Final Results

Notice of Results K3 BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY GROUP PLC ("K3" or "the group") IT solutions supplier to the supply chain industry Announces Preliminary Results For the Year to 31 December 2005 * Success of diversification strategy beginning to show through * the group now has presence in retail and distribution software markets as well as manufacturing software sector * Record results reflect full impact of two acquisitions and partial contribution of a third acquisition made in June 2005 * Turnover on continuing operations almost tripled to £22.03m (2004: £8.12m) * Adjusted operating profit*1 on continuing operations up over fourfold to £2.41m (2004: £0.59m) * Operating profit, after amortisation of goodwill and intangibles of £1.75m, increased to £0.66m (2004: loss of £0.03m) * Adjusted earnings per share*2 increased by 249% to 11.2p (2004: 4.5p). Basic loss per share 1.4p (2004: earnings per share 10.0p including profit on disposal of business at Crewe) * Very strong performances from retail and manufacturing software businesses * retail software revenues up 23% year on year * manufacturing software business significantly strengthened by acquisition of IEG * Sales pipelines are good and Board views prospects very positively George Matthews, Chairman, commented, "The group's results for 2005 are a most encouraging endorsement of the strategy we initiated in 2004 to diversify and extend the business into the related sectors of distribution and retail software. The group is now well positioned to benefit from enhanced opportunities for earnings growth. Each of our businesses ended 2005 on a strong note. Sales prospects are good and there are growth opportunities in our key sectors. We continue to seek appropriate acquisitions that will further strengthen the group and we continue to view the group's prospects very positively." Enquiries: K3 Business Technology Andy Makeham, Chief T: 020 7448 1000 Executive (today) Group plc David Bolton, Chief Finance Thereafter: 01282 Officer 864111 Biddicks Katie Tzouliadis T: 020 7448 1000 _____________________________________________________________________________ *1 Calculated before amortisation of goodwill and intangibles of £1.75m (2004: amortisation of goodwill £0.60m). *2 Calculated before amortisation of goodwill and intangibles of £1.75m and loss on disposal of operations of £0.14m (2004: amortisation of goodwill of £0.64m and profit on disposal of operations of £1.25m). CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT OVERVIEW The group's results for 2005 are a most encouraging endorsement of the strategy we initiated in 2004 to diversify and extend the business into the related sectors of distribution and retail software. The group is now well positioned to benefit from enhanced opportunities for earnings growth. Results for the year ended 31 December 2005 reflect full year contributions from the two acquisitions we made in 2004, K3 Landsteinar, our retail software solutions business and K3 Elucid, our distribution software solutions business. Our latest acquisition, Information Engineering Group, ("IEG") which we purchased in June 2005, made a contribution for only part of the year. K3 Landsteinar, the retail software solutions business, performed very strongly and demonstrated year on year growth of 23%. Its contribution accounted for 57% of group turnover for the year. K3 Elucid's performance was mixed, with trading in the second half stronger than the first. This business accounted for 8% of group turnover. The addition of IEG, one of only two distributors in the UK of the SYSPRO range of ERP software, has significantly strengthened our manufacturing software business. Its SYSPRO offering complements our existing activities and we have already achieved cross-selling opportunities with our existing manufacturing software solutions business. Trading at both IEG and our existing manufacturing software business was very strong, with IEG's performance boosted by a major contract win with Doncaster Group. Financial Results Turnover on continuing operations almost tripled from £8.12m in 2004 to £22.03m in 2005 reflecting the impact of our acquisitions. Adjusted operating profit*1 on continuing operations increased more than four-fold from £0.59m to £2.41m. After amortisation of goodwill and intangibles of £1.75m (2004: £0.64m), operating profit was £0.66m (2004: loss of £0.03m). The losses on disposal of