Maven Income and Growth VCT PLC (the Company)
Suspension of Dividend Investment Scheme (DIS)
Under the Terms and Conditions of the Company's DIS, which allow the Directors to suspend or terminate its operation without prior notice and revert to making monetary payments to all Participants, the Board has resolved that, in light of the investment restrictions proposed in the Government's Summer 2015 Budget, the DIS will be suspended with immediate effect. This will allow the Directors and the Manager to review the final changes to the VCT legislation and to consider the full potential impact of these on the Company's future investment strategy.
As a result, until further notice, all future dividends will be paid to Shareholders by either cheque or direct bank transfer using existing mandate instructions. Written confirmation of this suspension in the operation of the DIS will be issued to those Shareholders who have elected to participate.
Issued on behalf of the Board
Maven Capital Partners UK LLP
24 August 2015