _________
3,006,688 2,476,136
_________ _________
Total assets 7,760,570 7,568,441
_________ _________
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables (877,226) (779,708)
Current portion of long-term borrowings 3 (527,008) (421,813)
Current tax payable (299,771) (261,718)
_________ _________
(1,704,005) (1,463,239)
_________ _________
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings 3 (2,335,751) (2,835,940)
Deferred tax liabilities (35,934) (89,505)
_________ _________
(2,371,685) (2,925,445)
_________ _________
Total liabilities (4,075,690) (4,388,684)
_________ _________
Net assets 3,684,880 3,179,757
_________ _________
Share capital 178,044 178,044
Share premium account 2,501,430 2,501,430
Merger reserve 475,074 475,074
Retained earnings 408,452 (33,629)
Revaluation reserve 450 (5,743)
_________ _________
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent company 3,563,450 3,115,176
Minority interest 121,430 64,581
_________ _________
Total equity 3,684,880 3,179,757
_________ _________
Share Share Merger Retained Revaluation Minority Total
capital premium reserve earnings reserve Total** interest equity
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
1 January 2006 173,118 2,501,430 380,000 (188,109) (58,510) 2,807,929 58,171 2,866,100
Changes in equity
for 2006
Gains/(losses) on | |
revaluation of | |
available-for-sale | |
investments | - - - - 19,950 19,950 - 19,950 |
| |
Tax on revaluation | |
gains/(losses) | |
taken directly to | |
equity | - - - - (5,985) (5,985) - (5,985)|
| |
Transferred to | |
profit or loss on | |
disposal of | |
available-for-sale | |
investments | - - - - 38,802 38,802 - 38,802 |
Net income
recognised directly
in equity - - - - 52,767 52,767 - 52,767
Profit for the year - - - 190,105 - 190,105 6,410 196,515
Total recognised
income and expense
for the period - - - 190,105 52,767 242,872 6,410 249,282
Dividends - - - (35,625) - (35,625) - (35,625)
Issue of share
capital 4,926 - 95,074 - - 100,000 - 100,000
Balance at 31
December 2006 178,044 2,501,430 475,074 (33,629) (5,743) 3,115,176 64,581 3,179,757
Changes in equity
for 2007
Transferred to | |
profit or loss on | |
disposal of | |
available-for-sale | |
investments | - - - - 6,193 6,193 - 6,193 |
Net income
recognised directly
in equity - - - - 6,193 6,193 - 6,193
Profit for the year - - - 552,468 - 552,468 74,349 626,817
Total recognised
income and expense
for the year - - - 552,468 6,193 558,661 74,349 633,010
Dividends - - - (110,387) - (110,387) (17,500) (127,887)
Balance at 31
December 2007 178,044 2,501,430 475,074 408,452 450 3,563,450 121,430 3,684,880
** - Total represents amounts attributable to equity holders of the parent company.
2007 2006
£ £
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit after tax 626,817 196,515
Adjustments for:
Depreciation 70,289 53,644
Amortisation of intangible assets 120,015 228,783
Profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment (611) (2,078)
(Profit)/loss on disposal of available-for-sale investments (142,217) 6,145
Foreign exchange losses/(gains) on foreign currency loans 27,443 (7,335)
Interest receivable (32,987) (32,041)
Interest payable 241,772 227,418
Tax expense recognised in income statement 231,496 84,653
(Increase)/decrease in inventories (150,370) 104,775
Increase in trade and other receivables (293,972) (364,429)
Increase in trade and other payables 161,518 117,929
________ ________
Cash generated from operations 859,193 613,979
Interest paid (242,399) (227,418)
Tax paid (249,651) (294,693)
________ ________
Net cash from operating activities 367,143 91,868
________ ________
Cash flows from investing activities
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (57,384) (1,036,223)
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (57,032) (31,336)
Proceeds from disposal of equipment 8,196 15,655
Proceeds from disposal of available-for-sale investments 342,000 202,611
Interest received 32,987 32,041
________ ________
Net cash generated/(used) in investing activities 268,767 (817,252)
________ ________
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from drawdown of long-term borrowings - 700,000
Repayments of borrowings (including hire purchase contracts) (421,813) (263,454)
Dividends paid (127,887) (35,625)
________ ________
Net cash (used in)/from financing activities (549,700) 400,921
________ ________
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 86,210 (324,463)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 824,156 1,148,619
________ ________
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 910,366 824,156
________ ________
1. Basis of preparation
With effect from 1 January 2007, the Company is required to present its
consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union. Accordingly, the
financial information in this preliminary announcement has been prepared in
accordance with accounting policies which are based on the IFRS in issue and in
effect at 31 December 2007. Comparatives have been restated in compliance with
the principles of IFRS.