operations of £0.09m (profit on disposal of £1.25m in 2004) related to the disposal of the Crewe business. Adjusted profit before tax*3 for the year was £2.12m (2004: £0.55m) and adjusted earnings per share*2 were 11.2p (2004: 4.5p). After taking into account amortisation of goodwill and intangibles of £1.75m (2004: £0.64m) and an exceptional loss of £0.09m (2004: exceptional profit of £1.25m), profit before tax was £0.28m (2004: £1.16m) and loss per share was 1.4p (2004: earnings per share 10.0p). At 31 December 2005, the group had a cash balance of £0.87m compared with £0.40m at 31 December 2004, having negotiated a bank loan of £1m in December 2005. Dividend The Directors do not propose to pay a dividend (2004: £nil). *1 Calculated before amortisation of goodwill and intangibles of £1.75m (2004: amortisation of goodwill of £0.60m) *2 Calculated before amortisation of goodwill and intangibles of £1.75m and loss on disposal of operations of £0.14m (2004: amortisation of goodwill of £0.64m and profit on disposal of operations of £1.25m) *3 Calculated before amortisation of goodwill and intangibles of £1.75m and loss on disposal of operations of £0.09m (2004: amortisation of goodwill of £0.64m and profit on disposal of operations of £1.25m) CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Review of Operations Retail Software Business K3 Landsteinar delivered a very strong performance, securing 12 new contracts over the year worth a total of £7.53m. The most notable win was a contract with Carpetright plc agreed in May 2005. This contract resulted in significant growth in consultancy services which increased to £7.14m in 2005 and helped to lift total revenues for the year to £12.66m (2004: £2.93m for the three months post-acquisition from October to December). Adjusted operating profit*4 grew to £1.22m (2004: £0.44m for the three months post-acquisition, from October to December). The Carpetright contract will help to underpin the business's performance in 2006 as we continue to deliver further services and software licences to support Carpetright's 450 store roll-out programme. Whilst the trading environment for retailers is more challenging, we enter 2006 with a strong pipeline of prospects and believe that the Microsoft Navision-based retail solution we offer remains one of the best solutions for mid-tier retailers in the market. Distribution Software Business After a slower than expected start to 2005, trading in the second half of the year regained momentum and revenues grew from £0.81m at the half year stage to £1.80m at the year end (2004: £1.30m for nine months). Whilst the business recorded an adjusted operating loss*5 of £0.08m for the year as whole (2004: profit for nine months £0.13m), which was disappointing, this included one-off costs relating to an investment in a new warehouse management module and a reorganisation in the second half. Manufacturing Software Business The acquisition of IEG in June 2005 transformed this business, both in terms of critical mass and by the added sales opportunities that IEG's status as one of only two SYSPRO distributors in the UK has created for the existing manufacturing software business. Whilst IEG made only a partial contribution to the year's results of this business, the combined businesses generated sales of £7.57m with an adjusted operating profit*6 of £1.27m (2004: £0.02m). For the period since its acquisition (23 June 2005), IEG contributed revenue of £3.61m and an adjusted operating profit*7 of £0.74m. The existing Walton business saw adjusted operating profits*8 rise to £0.53m (2004: £0.02m) on revenues slightly ahead at £3.96m (2004: £3.88m). The profit improvement was helped by cost savings resulting from the synergies with IEG and the completion of the CRM investment, together with lower central costs allocated against the business. *4 Calculated before amortisation of goodwill and intangibles of £0.95m (2004: £0.23m) *5 Calculated before amortisation of goodwill and intangibles of £0.08m (2004: £0.07m) *6 Calculated before amortisation of goodwill and intangibles of £0.72m (2004: £0.30m) *7 Calculated before amortisation of goodwill and intangibles of £0.42m *8 Calculated before amortisation of goodwill of £0.30m (2004: £0.30m) CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT IEG traded very strongly, helped by a £2m contract win with Doncaster Group, a leading manufacturer of precision components and assemblies for the aerospace, power generation, specialty automotive and medical orthopaedic industries. IEG is supplying and implementing SYSPRO software in 13 of Doncaster's manufacturing sites in the UK and US. For the period under review, this contract delivered sales of £1.36m but it should bring additional new sales worth £0.58m for 2006 with the potential for further revenues later in the year. IEG continues to enjoy a high level of annual licence billings which are made in the last quarter of each year. There is an encouraging pipeline for both manufacturing software businesses and we expect another good performance in 2006. Outlook Each of our businesses ended 2005 on a strong note. Sales prospects are good and there are growth opportunities in our key sectors. We continue to seek appropriate acquisitions that will further strengthen the group and we continue to view the group's prospects very positively. George Matthews Chairman OPERATING REVIEW Our goal is to become the UK's market leading supplier of Microsoft-based supply chain management solutions to small and medium sized companies. In the last 18 months, we have built on K3's dominant position within the SME manufacturing sector by acquiring businesses that extend our footprint across the faster growing and complementary sectors of distribution and retail systems. The resultant group today provides a well-balanced business model, delivering a strong mix of safe recurring licence income (in the manufacturing sector) combined with higher growth opportunities in the distribution and retail sectors. In addition to our leading position within the SME manufacturing systems marketplace, we are now Microsoft's largest reseller of Navision software and one of Microsoft's leading UK business solutions (MBS) partners, with a strong presence in the retail and distribution sectors. It is also pleasing to note that over the course of 2005 each of our three trading businesses secured their largest new orders to date. Retail Software Business K3 Landsteinar focuses on delivering Microsoft's Navision business solution to mid-tier retailers, and our success in this sector makes us Microsoft's largest Navision reseller in the UK. We offer retailers a complete 'end-to-end' solution through a single integrated software suite. This means that the same software is running at head office, at the store and on the individual EPOS (Electronic Point of Sale) tills. The solution therefore typically delivers lower cost of ownership than traditional retail solutions and provides retailers with greater data accuracy and improved sales analysis. The suite is also easier to support. In the course of the year, K3 Landsteinar won 12 major new retail contracts worth £7.53m, including significant second half orders from Gamestation (electronic games), Adidas (sportswear), James Cropper (papermakers) and Housing Units (furniture). These new orders together with implementation and roll out programmes at Carpetright and Moss Pharmacy (now Alliance Pharmacy) helped deliver record results and year on year sales growth of 23% over 2004. The Carpetright implementation should enter its 'roll out' phase during 2006 when it will be implemented in 450 stores throughout the UK. Each store will require software licences and consultancy services. The implementation should therefore help to underpin revenues throughout 2006 and into 2007. Distribution Software Business Following a disappointingly slow first half, we undertook a reorganisation and introduced new management. This led to a significantly improved second half with seven new contracts awarded. Of particular note was our contract with Scotts of Stow, one of the leading names in the catalogue and mail order space, worth £0.30m. This contract, awarded at the beginning of 2005, is the business's largest order thus far. OPERATING REVIEW During 2005, we formed our own web development unit, specialising in creating integrated web and back office solutions. Successful projects have now been implemented at Joe Browns (fashion retail, Inverawe (speciality smoked foods, and Bright Minds (educational toys Manufacturing Software Business As previously reported, in June 2005 we acquired IEG for an initial consideration of £3.81m, with deferred consideration of up to £2.25m. IEG distributes and implements SYSPRO manufacturing, financial and distribution software throughout the UK. SYSPRO (one of the world's most successful global ERP solutions for SME manufacturers, with 