Interim Results

Lancashire Holdings Limited 07 August 2006 Hamilton, Bermuda, 7 August 2006 Lancashire Holdings Limited Unaudited results for the 6 month period to 30 June 2006 Operating income of $42.7 million for the first half of 2006 • Operating income of $42.7 million(1) • Operating income per common share of $0.22 • Net income of $39.3 million • Net income per common share of $0.19 • Gross written premium of $316.3 million • Loss ratio of 11.6% (1) Operating income excludes $3.4 million in net realized investment losses Richard Brindle, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Underwriting Officer, commented: 'Lancashire has had an excellent first half of 2006. We experienced strong trading conditions and claims activity was low. From a standing start we are very pleased to have established Lancashire as a significant market participant in a wide range of specialty classes. The operational and financial results achieved by the team in such a short period of time have been remarkable.' Financial Highlights Property Energy Marine Aviation Total Bound premium 129.3 158.2 22.8 39.0 349.3 Gross premium written 129.3 151.2 21.7 14.0 316.3 Net premium written 89.6 120.0 21.7 14.0 245.3 Net premium earned 30.6 24.4 6.2 3.1 64.3 Losses and loss expenses (2.1) (3.5) (1.8) - (7.4) Acquisition costs (3.1) (2.9) (1.0) (0.6) (7.6) Underwriting income 25.4 18.0 3.4 2.5 49.3 Investment income 24.2 Realised gains (losses) (3.4) Foreign exchange (1.1) Operating expenses (13.6) Warrants and options (10.6) Financing costs (5.5) Profit after taxes 39.3 Loss ratio (2) 6.9% 14.3% 29.0% 0.0% 11.6% Acquisition cost ratio (2) 10.1% 11.9% 16.1% 19.4% 11.8% Expense ratio (2) 21.1% Combined ratio (2) 44.5% (2) Based on net earned premium Chief Executive's Statement Lancashire has emerged as a highly selective specialty insurer that is carefully building a robust and diversified book that will stand the company in good stead over the long term. Our underwriting approach is unique and clear: We concentrate on classes of business with the most attractive risk return characteristics available in the market, including those classes most dislocated by the loss events of 2004 and 2005. The Lancashire underwriting team - highly regarded and well known experts in our areas of focus - has strong broker relationships and boasts an impressive record in producing market leading returns through hard and soft market cycles. Our strategy has four cornerstones: (i) underwriting comes first; (ii) maintain a strong balance sheet; (iii) stay nimble; and (iv) manage capital through the cycle. We believe this strategy, successfully executed, will deliver our overriding aim: to create attractive long-term growth in book value for our shareholders. As the year has progressed we have gradually deployed our capital towards the best underwriting opportunities. Notwithstanding a generally favorable environment, our disciplined strategy has entailed declining a large number of risks which haven't met our return requirements. However, as we anticipated at the beginning of the year, pricing and terms have steadily improved and we have been patient to ensure we make most efficient use of our balance sheet. While we have allocated the majority of our risk capital at this stage, we have deliberately held back a proportion of capacity. We intend to use this opportunistically in the event of further market dislocation or severe capacity shortages in the market. In the second half of the year, we generally expect continued strong pricing and terms for the classes we write. While we will continue to expand our diversified book through 2006 and into 2007, we will not compromise underwriting discipline for top-line growth. If trading conditions unfold as expected, we expect bound premium of between $675 and $750 million. This translates to GAAP gross written premium for 2006 of between approximately $615 million and $680 million, and net written premium between approximately $540 million and $610 million. We are also very excited about the opening of our London underwriting operation. Lancashire UK is an accretive, organic addition to our existing operation, one which will greatly increase the flexibility of our operations and afford us access to a wider pool of high quality risks. We expect to see the benefits of this almost immediately, and we look forward to capitalising on these benefits as we move into 2007 and beyond.' Looking forward, we expect that a combination of our larger underwriting base together with continued strong trading conditions in