Kenmare Resources : Update disclosure of relevant securities in issue pursuant to Rule 2.10Update disclosure of relevant securities in issue pursuant to Rule 2.10
In accordance with Rule 2.10 of the Irish Takeover Panel Act, 1997 Takeover Rules, 2013 ("Takeover Rules"), Kenmare confirms that it has 2,781,905,503 ordinary shares of nominal value €0.06 each ("Ordinary Shares") in issue and admitted to listing on the Official List of the United Kingdom Listing Authority and the Official List of the Irish Stock Exchange and to trading on the respective main markets for listed securities of the London Stock Exchange and of the Irish Stock Exchange. The ISIN code for Kenmare Ordinary Shares is IE0004879486. These details are unchanged from the disclosure made under Rule 2.10 on 26 June, 2014.
Kenmare also confirms that it has 50,060,000 warrants in issue ("Warrants"), each such warrant entitling the holder to subscribe for one Ordinary Share in the Company at an exercise price of Stg29.09p. These Warrants, which are not listed or admitted to trading and which have limited transferability rights, have a subscription period of 16 November, 2014 to 16 November, 2019. In addition, Kenmare yesterday issued 7,257,850 warrants to Absa Bank Limited ("Absa") in discharge of the US$800,000 extension fee due to Absa as part of the recent agreements with lenders, details of which were announced on 1 August, 2014. These warrants have an exercise price of Stg11p, are exercisable for a seven year period from 16 November 2014 and are otherwise on substantially the same terms as the Warrants.
In addition there are 81,047,962 options over Ordinary Shares outstanding under the Company's share option scheme. These details are unchanged from the disclosure made under Rule 2.10 on 26 June, 2014.
The Directors of Kenmare accept responsibility for the information contained in this announcement. To the best of their knowledge and belief (having taken all reasonable care to ensure such is the case), the information contained in this announcement is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.
Any holder of 1% or more of any class of relevant securities of Kenmare or Iluka Resources Limited may have disclosure obligations under Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Rules.
For further information, please contact:
Kenmare Resources plc
Michael Carvill, Managing Director
Tel: +353 1 671 0411
Mob: + 353 87 674 0110
Tony McCluskey, Financial Director
Tel: +353 1 671 0411
Mob: + 353 87 674 0346
Jeremy Dibb, Corporate Development & Investor Relations Manager
Tel: +353 1 671 0411
Mob: +353 87 943 0367
This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients.
The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information contained therein.
Source: Kenmare Resources via Globenewswire