Result of Meeting
M.P. Evans Group PLC
Resolutions passed at the annual general meeting held on 11 June 2010.
All of the resolutions set out in the notice of the annual general meeting dated
5 May 2010 were duly passed.
A total of 53,239,415 shares were eligible to vote at the annual general meeting
with each share carrying one vote on a poll. Proxies were received for use in
connection with the annual general meeting with the following instructions
(treating proxies giving discretion to the chairman as a "for" instruction):
Resolution For Against Abstain
or spoilt
Annual report 16,015,961 Nil 7,000
Re-election of T R J Price 16,013,961 1,000 8,000
Re-election of K P Legg 15,962,976 52,985 7,000
Re-appointment of the auditors 16,005,346 382 17,233
Allotment of shares 15,999,590 15,004 8,367
Scrip dividend alternative 16,012,901 1,750 8,310
Issue of shares otherwise than pro rata 15,972,272 42,322 8,367
Authority to purchase own shares 15,998,212 16,246 8,503
New articles of association 16,013,458 1,310 8,193
Declare a dividend 16,015,961 Nil 7,000
14 June 2010