our core lines of business will result in an increasing number of attractive underwriting opportunities for Lancashire in the medium term. At this time, we continue to target a 2006 ROE of 16 to 20 percent, assuming a normal level of losses. Dividends We are finding ample opportunities to fully deploy our capital, and expect to be able to continue to do so for the remainder of 2006 at a minimum. As such, we have not declared an interim dividend at 30 June 2006. We continually assess our capital adequacy and structure to best match the projected underwriting opportunities and will make any adjustments necessary as the environment evolves, including the payment of dividends as and when appropriate. Operating and Financial Review Gross written premiums for the half year were $316.3 million. Overall trading conditions in the classes written by Lancashire have been very good, particularly in classes impacted by the loss events of 2005. In 2006, we anticipate that premium for risks exposed to natural catastrophes will represent approximately 55% of our total written premium. Lancashire writes premium, mostly on a direct basis, in four lines: property, energy, marine and aviation. Property This line contains property retrocession, direct and facultative property and terrorism. Pricing has been excellent, as have terms and conditions, particularly in the retrocession and direct and facultative classes. Trading conditions in these classes steadily improved through the six months to 30 June 2006 and are expected to remain at levels at least this good for the remainder of 2006. Trading conditions in terrorism are reasonably good. Lancashire expects to increase its terrorism book in the latter half of 2006 and into 2007 following the arrival of our new terrorism specialist to the team in mid August. We have also written a handful of political risk contracts. Energy The energy line includes offshore and onshore energy written on a worldwide basis. The Gulf of Mexico offshore energy class represents approximately 75% of energy premium written through 30 June 2006. Trading conditions in this class have been unprecedented. Pricing is consistently up several hundred percent accompanied by dramatic tightening in terms and conditions. Trading conditions elsewhere in the world have also improved markedly, albeit not to the extreme amounts seen in the U.S. Marine This line includes marine excess of loss and a number of marine hull, marine war, marine P&I and other miscellaneous marine classes. As reported in earlier trading statements, marine excess of loss renewal prices were disappointing in January and we declined to participate to any great extent. To date, this has been the most disappointing major class of business written by Lancashire and we do not foresee a significant amount of attractive opportunities for the remainder of 2006. It is too early to forecast 2007 conditions. Direct marine rates have been better than seen in the reinsurance classes, and we are gradually building our book. However, based on projected trading conditions for the remainder of 2006 marine will represent a smaller proportion of our overall book than anticipated. Aviation To date, our aviation focus has been centered on AV52 aviation war carve-out business. We do not write general aviation business at this time, as we believe pricing is inadequate. AV52 pricing has been reasonably strong, and we predict it will continue though October renewals. We also plan to write a small number of Aviation ILW contracts. Reinsurance Outwards reinsurance premiums ceded in the six month period were $71.0 million, including $22.2 million ceded to Sirocco Reinsurance Limited, a newly formed Bermuda reinsurer in which Lancashire invested $20.0 million in June 2006. Sirocco and Lancashire have entered into a rolling one year quota share agreement in respect of Gulf of Mexico offshore energy risks. Sirocco does not write risks directly at this time. Lancashire is entitled to a ceding commission and profit commission from Sirocco, depending on the underwriting results of the ceded business. Net premiums earned were $64.3 million for the first half of 2006. As a newly formed company with no existing book of unearned policies, there is a substantial difference between the relative size of premiums written and premiums earned because policies written generally earn over a twelve month period. This relative difference is largest in periods immediately following inception but will reduce in the second half of 2006. The loss ratio for the six months to 30 June 2006 