2. Earnings per share
Year to 31 December 2007 Earnings
attributable Weighted
to equity average
holders of the number of Earnings
parent company shares per share
£ No. pence
Profit after tax for calculation of basic earnings per share 552,468
Notional taxed interest income accruing on dilution 22,230
Profit after tax for calculation of diluted earnings per share 574,698
amortisation of intangible assets, net of tax 82,492
Less: Profit on disposal of available-for-sale
investments, net of tax (99,552)
Adjusted diluted profit before amortisation of intangible assets 557,638
Number of shares for calculation of basic earnings per share 3,560,878
Dilutive effect of potential shares 769,944
Number of shares for calculation of diluted earnings per share 4,330,822
Basic earnings per share 15.5
Diluted earnings per share 13.3
Adjusted basic earnings per share 15.0
Adjusted diluted earnings per share 12.9
Year to 31 December 2006 Earnings
attributable Weighted
to equity average
holders of the number of Earnings
parent company shares per share
£ No. pence
Profit after tax for calculation of basic earnings per share 190,105
Notional taxed interest income accruing on dilution 16,685
Profit after tax for calculation of diluted earnings per share 206,790
amortisation of intangible assets, net of tax 160,148
Adjusted diluted profit before amortisation of intangible assets 366,938
Number of shares for calculation of basic earnings per share 3,544,953
Dilutive effect of potential shares 718,852
Number of shares for calculation of diluted earnings per share 4,263,805
Basic earnings per share 5.4
Diluted earnings per share 4.8
Adjusted basic earnings per share 9.9
Adjusted diluted earnings per share 8.6
3. Borrowings and net debt
31 December 2007 Subordinated Hire
Bank loan loan notes purchase Total
£ £ £
Repayable in less than 6 months | 254,000 - 9,350 263,350|
Repayable in months 7 to 12 | 254,000 - 9,658 263,658|
Current portion of long-term
borrowings 508,000 - 19,008 527,008
Repayable in years 1 to 2 | 608,000 - 17,157 625,157|
Repayable in years 2 to 5 | 1,210,594 500,000 - 1,710,594|
Long-term borrowings 1,818,594 500,000 17,157 2,335,751
Total borrowings 2,326,594 500,000 36,165 2,862,759
Cash and cash equivalents (910,366)
Total net debt 1,952,393
31 December 2006 Subordinated Hire
Bank loan loan notes purchase Total
£ £ £
Repayable in less than 6 months | 202,000 - 8,761 210,761|
Repayable in months 7 to 12 | 202,000 - 9,051 211,051|
Current portion of long-term 404,000 - 17,812 421,812
Repayable in years 1 to 2 | 508,000 - 19,009 527,009|
Repayable in years 2 to 5 |1,791,775 500,000 17,157 2,308,932|
Long-term borrowings 2,299,775 500,000 36,166 2,835,941
Total borrowings 2,703,775 500,000 53,978 3,257,753
Cash and cash equivalents (824,156)
Total net debt 2,433,597
4. Preliminary Announcement
This preliminary announcement, which has been agreed with the auditors, was
approved by the board of directors on 27 March 2008. It is not the group's
statutory accounts. Copies of the group's audited statutory accounts for the
year ended 31 December 2007 will be dispatched to shareholders and the AIM team
shortly. Copies will also be available to the public at the Company's
Registered Office at Unit 19, Charlwoods Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19
The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 and the year ended 31
December 2006 received audit reports which were unqualified and did not contain
statements under Section 237(2) or Section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.
The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2006 have been delivered
to the Registrar of Companies, but the 31 December 2007 accounts have not yet
been filed.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange