Maven Income and Growth VCT 3 PLC
Interim Management Statement
The NAV was 82.9p and the Ordinary share NAV Total Return was 109.6p at 29 February 2012 (80.8p and 107.5p at 30 November 2011). The NAV Total Return is calculated as the NAV plus dividends paid.
The NAV shown above is unaudited and reflects the closing bid prices of quoted securities at 29 February 2012. Unlisted companies are normally valued on a six-monthly basis and the NAVs include the Directors' valuations of unlisted investments as at 30 November 2011 adjusted for material developments within the portfolios since that date.
During the quarter ended 29 February 2012, one new and two follow-on investments totalling £774,000 were made in unquoted companies. During the same period disposals generated aggregate proceeds of £71,212 compared with cost of £192,138.
There were no other material transactions during the period under review.
Since 29 February 2012, two further new investments and three follow-on investments, totalling £1,573,000 have been made, and disposals have generated proceeds of £531,214 compared with cost of £278,283.
The Board is not aware of any other events or transactions that have taken place between 29 February 2012 and the date of publication of this statement and which would have had a material impact on the financial position of the Company.
Issued on behalf of the Board
Maven Capital Partners UK LLP, Secretary
1 May 2012