Final Results and Interim Management Statement

Kenmare Resources plc ("Kenmare" or "the Company") Preliminary Results For the year ended 31 December 2007 Chairman's Statement Dear Shareholder, Since my last Chairman's statement, Kenmare's wholly owned Moma Titanium Minerals Mine has become a significant exporter from Mozambique. Six customer vessels have been loaded by our transhipment vessel, the Bronagh J, and departed for destinations in Europe, America and Asia. Ilmenite contained in these shipments has already been consumed by our customers to make pigment. This has been achieved despite considerable problems with certain equipment supplied under the construction contract, which has had to be replaced under warranty. In particular, a set of vibrating screens that are an essential component of the Mineral Separation Plant (MSP), started to show signs of deterioration and the feed rate through the plant had to be reduced. Pending supply of new, larger and more robust screens under warranty by the contractor, temporary repairs were required for this equipment and consequently the plant throughput was lower than anticipated. The new screens have now been installed, allowing the mine to get back onto its ramp-up curve. A cyclone, the first in over twenty years in the area, passed over Moma in early March. Due to excellent planning by site management there were no casualties or injuries. We were able to get production going from the MSP within a couple of days. In the mining pond, there was some damage to the Wet Concentrator Plant (WCP) and to the rubber hose connections between the WCP and the mining dredges. As a result, mining was interrupted for four weeks and has now resumed. In the interim, the MSP has continued to operate with feed drawn from stockpiled heavy mineral concentrate. With the installation of the new screens, and various other remedial work which has been carried out under warranty, we believe that the Company is well set to achieve its targeted production rate, albeit somewhat later than was originally envisaged. We now expect that the ramp-up will continue through 2008, with full production rate being achieved in the last quarter. The Company has continued to plan for the expansion to 1.2 million tonnes of ilmenite product plus associated co-products per annum. This new capacity is targeted to be available by the end of 2009. The market for titanium feedstocks is favourable and is in a supply-constrained position. This is putting strong upward pressure on global feedstock prices, particularly for ilmenite, and has pushed up the price of imported ilmenite to China by around 50% since the start of 2008. Despite a 5% reduction in consumption in the United States during 2007, the global demand for TiO2 feedstocks grew by 3.6%, led by strong growth in Europe and Asia, particularly China. A similar growth rate is expected in 2008. In addition, the supply side may be further restricted by energy shortages in South Africa, where a large proportion of the world's titanium feedstocks originate. The zircon market has seen a slight easing of prices over the last year, due principally to artisanal production from Indonesia. This production is viewed as coming from short-term resources which have already started to reduce. End use demand for zircon remains robust. Hence the market outlook for all our production is very positive and the Company stands to benefit from both price upside as well as the expanded production on volumes. Kenmare is committed to reducing the negative impacts associated with the Moma Mine and enhancing those which are positive. The Kenmare Moma Development Association, a not-for-profit organisation, works to implement this objective through the execution of a variety of capacity building, infrastructural and sociocultural projects. These projects include a savings and credit programme, various horticultural projects, egg production initiatives, school construction, a HIV/AIDS awareness programme and support to local sports development. Funding for these programmes continues to grow and Kenmare is grateful to all who have contributed to the development of these projects, including the time and resources provided by mine personnel to assist with the school construction and other initiatives. The financial results for 2007 show a loss of US$9.6 million. This loss arises primarily from foreign exchange losses on Euro-denominated debt and Kenmare's corporate operating costs, net of interest earned. Costs associated with construction and commissioning the mine, net of revenues earned during 2007, have been capitalised. Assets totalling US$266.9 million were transferred from Construction in Progress to Property, Plant and Equipment during the year on the takeover of these assets from the contractor. Senior and subordinated loans drawn at the year end amounted to US$325.8 million, US$119.3 million of which comprised of Euro-denominated loans. The last six months has demonstrated that the Moma Mine will work well. The mine has demonstrated its ability to dredge, concentrate, separate and export