Holding(s) in Company

Holding(s) in Company

Standard Form TR-1

Standard formfor notification of majorholdings

1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attachedii:
Kenmare Resources Plc
2. Reason for the notification (please tick the appropriate box or boxes):


[] An acquisition or disposal of voting rights
[ ] An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments
[X]An event changing the breakdown of voting rights
[] Other (please specify)iii:

3. Details of person subject to the notification obligationiv :
Prudential plc group of companies
City and country of registered office (if applicable):
London, England
4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3.)v:
Prudential plc
M&G Group Limited
M&G Limited
M&G Investment Management Limited
M&G Securities Limited
5. Date on which the threshold was crossed or reachedvi:
27 July 2016
6. Date on which issuer notified:
28 July 2016
7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed or reached:
22% - 19%
8.Total positionsof person(s) subject to the notification obligation:
  % of voting rights attached to shares (total of 9.A) % of voting rights through financial instruments
(total of 9.B.1 + 9.B.2)

Total of both in % (9.A + 9.B)
Total number of voting rights of issuervii
Resulting situation on the date on which threshold was crossed or reached 19.93% N/A 19.93% 109,601,551



Position of previous notification (if applicable) 22.93% N/A 22.93% 95,278,349

9.Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed or reachedviii:
A:Voting rights attached to shares
Class/type of shares
ISIN code (if possible)
Number of voting rightsix % of voting rights




ORD EUR0.001

  21,849,170   19.93%
SUBTOTALA 21,849,170 19.93%

B 1: Financial Instruments according to Regulation 17(1)(a) of the Regulations

Type of financial instrument


Exercise/Conversion Periodxi
Number of voting rights that may be acquired if the instrument is exercised/converted.  


% of voting rights
  SUBTOTAL B.1    

B 2: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect according to Regulation 17(1)(b) of the Regulations
Type of financial instrumentExpirationdatex Exercise/ConversionPeriod xi Physicalorcashsettlementxii Number of voting rights  

% of voting rights

10. Informationin relation to the person subject to the notification obligation (please tick the applicable box):


[ ] Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled by any natural person or legal entity and does not control any other undertaking(s) holding directly or indirectly an interest in the (underlying) issuer.xiii


[ ] Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the
financial instrumentsareeffectivelyheld starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entityxiv:


% of voting rights if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold
% of voting rights through financial instruments if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold  

Total of both if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold
Prudential plc (parent Company) - 21,849,170 (19.93%)

M&G Group Limited (wholly owned subsidiary of Prudential plc) - 21,849,170 (19.93%)
M&G Limited (wholly owned subsidiary of M&G Group Limited) - 21,849,170 (19.93%)
M&G Investment Management Limited (wholly owned subsidiary of M&G Limited) - 21,849,170 (19.93%)
M&G Securities Limited (wholly owned subsidiary of M&G Limited) - 18,405,373 (16.79%)
11. In case of proxy voting: [name of the proxy holder] will cease to hold [% and number] voting rights as of [date]
12.Additional informationxvi:




Completed in London on 28 July 2016

Annex:Notification of major holdings (only to be filed with the Central Bank of Ireland and not with the relevant issuer)

A:Identity of the person subject to the notification obligation
Full name (including legal form for legal entities)
Prudential Group of companies - please see attached forms for details.
Contactaddress (registered office for legal entities)
Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH, England
Phonenumber / Fax number
020 7004 4517
Other useful information (at least legal a contact person for legal persons)
Owen Smith (Shareholder Disclosure Analyst)

B:Identityof the notifier, if applicable
Full name
M&G Investment Management Limited
Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH, England
Phonenumber / Fax number
020 7004 4517
Other useful information (e.g. functional relationship with the person or legal entity subject to the notification obligation)
Owen Smith (Shareholder Disclosure Analyst)


i.PersonscompletingthisformshouldhaveregardtotherequirementsoftheTransparency(Directive2004/109/EC)Regulations2007 asamended (the "Regulations"),the CentralBankof Ireland'sTransparencyRules(the"TransparencyRules")and CommissionDelegatedRegulation(EU)2015/761 of17 December2014.
ii Fullnameofthelegalentityandotheridentifyingspecificationoftheissuerorunderlyingissuer,provideditisreliableandaccurate
(e.g. address,LEI,domestic numberidentity).

iii Otherreasonforthenotificationcouldbevoluntarynotifications,changesofattributionofthenatureoftheholding(e.g.expiringoffinancialinstruments)or actingin concert.

iv Thisshouldbethefullnameof(a)theshareholder;(b)thenaturalpersonorlegalentityacquiring,disposingoforexercisingvotingrightsinthecasesprovidedforinRegulation15(b)to(h)oftheRegulations(Article10(b)to(h)ofDirective2004/109/EC);or(c)theholderof financialinstruments referredto inRegulation17(1)of the Regulations(Article13(1) of Directive2004/109/EC).

Asthedisclosureofcasesof actingin concert mayvarydue tothespecificcircumstances(e.g.same or differenttotalpositions of theparties,enteringorexitingofactinginconcertbyasingleparty)thestandardformdoesnotprovideforaspecificmethodhowtonotifycasesofacting inconcert.

Inrelationtothetransactionsreferredtoinpoints(b)to(h)ofRegulation15oftheRegulations(Article10ofDirective2004/109/EC),the followinglistisprovidedasanindicationof thepersonswhoshould bementioned:

  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (b) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity that acquires the voting rights and is entitled to exercise them under the agreement and the natural person or legal entity who is transferring temporarily for consideration the voting rights;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (c) of the Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity holding the collateral, provided the person or entity controls the voting rights and declares its intention of exercising them, and natural person or legal entity lodging the collateral under these conditions;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (d) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity who has a life interest in shares if that person or entity is entitled to exercise the voting rights attached to the shares and the natural person or legal entity who is disposing of the voting rights when the life interest is created;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (e) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the controlling natural person or legal entity and, provided it has a notification duty at an individual level under Regulation 14 of the Regulations (Article 9 of Directive 2004/109/EC), under letters (a) to (d) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC) or under a combination of any of those situations, the controlled undertaking;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (f) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the deposit taker of the shares, if he can exercise the voting rights attached to the shares deposited with him at his discretion, and the depositor of the shares allowing the deposit taker to exercise the voting rights at his discretion;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (g) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity that controls the voting rights;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (h) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the proxy holder, if he can exercise the voting rights at his discretion, and the shareholder who has given his proxy to the proxy holder allowing the latter to exercise the voting rights at his discretion (e.g. management companies).

v ApplicableinthecasesprovidedforinRegulation15(b)to(h)oftheRegulations(Article10(b)to(h)ofDirective2004/109/EC).ThisshouldbethefullnameoftheshareholderwhoisthecounterpartytothenaturalpersonorlegalentityreferredtoinRegulation15oftheRegulations(Article10Directive2004/109/EC)unlessthepercentageofvotingrightsheldbytheshareholderislowerthan


viThedateonwhichthresholdiscrossedorreachedshouldbethedateonwhichtheacquisitionordisposaltookplaceortheotherreasontriggeredthenotificationobligation.Forpassivecrossings, thedate whenthecorporateeventtookeffect.

viiThetotalnumberofvotingrightsshallbecomposedofalltheshares,includingdepositoryreceiptsrepresentingshares,towhichvotingrightsareattachedeven if theexercisethereofissuspended.

viii IftheholdinghasfallenbelowthelowestapplicablethresholdinaccordancewiththeRegulationsandtheTransparencyRulestheholderisnotobliged todisclose theextentoftheholdingonlythat theholdingis"below 3%"or "below 5%"asappropriate.

ix Incaseofcombinedholdingsofshareswithvotingrightsattached"directholding"andvotingrights"indirectholding",pleasesplitthevotingrightsnumberandpercentageintothedirectandindirectcolumns-ifthereisnocombinedholdings,pleaseleavetherelevantboxblank.

xDate of maturity/expiration ofthe financialinstrumenti.e.the datewhen right toacquiresharesends.

xiIf the financialinstrumenthassucha period-pleasespecifythis period-for exampleonceevery3 months startingfrom[date].

xiiIncaseofcashsettledinstrumentsthenumberandpercentagesofvotingrightsistobepresentedonadelta-adjustedbasis(Regulation17(4)of theRegulations/Article13(1a)ofDirective2004/109/EC).

xiii Ifthepersonsubjecttothenotificationobligationiseithercontrolledand/ordoescontrolanotherundertakingthenthesecondoptionapplies.

xiv Thefullchainofcontrolledundertakings,startingwiththeultimatecontrollingnaturalpersonorlegalentity,hastobepresentedalsoincasesinwhichonlyonsubsidiarylevelathresholdiscrossedorreachedandthesubsidiaryundertakingdisclosesthenotification,asonlythuswillthemarketsgetafullpictureofthegroupholdings.Inthecaseofmultiplechainsthroughwhichthevotingrightsand/orfinancialinstrumentsareeffectivelyheld,thechainshavetobepresentedchainbychainleavingarowfreebetweendifferentchains(e.g.:A, B, C, free row, A,B, D, freerow, A, E, Fetc.).

xv Thenamesofcontrolledundertakingsthroughwhichthevotingrightsand/orfinancialinstrumentsareeffectivelyheldhavetobepresentedirrespective of whether thecontrolledundertakingscrossor reachthelowest applicablethresholdthemselves.

xvi Example:Correction ofa previous notification.

