Legal Entity Identifier: 2138007QEY9DYONC2723
Majedie Investments PLC (the "Company")
Arrangements for Annual General Meeting on 19 January 2022
The Directors confirm their intention to hold the Annual General Meeting (AGM) as set out in the Notice of Meeting as recently issued with the Company's Annual Report and Accounts. The meeting will take place at the City of London Club, 19 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1DS at 12.00pm on Wednesday 19 January 2022.
The Directors are aware of a potential level of increased risk posed by the current outbreak of the new Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus and ask those shareholders intending to attend the meeting to note the following health and safety measures which will be in effect:-
- Unless you are exempt, you will be required to wear a face covering which covers your nose and mouth at all times while you are in the AGM venue.
- Hand sanitiser will be available at the venue.
- No refreshments will be provided and you will be asked to leave the venue promptly on conclusion of the formal business of the AGM.
- You are requested to take a test for Covid-19 within the 24 hours prior to the AGM and not to attend the meeting if the test produces a positive or inconclusive result.
- If you or a member of your household currently has Covid-19 you should not attend the AGM.
The Directors recognise that some shareholders may be unable to come to the AGM and if you have any questions about the Annual Report, the investment portfolio, or any other matter relevant to the Company, please write to us either via email at or by post to William Barlow at 1 King's Arms Yard, London, EC2R 7AF.
The Investment Manager's presentation will be made available on the Company's website shortly after the meeting.
If you are unable to attend the meeting, and also in case arrangements are required to be changed at short notice, if you have not already done so shareholders are urged to submit proxy votes in good time for the meeting, following the instructions enclosed with the proxy form.
While at the time of writing it is the Directors' intention to hold the meeting as planned, government guidance or regulation to contain the spread of COVID-19 might change. If we are obliged to change the arrangements for the AGM details will be published via RNS and our website. Any shareholders who plan to attend the AGM are encouraged to check the website before travelling.