Performance at month end

Merrill Lynch UK Inv Tst PLC 17 April 2001 MONTHLY PERFORMANCE MERRILL LYNCH UK INVESTMENT TRUST plc All information is at 30 March 2001 and unaudited. Performance at month end with net income reinvested One month Three months One year Three years Five years Net asset value -8.2% -13.4% -17.5% -7.6% 48.1% Share price -8.5% -10.6% -6.3% -15.6% 35.4% FTSE All-Share Index -5.0% -8.4% -10.8% 4.7% 68.4% At month end Net asset value* 1050.40p Share price 967.50p Discount 7.9% Total assets £187.8m Net Yield 3.1% Gearing: 26.8% Effective gearing of Company 26.4% Value of debt: £40.0m Ordinary shares in issue 14,093,562 (There were no share repurchases during the month) *Includes current year net revenue. UK Sectors % Portfolio Financials 25.7 Non-Cyclical Services 18.0 Cyclical Services 17.4 Non-Cyclical Consumer Goods 14.4 Resources 10.4 General Industrials 4.4 Basic Industries 4.0 Utilities 3.7 Information Technology 1.7 Net current assets 0.3 Total 100.0 Ten Largest Equity Investments % of Investments Vodafone 8.1 GlaxoSmithKline 7.2 BP Amoco 6.3 Barclays 5.5 AstraZeneca 5.3 Royal Bank of Scotland 4.5 Shell Transport and Trading Co 2.7 Royal & Sun Alliance 2.7 HSBC 2.3 Boots 2.2 Total 46.8 The Trust's gearing (c.26%) has had the effect of exaggerating recent poor stockmarket returns. The UK stockmarket, and global stockmarkets in general, have continued to suffer from negative earnings news flow, associated with the slowdown in the rate of global economic growth. We increased the Trust's representation in cyclical and interest rate sensitive sectors, favouring companies exposed to UK demand. This was primarily achieved by adding to general retailers (through Marks & Spencer, Debenhams and Boots) and building & construction shares. We established positions in Balfour Beatty, Taylor Woodrow and Crest Nicholson during March. Our choice of shares in the banking sector was strong. We emphasised UK-demand orientated firms, favouring Royal Bank of Scotland on the belief that restructuring would support its earnings. In addition, the Trust benefited from our favour for Barclays, which performed strongly, and our underweight position in HSBC. The Trust's significant position in Prudential adversely affected short-term returns, after it announced plans to make an acquisition in the US. This was negatively received by shareholders but (since the end of the period) another bidder has now emerged, and Prudential has recovered some lost ground. We maintained our overweight stance in pharmaceuticals shares. Our confidence in management's ability to achieve operational targets, within a framework of prudent financial management, resulted in a favour for AstraZeneca over GlaxoSmithKline. Nycomed Amersham adversely affected returns, after plans to list its biotechnology business on NASDAQ failed. However, we believe that the outlook for the company's important imaging business remains robust. Within the new economy, performance was mixed. The Trust has benefited from maintaining a low representation in technology shares. However, exposure to some smaller shares in the media sector, such as Hit Entertainment and Chrysalis, had a negative impact on performance during March. Hit entertainment's share price suffered after it completed an acquisition during March. Chrysalis (the owner of Heart FM) suffered in sympathy with Capital Radio, which issued a second profit warning. We benefited from our underweight position in telecoms overall, although returns were negatively impacted as a result of our long held significant position in Telewest. Sources: Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, Standard & Poor's Micropal Latest information is available by typing on the internet, 'MLIMINDEX' on Reuters, 'MLIM' on Bloomberg or '8800' on Topic 3 (ICV terminal). 17 April 2001 ENDS
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