Interim Results
Manchester & London Inv Tst PLC
18 February 2004
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc
For the six months ended 31st January 2004
Attached pages 1 - 5
Enquiries :
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc
Brian S. Sheppard
Tel: 0161 228 1709
Brokers :
Midas Investment Management Limited
Mark B. B. Sheppard
Tel: 0161 228 1709
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc
Announcement of the interim group results
The Directors announce the unaudited interim figures
For the six months ended 31st January 2004
Consolidated Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account)
For the six months ended 31st January 2004 (unaudited)
Six months ended 31st January
2004 Six months ended 31st January
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Profit on sale of investments - 290 290 - 2,503 2,503
Increase (decrease) in unrealised - 2,783 2,783 - (3,818) (3,818)
Investment income 499 - 499 546 - 546
Investment management fee (25) (48) (73) (24) (46) (70)
Other expenses (105) - (105) (105) - (105)
Return on ordinary activities before 369 3,025 3,394 417 (1,361) (944)
Taxation - - - (6) 6 -
Return on ordinary activities after 369 3,025 3,394 411 (1,355) (944)
Dividends in respect of non-equity (28) - (28) (28) - (28)
Return attributable to equity 341 3,025 3,366 383 (1,355) (972)
Dividends in respect of equity shares (188) - (188) (188) - (188)
Transfer to (from) reserves 153 3,025 3,178 195 (1,355) (1,160)
Return per ordinary share (pence)
Basic 4.55 40.33 44.88 5.11 (18.07) (12.96)
Fully diluted 3.52 28.87 32.39 3.92 (12.93) (9.01)
The revenue column of this statement is the consolidated profit and loss account
of the group.
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing
The statement for the period ended 31st January 2004 is unaudited and is not the
Company's statutory statement.
Dividends per preference share accrue at the rate of 7.6% p.a.
Interim dividend proposed per 25p ordinary share of 2.5p (2003: 2.5p)
The ordinary interim dividend is payable on 19th April 2004 to shareholders on
the Register at the close of business on 23rd March 2004.
Page 1
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc
Consolidated Balance Sheet
At 31st January 2004 (unaudited)
As at 31st January 2004 As at 31st January 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed Assets
Investments 24,836 14,169
Current Assets
Debtors 71 134
Cash and short term deposits 4,015 13,697
4,086 13,831
Amounts falling due within one year (894) (5,981)
Net Current Assets 3,192 7,850
Total assets less current 28,028 22,019
Capital and Reserves
Called-up Share Capital 2,619 2,619
Capital reserves 22,650 16,691
Revenue reserve 2,759 2,709
Total shareholders' funds 28,028 22,019
Equity interests - Ordinary shares 27,284 21,275
Non-equity interests - Preference shares 744 744
28,028 22,019
Net Asset Value per share
Ordinary shares - basic 363.8p 283.7p
Ordinary shares - fully diluted 267.5p 210.2p
The accounts at 31st January are unaudited and are not the Company's statutory
accounts. The information for the period ended 31st January 2003 does not
constitute statutory accounts but has been extracted from the latest published
audited accounts which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The
report of the auditors on those accounts contained no qualification or statement
under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
Page 2
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the six months ended At 31st January2004 (unaudited)
Six months ended Six months ended
31 January 2004 31 January 2003
£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Operating activities
Net dividends and interest received from investments 506 1,027
Other income 88 95
Investment management fees paid (79) (66)
Other cash payments (90) (101)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 425 955
Servicing of finance
Preference dividend paid (28) (28)
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance (28) (28)
Financial investment
Purchase of investments (2,786) (2,520)
Sale of investments 1,116 15,332
Net cash (outflow) inflow from financial (1,670) 12,812
Equity dividends paid - (450)
Repayment of loan note (5,413) -
Net cash outflow from financing (5,413) -
(Decrease) increase in cash (6,686) 13,289
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
(Decrease) increase in cash in (6,686) 13,289
Net funds at beginning of the period 10,701 408
Net funds at end of the period 4,015 13,697
Page 3
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc
Largest Holdings
At 31st January 2004
Holding Market
Value % of
