Interim Results

Keller Group PLC 23 August 2004 For immediate release 23 August 2004 Keller Group plc Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2004 Keller Group plc ('Keller' or 'the Group'), the international ground engineering specialist, reports progress in the first half of 2004. Highlights include: •Turnover increased by 6% to £294.1m (2003: £278.7m) •Profit before tax* down 13% to £11.2m (2003: £12.8m), after adverse £1.1m currency impact •Suncoast margins restored •Makers on track to return to sustained profitability in the second half •Solid order book representing around four months' sales •Interim dividend raised 4.3% to 3.6p (2003: 3.45p) * before amortisation of intangibles and 2003 exceptional items Justin Atkinson, Keller Chief Executive said: 'We have made real progress in addressing the issues in Makers and Suncoast which held back our 2003 results and the Group is now well positioned for the remainder of the year. 'We go into the second half with a solid order book, representing around four months' sales. Based on this and our current trading, the Board anticipates that the Group's performance for the year as a whole will be in line with expectations.' Enquiries: Keller Group plc ---------------- Justin Atkinson, Chief Executive 020 8341 6424 James Hind, Finance Director Smithfield 020 7360 4900 /07831 406117 Reg Hoare/Rupert Trefgarne A briefing for analysts will be held at 9.15 for 9.30 am on Monday, 23 August 2004 at The Theatre & Gallery, London Stock Exchange, 10 Paternoster Square, London, EC4M 7LS Print resolution images are available for the media to download from Chairman's Statement Financial Overview In my Chairman's Statement dated 11 March 2004, I said that our current focus was: 'to consolidate and strengthen our existing businesses, returning Makers to profitability and improving Suncoast's margins during the course of 2004.' I am pleased to report that we have made real progress in addressing the issues which held back our 2003 results and the Group is now well positioned for the remainder of the year. Indeed, Suncoast improved its margins in the first half of the year and Makers, although reporting a loss in the period, saw an improvement in its underlying business in the second quarter, putting it on track to return to sustained profitability in the second half. Group sales for the period were up 6% at £294.1m (2003: £278.7m) which, on a constant currency basis, represents an increase of 13%, reflecting good organic growth. Profit before tax, exceptional items and amortisation of intangibles was down 13% at £11.2m (2003: £12.8m). However, these results include an underlying loss of £0.8m at Makers (which compares to a £0.4m operating profit in the previous half year) and the net adverse impact from exchange rate fluctuations of £1.1m. As previously indicated, the results for the full year are likely to be more second-half weighted than in 2003, consistent with earlier years. Earnings per share before exceptional items and amortisation of intangibles were down 21% at 9.2p (2003: 11.6p). The fact that earnings per share fell by a greater degree than profit before tax is due to an increase in the first half effective tax rate to 39% (before exceptional items and amortisation of intangibles), compared to 33% for the first half of 2003. The 2004 full year effective tax rate is expected to be very similar to last year's rate of 39% and, therefore, for the full year, earnings per share are expected to move in line with profit. Operating cash flow was £6.3m, compared to last year's £9.9m. Working capital was slightly higher than at the same time last year, reflecting growth in turnover and raw material price increases at Suncoast. The period end net debt was £71.8m, which compares to £76.8m at the end of June 2003 and £60.7m at the end of December 2003. EBITDA interest cover remains comfortable at 10 times (2003: 11 times). In line with the usual seasonal trends, we expect net debt to fall by the year end. Dividend The Board has declared an interim dividend of 3.6p per share (2003: 3.45p), representing an increase of 4.3%. This will be paid on 1 November 2004 to shareholders on the register at 8 October 2004. This increase reflects our continued policy of reinvesting our cash flow in the continued growth of the Group, whilst maintaining a healthy dividend cover and seeking to reward shareholders with above inflation increases. Operational Overview North America Our North American operations overall had a strong first half. Sales and operating profit before amortisation of intangibles increased in dollar terms compared to last year's first half by 15% and 14% respectively. However, a weakening of the US dollar against sterling by 13% eliminated most of these increases when translated into sterling. The overall operating margin was 7%, the same as in the first half of last year. In the first half of 2004 the very buoyant North American housing market showed no signs of weakening, public infrastructure remained robust and we saw early signs that the trough in commercial construction may have bottomed out. Hayward Baker started the year somewhat slowly, although it made up some lost ground in the second quarter. The Western Region improved after its weak performance in the second half of last year, helped by a particularly good result from a soil mixing and ground improvement project for a new marina development in Los Angeles and by actions taken to strengthen the operational management and to cut the cost base. Case had a good first half and work is now well underway on a prestigious contract for the expansion of the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago. McKinney also had a strong start to the year particularly in the