Interim Results

London Finance & Investment Grp.PLC 7 March 2002 London Finance & Investment Group P.L.C. Directors Registered office D.C. Marshall, Chairman 25 City Road R.A. Good London, EC1Y 1BQ Dr. F.W.A.A. Lucas J.M. Robotham, OBE, FCA, MSI 7th March 2002 TO THE MEMBERS The directors are pleased to present the unaudited interim results of the company for the six months ended 31st December 2001. Results Our loss on ordinary activities attributable to shareholders for the six months was £5,000 compared to a profit of £883,000 for the same period in 2000 and losses per share were 0.02p (2000 - profit per share of 3.46p). The operating loss is mainly due to lower profits realised on sales of investments in the period and provisions made to value General Portfolio investments at market value, where this is below cost. Last year, dividends received included a special dividend of £64,000 from our investment in Creston plc, which has not been repeated this year. Management services income has also declined due to timing of one off tasks undertaken on behalf of overseas clients. The contribution to profits by our associated company, Western Selection P.L.C., for its half year to 31st December 2001, includes exceptional profits realised on the sale of part of Western's strategic investment in The Sanctuary Group PLC (in both 2000 and 2001), and the receipt in 2000 of an exceptional dividend from its strategic investment in Creston plc. As is our practice, we are not paying an interim dividend; the dividend paid in October 2001 was for the 12 months ended on 30th June 2001. At 31st December 2001 our net asset value per share was 39.25p, a decrease of 28% from 30th June 2001 and 36% from 31st December 2000. The decrease in net asset value is mainly due to a significant decrease in the market value of our strategic investment in Marylebone Warwick Balfour Group Plc, which is held as a long term fixed asset. Excluding MWB, our net asset value per share has declined by 14% over the last year. This compares with falls in both the FTSE 100, which was down 7.53% over the last six months and 16.15% over the year, and the FTSE All Share, which fell 7.17% in the last six months and 15.13% over the year. If we value our investment in Western at net asset value, rather than market value, our net assets per share at 31st December 2001 were 48p compared to 62p at 30th June 2001. Investment policy and management Our investment policy is to have strategic stakes in a few special situations, and hold a diversified general portfolio of U.K. and European listed equities. Strategic investments are minority positions where we seek to exercise influence over the management of the investment. We are represented on the boards of two of our strategic investments (Marylebone Warwick Balfour Group Plc and Megalomedia plc) and, in turn, Western is also represented on the boards of two of its strategic investments, Creston plc and The Sanctuary Group PLC. Our general portfolio is managed by two of our non-executive directors, Richard Good and Michael Robotham. Decisions in relation to both our strategic and unlisted investments are taken by the board as a whole. Strategic Investments Marylebone Warwick Balfour Group Plc ('MWB') consists of a series of highly cash generative businesses, each of which has property at its core. Operations are split into 6 areas: MWB Business Exchange, which provides 712,081 workstations in 38 serviced office centres; Hotels, most of which have 20-year management agreements with recognised operators; Retail Stores, which owns the Liberty brand, retail operations and properties; Fund Management, which has invested £539m out of £650m committed by three leisure funds; Asset Management, which owns and manages commercial property; and Project Management, which covers activities that create one-off profits or fees, over a defined time-scale, with clearly contained risk. MWB announced profits before tax of £7,660,000 for its year ended 30th June 2001 (2000 - £11,418,000) and dividends for the year of 2.8p (2000 - 2.8p) per share. Earnings per share fell by 25% to 7.3p. At 30th June 2001 the group had net assets with a book value in excess of £354 million (2000 - 210m), and net assets per share of 235p (up from 202p at 30th June 2000). The market has marked down significantly the share price of MWB because of similarities between its mainly UK based Business Exchange operations and Regus plc's poor performing international network of serviced offices with heavy exposure in the US. The share price at 31st December 2001 was 88.0p, compared to 233.5p at 31st December 2000, and was 88.0p on 28th February 2002. Megalomedia plc has metamorphosed into a clean cash shell with net assets of £5,141,000 at 30th September 2001 (29.5p per share on a fully diluted basis). It is looking to invest in a sound, cash generative business with good management and strong growth prospects. The share price at 31st December 2001 was 26p, compared to 22p