£'000 Portfolio
PZ Cussons Ordinary and
'A' Ordinary 10p 475,250 4,558 15.78
TDG Ordinary 1p 1,875,000 3,872 13.40
Mouchel Parkman Ordinary 1p 1,230,500 3,199 11.07
Woolworths Group Ordinary 12.5p 6,700,000 2,714 9.39
BAE SYSTEMS Ordinary 2.5p 1,500,000 2,468 8.54
Pilkington Ordinary 50p 2,225,000 2,231 7.72
Shell Transport & Trading 500,000 1,810 6.26
Ordinary 25p
Scottish & Newcastle Ordinary 20p 400,000 1,583 5.48
Other investments 2,401 8.31
Total investments 24,836 85.95
Short term cash deposits and dealing debtor 4,060 14.05
28,896 100.00
Page 4
Manchester & London Investment Trust plc
Chairman's Statement
Since the Company's year end, the FTSE Actuaries All-Share Index has made
further progress and continued its climb out of the depressed trough into which
it fell during March last year, and it now seems safe to assume that the 2000/
2003 bear market is behind us, for the time being at least. This does not mean,
however, that there are no problems confronting stock markets, merely that new,
albeit less virulent ones, have replaced the reasons for the forced selling
which was the principal cause of the 2000/2003 decline. Against this background
our net asset value per share has grown by 12.77% during the first half of the
current year, which compares with a 6.91% increase in the FTSE Actuaries
All-Share Index.
The prevailing circumstances seem to be unique in the history of post-war
Keynesian economic management insofar as established theories seem to have been
turned upside down. Imbalances continue to persist in many Western economies,
notably the US and the UK, where high levels of consumer and government spending
have somewhat surprisingly failed to be reflected in the inflation figures. The
Chinese and Asian factors are certainly part of the explanation for the low and
falling prices of a wide range of consumer items, and similar circumstances
apply on the Continent where government borrowings have resulted in breaches of
the somewhat unfortunately named 'Stability and Growth Pact'.
The US Authorities are blatantly pursuing a weak dollar policy to solve their
imbalances and effectively exporting their problems to Europe, which continues
to persist with relatively high interest rates reflecting historic fears of
inflation. Wedged somewhere in between and sporting an exchange rate close to a
two dollar pound is the UK which, if history is anything to go by, is re-writing
the text books to the extent that the burgeoning balance of payments deficit not
only no longer appears to matter, but is being accompanied by a rising currency
against a background of still low interest rates. We therefore remain nervous
as to whether the economy can indefinitely remain buoyed by what appears to be
an excessive level of both consumer and government debt. The balancing act
between deflation and inflation continues and the portfolio reflects our efforts
to contend with those uncertainties.
Our main holdings remain unchanged. We have realised a good profit on part of
our holding in Mouchel Parkman, but still retain an investment in excess of £3m.
The recent merger has been smoothly effected and the outlook for the company
continues to be positive. Also, during the period under review we have taken
advantage of the fall in the price of Shell and acquired a holding of 500,000
shares, as we believe that if the company is forced by institutional pressure to
modernise its somewhat archaic management structure, the price could rebound to
the higher level of its peers.
The cash balance of over £4m reflects liquidity of 14% thus leaving us in a
position to take advantage of any opportunities which may arise despite the
unusual combination of economic circumstances which currently prevail. We also
have substantial borrowing facilities in the, at present, unlikely event of
wishing to commit further funds to the market.
Interest rates in the UK now appear to be on a rising trend, reflecting the
official view that the continuing consumer boom should be reigned in and that
any inflationary sparks should be extinguished sooner rather than later. It
nevertheless seems unlikely that the current trend will push rates beyond 5%
unless there is a material change in circumstances.
The Company has a strong balance sheet with substantial revenue reserves backing
our current dividend policy. With this in mind, the Directors have today
declared an unchanged Interim Dividend of 2.5p per share which will be paid on
19th April 2004 to shareholders on the Register at the close of business on 23rd
March 2004.
P. H. A. Stanley FCA
18th February 2004 Page 5
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange