Result of AGM

M.P. Evans Group PLC Resolutions passed at the annual general meeting held on 17 June 2009. All of the resolutions set out in the notice of the annual general meeting dated 30 April 2009 were duly passed. A total of 52,242,385 shares were eligible to vote at the annual general meeting with each share carrying one vote on a poll. Proxies were received for use in connection with the annual general meeting with the following instructions (treating proxies giving discretion to the chairman as a "for" instruction): Resolution For Against Abstain Annual report 12,818,448 333,847 862,947 Declare a dividend 14,008,242 Nil 7,000 Re-election of P E Hadsley-Chaplin 13,978,830 23,812 12,600 Re-election of P A Fletcher 13,980,230 22,032 12,980 Re-appointment of the auditors 13,973,636 21,132 20,474 Allotment of shares 13,978,771 5,207 31,264 Issue of shares otherwise than pro rata 13,908,127 77,044 30,071 Authority to purchase own shares 13,980,321 21,147 13,774 Length of notice required for an EGM 13,974,493 31,369 9,380 18 June 2009
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