at 31st December 2000, and was 25p at 28th February 2002. We have taken a 5.1% shareholding in Merrydown plc, producers of Merrydown cider and Schloer soft drinks. Merrydown has reported increased turnover for the half year ended 30th September 2001 of £8,054,000 (2000 - £7,331,000) and increased operating losses of £271,000 (2000 - £170,000) due to higher marketing spend for the Schloer brand. Advertising and promotional spend in the 6 months was over £1,000,000 more than in the same period last year. Merrydown's management is confident that growth in Schloer sales, which have a seasonal peak over Christmas, will continue to offset declines in cider sales. Our average cost of investment of 40p compares with net assets per share at 30th September of 49p and a share price of 42p at 31st December 2001 and 41p at 28th February 2002. Western Selection P.L.C., our associate strategic investment company, announced profits after tax for the six months to 31st December 2001 of £417,000 compared with £1,754,000 for the same period in the previous year. Western expects to at least maintain its dividend of 0.46p for its current year. The net asset value of Western, at market values, has fallen to £11,945,500 from £14,720,000 at 31st December 2000. This equates to 27.4p per share at 31st December 2001, a decrease of 9% since 30th June 2001. The share price at 31st December 2001 was 14.0p, compared to 14.75p at 31st December 2000, and was 14.0p at 28th February 2002. Western has strategic investments in The Sanctuary Group PLC, Creston plc and Swallowfield plc and has recently reported on them as follows: The Sanctuary Group plc is one of the world's leading developers of intellectual property rights in the fields of music, television and entertainment. It has issued accounts for the twelve months to 30th September 2001, reporting an increase in turnover of 87% and operating profits before interest and tax of £10,146,000 (2000 - £5,533,000). Earnings per share increased 36% to 2.56p from 1.88p last year, and the full year dividend is increased from 0.25p to 0.30p. The Sanctuary share price has decreased from 74.0p at 30th June 2001 to 67.5p at 31st December 2001 and was 60.0p on 28th February 2002. Creston plc is the recently transformed holding company of a Marketing Services Group with a strategy incorporating acquisitions as well as organic growth. The main components of the group are Marketing Sciences Ltd (MSL), Mobile Sensory Testing Services Ltd, both acquired in January 2001, and The Real Adventure Marketing Communications Ltd (RAMC) which was acquired in November 2001. MSL is a broad based market research agency, MSTS provides expertise in sensory analysis and profiling of products and RAMC provides a comprehensive range of creative and marketing disciplines for clients including brand development, direct mail campaigns, eMarketing, customer relationship and database management, incentive schemes, advertising and design. Interim results for the six months to 30th September 2001 show a loss for the six months of £194,000, reflecting the bedding-in of the first acquisitions made under the new strategy. The Creston share price was 82.5p at 30th June 2001, improved to 88.5p at 31st December 2001 and was 81.5p on 28th February 2002. We have acquired 7.1% of Swallowfield plc, a high value added and innovative supplier of quality personal care and other products to branded and own label customers. They specialise in formulation and manufacture of aerosol and non-aerosol products for retail distributors, the contract filling of aerosols and the manufacture of cosmetic pencils and other cosmetic products. Results for the year ended 31st December 2001 show turnover up 8% and operating profit up 6% to £2,875,000. Earnings per share, excluding restructuring, increased 9% on last year. Our average acquisition cost of 108p per share compares with Swallowfield's share price of 105.5p at 30th June 2001, 92.5p at 31st December 2001 and 105.0p on 28th February 2002. Conclusion The MWB share price currently stands at a significant discount to MWB's net asset value and we are supporting management's efforts to eliminate this discount. We are engaged in the identification of a new business for Megalomedia and are encouraging the management of our new strategic investment, Merrydown to investigate ways of increasing shareholder value. General Portfolio investments are held for the medium to long term, and we expect that they will provide a reasonable return over time, by way of both income and capital growth. We declared a dividend for the year to 30th June 2001 of 1.2p per share, which was paid in October. As mentioned above, it is not our intention to pay interim dividends; and, subject to unforeseen circumstances, we expect to at least maintain our dividend for the year to 30th June 2002, which we anticipate paying in October 2002. David C. Marshall Chairman Unaudited Consolidated Profit & Loss Account Half year ended Year ended 31st December 