Final Results

AIM VCT2 PLC 08 February 2006 To: Company Announcements From: AiM VCT2 plc Date: 8 February 2006 Investment Objective To provide shareholders with a tax efficient means of gaining long term capital growth and an attractive dividend stream primarily through investment in a diversified portfolio of AiM companies and unquoted companies which anticipate a stock market listing within 18 months. • Net asset value per share (before capital dividends) of 86.96 pence • Net asset value per share (after capital dividends) of 83.96 pence • Capital dividends of 3.0 pence per share for the year • 'C' Share Prospectus issued The Chairman, Gordon Brough, said: 'Introduction | Despite the market's lacklustre headline performance 2005 turned out to be the busiest year for new issues and fund raising since the AiM market's launch ten years ago and provided the Manager with some further interesting investment opportunities which were added to the portfolio. However, as the portfolio is now largely fully invested this investment activity was at a lower level than in past years. The Manager also took advantage of periods of improved liquidity in the market, as well as, benefiting from progress being announced by certain investee companies, to realise a number of investments either in whole, or in part. These realisations enabled the Company to propose capital dividends amounting to 3 pence per share. Performance | Over the year the Company's Net Asset Value per share (NAV) fell by 1.0 per cent to 86.96 pence, before taking account of annual capital distributions, having peaked at 99.16 pence per share during March 2005, when the AiM market also reached its high for the year. This flat performance in the NAV again masks some quite large movements in the share prices of the portfolio companies in both directions. The largest contribution to performance came from Egdon Resources which is probably the only VCT qualifying AiM company in the resource sector. A series of positive news announcements during the year resulted in Egdon's share price rising by 139 per cent, whilst at the same time adding £1.7 million to the value of the Company's assets. AiM VCT2 has been an investor in Egdon since 1999, and has supported the company through its early development phase and it is good now to see our patience being rewarded. Further positive news flow is anticipated in 2006. However, resource companies are not without risk and the Manager has taken profits from this holding as the share price has risen. At the year end, the holding in Egdon had become the Company's largest investment, accounting for 7.1 per cent of total assets. The portfolio also benefited from increases in valuations at Tanfield and Avingtrans, which reported progress with their business plans and Vectura which signed a significant development and commercialisation agreement with Novartis. The main detractors from the performance of the portfolio included two investments which were written off during the year. It was particularly disappointing to see Advanced Technology Group move into administration after a long struggle to commercialise its airship technology and running out of funds. Another aviation company, Avionics was also unsuccessful in raising further capital following delays in a number of major contracts. The portfolio was also adversely affected by: management problems at Scott Tod, the fall in valuation of Real Good Food after its acquisition of Napier Brown, as well as falls in the share prices of Hartest, which required re-financing and Amino, which reported slower than anticipated growth. Earnings and Dividends | Losses on ordinary revenue activities after taxation amounted to £221,000 and similarly to last year the Board is not in a position to recommend an income dividend. However, market conditions and progress made by individual business plans permitted the realisation of a number of holdings at a profit and, as a result, the Board is in a position to recommend the payment of a capital distribution of 3 pence per share (2004 - 2 pence). Shareholders will have already received an interim payment of 1.5 pence per share in September 2005. The proposed final capital distribution of 1.5 pence per share will be paid to shareholders on 3 April 2006, subject to shareholder approval. The total cost of these distributions will be £1.3 million and will have the effect of reducing the Company's assets by 3.5 per cent. Following this distribution, since launch the Company will have paid 10.5 pence per share. The Board believes that distributions are the best way of returning capital to shareholders and will continue to encourage the Manager to make realisations as market conditions and individual business plans permit. Investment Programme | Market conditions and positive news from a number of investments enabled the Manager to follow a strategy of gradually refreshing the portfolio. During 2005, conditions in the market have been more favourable than in past years for making disposals and over the year £6.6 million was realised from the portfolio with the sale of 16 holdings in their entirety and part sale of a number of others. A good proportion of these realisations were achieved at a profit to their original cost, thus enabling the Board to recommend the capital distribution back to shareholders. The Manager also decided to sell a number of holdings which had proved disappointing investments in the past and where, it was felt, they would have little meaningful positive impact on the performance of the portfolio going forward. These were inevitably sold at a loss and careful consideration had to be made to ensure that the Company's VCT status was preserved. At the year end, the Company continued to meet all its VCT obligations including the important qualifying investment test where the Company has in excess of 95 per cent invested in qualifying companies. The proceeds from realisations, together with funds raised following the issue of new shares in AiM VCT2 enabled the Manager to continue to take advantage of the buoyant new issue market by re-investing £3.2 million into 12 new holdings as well as follow-on investments totalling £1.1 million into 14 existing portfolio companies. Shareholder Issues | During the year the Board exercised its powers to buy back for cancellation 2.5 million shares in the Company, representing 5.8 per cent of the issued share capital at a cost of £1.93 million. This was offset by new shares issued to the value of £2 million in an Offer for Subscription during the year. The buy-backs were made at an average discount of 15 per cent, thereby enhancing the NAV for remaining shareholders. Although it remains the Board's opinion that the best way of returning capital is through the distribution of realised capital profits to all shareholders, it recognises the need to offer flexibility to those shareholders that wish to sell part, or all, of their holding. To this end, the Board will seek to renew its authority to buy back, as well as issue, a proportion of the Company's share capital at the AGM to be held on 29 March 2006. Valuation Basis | New UK accounting standards have been issued to assist in converging UK accounting practices with International Accounting Standards. The Company will be required to adopt a numbers of these new Financial Reporting Standards when it prepares its financial statements for the year to 30 November 2006. Financial Reporting Standard 26 recommends that equities be valued at fair value. Fair value is deemed to be the bid price rather than the middle market price, which has been used historically. The valuations for this report are based on the middle market price. However, from 31 December 2005 all the Company's published NAVs have been based on the bid price. This has had the effect of reducing the value of the portfolio by approximately 3.2 per cent. Board Changes | Mr Barrow announced on 25 April 2005 his intention to resign from all his non-executive positions, including his position as a non executive Director of AiM VCT2. The Board and the Manager would like to thank Robert for all his help and guidance over the past five years and we wish him well in the future. In order to keep the Board at full strength it was decided to replace Robert with a new non executive Director. The appointment of Gordon Humphries followed a review of potential candidates and the need to maintain a well balanced Board. Gordon is a Chartered Accountant and has over 20 years of experience in fund management services and I am sure he will make a valuable contribution to the Company in the years to come. Outlook | The UK experienced a modest slowdown in economic activity in 2005 in response to earlier fiscal tightening. This had the desired effect of subduing the consumer and taking the wind out of a raging housing market, thereby controlling inflationary pressures within the economy. As we start 2006, the economic backdrop to the markets appears finely balanced with some commentators predicting a continued slowdown and therefore weaker performance from equities and others with a more optimistic outlook on the year ahead. The Board feels there are reasons to be optimistic. Firstly, the economy appears to have, thus far , successfully absorbed the inflationary effects of increased fuel and commodity prices which worried the markets last year. Secondly, the housing market has avoided the drastic falls widely predicted and activity appears to be picking up once more. Combined with continued spending by the public sector, these two are providing support to consumer spending and the employment markets. After a better than expected Christmas trading period, there is evidence that consumer spending is once again increasing, albeit modestly. At a time when interest rates looked to have peaked and may ease, this provides support for a positive performance from domestic smaller companies, especially when current valuations do not appear over stretched. However, the market remains vulnerable to shocks there may be periods of volatility during the year. With this as a background, 2006 should be an interesting year for AiM VCT2 as the Managers seek to actively manage the portfolio.' Enquiries: Robert Mitchell / Bill Brown Bluehone Investors LLP Investment Managers Tel: 0207 496 8929 Rhonda Nicoll F&C Asset Management plc Secretaries Tel: 0131 465 1074 Audited Profit and Loss Account of the Company Year to 30 November 2005 Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 Profit on realisation of investments - 101 101 Income 291 - 291 Investment management fee (227) (681) (908) Other expenses (285) - (285) Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (221) (580) (801) Tax