product whilst maintaining an excellent safety record. While we have experienced some cost increases caused mainly by salary and fuel costs, we are very confident that Moma will achieve its targeted production rates in 2008 and attain its predicted low cost position in the industry. Charles Carvill Chairman This release incorporates Kenmare's Interim Management Statement relating to the period from 1 January 2008 to 14 April 2008. For more information: Kenmare Resources plc Tony McCluskey, Financial Director Tel: + 353 1 671 0411 Mob: + 353 87 674 0346 Conduit PR Ltd Leesa Peters Tel: + 44 (0) 207 429 6600 Mob: + 44 (0) 781 215 9885 Murray Consultants Ltd James Dunny Tel: + 353 1 498 0300 Mob: + 353 86 388 3903 KENMARE RESOURCES PLC PRELIMINARY RESULTS GROUP INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 2007 2006 US$'000 US$'000 Revenue - - Operating expenses (12,557) (7,255) Finance income 2,925 2,925 Loss before tax (9,632) (4,330) Income tax expense - - Loss for the year (9,632) (4,330) Attributable to Equity holders (9,632) (4,330) Cent Per Share Cent Per Share Loss per share: Basic (1.40c) (0.63c) Loss per share: Diluted (1.40.c) (0.63c) KENMARE RESOURCES PLC PRELIMINARY RESULTS GROUP BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2007 2007 2006 US$'000 US$'000 Assets Non-Current Assets Deferred Development Expenditure 176,365 140,751 Property, Plant & Equipment 264,513 - Construction in Progress 46,082 265,718 486,960 406,469 Current Assets Inventories 5,631 - Trade and other receivables 4,842 810 Cash and cash equivalents 56,203 87,230 66,676 88,040 Total Assets 553,636 494,509 Equity Capital and reserves attributable to the Company's equity holders Called Up Share Capital 60,742 55,940 Share Premium 121,501 108,512 Capital Conversion Reserve Fund 754 754 Retained Earnings (31,136) (21,504) Other Reserves 41,562 40,347 Total Equity 193,423 184,049 Liabilities Non-Current Liabilities Bank loans 299,570 266,152 Obligations under finance lease 2,292 - Mine closure provision 2,505 2,365 304,367 268,517 Current Liabilities Bank loans 26,273 4,424 Trade and other payables 29,573 37,519 55,846 41,943 Total Liabilities 360,213 310,460 Total Equity and Liabilities 553,636 494,509 KENMARE RESOURCES PLC PRELIMINARY RESULTS GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 2007 2006 US$'000 US$'000 Operating Activities Loss for the year (9,632) (4,330) Adjustment for: Foreign exchange movement 1,680 1,972 Increase in mine closure provision 140 2,365 Share-based payment expense - 473 Operating cash flow (7,812) 480 Increase in inventories (5,631) - (Increase)/decrease in trade and other receivables (4,032) 977 (Decrease)/increase in trade payables and other (7,896) 17,171 payables Cash generated by operations (25,371) 18,628 Interest paid (12,249) (6,589) Net cash from operating activities (37,620) 12,039 Investing Activities Addition to Deferred Development Expenditure (37,896) (25,679) Addition to Property, Plant & Equipment (29,131) (77,997) Net cash used in investing activities (67,027) (103,676) Financing Activities Proceeds on the issue of shares 3,542 3,892 Proceeds on shares to be issued 14,249 - Repayment of borrowings (4,424) (1,756) Increase in borrowings 59,691 103,183 Increase in obligations under finance lease 2,242 - Net cash from financing activities 75,300 105,319 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash (29,347) 13,682 equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 87,230 75,520 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash (1,680) (1,972) equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 56,203 87,230 KENMARE RESOURCES PLC PRELIMINARY RESULTS GROUP STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2007 Share Share Capital Retained Other Total Capital Premium Conversion Earnings Reserve Reserve Fund US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 Balance at 1 54,847 105,713 754 (17,174) 35,619 179,759 January 2006 Loss for the year - - - (4,330) - (4,330) Share based - - - - 4,728 4,728 payment Issue of share 1,093 2,799 - - - 3,892 capital Balance at 1 55,940 108,512 754 (21,504) 40,347 184,049 January 2007 Loss for the year - - - (9,632) - (9,632) Share based - - - - 1,215 1,215 payment Issue of share 798 2,744 - - - 3,542 capital Share capital to 4,004 10,245 - - - 14,249 be issued Balance at 31 60,742 121,501 754 (31,136) 41,562 193,423 December 2007 NOTES TO THE PRELIMINARY RESULTS Note 1. Basis of Accounting and Preparation of Financial Information The preliminary results have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union. The financial statements are prepared in US Dollars under the historical cost convention. The financial information presented above does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of the Companies Acts, 1963 to 2006. A copy of the accounts in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2007 will be annexed to the Annual Return for 2008. The auditors have made a report without qualification of their audit of the financial statements in respect of the year ended 31 December 2007. In forming their opinion they have considered the adequacy of the disclosures made in the financial statements concerning the recoverability of Deferred Development Expenditure, Property, Plant & Equipment and Construction in Progress, the realisation of which is dependent on the successful development of economic ore reserves and the continued availability of adequate financing. Their opinion is not qualified in this respect. The Directors approved the financial statements in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2007 on 11 April 2008. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2006 prepared under IFRS upon which the auditors have issued an unqualified opinion, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. Note 2. Loss per share The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the parent is based on the loss after taxation of US$9,632,000 (2006: loss US$4,330,000) and the weighted average number of shares in issue during 2007 of 689,587,755 (2006: 679,602,594). The basic loss per share and the diluted loss per share are the same, as the effect of the outstanding share options and warrants are anti-dilutive. Note 3. Deferred Development Expenditure Analysed by Geographical Area Mozambique Ireland Mozambique Total Moma Titanium Uranium Minerals Mine Project US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 Cost Opening Balance 139,993 48 710 140,751 Additions 36,324 - 745 37,069 Amounts written off - - (1,455) (1,455) Closing Balance 176,317 48 - 176,365 Additions include loan interest capitalised of US$25,091,000 (2006:US$17,971,000) net of deposit interest earned on the temporary deposit of loan balances and operating costs of US$11,233,000 (2006:US$17,830,000) net of revenue earned of US$2,897,000 (2006:nil) and net of delay damages of US$15,745,715 (2006:nil). Following an impairment review, the uranium exploration expenditure of US$1,455,000 was written off. The recovery of deferred development expenditure is dependent upon the successful development of the Projects, which in turn is dependent on the continued availability of adequate funding of the Projects. The Directors are satisfied that deferred expenditure is worth not less than cost less any amounts written off and based on the planned mine production levels, that the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine will achieve positive cash flows. Note 4. Property Plant and Equipment Plant Buildings Mobile Fixtures Total & & & Airstrip Equipment Equipment Equipment US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 Cost Opening Balance - - - - - Reclassification from Construction 255,175 3,812 5,919 1,949 266,855 in Progress Additions during 2,327 103 586 the year - 3,016 Closing Balance 257,502 3,812 6,022 2,535 269,871 Accumulated Depreciation Opening Balance - - - - - Charge for the 2,775 74 2,207 302 5,358 year Closing Balance 2,775 74 2,207 302 5,358 Carrying Amount Closing Balance 254,727 3,738 3,815 2,233 264,513 A construction contract for the engineering, procurement, building, commissioning and transfer of facilities at the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine in Mozambique was entered into on 7 April 2004. The Contractor is a joint venture formed for this project by subsidiaries of Multiplex Limited and Bateman B.V. The construction contract was amended in December 2006 to provide for among other things, taking-over the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine works in sections. On 25 April 2007, the mining pond, dredges, wet concentrator plant and related infrastructure, were taken over by Kenmare and a taking-over certificate was issued. On 7 August 2007, the mineral separation plant, product warehouse, mineral export facilities and all related infrastructure was taken over by Kenmare and a taking-over certificate was issued. On 29 November 2007, the mineral product transfer barge was taken over by Kenmare, and a taking-over certificate was issued. At 31 December 2007, the only remaining section to be taken over was the roaster. Substantially all the property, plant and equipment will be mortgaged to secure banking facilities granted, as detailed in Note 8. The recovery of Property, Plant and Equipment is dependent upon the successful development of the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine, which in turn is dependent on the continued availability of adequate funding of the Mine. The Directors are satisfied that Property, Plant and Equipment is worth not less than the carrying value, and based on the planned mine production levels that the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine will achieve positive cash flows. Note 5. Construction in Progress 2007 2006 US$'000 US$'000 Opening Balance 265,718 187,721 Additions 47,219 77,997 Transferred to Property, Plant & Equipment (266,855) - Closing Balance 46,082 265,718 Construction in Progress represents expenditure under a construction contract referred to in Note 4. During the year assets with a value of US$266,855,000 were transferred from Construction in Progress