was 11.6%, driven by the relative absence of large loss events in the major classes written by Lancashire. All but a de minimus amount of the loss expense recorded is in respect of losses incurred but not reported. The acquisition cost ratio for the period was 11.8% and the underwriting operating expense ratio was 21.1%. The underwriting operating expense ratio for the first half of 2006 is significantly higher than the expected long term ratio due to the lag in net premiums earned at this early stage in the Company's life. Net investment income for the first half of 2006 was $24.2 million. The fixed income portfolio is currently yielding 5.6%. During the period, we realized $3.4 million of net losses. The portfolio incurred an unrealized loss of $5.7 million for the six months to 30 June 2006. The split of assets at 30 June 2006 was fixed income 75%, cash 18% and equities 7%. The weighted average duration and credit quality was 2.6 years and AAA, respectively. Employee warrants and option expense is the accrual of the fair value of warrants and options granted to employees since inception. The fair value is calculated on the grant date and will be expensed over the vesting period of each security, which is between three and four years. The fair value is expensed in the income statement and there is a corresponding credit to share premium in the balance sheet resulting in a net zero impact on total shareholders' equity. Total capital at 30 June 2006 was $1.1 billion, comprising $991.3 million of common equity and $127.1 million of long-term debt. Leverage is 11.4%. Fully converted book value per share at 30 June 2006 was $5.06 compared to $4.84 at 31 December 2005, representing a growth of 4.5% in the six months to 30 June 2006. Based on projected opportunities for the remainder of 2006, we believe the level and mix of capital is appropriate. This will be reassessed by management as the trading environment evolves. Consolidated Balance Sheet (unaudited) at 30 June 2006 2006 2005 $m $m Assets cash and cash equivalents 215.0 1,072.4 debt securities 866.5 - equity securities 86.9 - total cash and investments 1,168.4 1,072.4 unearned premium on premium ceded 60.4 - accrued interest receivable 7.9 2.0 inwards premium receivable from insureds and cedants 165.0 2.1 deferred acquisition costs 29.7 0.5 investment in associate 20.0 - other assets 4.0 0.7 pending trades - receivable 77.2 - total assets 1,532.6 1,077.7 Liabilities loss reserves 7.4 - unearned premiums 244.0 2.6 reinsurance payable 32.0 - deferred acquisition costs ceded 5.6 - accounts payable, accrued expenses and other liabilities 6.3 2.6 long-term debt 127.1 125.4 pending trades - payable 118.9 - total liabilities 541.3 130.6 Equity share capital 97.9 97.9 share premium 871.4 860.8 fair value and other reserves (5.7) - retained earnings (deficit) 27.7 (11.6) total shareholders' equity attributable to equity 991.3 947.1 shareholders total liabilities and shareholders' equity 1,532.6 1,077.7 Consolidated Income Statement (unaudited) to 30 June 2006 2006 $m underwriting revenues gross premiums written 316.3 outwards reinsurance premiums (71.0) net premiums written 245.3 change in unearned premiums (241.4) change in unearned premiums on premium ceded 60.4 net premiums earned 64.3 insurance losses and loss adjustment expenses (7.4) insurance acquisition expenses (7.6) other operating expenses (13.6) net underwriting income 35.7 net investment income 24.2 net realised gains (losses) (3.4) net foreign exchange gains (losses) (1.1) investment income and expenses 19.7 fair value of warrants & options issued (10.6) interest expense on long term debt (5.5) corporate expenses (16.1) net income 39.3 loss ratio 11.6% acquisition cost ratio 11.8% expense ratio 21.1% combined ratio 44.5% Basic earnings per share ($) $0.20 Diluted earnings per share ($) $0.19 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (unaudited) to 30 June 2006 2006 $m cash flows from operating activities profit (loss) on ordinary activities before interest income and expense 39.3 employee benefits expense 10.6 foreign exchange 1.1 realized (gains) losses on investments 3.4 accrued interest receivable (5.9) unearned premium on premium ceded (60.4) deferred acquisition costs (29.2) other receivables (80.6) inwards premium receivable from insureds and cedants (162.6) losses and loss adjustment expenses 7.4 unearned premiums 241.4 deferred acquisition costs ceded 5.6 amounts payable to reinsurers 32.0 accrued interest payable 0.1 other payables 122.4 net cash flows from (used in) operating