Half-yearly report
Preliminary announcement of the unaudited results for the six months to 7th
December 2006.
In my first Chairman's Statement it gives me great pleasure to present your
Company's financial statements for the period ended 7th December 2006.
During the first six months of its operating life, your Company's total assets,
adjusted for the new issue of Ordinary shares at a small premium to net asset
value in September 2006 and again in November 2006, rose by 10.5 per cent. to £
28,637,000 on 7th December 2006. This compares with a rise in the Company's
composite benchmark index of 10.3 per cent. (comprising returns on the FTSE
World Smaller Companies ex US index of 11.7 per cent. and on the Russell 2500
Growth index in the USA of 5.9 per cent.).
The unaudited diluted net asset value of the Ordinary shares rose by 9.4 per
cent. to 106.15 pence on 7th December 2006, while their middle market price rose
to 107.25 pence, representing a small premium to net asset value.
As at 28th February 2007 the Company's unaudited diluted net asset value per
Ordinary share had increased to 112.52 pence and their middle market price was
117.50 pence. Moreover the warrants, which were issued at launch on a one-for-
five basis together with the Ordinary Shares, had reached a middle market price
of 39.50 pence on the same date. As such, an investor who subscribed £1,000 at
launch would have held £1,175 in Ordinary shares and £79 in Warrants, totalling
£1,254 at their middle market prices, equal to an annualised return from launch
to 28th February 2007 of 34.8 per cent.
It has been a successful first six months of trading for your Company which has
been able to benefit from a considerable increase in interest in environmental
issues on a global scale. The provision of solutions to environmental problems
across our six investment themes has come to the forefront of peoples' minds
over the period under review. Our ability to invest in companies finding
solutions to these pressing problems both in the UK and US has been of
particular benefit to your Company. In our view, the environment has emerged as
one of the most interesting investment trends over the past year driven by a
changing regulatory environment both in the UK and at a global level, an
increasing level of corporate commitment and changing public perception.
You will be pleased to know that your fund has been awarded a `Brightest
Newcomer' award from Investment Trusts magazine and I congratulate both Charlie
Thomas and Matt Patsky, your joint fund managers, on your behalf. The most
notable performers within the UK investment portfolio during the period were:
Keller Group, engineering specialists in the development of contaminated land;
Novera Energy, a UK renewable energy company; Cranswick, producers of `high-
welfare' and organic pork products; and Gamesa, a Spanish company which is one
of the top five wind turbine generator manufactures. Your Company also holds a
number of other investments which are well placed to benefit from the increasing
demand for renewable energy, one of which is Vestas Wind Systems. Latchways is
another promising investment supplying safety equipment to individuals working
at height and is likely to be a beneficiary of increasing safety standards, most
notably the Working At Height Directive.
The US part of the portfolio, sub- managed by Winslow, is no less diverse and
well placed to benefit from the increased interest in this sector. Leading US
performers include: Fuel Tech, providing `state-of-the-art' technologies to the
problems of air pollution; Sunpower Corporation, which manufactures and sells
silicon based high efficiency solar cells for both domestic and commercial use;
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, sellers of a range of traditional, organic, and
fair trade coffee.
These are both challenging and exciting times for our sector of the market and I
believe your Company is in an excellent position to benefit from and provide
investment capital for these innovative companies providing solutions to the
environmental problems our world currently faces.
Perry Crosthwaite
6th March 2007
for the period from 12th April to 7th December 2006
Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000
Gains on investments at fair value - 2,669 2,669
Foreign exchange gains - 41 41
Income 214 - 214
______ ______ ______
Total Income 214 2,710 2,924
______ ______ ______
Investment management fee (129) - (129)
Investment performance fee - (14) (14)
Other expenses (145) - (145)
______ ______ ______
Total Expenses (274) (14) (288)
______ ______ ______
Return on ordinary activities
before taxation (60) 2,696 2,636
Taxation (3) - (3)
______ ______ ______
Net Return after taxation (63) 2,696 2,633
______ ______ ______
Return per Ordinary share (0.25)p 10.55p 10.30p
The total column of this statement is the income statement of the Company,
prepared in accordance with IFRS. The supplementary revenue return and capital
return columns are both prepared under guidance produced by the Association of
Investment Companies. All items in the above statement derive from continuing
The financial information does not constitute `accounts' as defined in section
240 of the Companies Act 1985.
The Company was incorporated on 12th April 2006 and its shares were listed on
the London Stock Exchange on 8th June 2006, on which date it commenced business.
Consequently, the Income Statement above reflects returns from 8th June to 7th
December 2006.
As at 7th December 2006
Non current assets
Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 25,953
Current assets
Prepayments and accrued income 44
Sales awaiting settlement 203
Cash and cash equivalents 2,575
Total assets 28,775
Current liabilities
Accruals (84)
Purchases awaiting settlement (54)
Total assets less current liabilities 28,637
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 27
Share premium 25,977
Retained earnings 2,633
Total equity shareholders' funds 28,637
Net Asset Value per Ordinary share 107.30p
Diluted net asset value per Ordinary share 106.15p
for the period from 12th April 2006 to 7th December 2006
Share Share Retained
Capital Premium Earnings Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Net profit for the period - - 2,633 2,633
Ordinary shares issued 27 26,700 - 26,727
Cost of Ordinary shares issued - (723) - (723)
______ _______ ______ _______
Balance at 7th December 2006 27 25,977 2,633 28,637
______ _______ ______ _______
for the period from 12th April 2006 to 7th December 2006
Cash flow from operating activities
Investment income received 147
Deposit interest received 36
Investment management fee paid (100)
Realised gain on foreign currency 41
Other cash expenses (116)
Cash generated from operations 8
Taxation (3)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 5
Cash flows form investing activities
Purchase of investments (30,664)
Sale of investments 7,230
Net cash outflow from investing activities (23,434)
Cash flows from financing activities
Shares issued 26,727
Share issue expenses paid (723)
Net cash inflow from financing activities 26,004
Increase in cash 2,575
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 2,575
The interim report will be sent to all registered shareholders and copies may be
obtained from the registered office of the Company at 1 Grosvenor Place, London,
By order of the Board
Jupiter Asset Management Limited
Richard Pavry
Jupiter Asset Management Limited
020 7412 0703