to Property, Plant and Equipment. Substantially all the construction in progress will be mortgaged to secure banking facilities granted as detailed in Note 8. The recovery of Construction in Progress is dependent upon the successful development of the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine, which in turn is dependent on the continued availability of adequate funding of the Mine. The Directors are satisfied that Construction in Progress is worth not less than cost less any amounts written off and based on the planned mine production levels that the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine will achieve positive cash flows. Note 6. Capital Commitments 2007 2006 US$'000 US$'000 Construction contract 2,900 67,440 US$2.9 million represents the total amount payable under the contract for construction services work to the contractor at the year end. Note 7. Cash and Cash Equivalents 2007 2006 US$'000 US$'000 Immediately available without restriction 26,497 12,809 On Fixed Short-Term Deposit: Contingency Reserve Account 26,048 30,000 Shareholder Funding Account 25 25,863 Other Short-Term Deposit 3,633 18,558 56,203 87,230 In accordance with IAS 7, cash and cash equivalents comprise cash balances held for the purposes of meeting short-term cash commitments and investments which are readily convertible to a known amount of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value. Where investments are categorised as cash equivalents, the related balances have a maturity of three months or less from the date of investment. Cash at bank earns interest at floating rates based on daily deposit bank rates. Short-term deposits are made for varying periods of between one day and three months, depending on the cash requirements of the Group, and earn interest at the respective short-term deposit rates. The Contingency Reserve Account and Shareholder Funding Account on fixed short term deposit are amounts held in support of conditions required for Senior and Subordinated Loans as shown in Note 8. The amount required by the Senior and Subordinated Loan documentation to be maintained in the Contingency Reserve Account from time to time depends on a calculation involving capital and operating costs, interest and principal payments, and reserve account contributions required to achieve completion under the Project Loans as referred to in Note 8. As at 31 December 2007, estimates of the additional amounts required to be deposited to the Contingency Reserve Account were within the cash and cash equivalent resources available to the Company. Failure to make a required deposit to the Contingency Reserve Account when required would give rise to an Event of Default under the Senior and Subordinated Loan documentation, as detailed in Note 8. Note 8. Bank Loans 2007 2006 US$'000 US$'000 Senior Loans 210,694 183,146 Subordinated Loans 115,149 87,430 325,843 270,576 The borrowings are repayable as follows: Within one year 26,273 4,424 In the second year 28,283 20,136 In the third to fifth years inclusive 101,299 81,225 After five years 169,988 164,791 325,843 270,576 Less: amount due for settlement with 12 months (26,273) (4,424) Amount due for settlement after 12 months 299,570 266,152 Analysis of borrowings by currency Euro 119,253 91,271 US Dollars 206,590 179,305 325,843 270,576 The Bank Loans have been made to the Mozambique branches of Kenmare Moma Mining (Mauritius) Limited and Kenmare Moma Processing (Mauritius) Limited (the Project Companies). Bank loans are secured by substantially all rights and assets of the Company (other than cash and cash equivalents listed in Note 7 as "Immediately available without restriction" of $26,497,000 at 31 December 2007 (2006, $12,809,000)) and the Moma Titanium Minerals Mine; security agreements over shares in the Project Companies; and a Contingency Reserve and Shareholder Funding Account as shown in Note 7. The Company has guaranteed the Bank Loans during the period prior to completion which must be achieved by 30 June 2009. Completion occurs upon meeting certain tests, including installation of all required facilities, meeting certain cost and production benchmarks, meeting legal, environmental, social and permitting requirements, and filling of specified reserve accounts. Upon completion, the Company's guarantee of the Bank Loans will terminate. Subject to extension for force majeure not to exceed 365 days, failure to achieve completion by 30 June 2009 would result in an event of default under the Senior and Subordinated Loan documentation which, following notice, would give Lenders the right to accelerate the loans against the Project Companies, and to commence a two-stage process allowing the Lenders to exercise their security interests in the shares and assets (including accounts) of the Project Companies and in the Contingency Reserve Account and the Shareholder Funding Account. Note 9. 2007 Annual Report and Accounts The Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders in due course. ---END OF MESSAGE---
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