Final Results

LPA Group PLC 23 January 2006 NEWS RELEASE PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2005 LPA Group Plc, the lighting, power and electronics system manufacturer and distributor, announces modestly increased pre-tax profits of £176,000 (2004: £143,000) for the year ended 30 September 2005. KEY POINTS • TURNOVER Unchanged at £13.5m • OPERATING PROFIT Increased 10% to £370,000 (2004: £337,000) • PROFIT BEFORE TAX Increased 23% to £176,000 (2004: £143,000) • BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE Unchanged at 1.28p (2004: 1.27p) • ADJUSTED EARNINGS PER SHARE Unchanged at 2.14p (2004: 2.13p) (before amortisation of goodwill) • DIVIDENDS - INTERIM Unchanged at 0.15p (2004: 0.15p) - FINAL Increased 17% to 0.35p (2004: 0.30p) - TOTAL Increased 11% to 0.50p (2004: 0.45p) • GEARING REDUCED 8.4% TO 57.9% (2004: 66.3%) • ORDER BOOK UP 12% DESPITE DELAY IN AWARD OF CONTRACTS • STRONG CASH FLOW • GOOD POTENTIAL FOR UPGRADE OF LONDON UNDERGROUND VEHICLES AND STATIONS • GOOD SURFACE STOCK OPPORTUNITIES, INCLUDING REPLACEMENT OF HST FLEET • FIRST MAJOR ASIAN CONTRACT WON, FURTHER EXCITING OPPORTUNITIES IN EUROPE AND ASIA • LED TECHNOLOGY LEADERSHIP SUPPORTED WITH MORE RESOURCES • PROGRESS IN LOW COST COUNTRY SOURCING Peter Pollock, Chief Executive, commented 'Orders entered have exceeded sales for the third successive year and the long term order book continues to grow, securing the future for the Group. In the short term the base load is light in some key areas and margins are under pressure. Quick turn round orders have been growing, which, is encouraging. Success in the Asian market is reward for hard work. Further progress has been made on operational issues, but more is required to meet the increasing challenges from low cost imports. We are responding to the challenge of Globalisation and Low Cost Country Sourcing, which will affect all manufacturing. We expect that the nature of our business will change significantly over the next few years. We have a leading position in the application of LED technology for internal passenger train and emergency lighting. We intend to build on this strength by developing LED applications in other markets. We believe that LED application technology presents an important opportunity for the Group and we are increasing our investment accordingly. Following a good final quarter, trading conditions at the start of the current year have been disappointing. These variable conditions are likely to persist in the short term and will limit progress this year.' ENQUIRIES Peter Pollock LPA Group Plc 07881 626123 Stephen Brett LPA Group Plc 01799 512860 or 07881 626127 James Glancy Teather & Greenwood Limited 0207 426 9010 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2005 KEY FINANCIAL INFORMATION FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS For the year ended 30 September 2005 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 TURNOVER 13,469 13,540 OPERATING PROFIT 370 337 PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 176 143 BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE 1.28p 1.27p ADJUSTED EARNINGS PER SHARE 2.14p 2.13p DIVIDENDS PER SHARE 0.50p 0.45p GEARING 58% 66% CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT Results I am pleased to report that the Group has continued to trade profitably during the period under review. The year enjoyed a sound start and a relatively strong finish, but a weakness in load in the mid-year period restricted overall progress. A profit before tax of £176,000 (2004: £143,000) was achieved, and basic earnings per share were essentially unchanged at 1.28p (2004: 1.27p). Dividends In view of the improved cash position the directors recommend the payment of an increased final dividend of 0.35p per share (2004: 0.30p). This, together with the interim dividend of 0.15p per share, this will make a total for the year of 0.50p per share (2004: 0.45p) an increase of 11%. Subject to approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held at 12.00 noon on Wednesday 8 March 2006 at the offices of Teather and Greenwood Limited, 15 St Botolph Street, London, EC3A 7QR, the final dividend will be paid on 17 March 2006, to shareholders registered at the close of business on 24 February 2006. Authority to allot shares and authority to buy shares The Agenda for the Annual General Meeting includes three resolutions relating to the limited authority of the directors to allot shares, and for the Company to make market purchases of its own shares: a. The first is a resolution to renew the authority of the directors to allot shares generally, as defined in section 80 of the Companies Act 1985; b. The second is a resolution to renew the authority of the directors to allot equity securities for cash without first offering them to existing shareholders, pursuant to section 95 of the Companies Act 1985; and c. The third is a resolution to permit the Company to make market purchases, as defined in section 163 of the Companies Act 1985, of its own shares. These authorities are part of the portfolio of powers commonly granted to directors to ensure flexibility, should appropriate circumstances