12,000 customers in 60 countries) is a Microsoft-based software suite which provides customers with real-time information throughout the supply chain process. IEG's other services include project management, implementation consultancy, training and support. The acquisition has brought us a business with high levels of recurring revenue. Furthermore, its SYSPRO offering provides a natural upgrade solution for our existing manufacturing customers. We have already realised some cost saving benefits as a result of its integration and we expect to make further cost savings this year. Whilst our Walton-upon-Thames business continued to prove that its existing products, supported by our Microsoft CRM offering, remain very attractive to customers, the introduction of the SYSPRO product helped to lift sales at the Walton business by 5% in the second half. In the six months of selling the SYSPRO product, the Walton business delivered four new deals worth some £0.49m, including two recently concluded deals to Arcam (£0.15m) and Microfiltrex (£0.15m). This is most encouraging. We begin 2006 with confidence. IEG's contract win with Doncaster Group to roll out the SYSPRO product across 13 sites supported a strong performance in the six months since its acquisition and underpins the business's performance in 2006. In addition, IEG's pipeline remains strong and we believe that further cross-selling opportunities and realisable synergies are still available. Andy Makeham Chief Executive Consolidated profit and loss account for the year ended 31 December 2005 2005 2004 Continuing operations Discont- Total Contin- Discont- Total Contin-uing Acquis-itions inued uing inued operations operations operations Notes £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Turnover 18,420 3,609 - 22,029 8,116 413 8,529 Cost of sales (6,717) (1,419) - (8,136) (1,603) (124) (1,727) Gross profit 11,703 2,190 - 13,893 6,513 289 6,802 Selling and (3,512) (610) - (4,122) (2,518) (218) (2,736) distribution costs Administrative (7,852) (1,263) - (9,115) (4,005) (94) (4,099) expenses Operating profit before 1,667 741 - 2,408 593 10 603 amortisation of goodwill and intangibles Amortisation of goodwill (1,328) (424) - (1,752) (603) (33) (636) and intangibles Operating 339 317 - 656 (10) (23) (33) profit (loss) (Loss) profit 1 - - (90) (90) - 1,248 1,248 on disposal of operations Profit (loss) 339 317 (90) 566 (10) 1,225 1,215 on ordinary activities before finance charges Finance (243) (44) - (287) (55) - (55) charges (net) Profit (loss) 96 273 (90) 279 (65) 1,225 1,160 on ordinary activities before taxation Tax on profit (289) (154) (50) (493) (59) - (59) (loss) on ordinary activities (Loss) profit 6 (193) 119 (140) (214) (124) 1,225 1,101 for financial year Contin-uing Discont-inued Total Contin-uing Discont-inued Total (Loss) operations operations operations operations earnings per share Basic 2 (0.5p) (0.9p) (1.4p) (1.1p) 11.1p 10.0p Diluted 2 (0.5p) (0.9p) (1.4p) (1.1p) 11.1p 10.0p There were no material recognised gains or losses in either year other than the (loss) profit for that year. Consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2005 2005 2004 Notes £000 £000 Fixed assets Development costs and intellectual property 162 - Goodwill 15,682 9,919 Intangible fixed assets 15,844 9,919 Tangible assets 508 570 Investments - 17 16,352 10,506 Current assets Debtors 6,596 6,268 Cash at bank and in hand 874 403 7,470 6,671 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year Convertible debt - (500) Other creditors 4 (10,583) (9,345) (10,583) (9,845) Net current liabilities (3,113) (3,174) Total assets less current liabilities 13,239 7,332 Creditors: amounts falling due after more 5 (2,439) (337) than one year Net assets 10,800 6,995 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 4,435 3,329 Share premium account 6 7,813 6,463 Other reserve 6 6,070 4,486 Treasury shares 6 (20) - Profit and loss account 6 (7,498) (7,283) Equity shareholders' funds 10,800 6,995 Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31 December 2005 Restated 2005 2004 Notes £000 £000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 7 4,267 1,244 Returns on investments and servicing of (279) (99) finance Taxation (80) (76) Capital expenditure and financial investment (106) (12) Acquisitions and disposals 8 (5,153) (2,344) Cash outflow before financing (1,351) (1,287) Financing 8 1,822 464 Increase (decrease) in cash in the year 9 471 (823) The comparative amounts for 2004 have been restated as explained in note 7. Notes 1. (Loss) profit on disposal of operations The loss on disposal of operations in 2005 of £0.09m relates to further unanticipated costs incurred regarding the disposal in 2004 of the manufacturing software operation based at Crewe to Azur Group Limited. The profit on disposal of this operation recognised in 2004 was £1.25m. 2. (Loss) earnings per share The calculations of (loss) earnings per share are based on the (loss) profit for the financial year and the following numbers of shares. +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | 2005 | 2004 | |-----------------------------+------------------+------------------| | | Number of shares | Number of shares | |-----------------------------+------------------+------------------| | Weighted average number of | | | | shares: | | | |-----------------------------+------------------+------------------| | For basic earnings per | 14,999,027 | 10,980,489 | | share | | | |-----------------------------+------------------+------------------| | Exercise of share options | 154,501 | 40,264 | |-----------------------------+------------------+------------------| | For diluted earnings per | 15,153,528 | 11,020,753 | | share | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ The alternative earnings per share calculations have been computed because the directors consider that they are useful to shareholders and investors. These were based on the following (losses) profits and the above number of shares. Notes 2. (Loss) earnings per share 2005 2004 Earnings Per Per Earnings Per Per (losses) share share (losses) share share amount amount amount amount Basic Diluted Basic Diluted £000 p p £000 p p (Loss) earnings (214) (1.4) (1.4) 1,101 10.0 10.0 (loss) per share (eps) Effect of goodwill 1,752 11.7 11.6 636 5.8 5.8 amortisation and intangibles Eps before 1,538 10.3 10.2 1,737 15.8 15.8 amortisation of goodwill and intangibles Exceptional items *+140 0.9 0.9 *+(1,248) (11.3) (11.4) (net of tax) Eps before amortisation of 1,678 11.2 11.1 489 4.5 4.4 goodwill and intangibles and exceptional items *+ Relates to loss on disposal of manufacturing software operation based in Crewe of £0.09m (2004: profit of £1.25m) on which the tax charge was only £50,000 (2004: £nil) due to the availability of capital losses. The basic and diluted loss per share are the same as the effect of share options is anti-dilutive. Although the convertible 6% loan notes issued in connection with the Landsteinar acquisition were in-the-money at 31 December 2004, there was no intention to allow the notes to convert and, therefore, they were excluded from the calculation of diluted earnings per share. The loan notes were repaid in full on 23 December 2005. 3. Acquisition of subsidiary undertaking On 23 June 2005 the company acquired the entire issued share capital of Information Engineering Group Limited ("IEG"). The total initial consideration was £3.81m of which £1.66m was in cash with £2.15m in shares. £1.66m of cash was paid on completion with a further £0.55m paid on 30 November 2005 and £0.10m payable on 30 November 2006. Further consideration of up to £1.6m is payable based on IEG's profits during the two years ending 31 May 2007, of which £1.08m is the fair value of the current estimated amount payable. The fair value of the total consideration is estimated to be £5.54m. Notes 3. Acquisition of subsidiary The following table sets out the book values of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired and their fair value to the group: Book value Fair value Provisional fair value to adjustments the group £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Intangible 190 - 190 Tangible 169 (52) 117 Current assets Debtors 1,632 302 1,934 Cash 74 - 74 Total assets 2,065 250 2,315 Creditors Bank overdrafts (1,090) - (1,090) Trade (328) - (328) Other (532) - (532) Accruals and (1,637) - (1,637) deferred income Total liabilities (3,587) - (3,587) Net liabilities (1,522) 250 (1,272) Goodwill 7,463 Costs of acquisition (651) Consideration 5,540 Satisfied by Cash consideration 1,663 Shares issued 2,150 Deferred cash consideration 650 Further deferred cash consideration 1,077 5,540 4. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 2005 2004 £000 £000 Convertible debt 6% convertible loan notes - 500 Other creditors Bank loans and overdrafts 311 - Obligations under finance leases and hire purchase 249 330 contracts Other loans due to related parties 229 1,303 Trade creditors 1,221 1,071 Corporation tax 223 - Taxation and social security 1,536 1,032 Other creditors 262 103 Deferred consideration 70 696 Accruals 2,308 1,826 Deferred income 4,174 2,984 10,583 9,345 Notes 5. Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 2005 2004 £000 £000 Bank loan and overdrafts 689 - Obligations under finance leases and hire purchase 130 337 contracts Other loans due to related parties 513 - Deferred consideration 1,107 - 2,439 337 6. Reserves Share Other Treasury Profit and premium reserve shares loss account account £000 £000 £000 £000 At 1 January 2005 6,463 4,486 - (7,283) Retained loss for the year - - - (214) Currency translation difference - - - (1) on foreign currency net investments Treasury shares acquired - - (20) - Share capital issued 1,400 1,584 - - Expenses of equity share issue (50) - - - At 31 December 2005 7,813 6,070 (20) (7,498) 7. Reconciliation of operating profit (loss) to operating cash flow Restated 2005 2004 £000 £000 Operating profit (loss) 656 (33) Depreciation charges and fixed asset impairment 341 215 Loss on sale of tangible fixed assets 33 24 Amortisation of goodwill and intangibles 1,752 636 Write down of investments 17 - Decrease (increase) in debtors 1,372 (445) Increase in creditors 96 847 Net cash inflow from operating activities 4,267 1,244 The comparative amounts for 2004 have been restated to reflect loans due to related parties as financing cash flows, and loan notes payable under acquisitions as cash flows in relation to acquisitions, not as movements in operating cash flows. Notes 8. Analysis of cash flows Acquisitions and disposals Restated 2005 2004 £000 £000 Acquisition of subsidiary undertakings (1,663) (3,653) Costs of acquisition of subsidiary undertakings (696) (160) Net bank overdrafts acquired with subsidiary (1,016) (144) undertakings Deferred consideration (1,688) (13) Sale of business (net of costs) (90) 1,721 Acquisition of investment - (95) (5,153) (2,344) Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 1,350 - Treasury shares purchased (20) - New bank loan 1,000 - New related party loan 1,000 750 Repayment of related party loans (1,040) (225) Capital element of finance lease rental payments (468) (61) 1,822 464 9. Analysis and reconciliation of net debt Restated 1 Jan 2005 Cash Acquisitions and Other 31 Dec flow disposals non-cash 2005 changes £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Cash in 403 471 - - 874 hand, at bank Debt due - (689) - (513) (1,202) after one year Debt due (1,303) (271) - 1,034 (540) within one year Finance (667) 468 (92) (88) (379) leases Net debt (1,567) (21) (92) 433 (1,247) Restated 2005 2004 £000 £000 Increase (decrease) in cash in the year 471 (823) Cash (inflow) outflow from increase/decrease in debt (492) (464) and lease financing Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (21) (1,287) Finance leases acquired with subsidiaries (92) (571) Loan converted to equity 521 - New finance leases (88) (106) Movement in net debt in year 320 (1,964) (Net debt) cash resources at 1 January 2005 (1,567) 397 (restated) Net debt at 31 December 2005 (1,247) (1,567) 10. The directors do not recommend the payment of a final dividend and the dividend for the year is therefore £nil (2004: £nil). 11. The results have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable United Kingdom accounting standards. The accounting policies have been applied consistently with those stated in the previous accounts. 12. The financial information set out above does not comprise the Company's statutory accounts. Statutory accounts for the previous financial year ended 31 December 2004 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The auditors have given an unqualified opinion on the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2005 and it did not contain any statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. These will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the annual general meeting. 13. This preliminary announcement was approved by the Board of directors on 28 March 2006. 14. The full financial statements will be posted to shareholders on or around 25 April 2006. Further copies will also be available from the Company's registered office at Linden Business Centre, Linden Road, Colne, Lancashire, BB8 9BA from that date. ---END OF MESSAGE---
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