James Latham plc ('James Latham' or 'the Company')
Employee Benefit Trust purchase
James Latham Plc (the 'Company') announces that on 24 April 2009 its wholly owned subsidiary James Latham Trustee Limited purchased 14,167 ordinary 25p shares to enable it to meet awards under the Company's Share Incentive Plan ('SIP') and Save as You Earn Plan ('SAYE'), at a price of 120p per share. David Dunmow and Pippa Latham, directors of James Latham Plc, are also directors of James Latham Trustee Limited. The directors of James Latham Plc are potential beneficiaries of the SIP and SAYE schemes
For Further Enquiries:
James Latham Plc
Peter Latham, Chairman Tel: 01442 849 100
David Dunmow, Finance Director Tel: 01442 849 100
Blue Oar Securities Plc
Andrew Raca Tel: 0207 448 4400