30th June 2001 2000 2001 £000 £000 £000 Operating Income Dividends received 93 174 304 Interest and sundry income 20 16 34 (Loss)/profit on sales of investments (109) 136 282 4 326 620 Management services income 242 238 425 246 564 1,045 Administrative expenses Investment operations (141) (137) (273) Management services (232) (186) (416) Total administrative expenses (373) (323) (689) Operating (loss)/profit (127) 241 356 Share of result of associated undertaking - normal (50) (90) 4 - exceptional 219 805 805 Interest payable (43) (58) (105) (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation (1) 898 1,060 Tax on result of ordinary activities (1) - (12) (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after taxation (2) 898 1,048 Minority interest (3) (15) (3) (Loss)/profit attributable to members of the holding company (5) 883 1,045 Proposed dividend - - (307) Retained (loss)/profit for the period (5) 883 738 Earnings per share (0.02)p 3.46p 4.09p Earnings per share excluding exceptional (0.88)p 0.31p 0.94p Fully diluted earnings per share Nil Nil 3.93p Dividend per share Nil Nil 1.10p Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet 31st December 30th June 2001 2000 2001 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 485 509 493 Investments 7,800 7,199 7,607 8,285 7,708 8,100 Current assets Listed investments 2,577 3,537 3,443 Unlisted investments 43 43 43 Debtors 133 225 157 Cash, bank balances and deposits 46 238 32 2,799 4,043 3,675 Creditors falling due within one year (1,320) (1,828) (2,010) Net Current Assets 1,479 2,215 1,665 Total Assets less Current Liabilities 9,764 9,923 9,765 Capital and Reserves Called up share capital 1,278 1,277 1,277 Share premium account 963 961 962 Reserves 362 363 361 Profit and loss account 7,103 7,254 7,109 Shareholders funds 9,706 9,855 9,709 Minority equity interests 58 68 56 9,764 9,923 9,765 Notes:- 1. The results for the half-year are unaudited and have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies adopted in the accounts for the year ended 30th June 2001. The financial information in this interim report does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240(5) of the Companies Act 1985. The audited accounts of the Group for the year ended 30th June 2001 have been reported on by the Group's auditors and have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or 272(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2. Earnings per share are based on the profit after taxation and minorities, and on the average number of shares 25,551,873 (December 2000 - 25,530,338 and June 2001 - 25,540,767), in issue during the period. Balance Sheet Analysis taking investments at market value 31st December 30 June 2001 2000 2001 £000 £000 £000 Principal investments at market value: Marylebone Warwick Balfour Group Plc 2,640 7,005 5,160 Megalomedia plc 1,118 902 1,161 Merrydown plc - acquired 27 June 2001 567 - 429 Western Selection P.L.C. 2,644 2,841 3,418 Creston plc - sold 30 January 2001 - 186 - 6,969 10,934 10,168 General equity portfolio (see analysis below) 3,732 5,557 5,040 Tangible fixed assets 485 509 493 Cash, bank balances and deposits 46 238 32 Bank Overdraft (1,050) (1,500) (900) Other net liabilities (94) (61) (910) Minority interests (58) (68) (55) Net assets 10,030 15,609 13,868 Net Assets per share 39.25p 61.11p 54.28p Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Half year ended Year ended 31st December 30 June 2001 2000 2001 £000 £000 £000 Cash inflow on operating activities 141 304 888 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Dividend received 182 270 374 Interest paid (43) (58) (105) Net cash inflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance 139 212 269 Taxation (paid)/recovered (1) 5 (6) Investing activities Tangible fixed assets - purchased (5) (5) (3) Fixed assets investments - purchased (105) (56) (532) - proceeds on disposal - - 238 Net cash outflow from investment activities (110) (61) (297) Equity dividend paid - Company (307) (281) (281) Financing Share capital issued 2 6 6 Net drawdown/(repayment) of loan facility 150 - (600) Net cash inflow from financing 152 6 (594) Increase/(Decrease) in cash 14 185 (21) Market Value of General Portfolio at 31st December 2001 £000 % Uti Worldwide Inc 317 8.5 Unilever 282 7.6 Nestle 218 5.9 Diageo 203 5.5 Barclays Bank 182 4.9 UBS 179 4.8 Lloyds TSB 164 4.4 AstraZeneca 155 4.2 ING Groep 145 3.9 HSBC Holding 145 3.9 The Shell Transport & Trading Company 142 3.8 GlaxoSmithKline 138 3.7 BOC Group 127 3.4 Cadbury Schweppes 123 3.3 Prudential Corporation 119 3.2 Credit Suisse Group 117 3.1 Anglo American 117 3.1 J. Sainsbury 110 2.9 Fortis NL 106 2.8 CGNU 101 2.7 Novartis 99 2.7 Roche Holdings 98 2.6 Zurich Financial 75 2.0 Reuters Group 75 2.0 Land Securities 71 1.9 Boots Company 70 1.9 Cable & Wireless 40 1.0 Others (less than 1%) 14 0.3 3,732 100.0 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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