activities 124.6 cash flows from investing activities investment in associates (20.0) purchase of debt securities (1,528.5) purchase of equity securities (88.2) proceeds on maturity and disposal of debt securities 650.0 proceeds on disposal of equity securities 4.4 net cash flows used in investing activities (982.3) net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents (857.7) cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 1,072.4 effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and 0.3 cash equivalents cash and cash equivalents at end of period 215.0 The Company expects to issue a complete set of interim financial statements together with a review opinion by the Company's auditors by August 31, 2006. Lancashire expects to issue a further trading update in the fourth quarter of 2006. Investor Presentation There will be an investor presentation on the results at 1130 UK time (BST) on Monday 7 August at Financial Dynamics, Holborn Gate, 26 Southampton Buildings, London WC2A 1PB. This presentation will be hosted by Richard Brindle, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Underwriting Officer; Neil McConachie, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer; and Simon Burton, Deputy Chief Underwriting Officer. Those wishing to attend are asked to contact Rob Bailhache or Nick Henderson at Financial Dynamics on +44 (0) 207 269 7200 / or +44 (0) 207 269 7114 / The presentation will also be accessible via a conference call for those unable to attend in person. To dial-in please call +44 (0) 1452 562 717. There will also be a live webcast of the presentation at A replay facility can also be accessed at For further information, please contact: Lancashire Holdings +1 441 278 8950 Neil McConachie Financial Dynamics Rob Bailhache +44 20 7269 7200 Nick Henderson +44 20 7269 7114 Investor enquiries and questions can also be directed to or by accessing the Company's website About Lancashire Lancashire was established in late 2005 as a new insurance and reinsurance business to take advantage of the favourable underwriting conditions arising arise from the large insured losses incurred in 2004 and 2005. The Company has an A.M. Best rating of A- (Excellent) with a stable outlook. Lancashire was admitted to AIM on 16 December 2005 following an Offer of Common Shares to investors. The Common Shares trade under the ticker symbol LRE. NOTE REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS CERTAIN STATEMENTS MADE IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT OR ON THE CONFERENCE CALL THAT ARE NOT BASED ON CURRENT OR HISTORICAL FACTS ARE FORWARD-LOOKING IN NATURE INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, STATEMENTS CONTAINING WORDS 'BELIEVES', 'ANTICIPATES', 'PLANS', 'PROJECTS', 'INTENDS', 'EXPECTS', 'ESTIMATES', 'PREDICTS', 'MAY', 'WILL', 'SEEKS', 'SHOULD' OR, IN EACH CASE, THEIR NEGATIVE OR COMPARABLE TERMINOLOGY. ALL STATEMENTS OTHER THAN STATEMENTS OF HISTORICAL FACTS INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THOSE REGARDING THE GROUP'S FINANCIAL POSITION, RESULTS OF OPERATIONS, LIQUIDITY, PROSPECTS, GROWTH, BUSINESS STRATEGY, PLANS AND OBJECTIVES OF MANAGEMENT FOR FUTURE OPERATIONS (INCLUDING DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND OBJECTIVES RELATING TO THE GROUP'S INSURANCE BUSINESS) ARE FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS. SUCH FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS INVOLVE KNOWN AND UNKNOWN RISKS, UNCERTAINTIES AND OTHER IMPORTANT FACTORS THAT COULD CAUSE THE ACTUAL RESULTS, PERFORMANCE OR ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE GROUP TO BE MATERIALLY DIFFERENT FROM FUTURE RESULTS, PERFORMANCE OR ACHIEVEMENTS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED BY SUCH FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS. THESE FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS SPEAK ONLY AS AT THE DATE OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT OR OTHER INFORMATION CONCERNED. LANCASHIRE HOLDINGS LIMITED EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY OBLIGATION OR UNDERTAKING (SAVE AS REQUIRED TO COMPLY WITH ANY LEGAL OR REGULATORY OBLIGATIONS (INCLUDING THE AIM RULES)) TO DISSEMINATE ANY UPDATES OR REVISIONS TO ANY FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN TO REFLECT ANY CHANGES IN THE GROUP'S EXPECTATIONS WITH REGARD THERETO OR ANY CHANGE IN EVENTS, CONDITIONS OR CIRCUMSTANCES ON WHICH ANY SUCH STATEMENT IS BASED. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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