Offer by OM Group-Pt.1

London Stock Exchange 29 August 2000 PART 1 OF 5 NOT FOR RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION IN OR INTO AUSTRALIA, CANADA, JAPAN OR THE UNITED STATES OM GROUP -------- OFFER FOR LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE PLC ----------------------------------- * OM announces the terms of an Offer for LSE * The Directors of OM believe that: * the success of stock exchanges in the future will be determined by their operational efficiency, brand strength, technological superiority and their ability to provide systems dependability at the lowest trading costs for customers * the European exchange that performs best on these criteria will win increasing trading volume, generating the deepest pool of liquidity for investors. Other exchanges will lose trading volume to the best performer * London is the best centre to focus the European equity market. It is already the major centre for equity liquidity in Europe. A single London-based regulatory environment is the ideal way to provide clarity and credibility for the European equity market * the proposed iX merger is founded on an outdated concept of merging two nationally based operations with limited regard to the technological and commercial changes in global equity markets * The aim of OM's Offer is to secure LSE's position as the leading European exchange for investors and intermediaries world-wide by offering integrated and cost-efficient solutions * By bringing together two complementary companies, LSE with its liquid market and recognised brand, and OM with its cutting-edge technology and commercial drive, the Offer will provide LSE with key elements needed for growth * OM believes that strengthening the technological and commercial base of LSE's markets and trading platforms will give it a competitive advantage, ahead of traditional national exchanges, to exploit global equity market opportunities * OM is an international technology company with a market capitalisation of approximately GBP2.6 billion that develops and provides transaction technology to customers world-wide. It owns and operates a number of exchanges and clearing houses. OM founded and operated the first for-profit, privately owned electronic derivatives exchange in 1985 * Over the last 15 years, OM has become the partner of choice and a world leading provider of integrated exchange technology to 20 international exchanges and clearing houses * OM also develops and provides technology solutions to leading banks and brokers in more than 20 countries * OM will offer LSE Shareholders 0.65 new OM Shares and GBP7.00 in cash for each share held, valuing each LSE Share at GBP27.19, a 15.7 per cent. premium to the closing price on 25 August 2000, and LSE at approximately GBP808 million * A Loan Note Alternative will be available to LSE Shareholders to give them, where eligible, the flexibility to defer capital gains tax liability on the cash element of their consideration * OM intends to seek a secondary listing on the London Stock Exchange following the completion of the Offer * OM expects that the transaction will be earnings enhancing (before amortisation of goodwill) in the first full year following completion of the Offer(*) * OM believes that the New Group could achieve yearly pre-tax cost savings rising to more than GBP30 million within four years * More importantly, OM believes there will be significant potential for enhancement of income from trading service-related activities * OM strongly believes that its Offer for LSE will benefit both LSE Shareholders and LSE customers by: * offering full value to LSE Shareholders * securing LSE's position as the pre-eminent European secondary market for trading in both high growth and blue chip companies within a single market framework * reinforcing the retail market by making equity trading more accessible * strengthening LSE as the preferred market for initial public offerings in Europe * providing LSE with OM's state-of-the-art transaction technology, to equip LSE with sufficient transaction capacity to meet comfortably the expected substantial growth in transaction volumes * targeting vertical efficiency between exchange, clearing and settlement functions * providing clarity and simplicity by avoiding regulatory compromise: the FSA will remain the sole regulatory authority for LSE * capitalising on LSE as an authoritative source of market information and developing new and profitable value-added information services * adding further sources of revenue from developing e- commerce businesses * The New Group will have the financial resources to exploit OM's capabilities to transform LSE into a fully commercial organisation that will deliver value to both its customers and its shareholders OM met LSE's management and advisors last week with a view to securing the recommendation of the Board of LSE for its proposal. Although this initial approach was rejected by LSE, OM urges the Board to consider the commercial and technological advantages of a combination with OM. Commenting on the Offer, Per E. Larsson, President and Chief Executive Officer of OM, said: 'OM believes that the Offer will deliver full value to LSE Shareholders and will provide significant improvements in trading efficiency for LSE's customers. OM's experience as a leading provider of technology and in operating for- profit exchanges puts it in a unique position to achieve this transformation for the benefit of both LSE Shareholders and LSE's customers.' Olof Stenhammar, Chairman and founder of OM, said: 'This is a substantial offer for LSE from OM, the world leader in technology solutions for trading exchanges and the first listed company to own a major European stock exchange. We believe that the proposed iX merger squanders the potential of LSE and that with our proven management skills and leading technology we can secure LSE's position as the pre-eminent European stock exchange'. The Offer will be conditional, inter alia, on changes being made to the Articles of Association of LSE to remove the restrictions on holdings in excess of 4.9 per cent. of LSE's issued share capital, approval by OM's shareholders of the issue of the new OM Shares and clearance from the UK and Swedish competition authorities on terms acceptable to OM. (*) This should not be construed as a profit forecast or be interpreted to mean that the future earnings per share of OM will necessarily match or exceed the earnings per share for completed financial periods. No offer or invitation to acquire or exchange securities in LSE is being made now. Any such offer or invitation will only be made in documents to be published in due course and any such exchange should be made solely on the basis of information contained in such documents. The Offer will not be made, directly or indirectly, in or into or by the use of the mail or any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce of, or any facilities of a national securities exchange of the United States nor is it being made in Canada, Japan or Australia. Neither the new OM Shares nor the Loan Notes will be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended). Further details in relation to overseas shareholders will be contained in the formal documents containing the Offer. Application will be made to the Stockholm Stock Exchange for the new OM Shares to be admitted to the A List. Details of settlement and dealing will be included in the offer document. This summary should be read in conjunction with the full text of the attached announcement including the Appendices. ENQUIRIES --------- OM GROUP Olof Stenhammar, Chairman On 29 August 2000: +44 (0)7979 703282 Thereafter: +46 (0)8 405 6641 Per E. Larsson, President & On 29 August 2000: +44 (0)7785 701231 Chief Executive Officer Thereafter: +46 (0)8 405 6609 Magnus Karlsson Bocker, On 29 August 2000: +44 (0)7979 703282 Executive Vice President Thereafter: +46 (0)8 405 6641 Jakob Hakanson, Investor Relations +46 (0)8 405 6042 Anna Eriksson, Corporate Communications +46 (0)8 405 6612 LAZARD +44 (0)20 7588 2721 David Verey Jonathan Dawson Svante Adde +46 (0)8 442 5400 HILL & KNOWLTON Anthony Payne +44 (0)20 7973 4489 +44 (0)7785 701231 Lazard, which is regulated in the UK by The Securities and Futures Authority Limited, is acting for OM and no-one else in connection with the Offer and will not be responsible to anyone other than OM for providing the protections afforded to customers of Lazard or for giving advice in relation to the Offer. MORE TO FOLLOW
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