Standard Form TR-1

Standard formfor notification of majorholdings

1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attachedii:
Kenmare Resources Plc
2. Reason for the notification (please tick the appropriate box or boxes):


[] An acquisition or disposal of voting rights
[] An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments
[X]An event changing the breakdown of voting rights
[] Other (please specify)iii:

3. Details of person subject to the notification obligationiv :
M&G Investment Funds (3)
City and country of registered office (if applicable):
London, England
4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3.)v:
State Street Noms Ltd A/C GMIQ
5. Date on which the threshold was crossed or reachedvi:
27 July 2016
6. Date on which issuer notified:
28 July 2016
7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed or reached:
See item 12
18% - 16%
8.Total positionsof person(s) subject to the notification obligation:
  % of voting rights attached to shares (total of 9.A) % of voting rights through financial instruments
(total of 9.B.1 + 9.B.2)

Total of both in % (9.A + 9.B)
Total number of voting rights of issuervii
Resulting situation on the date on which threshold was crossed or reached 16.29% N/A 16.29% 109,601,551
Position of previous notification (if applicable) 18.74% N/A 18.74% 95,278,349

9.Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed or reachedviii:
A:Voting rights attached to shares
Class/type of shares
ISIN code (if possible)
Number of voting rightsix % of voting rights




ORD EUR0.001

  17,855,335   16.29%
SUBTOTALA 17,855,335 16.29%

B 1: Financial Instruments according to Regulation 17(1)(a) of the Regulations

Type of financial instrument


Exercise/Conversion Periodxi
Number of voting rights that may be acquired if the instrument is exercised/converted.  


% of voting rights
  SUBTOTAL B.1    

B 2: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect according to Regulation 17(1)(b) of the Regulations
Type of financial instrumentExpirationdatex Exercise/ConversionPeriod xi Physicalorcashsettlementxii Number of voting rights  

% of voting rights

10. Informationin relation to the person subject to the notification obligation (please tick the applicable box):


[ ] Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled by any natural person or legal entity and does not control any other undertaking(s) holding directly or indirectly an interest in the (underlying) issuer.xiii


[ ] Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the
financial instrumentsareeffectivelyheld starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entityxiv:


% of voting rights if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold
% of voting rights through financial instruments if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold  

Total of both if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold
11. In case of proxy voting: [name of the proxy holder] will cease to hold [% and number] voting rights as of [date]
12.Additional informationxvi:

With reference to item 3, M&G Investments Funds (3) is an Open Ended Investment Company (OEIC) and is not a Prudential group company and must be separately disclosed.

This OEIC Fund is managed by M&G Investment Management Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Prudential plc) and will have been previously attributed to Prudential plc solely on the basis that M&G Investment Management Ltd has direct fund management control over the shares identified in this notification. 


Therefore the 16.29% holding being disclosed in this notification is encompassed in the 19.93% being disclosed under The Prudential plc group of companies and is NOT in addition to it.



Completed in London on 28 July 2016

Annex:Notification of major holdings (only to be filed with the Central Bank of Ireland and not with the relevant issuer)

A:Identity of the person subject to the notification obligation
Full name (including legal form for legal entities)
Prudential Group of companies - please see attached forms for details.
Contactaddress (registered office for legal entities)
Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH, England
Phonenumber / Fax number
020 7004 4517
Other useful information (at least legal a contact person for legal persons)
Owen Smith (Shareholder Disclosure Analyst)

B:Identityof the notifier, if applicable
Full name
M&G Investment Management Limited
Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH, England
Phonenumber / Fax number
020 7004 4517
Other useful information (e.g. functional relationship with the person or legal entity subject to the notification obligation)
Owen Smith (Shareholder Disclosure Analyst)


i.PersonscompletingthisformshouldhaveregardtotherequirementsoftheTransparency(Directive2004/109/EC)Regulations2007 asamended (the "Regulations"),the CentralBankof Ireland'sTransparencyRules(the"TransparencyRules")and CommissionDelegatedRegulation(EU)2015/761 of17 December2014.
ii Fullnameofthelegalentityandotheridentifyingspecificationoftheissuerorunderlyingissuer,provideditisreliableandaccurate
(e.g. address,LEI,domestic numberidentity).

iii Otherreasonforthenotificationcouldbevoluntarynotifications,changesofattributionofthenatureoftheholding(e.g.expiringoffinancialinstruments)or actingin concert.

iv Thisshouldbethefullnameof(a)theshareholder;(b)thenaturalpersonorlegalentityacquiring,disposingoforexercisingvotingrightsinthecasesprovidedforinRegulation15(b)to(h)oftheRegulations(Article10(b)to(h)ofDirective2004/109/EC);or(c)theholderof financialinstruments referredto inRegulation17(1)of the Regulations(Article13(1) of Directive2004/109/EC).

