The Law Debenture Corporation p.l.c. announces that its Net Asset Value ("NAV") with borrowings at par and including fair value of IFS businesses on 17 March 2017 was 646.17 pence per share (ex income) and 648.23 pence per share (cum income), which excludes the proposed 2016 final dividend of 11.50p. With the Corporation's long term debt stated at fair value, the NAV was 621.85 pence per share (ex income) and 623.91 pence per share (cum income). The mid-market price at the close of business on 17 March 2017 was 569.50 pence per share. The final dividend will be paid, subject to shareholder approval, on 20 April 2017 to holders on the register at the record date of 17 March 2017.
Released by The Law Debenture Corporation p.l.c., Fifth Floor, 100 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7EX (contact Ian Bowden, Company Secretariat, 020 7696 5285).