on ordinary activities - - - Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (221) (580) (801) Dividends payable - (1,297) (1,297) Transfer from reserves (221) (1,877) (2,098) Return per ordinary share: (0.51p) (1.32p) (1.83p) Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses 2005 2005 2005 Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (221) (580) (801) Unrealised gain on revaluation of investments - 32 32 ---------- ---------- ----------- Total recognised loss during the year (221) (548) (769) ---------- ---------- ----------- Total recognised loss per ordinary share (0.51)p (1.25)p (1.76)p ---------- ---------- ---------- Audited Profit and Loss Account of the Company Year to 30 November 2004 Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 Profit on realisation of investments - 758 758 Income 321 - 321 Investment management fee (226) (679) (905) Other expenses (260) - (260) (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation (165) 79 (86) Tax on ordinary activities (13) - (13) (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after taxation (178) 79 (99) Dividends payable (1) (868) (869) Transfer from reserves (179) (789) (968) Return per ordinary share: (0.42p) 0.19p (0.23p) Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses 2004 2004 2004 Revenue Capital Total £'000 £'000 £'000 (Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after taxation (178) 79 (99) Unrealised gain on revaluation of investments - 252 252 ---------- ---------- ----------- Total recognised (loss)/gain during the year (178) 331 153 ---------- ---------- ----------- Total recognised (loss)/gain per ordinary share (0.42p) 0.78p 0.36p ---------- ---------- ---------- Audited Balance Sheet As at As at 30 November 30 November 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Fixed Assets Quoted on the Alternative Investment Market 30,913 31,829 Quoted on OFEX 1,564 2,457 Listed investments - 97 Unquoted investments 3,280 3,540 35,757 37,923 Net current assets 342 187 Net assets 36,099 38,110 Financed by: Shareholders' funds 36,099 38,110 Net asset value per ordinary share: 83.96p 87.83p Ordinary shares in issue 42,994,382 43,390,309 Summarised Audited Statement of Cash Flows Year to Year to 30 November 30 November 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Net cash outflow from operating activities (912) (839) Tax paid - (14) Capital expenditure and financial investment 1,739 (1,111) Equity dividends paid (1,520) (250) ----------- ----------- Net cash outflow before financing (693) (2,214) Financing 255 1,886 ----------- ----------- Decrease in cash (438) (328) ----------- ----------- Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net cash Decrease in cash (438) (328) Net cash at 1 December 1,895 2,223 ----------- ----------- Net cash at 30 November 1,457 1,895 ----------- ----------- Reconciliation of net revenue before taxation to net cash (outflow)/ inflow from operating activities Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (801) (86) Profit on realisation of investments (101) (758) Increase in debtors (3) (3) (Decrease)/increase in creditors (7) 8 ----------- ----------- Net cash outflow from operating activities (912) (839) ----------- ----------- Notes 1. The audited results which cover the year to 30 November 2005 have been prepared under the historical cost convention, modified to include the revaluation of fixed asset investments. These financial statements are presented in accordance with the Investment Trust Companies SORP (including the provision of additional information) except when departures are necessary to comply with schedule 4 of the Companies Act 1985 as a result of the fact that the Company has relinquished its investment company status under the Act. 2. There were 42,994,382 ordinary shares in issue at 30 November 2005 (2004: 43,390,309). During the year the Company issued 2,104,073 ordinary shares raising net proceeds of £1,985,000 and bought back for cancellation 2,500,000 ordinary shares at a cost of £1,930,000 (2004: 2,259,000 ordinary shares at a cost of £1,809,000). 3. Revenue and capital returns for the year to 30 November 2005 are based on a weighted average of 43,706,543 (2004: 42,603,642) ordinary shares in issue during the year. 4. Income for the year to 30 November is derived from: 2005 2004 £'000 £'000 Dividend Income 153 112 Fixed interest investment 64 146 Deposit interest 74 63 291 321 5. The final proposed capital dividend of 1.5 pence per ordinary share will be paid on 3 April 2006, subject to shareholder approval, to eligible shareholders on the register on 17 February 2006. 6. These are not full accounts in terms of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Full audited accounts for the year to 30 November 2004 have been lodged with the Registrar of Companies. The annual report for the year to 30 November 2005 will be sent to shareholders shortly and will then be available for inspection at Exchange House, Primrose Street, London, the registered office of the Company. Both the audited accounts for the year to 30 November 2005 and 2004 contain unqualified audit reports. 7. The Annual General Meeting will be held on 29 March 2006 at 11.30am. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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