Asthedisclosureofcasesof actingin concert mayvarydue tothespecificcircumstances(e.g.same or differenttotalpositions of theparties,enteringorexitingofactinginconcertbyasingleparty)thestandardformdoesnotprovideforaspecificmethodhowtonotifycasesofacting inconcert.

Inrelationtothetransactionsreferredtoinpoints(b)to(h)ofRegulation15oftheRegulations(Article10ofDirective2004/109/EC),the followinglistisprovidedasanindicationof thepersonswhoshould bementioned:

  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (b) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity that acquires the voting rights and is entitled to exercise them under the agreement and the natural person or legal entity who is transferring temporarily for consideration the voting rights;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (c) of the Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity holding the collateral, provided the person or entity controls the voting rights and declares its intention of exercising them, and natural person or legal entity lodging the collateral under these conditions;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (d) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity who has a life interest in shares if that person or entity is entitled to exercise the voting rights attached to the shares and the natural person or legal entity who is disposing of the voting rights when the life interest is created;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (e) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the controlling natural person or legal entity and, provided it has a notification duty at an individual level under Regulation 14 of the Regulations (Article 9 of Directive 2004/109/EC), under letters (a) to (d) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC) or under a combination of any of those situations, the controlled undertaking;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (f) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the deposit taker of the shares, if he can exercise the voting rights attached to the shares deposited with him at his discretion, and the depositor of the shares allowing the deposit taker to exercise the voting rights at his discretion;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (g) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity that controls the voting rights;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (h) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the proxy holder, if he can exercise the voting rights at his discretion, and the shareholder who has given his proxy to the proxy holder allowing the latter to exercise the voting rights at his discretion (e.g. management companies).

v ApplicableinthecasesprovidedforinRegulation15(b)to(h)oftheRegulations(Article10(b)to(h)ofDirective2004/109/EC).ThisshouldbethefullnameoftheshareholderwhoisthecounterpartytothenaturalpersonorlegalentityreferredtoinRegulation15oftheRegulations(Article10Directive2004/109/EC)unlessthepercentageofvotingrightsheldbytheshareholderislowerthan


viThedateonwhichthresholdiscrossedorreachedshouldbethedateonwhichtheacquisitionordisposaltookplaceortheotherreasontriggeredthenotificationobligation.Forpassivecrossings, thedate whenthecorporateeventtookeffect.

viiThetotalnumberofvotingrightsshallbecomposedofalltheshares,includingdepositoryreceiptsrepresentingshares,towhichvotingrightsareattachedeven if theexercisethereofissuspended.

viii IftheholdinghasfallenbelowthelowestapplicablethresholdinaccordancewiththeRegulationsandtheTransparencyRulestheholderisnotobliged todisclose theextentoftheholdingonlythat theholdingis"below 3%"or "below 5%"asappropriate.

ix Incaseofcombinedholdingsofshareswithvotingrightsattached"directholding"andvotingrights"indirectholding",pleasesplitthevotingrightsnumberandpercentageintothedirectandindirectcolumns-ifthereisnocombinedholdings,pleaseleavetherelevantboxblank.

xDate of maturity/expiration ofthe financialinstrumenti.e.the datewhen right toacquiresharesends.

xiIf the financialinstrumenthassucha period-pleasespecifythis period-for exampleonceevery3 months startingfrom[date].

xiiIncaseofcashsettledinstrumentsthenumberandpercentagesofvotingrightsistobepresentedonadelta-adjustedbasis(Regulation17(4)of theRegulations/Article13(1a)ofDirective2004/109/EC).

xiii Ifthepersonsubjecttothenotificationobligationiseithercontrolledand/ordoescontrolanotherundertakingthenthesecondoptionapplies.

xiv Thefullchainofcontrolledundertakings,startingwiththeultimatecontrollingnaturalpersonorlegalentity,hastobepresentedalsoincasesinwhichonlyonsubsidiarylevelathresholdiscrossedorreachedandthesubsidiaryundertakingdisclosesthenotification,asonlythuswillthemarketsgetafullpictureofthegroupholdings.Inthecaseofmultiplechainsthroughwhichthevotingrightsand/orfinancialinstrumentsareeffectivelyheld,thechainshavetobepresentedchainbychainleavingarowfreebetweendifferentchains(e.g.:A, B, C, free row, A,B, D, freerow, A, E, Fetc.).

xv Thenamesofcontrolledundertakingsthroughwhichthevotingrightsand/orfinancialinstrumentsareeffectivelyheldhavetobepresentedirrespective of whether thecontrolledundertakingscrossor reachthelowest applicablethresholdthemselves.

xvi Example:Correction ofa previous notification.