arise, to either allot shares, or make purchases of the Company's own shares in the best interests of shareholders. Each authority will run through until the next Annual General Meeting. The directors have no present intention of using such authorities. Board Stephen Brett and Peter Pollock are the directors retiring by rotation and I am delighted that they have indicated their willingness to offer themselves for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. Under the present management the Group's strategy is beginning to achieve important progress. Subject to the afore mentioned re-election it has been agreed with Peter Pollock, Group Chief Executive, that his existing service agreement will be extended to expire in September 2011 when he will be aged sixty five years. His contract has a one year rolling notice period. Employees As usual, on behalf of the Board, I acknowledge that our most valuable asset, in all our locations, is our people. I take the opportunity to thank them all for their continued loyalty and support. Prospects After a good final quarter the start to the new financial year has been disappointing. This roller coaster effect has become a pattern in recent years, which will be eliminated when the underlying load in the long-term order book becomes current. Action is being taken to secure the many prospects available to the group in sales, operational efficiency and procurement. Your board is hopeful of progress during the year. Michael Rusch Chairman 23 January 2006 CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S REVIEW Trading results The Group enjoyed a good final quarter, which resulted in a pre-tax profit for the year of £176,000 (2004: £143,000). The order book increased 12% to £8.8m. Sales remained static at £13.5m. The net cash inflow, before financing, amounted to £304,000 (2004: £564,000) and gearing reduced 8.4% to 57.9%. The interim dividend was maintained and the final dividend increased. Markets The Group's main market remains rail vehicle builders in the UK, Europe and Asia and refurbishment of rail vehicles in the UK. Other markets include Aerospace and Defence, Infrastructure and General Industrial. UK Rail The Group remains the leading supplier of auxiliary battery power systems, inter-vehicle electrical connection systems and lighting systems for the UK rail vehicle building and refurbishment industry, and continues to supply a wide range of components and subsystems for new-build, refurbishment and reliability improvement. The sale is made at many levels: the Train Operating Company (TOC), which wants reliability and low maintenance; the Rolling Stock Owning Company (Rosco), which wants low initial cost and low life cycle cost; and the Train Builder, which wants low initial cost, but which is increasingly being required to maintain the vehicle throughout its life. This development favours our commitment to quality, reliability and low life cycle cost. Despite the upheavals in Britain's railway industry, half the fleet of trains is now less than ten years old. The investment in new vehicles, which has been satisfied from suppliers in the UK as well as suppliers from Europe, has slowed down. Immediate UK prospects will be concentrated on London Underground, High Speed Train refurbishment, the Channel Tunnel Rail Link as well as some infill to existing fleets of Diesel Multiple Unit and Electric Multiple Unit trains. There is still overcapacity in Europe, particularly Germany and France, and continuing rationalisation must be expected. As anticipated in my report last year trading conditions have remained challenging. Delays in the award of contracts, especially those where we have been selected, continue to be a frustrating fact of life. Low Cost Country Sources (LCCS) are also a fact of industrial life, which we are embracing. We are sourcing an increasing number of components and sub-assemblies from LCCS, which we do in concert with our customers. European Rail The UK market is increasingly satisfied from Europe and elsewhere. We are using our experience of the particular nature and standards required in the UK rail industry to encourage suppliers to the UK market to use our products. It is not easy to replace an established supplier but increasingly we are making progress. We continue to build our relationships with Europe's 'big three', Alstom Transport, Bombardier Transportation and Siemens, to whom we remain suppliers. Our reputation for quality and reliability is enabling us to make progress. Global Rail We have studied the market in China and have concluded that until the cost of maintenance increases, there is little prospect for our high quality, high reliability, and higher initial cost products. We have been selected for our first major contract for new build equipment in Taiwan. This is giving us useful exposure in the region where we continue to secure work in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan, as well as other markets such as South Africa. CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S REVIEW (continued) Markets (continued) Aerospace and Defence The global and internationally collaborative nature of most aerospace projects was reported last year. The market remains important, but challenging for the Group. We continue to concentrate on the subcontract and spares market where our approach to quality and service are better rewarded There are a number of small and medium sized enterprises in the UK defence market, which present the Group with opportunities to supply components and sub-systems. This is an increasingly important market for the Group and we have enjoyed success with new customers during the year. Infrastructure and General Industrial The Group continues to be the leading supplier in the UK of Aircraft Ground Power Harnesses, which enable aircraft on the ground to run essential services when the engines are switched off. These products are used for civil and military applications and are also exported to many countries around the globe, in Europe, Asia and Africa. The Group manufactures and distributes electrical cable management products including connectors, cleats and clamps together with circuit breakers, relays and cable tray, which are used in infrastructure, telecoms and general industry. Structure and costs The continued growth of the order book, and the success of the Group in new markets, reflects well on the sales structure, which we will continue to develop as market conditions change. Customer satisfaction continues to improve with quality and delivery being the most important factors. Some operational issues remain to be resolved. Information technology continues to present opportunities for the Group to progress. Design and development The Group's design and development activity has continued to concentrate on new auxiliary power systems, inter car connection systems and lighting systems for the rail vehicle market. The most exciting development has been in the application engineering of Light Emitting Diodes (LED) in lighting systems for rail, defence and infrastructure applications. LED has significant advantages over halogen or dichroic lamps. The Group is investing additional resources in the development and marketing of this technology. Management There have been no material management changes during the year. Prospects The long-term prospects for the Group are good although short-term obstacles to progress remain. The Group is increasingly better placed to overcome them. Peter Pollock Chief Executive 23 January 2006 FINANCIAL REVIEW Financial performance Results for the year were broadly in line with those of 2004 with turnover falling by £0.07m (0.5%) to £13.47m, on which an improved operating profit of £370,000 was generated as compared to £337,000 last year. Overall the Group's gross margin improved by 0.9% from 27.5% to 28.4%. Total operating expenses at £3.45m were higher than the £3.39m last year, largely the consequence of higher sales costs, and the net operating margin was 2.7% (2004: 2.5%) Interest costs were unchanged at £194,000 with lower average borrowings offsetting the impact of higher interest rates, and the tax charge was £36,000 (2004: £4,000) being 13% of profit before tax and goodwill amortisation, with the Group continuing to benefit from the utilisation of its brought forward tax losses. Resultant earnings were £140,000 (2004: £139,000) representing basic earnings per share of 1.28p (2004: 1.27p). Adjusted earnings per share, which excludes goodwill amortisation from the calculation, was 2.14p (2004: 2.13p). Including the recommended final dividend, total dividends for the year were £55,000 (2004: £49,000), being 0.50p (2004: 0.45p) per share, which is covered 2.5 times by basic earnings and 4.2 times by adjusted earnings. Shareholders funds increased from £4.07m to £4.15m. Cash flow Cash generated from operating activities in the year was £787,000 (2004: £948,000) the reduction being explained by an increase in working capital over the current year as compared to a decrease last year. Capital expenditure was again focused in production and engineering and increased to £248,000 (2004: £171,000) in the year, 0.6 times depreciation (2004: 0.4 times) reducing to net expenditure of £223,000 (2004: £158,000) after asset disposals. After interest costs of £183,000 (2004: £183,000), tax payments of £28,000 (2004: £Nil), and dividends of £49,000 (2004: £43,000), net cash before financing amounted to £304,000 (2004: £564,000). No refinancing was required in the year and after repayment of £448,000 (2004: £441,000) of existing debt, there was a net decrease in the cash position of £144,000 (2004: increase of £123,000). The Group maintains a good relationship with its banker and has negotiated the renewal of its existing facilities through to November 2006. The renewal of facilities after this date is not foreseen as a problem. In the year the net debt fell to £2.40m (2004: £2.70m), gearing fell to 58% (2004: 66%) and at the year end there were £0.7m (2004: £0.7m) of un-drawn committed facilities available to the Group. The main element of the Group's debt is funded through its term loan of £1.53m (2004: £1.83m) repayable over the next five years. FINANCIAL REVIEW (continued) Treasury The Group's treasury policy, which operates within approved Board guidelines and has not changed since 2004, seeks to ensure that adequate financial resources are available for the development of the Group's business whilst managing its foreign currency, interest rate, and liquidity risks. Operations are financed through a mixture of retained profits and bank borrowings with short-term flexibility achieved through the use of overdraft facilities. Only 15% of sales (2004: 12%) are to overseas customers and the Group has not found it necessary to seek local finance. The Group has transactional currency exposure arising from normal trading activity. Such exposure arises from sales or purchases in currencies other than sterling, the functional currency of the Group. The Group hedges the foreign currency risk associated with significant future sales and purchases using forward exchange contracts. Experience to date is that any un-hedged exposure has not led to major exchange gains or losses. Interest rates are managed through a mixture of fixed and floating rate borrowings. The Group does not trade in derivatives or make speculative hedges. Going concern The directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future and therefore the accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis. Stephen Brett Finance Director 23 January 2006 LPA GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the year ended 30 September 2005 2005 2004 £ '000 £ '000 Turnover 13,469 13,540 Cost of sales (9,645) (9,815) Gross profit 3,824 3,725 Net operating expenses (3,454) (3,388) Operating profit 370 337 Net interest payable and similar charges (194) (194) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 176 143 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (36) (4) Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 140 139 Dividends on equity shares (55) (49) Transfer to reserves 85 90 Earnings per share Basic 1.28p 1.27p Diluted 1.27p 1.27p Adjusted (before amortisation of goodwill) 2.14p 2.13p LPA GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET At 30 September 2005 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 1,327 1,420 Tangible assets 2,235 2,388 3,562 3,808 Current assets Stocks 2,604 2,491 Debtors 3,085 2,806 Cash at bank and in hand 3 3 5,692 5,300 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (3,874) (3,460) Net current assets 1,818 1,840 Total assets less current liabilities 5,380 5,648 Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year (1,211) (1,575) Provisions for liabilities and charges (16) (5) Net assets 4,153 4,068 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 1,090 1,090 Share premium account 254 254 Revaluation reserve 313 314 Merger reserve 230 230 Profit and loss account 2,266 2,180 Equity shareholders' funds 4,153 4,068 LPA GROUP PLC CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ended 30 September 2005 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Net cash inflow from operating activities 787 948 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest paid (169) (162) Interest element of hire purchase and finance lease payments (14) (24) Interest receivable - 3 (183) (183) Taxation (28) - Capital expenditure Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (248) (171) Receipts from sale of other fixed assets 25 13 (223) (158) Equity dividends paid (49) (43) Net cash flow before financing 304 564 Financing Repayment of loans (306) (306) Capital element of hire purchase and finance lease payments (142) (135) (448) (441) (Decrease) / increase in cash (144) 123 LPA GROUP PLC NOTES 1 - EARNINGS PER SHARE The calculation of earnings per share is based upon the profit after tax of £140,000 (2004: £139,000) and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of 10.903m (2004: 10.903m). The weighted number of ordinary shares diluted for the effect of outstanding share option was 11.000m (2004: 10.979m). Adjusted earnings per share, which is disclosed to reflect the underlying performance of the Company, has been calculated on a profit of £233,000 (2004: £232,000) being the profit after tax for the year before the amortisation of goodwill. Details are as follows: 2005 2004 Basic Diluted Basic Diluted pence pence pence pence per per per per £'000 share share £'000 share share Basic earnings 140 1.28 1.27 139 1.27 1.27 Amortisation of goodwill 93 0.86 0.85 93 0.86 0.84 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Adjusted earnings 233 2.14 2.12 232 2.13 2.11 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 2 - INFORMATION The preceding information does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 September 2005 or 30 September 2004 but is derived from those accounts. The 2005 accounts will be posted to shareholders on 10 February 2006 and will be available from the Company Secretary, LPA Group Plc, Debden Road, Saffron Walden, Essex, CB11 4AN, shortly thereafter. Statutory accounts for 2004 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, and those for 2005 will be delivered following the Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on these accounts and their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


LPA Group (LPA)
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