South East. An encouraging result from the piling contract at Seneca Niagara Falls Casino, which Case and McKinney undertook in joint venture, is an indicator of the effective co-operation between these two businesses and reflects the success with which McKinney's integration into the Group is being managed. As we reported in our preliminary results announcement in March 2004, Suncoast faced raw material cost increases of 30% last year, as a result of the tariffs on steel strand and other price pressures in the steel industry, which had the effect of eroding its margins. In the first quarter of 2004, Suncoast successfully implemented price increases which, together with significantly increased volumes and operating cost efficiencies, combined to restore margins. The continued strength of the US housing market, from which Suncoast derives the majority of its business, together with these price increases, resulted in a significant increase in turnover in the first half. Continuing the strategy of expansion outside Suncoast's traditional market, revenues from outside Texas represented 37% of total sales, compared to 34% in the first half of last year and 27% in 2002. The recently opened office in Sacramento performed well in the first half and evidences the significant potential in California. Whilst continued volatility in steel prices indicates that further selling price increases will be necessary in the second half, the longer-term growth opportunities for the business remain positive. Continental Europe & Overseas Faced with mixed market conditions, our Continental Europe & Overseas business reported another commendable performance in the first half. Sales of £87.9m (2003: £78.8m) were 12% ahead, whilst operating profit before amortisation of intangibles of £5.0m (2003: £5.4m), was slightly behind the previous year's good result. Keller-Terra reported another strong performance, with our ground improvement techniques continuing to gain market share in Spain. Our operations in Austria, Italy and Poland all made good contributions in the first half. Further geographical expansion was made in the period with the opening of two new offices in Northern Italy and another in Poland. In January, we purchased the remaining 50% minority stake in LCM, our Swedish lime column subsidiary, so increasing our commitment to this new technology. In Germany, where the construction industry continued in decline, we maintained our market share on reduced margins. However, at the end of the period, work commenced on a major jet grouting and compensation grouting contract for a new underground rail link in Cologne, which should help to support profitability in the second half. In Portugal, soft market conditions prompted action to be taken to reduce costs and £0.4m of redundancy costs has been included in these results. In our Overseas businesses, the Far East performed satisfactorily, with another strong contribution from Malaysia, where grouting products now account for around half of sales volume. This business which, until recently, focused exclusively on ground improvement products, illustrates our success in introducing new products into existing territories. In the Middle East there was good productivity on the Dubai Palm Island contract, where 12 Vibro compaction units worked around the clock to meet the demanding project deadlines. UK As we announced in our trading statement issued on 24 June 2004, Makers' half-year performance was adversely affected by losses on a small number of old contracts in discontinued areas of the business, which were being run off. These have now been predominately completed and the underlying performance of the business improved in the second quarter. Volumes in the social housing business increased compared to the previous year as delayed work, originally scheduled for 2003, came through in the first half of 2004. The Board therefore expects Makers to return to sustained profitability in the second half. Keller Ground Engineering contributed a half-year profit broadly in line with the previous year on lower volumes, reflecting the withdrawal from heavy piling activities mid-year in 2003. Australia The Australian businesses performed well in the period with an operating profit marginally ahead of last year on a higher sales volume. There was a more balanced performance from our two main subsidiaries, Franki and Vibropile, with both operations contributing proportionately to the result. Further progress was also made in developing the ground engineering subsidiary established last year. Outlook We go into the second half with a solid order book, representing around four months' sales. Based on this and our current trading, the Board anticipates that the Group's performance for the year as a whole will be in line with expectations. Dr J.M.West Chairman 23 August 2004 Consolidated profit and loss account for the half year ended 30 June 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year to Half year to Half year to 31 December 30 June 2004 30 June 2003 2003 Note £000 £000 £000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Turnover from continuing 3 294,124 278,730 567,505 operations Operating costs (282,299) (266,489) (548,548) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating profit ------------------------------------------ Before exceptional items 3 13,259 14,904 32,838 and amortisation of intangibles Exceptional items* - (748) (10,444) Amortisation of (1,434) (1,915) (3,437) intangibles ------------------------------------------ Operating profit from 3 11,825 12,241 18,957 continuing operations Net interest payable (2,034) (2,071) (4,151) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit on ordinary activities before ------------------------------------------ taxation Before exceptional items 11,225 12,833 28,687 and amortisation of intangibles Exceptional items* - (748) (10,444) Amortisation of (1,434) (1,915) (3,437) intangibles ------------------------------------------ Profit on ordinary 9,791 10,170 14,806 activities before taxation ------------------------------------------ Tax on profit on ordinary (4,378) (4,292) (11,211) activities Tax on exceptional - 224 510 items ------------------------------------------ Taxation 4 (4,378) (4,068) (10,701) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit on ordinary 5,413 6,102 4,105 activities after taxation Equity minority (890) (1,004) (1,846) interests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit for the period 4,523 5,098 2,259 Dividends proposed and 5 (2,353) (2,245) (6,768) paid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retained profit/(loss) 2,170 2,853 (4,509) for the period -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings per share 6 7.0p 7.9p 3.5p Adjusted earnings per 6 9.2p 11.6p 24.1p share** Diluted earnings per 6 6.9p 7.9p 3.5p share Dividend per share 5 3.60p 3.45p 10.4p -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * The 2003 exceptional items comprise a £7,372,000 goodwill impairment charge and £3,072,000 of UK reorganisation costs. ** Adjusted earnings per share is calculated before exceptional items and amortisation of intangibles. Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses for the half year ended 30 June 2004 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year to Half year to Half year to 31 December 30 June 2004 30 June 2003 2003 £000 £000 £000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit for the period 4,523 5,098 2,259 Currency translation (1,991) 1,083 (136) differences on overseas investments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total recognised gains and 2,532 6,181 2,123 losses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consolidated balance sheet as at 30 June 2004 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- As at As at As at 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 Note £000 £000 £000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed assets Goodwill 57,868 66,256 56,759 Other intangible assets 233 287 287 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intangible assets 58,101 66,543 57,046 Tangible assets 79,298 83,633 82,169 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 137,399 150,176 139,215 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current assets Stocks 21,850 17,434 16,885 Debtors 161,940 152,705 137,855 Cash at bank and in hand 10,436 12,340 21,511 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 194,226 182,479 176,251 Creditors: amounts falling (169,261) (154,184) (147,047) due within one year --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net current assets 24,965 28,295 29,204 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets less current 162,364 178,471 168,419 liabilities Creditors: amounts falling (53,372) (63,235) (58,438) due after more than one year Provisions for liabilities (12,027) (10,392) (12,358) and charges --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net assets 96,965 104,844 97,623 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital and reserves Called up share capital 6,535 6,507 6,507 Share capital to be issued - - 680 Share premium account 36,014 35,374 35,374 Capital redemption reserve 7,629 7,629 7,629 Profit and loss account 42,027 50,430 41,849 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equity shareholders' funds 7 92,205 99,940 92,039 Equity minority interests 4,760 4,904 5,584 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96,965 104,844 97,623 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consolidated cash flow statement for the half year ended 30 June 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Half year to Half year to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 £000 £000 £000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash inflow from 6,325 9,936 39,951 operating activities Returns on investment and (3,918) (2,378) (4,953) servicing of finance Taxation (1,358) (5,772) (12,795) Capital expenditure (5,514) (7,489) (13,418) Acquisitions and (2,835) 207 421 disposals Equity dividends paid (4,449) (4,404) (6,534) Net cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid resources and financing (11,749) (9,900) 2,672 Management of liquid 1,290 369 885 resources Financing 8,776 (4,980) (6,992) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decrease in cash in the (1,683) (14,511) (3,435) period ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exchange differences on (728) 570 1,026 cash balances Decrease in short term bank (1,369) (258) (753) deposits (Increase)/decrease in bank (7,875) 3,676 7,603 loans Decrease in loan notes 341 1,451 1,774 Decrease in finance 148 244 1,116 leases ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Increase)/decrease in net (11,166) (8,828) 7,331 debt Opening net debt (60,664) (67,995) (67,995) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Closing net debt (71,830) (76,823) (60,664) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis of closing net debt Cash in hand 10,217 10,257 19,923 Bank overdrafts (3,404) (12,565) (10,699) --------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Net cash/(overdraft) 6,813 (2,308) 9,224 Short term bank deposits 219 2,083 1,588 Bank loans (73,819) (69,871) (65,944) Loan notes (3,188) (3,852) (3,529) Finance leases (1,855) (2,875) (2,003) --------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Closing net debt (71,830) (76,823) (60,664) --------------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- Notes to the interim report: 1. Basis of preparation This interim report, which is unaudited, was approved by the board of directors on 20 August 2004 and has been prepared following the accounting policies set out in the Group's 2003 Annual Report and Accounts. The figures for the year to 31 December 2003 have been extracted from the 2003 Annual Report and Accounts which received an unqualified auditors' report and which has been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 2. Exchange rates The exchange rates used in respect of principal currencies are: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year to Half year to Half year to 31 December 30 June 2004 30 June 2003 2003 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Euro: average for period 1.49 1.46 1.45 period end 1.50 1.44 1.42 US dollar: average for 1.82 1.61 1.64 period period end 1.81 1.65 1.78 Australian dollar: average for 2.47 2.62 2.52 period period end 2.62 2.47 2.38 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Segmental analysis Turnover may be analysed as follows: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Half year to Half year to Year to 30 June 2004 30 June 2003 31 December £000 £000 2003 £000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- United Kingdom 54,756 57,142 103,976 The Americas 133,121 130,571 270,447 Continental Europe and 87,905 78,783 165,204 Overseas Australia 18,342 12,234 27,878 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 294,124 278,730 567,505 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the opinion of the directors the Group operates only one class of business and turnover by destination is not materially different from turnover by origin. Operating profit may be analysed as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operating profit before exceptional items Operating profit and amortisation of intangibles Half Half Half Half year to year to Year to year to year to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 2004 2003 2003 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- United Kingdom (302) 930 538 (311) (70) (10,317) The Americas 9,191 9,104 19,305 8,094 7,761 16,890 Continental Europe 5,016 5,447 13,812 4,666 5,113 13,180 and Overseas Australia 870 809 2,004 892 823 2,025 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14,775 16,290 35,659 13,341 13,627 21,778 Less: Unallocated (1,516) (1,386) (2,821) (1,516) (1,386) (2,821) central costs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13,259 14,904 32,838 11,825 12,241 18,957 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Taxation Taxation based on the profit on ordinary activities is: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Half year to Half year to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 £000 £000 £000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UK corporation tax at 30% (2003: - (861) - 30%) Overseas tax 4,378 4,929 10,701 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,378 4,068 10,701 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Dividends proposed and paid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Half year to Half year to Year to 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 £000 £000 £000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ordinary dividends on equity 2,353 2,245 6,768 shares -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The interim ordinary dividend of 3.60p per share (2003: 3.45p) will be paid on 1 November 2004 to shareholders on the register at 8 October 2004. 6. Earnings per share Earnings per share is calculated as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2004 2003 Basic Diluted Basic Diluted £000 £000 £000 £000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit after tax and minority interests (earnings) 4,523 4,523 5,098 5,098 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings before exceptional items and amortisation of intangibles 5,957 5,957 7,537 7,537 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No of shares No of shares 000s 000s 000s 000s ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weighted average of ordinary shares in issue 64,980 64,980 64,807 64,807 Weighted average of ordinary shares under option - 1,678 - 1,080 Weighted average of own shares held - 93 - 195 Number of shares assumed issued (at fair value) - (1,654) - (1,161) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusted weighted average of ordinary shares in issue 64,980 65,097 64,807 64,921 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earnings per share 7.0p 6.9p 7.9p 7.9p ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjusted earnings per share* 9.2p 9.2p 11.6p 11.6p ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Adjusted earnings per share is calculated before exceptional items and amortisation of intangibles. 7. Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- As at As at As at 31 December 30 June 2004 30 June 2003 2003 £000 £000 £000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profit for the period 4,523 5,098 2,259 Dividends (2,353) (2,245) (6,768) Exchange differences net of (1,991) 1,083 (136) taxation Issue of new shares* 667 90 90 Share Capital to be issued (680) - 680 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net addition to shareholders' 166 4,026 (3,875) funds Shareholders' funds at start 92,039 95,914 95,914 of period ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shareholders' funds at end of 92,205 99,940 92,039 period ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Shares include share premium. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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