Standard Form TR-1

Standard formfor notification of majorholdings

1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attachedii:
Kenmare Resources Plc
2. Reason for the notification (please tick the appropriate box or boxes):


[] An acquisition or disposal of voting rights
[] An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments
[X]An event changing the breakdown of voting rights
[X] Other (please specify)iii:
Due to Restructuring and Corporate Action
3. Details of person subject to the notification obligationiv :
Prudential plc group of companies
City and country of registered office (if applicable):
London, England
4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3.)v:
Prudential plc
M&G Group Limited
M&G Limited
M&G Investment Management Limited
M&G Securities Limited
5. Date on which the threshold was crossed or reachedvi:
26 July 2016
6. Date on which issuer notified:
27 July 2016
7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed or reached:
19% - 22%
8.Total positionsof person(s) subject to the notification obligation:
  % of voting rights attached to shares (total of 9.A) % of voting rights through financial instruments
(total of 9.B.1 + 9.B.2)

Total of both in % (9.A + 9.B)
Total number of voting rights of issuervii
Resulting situation on the date on which threshold was crossed or reached 22.93% N/A 22.93% 95,278,349
Position of previous notification (if applicable) 19.05% N/A 19.05% 2,530,247,171

9.Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed or reachedviii:
A:Voting rights attached to shares
Class/type of shares
ISIN code (if possible)
Number of voting rightsix % of voting rights





  21,849,170   22.93%
SUBTOTALA 21,849,170 22.93%

B 1: Financial Instruments according to Regulation 17(1)(a) of the Regulations

Type of financial instrument


Exercise/Conversion Periodxi
Number of voting rights that may be acquired if the instrument is exercised/converted.  


% of voting rights
  SUBTOTAL B.1    

B 2: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect according to Regulation 17(1)(b) of the Regulations
Type of financial instrumentExpirationdatex Exercise/ConversionPeriod xi Physicalorcashsettlementxii Number of voting rights  

% of voting rights

10. Informationin relation to the person subject to the notification obligation (please tick the applicable box):


[ ] Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled by any natural person or legal entity and does not control any other undertaking(s) holding directly or indirectly an interest in the (underlying) issuer.xiii


[ ] Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the
financial instrumentsareeffectivelyheld starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entityxiv:


% of voting rights if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold
% of voting rights through financial instruments if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold  

Total of both if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold
Prudential plc (parent Company) - 21,849,170 (22.93%)

M&G Group Limited (wholly owned subsidiary of Prudential plc) - 21,849,170 (22.93%)
M&G Limited (wholly owned subsidiary of M&G Group Limited) - 21,849,170 (22.93%)
M&G Investment Management Limited (wholly owned subsidiary of M&G Limited) - 21,849,170 (22.93%)
M&G Securities Limited (wholly owned subsidiary of M&G Limited) - 18,405,373 (19.31%)
11. In case of proxy voting: [name of the proxy holder] will cease to hold [% and number] voting rights as of [date]
12.Additional informationxvi:




Completed in London on 27 July 2016

Annex:Notification of major holdings (only to be filed with the Central Bank of Ireland and not with the relevant issuer)

A:Identity of the person subject to the notification obligation
Full name (including legal form for legal entities)
Prudential Group of companies - please see attached forms for details.
Contactaddress (registered office for legal entities)
Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH, England
Phonenumber / Fax number
020 7004 4517
Other useful information (at least legal a contact person for legal persons)
Owen Smith (Shareholder Disclosure Analyst)

B:Identityof the notifier, if applicable
Full name
M&G Investment Management Limited
Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH, England
Phonenumber / Fax number
020 7004 4517
Other useful information (e.g. functional relationship with the person or legal entity subject to the notification obligation)
Owen Smith (Shareholder Disclosure Analyst)


i.PersonscompletingthisformshouldhaveregardtotherequirementsoftheTransparency(Directive2004/109/EC)Regulations2007 asamended (the "Regulations"),the CentralBankof Ireland'sTransparencyRules(the"TransparencyRules")and CommissionDelegatedRegulation(EU)2015/761 of17 December2014.
ii Fullnameofthelegalentityandotheridentifyingspecificationoftheissuerorunderlyingissuer,provideditisreliableandaccurate
(e.g. address,LEI,domestic numberidentity).

iii Otherreasonforthenotificationcouldbevoluntarynotifications,changesofattributionofthenatureoftheholding(e.g.expiringoffinancialinstruments)or actingin concert.

iv Thisshouldbethefullnameof(a)theshareholder;(b)thenaturalpersonorlegalentityacquiring,disposingoforexercisingvotingrightsinthecasesprovidedforinRegulation15(b)to(h)oftheRegulations(Article10(b)to(h)ofDirective2004/109/EC);or(c)theholderof financialinstruments referredto inRegulation17(1)of the Regulations(Article13(1) of Directive2004/109/EC).

Asthedisclosureofcasesof actingin concert mayvarydue tothespecificcircumstances(e.g.same or differenttotalpositions of theparties,enteringorexitingofactinginconcertbyasingleparty)thestandardformdoesnotprovideforaspecificmethodhowtonotifycasesofacting inconcert.

Inrelationtothetransactionsreferredtoinpoints(b)to(h)ofRegulation15oftheRegulations(Article10ofDirective2004/109/EC),the followinglistisprovidedasanindicationof thepersonswhoshould bementioned:

  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (b) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity that acquires the voting rights and is entitled to exercise them under the agreement and the natural person or legal entity who is transferring temporarily for consideration the voting rights;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (c) of the Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity holding the collateral, provided the person or entity controls the voting rights and declares its intention of exercising them, and natural person or legal entity lodging the collateral under these conditions;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (d) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity who has a life interest in shares if that person or entity is entitled to exercise the voting rights attached to the shares and the natural person or legal entity who is disposing of the voting rights when the life interest is created;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (e) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the controlling natural person or legal entity and, provided it has a notification duty at an individual level under Regulation 14 of the Regulations (Article 9 of Directive 2004/109/EC), under letters (a) to (d) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC) or under a combination of any of those situations, the controlled undertaking;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (f) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the deposit taker of the shares, if he can exercise the voting rights attached to the shares deposited with him at his discretion, and the depositor of the shares allowing the deposit taker to exercise the voting rights at his discretion;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (g) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity that controls the voting rights;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (h) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the proxy holder, if he can exercise the voting rights at his discretion, and the shareholder who has given his proxy to the proxy holder allowing the latter to exercise the voting rights at his discretion (e.g. management companies).

v ApplicableinthecasesprovidedforinRegulation15(b)to(h)oftheRegulations(Article10(b)to(h)ofDirective2004/109/EC).ThisshouldbethefullnameoftheshareholderwhoisthecounterpartytothenaturalpersonorlegalentityreferredtoinRegulation15oftheRegulations(Article10Directive2004/109/EC)unlessthepercentageofvotingrightsheldbytheshareholderislowerthan


viThedateonwhichthresholdiscrossedorreachedshouldbethedateonwhichtheacquisitionordisposaltookplaceortheotherreasontriggeredthenotificationobligation.Forpassivecrossings, thedate whenthecorporateeventtookeffect.

viiThetotalnumberofvotingrightsshallbecomposedofalltheshares,includingdepositoryreceiptsrepresentingshares,towhichvotingrightsareattachedeven if theexercisethereofissuspended.

viii IftheholdinghasfallenbelowthelowestapplicablethresholdinaccordancewiththeRegulationsandtheTransparencyRulestheholderisnotobliged todisclose theextentoftheholdingonlythat theholdingis"below 3%"or "below 5%"asappropriate.

ix Incaseofcombinedholdingsofshareswithvotingrightsattached"directholding"andvotingrights"indirectholding",pleasesplitthevotingrightsnumberandpercentageintothedirectandindirectcolumns-ifthereisnocombinedholdings,pleaseleavetherelevantboxblank.

xDate of maturity/expiration ofthe financialinstrumenti.e.the datewhen right toacquiresharesends.

xiIf the financialinstrumenthassucha period-pleasespecifythis period-for exampleonceevery3 months startingfrom[date].

xiiIncaseofcashsettledinstrumentsthenumberandpercentagesofvotingrightsistobepresentedonadelta-adjustedbasis(Regulation17(4)of theRegulations/Article13(1a)ofDirective2004/109/EC).

xiii Ifthepersonsubjecttothenotificationobligationiseithercontrolledand/ordoescontrolanotherundertakingthenthesecondoptionapplies.

xiv Thefullchainofcontrolledundertakings,startingwiththeultimatecontrollingnaturalpersonorlegalentity,hastobepresentedalsoincasesinwhichonlyonsubsidiarylevelathresholdiscrossedorreachedandthesubsidiaryundertakingdisclosesthenotification,asonlythuswillthemarketsgetafullpictureofthegroupholdings.Inthecaseofmultiplechainsthroughwhichthevotingrightsand/orfinancialinstrumentsareeffectivelyheld,thechainshavetobepresentedchainbychainleavingarowfreebetweendifferentchains(e.g.:A, B, C, free row, A,B, D, freerow, A, E, Fetc.).

xv Thenamesofcontrolledundertakingsthroughwhichthevotingrightsand/orfinancialinstrumentsareeffectivelyheldhavetobepresentedirrespective of whether thecontrolledundertakingscrossor reachthelowest applicablethresholdthemselves.

xvi Example:Correction ofa previous notification.

Standard Form TR-1

Standard formfor notification of majorholdings

1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attachedii:
Kenmare Resources Plc
2. Reason for the notification (please tick the appropriate box or boxes):


[] An acquisition or disposal of voting rights
[] An acquisition or disposal of financial instruments
[X]An event changing the breakdown of voting rights
[X] Other (please specify)iii:
Due to Restructuring and Corporate Action
3. Details of person subject to the notification obligationiv :
M&G Investment Funds (3)
City and country of registered office (if applicable):
London, England
4. Full name of shareholder(s) (if different from 3.)v:
State Street Noms Ltd A/C GMIQ
5. Date on which the threshold was crossed or reachedvi:
26 July 2016
6. Date on which issuer notified:
27 July 2016
7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed or reached:
See item 12
16% - 18%
8.Total positionsof person(s) subject to the notification obligation:
  % of voting rights attached to shares (total of 9.A) % of voting rights through financial instruments
(total of 9.B.1 + 9.B.2)

Total of both in % (9.A + 9.B)
Total number of voting rights of issuervii
Resulting situation on the date on which threshold was crossed or reached 18.74% N/A 18.74% 95,278,349
Position of previous notification (if applicable) 16.18% N/A 16.18% 2,530,247,171

9.Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed or reachedviii:
A:Voting rights attached to shares
Class/type of shares
ISIN code (if possible)
Number of voting rightsix % of voting rights





  17,855,335   18.74%
SUBTOTALA 17,855,335 18.74%

B 1: Financial Instruments according to Regulation 17(1)(a) of the Regulations

Type of financial instrument


Exercise/Conversion Periodxi
Number of voting rights that may be acquired if the instrument is exercised/converted.  


% of voting rights
  SUBTOTAL B.1    

B 2: Financial Instruments with similar economic effect according to Regulation 17(1)(b) of the Regulations
Type of financial instrumentExpirationdatex Exercise/ConversionPeriod xi Physicalorcashsettlementxii Number of voting rights  

% of voting rights

10. Informationin relation to the person subject to the notification obligation (please tick the applicable box):


[ ] Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled by any natural person or legal entity and does not control any other undertaking(s) holding directly or indirectly an interest in the (underlying) issuer.xiii


[ ] Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the
financial instrumentsareeffectivelyheld starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entityxiv:


% of voting rights if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold
% of voting rights through financial instruments if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold  

Total of both if it equals or is higher than the notifiable threshold
11. In case of proxy voting: [name of the proxy holder] will cease to hold [% and number] voting rights as of [date]
12.Additional informationxvi:

With reference to item 3, M&G Investments Funds (3) is an Open Ended Investment Company (OEIC) and is not a Prudential group company and must be separately disclosed.

This OEIC Fund is managed by M&G Investment Management Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Prudential plc) and will have been previously attributed to Prudential plc solely on the basis that M&G Investment Management Ltd has direct fund management control over the shares identified in this notification. 


Therefore the 18.74% holding being disclosed in this notification is encompassed in the 22.93% being disclosed under The Prudential plc group of companies and is NOT in addition to it.



Completed in London on 27 July 2016

Annex:Notification of major holdings (only to be filed with the Central Bank of Ireland and not with the relevant issuer)

A:Identity of the person subject to the notification obligation
Full name (including legal form for legal entities)
Prudential Group of companies - please see attached forms for details.
Contactaddress (registered office for legal entities)
Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH, England
Phonenumber / Fax number
020 7004 4517
Other useful information (at least legal a contact person for legal persons)
Owen Smith (Shareholder Disclosure Analyst)

B:Identityof the notifier, if applicable
Full name
M&G Investment Management Limited
Laurence Pountney Hill, London EC4R 0HH, England
Phonenumber / Fax number
020 7004 4517
Other useful information (e.g. functional relationship with the person or legal entity subject to the notification obligation)
Owen Smith (Shareholder Disclosure Analyst)


i.PersonscompletingthisformshouldhaveregardtotherequirementsoftheTransparency(Directive2004/109/EC)Regulations2007 asamended (the "Regulations"),the CentralBankof Ireland'sTransparencyRules(the"TransparencyRules")and CommissionDelegatedRegulation(EU)2015/761 of17 December2014.
ii Fullnameofthelegalentityandotheridentifyingspecificationoftheissuerorunderlyingissuer,provideditisreliableandaccurate
(e.g. address,LEI,domestic numberidentity).

iii Otherreasonforthenotificationcouldbevoluntarynotifications,changesofattributionofthenatureoftheholding(e.g.expiringoffinancialinstruments)or actingin concert.

iv Thisshouldbethefullnameof(a)theshareholder;(b)thenaturalpersonorlegalentityacquiring,disposingoforexercisingvotingrightsinthecasesprovidedforinRegulation15(b)to(h)oftheRegulations(Article10(b)to(h)ofDirective2004/109/EC);or(c)theholderof financialinstruments referredto inRegulation17(1)of the Regulations(Article13(1) of Directive2004/109/EC).

Asthedisclosureofcasesof actingin concert mayvarydue tothespecificcircumstances(e.g.same or differenttotalpositions of theparties,enteringorexitingofactinginconcertbyasingleparty)thestandardformdoesnotprovideforaspecificmethodhowtonotifycasesofacting inconcert.

Inrelationtothetransactionsreferredtoinpoints(b)to(h)ofRegulation15oftheRegulations(Article10ofDirective2004/109/EC),the followinglistisprovidedasanindicationof thepersonswhoshould bementioned:

  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (b) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity that acquires the voting rights and is entitled to exercise them under the agreement and the natural person or legal entity who is transferring temporarily for consideration the voting rights;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (c) of the Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity holding the collateral, provided the person or entity controls the voting rights and declares its intention of exercising them, and natural person or legal entity lodging the collateral under these conditions;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (d) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity who has a life interest in shares if that person or entity is entitled to exercise the voting rights attached to the shares and the natural person or legal entity who is disposing of the voting rights when the life interest is created;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (e) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the controlling natural person or legal entity and, provided it has a notification duty at an individual level under Regulation 14 of the Regulations (Article 9 of Directive 2004/109/EC), under letters (a) to (d) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC) or under a combination of any of those situations, the controlled undertaking;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (f) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the deposit taker of the shares, if he can exercise the voting rights attached to the shares deposited with him at his discretion, and the depositor of the shares allowing the deposit taker to exercise the voting rights at his discretion;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (g) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the natural person or legal entity that controls the voting rights;
  • in the circumstances foreseen in letter (h) of Regulation 15 of the Regulations (Article 10 of Directive 2004/109/EC), the proxy holder, if he can exercise the voting rights at his discretion, and the shareholder who has given his proxy to the proxy holder allowing the latter to exercise the voting rights at his discretion (e.g. management companies).

v ApplicableinthecasesprovidedforinRegulation15(b)to(h)oftheRegulations(Article10(b)to(h)ofDirective2004/109/EC).ThisshouldbethefullnameoftheshareholderwhoisthecounterpartytothenaturalpersonorlegalentityreferredtoinRegulation15oftheRegulations(Article10Directive2004/109/EC)unlessthepercentageofvotingrightsheldbytheshareholderislowerthan


viThedateonwhichthresholdiscrossedorreachedshouldbethedateonwhichtheacquisitionordisposaltookplaceortheotherreasontriggeredthenotificationobligation.Forpassivecrossings, thedate whenthecorporateeventtookeffect.

viiThetotalnumberofvotingrightsshallbecomposedofalltheshares,includingdepositoryreceiptsrepresentingshares,towhichvotingrightsareattachedeven if theexercisethereofissuspended.

viii IftheholdinghasfallenbelowthelowestapplicablethresholdinaccordancewiththeRegulationsandtheTransparencyRulestheholderisnotobliged todisclose theextentoftheholdingonlythat theholdingis"below 3%"or "below 5%"asappropriate.

ix Incaseofcombinedholdingsofshareswithvotingrightsattached"directholding"andvotingrights"indirectholding",pleasesplitthevotingrightsnumberandpercentageintothedirectandindirectcolumns-ifthereisnocombinedholdings,pleaseleavetherelevantboxblank.

xDate of maturity/expiration ofthe financialinstrumenti.e.the datewhen right toacquiresharesends.

xiIf the financialinstrumenthassucha period-pleasespecifythis period-for exampleonceevery3 months startingfrom[date].

xiiIncaseofcashsettledinstrumentsthenumberandpercentagesofvotingrightsistobepresentedonadelta-adjustedbasis(Regulation17(4)of theRegulations/Article13(1a)ofDirective2004/109/EC).

xiii Ifthepersonsubjecttothenotificationobligationiseithercontrolledand/ordoescontrolanotherundertakingthenthesecondoptionapplies.

xiv Thefullchainofcontrolledundertakings,startingwiththeultimatecontrollingnaturalpersonorlegalentity,hastobepresentedalsoincasesinwhichonlyonsubsidiarylevelathresholdiscrossedorreachedandthesubsidiaryundertakingdisclosesthenotification,asonlythuswillthemarketsgetafullpictureofthegroupholdings.Inthecaseofmultiplechainsthroughwhichthevotingrightsand/orfinancialinstrumentsareeffectivelyheld,thechainshavetobepresentedchainbychainleavingarowfreebetweendifferentchains(e.g.:A, B, C, free row, A,B, D, freerow, A, E, Fetc.).

xv Thenamesofcontrolledundertakingsthroughwhichthevotingrightsand/orfinancialinstrumentsareeffectivelyheldhavetobepresentedirrespective of whether thecontrolledundertakingscrossor reachthelowest applicablethresholdthemselves.

xvi Example:Correction ofa previous notification.

This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Kenmare Resources via Globenewswire

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