Interim Results

Cater Barnard PLC 24 May 2001 CATER BARNARD PLC Interim Results For the six months ended 31 March 2001 Cater Barnard plc, the former Internet incubator fund that has transformed itself into a financial services group, is pleased to announce its Interim Results for the six months ended 31 March 2001. * Pre-tax profits recover to £1.5m for 6 months (2000: loss of £2.4m for 12 months) * Disposal of Findstar to Envesta Plc * Acquisition of Corporate Decisions Ltd Business * New office opened in the City of London Stephen Dean, Chairman of Cater Barnard, commented: 'Notwithstanding the volatility in stock market conditions both here and in the US, the Company's Board believes that substantial opportunities exist for Cater Barnard to both capitalise on its former investments and divestments and become a fee-income-based and growth-oriented financial services and investment banking group.' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT Stephen Dean (Chairman) 0870 0660830 Peter Holmes (Finance Director) 0870 0660830 Seymour Pierce Ltd Sarah Wharry 020 7648 8700 CATER BARNARD PLC FUTURE PROSPECTS AND RESULTS I am pleased to report the progress that your Company has made with its transformation from an incubator fund to a financial services company, as envisaged in the Annual Report and Accounts 2000. Cater Barnard plc has opened its City of London office and, combined with its New York office, forms the basis of an operating business of investment banking, mergers & acquisition advice and venture capital. The Company has today announced that it will be increasing its equity stake in Voyager Financial (VFN) from 45% to 78%. Subject to regulatory and other necessary approvals, this will be achieved in the following simultaneous stages: * VFN will acquire from Cater Barnard specific US investments for £180,000 cash and the balance in shares in VFN. * Other nominated holdings in VFN will be exchanged for shares in Cater Barnard at the value of 4p per Cater Barnard share. On the assumption that these matters are concluded, Cater Barnard will then own 80% of the VFN equity, upon which the new subsidiary will then change its name to Cater Barnard USA plc. We further announced the conditional disposal of Findstar to Envesta plc. This divestment effectively provides Findstar with an AIM-listing. Cater Barnard (UK) Limited, the 'London Office', has also begun integrating the undertaking and work in progress of Corporate Decisions Limited, acquired last month. Corporate Decisions provides a mergers and acquisitions service and venture capital to privately owned companies and is headed by Mr. Lyndon Chapman. Notwithstanding the stock market conditions both here and the US, your Board believes substantial opportunities exist for Cater Barnard to both capitalise on its former investments/divestments and become a fee-income-based and growth-oriented financial services and investment banking group. STEPHEN DEAN CHAIRMAN The Interim Results for Cater Barnard now follow CATER BARNARD PLC CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET At At 31-Mar-01 30-Sep-00 (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ Fixed assets Tangible assets 1,438 2,150 Investments 19,302,152 17,069,141 19,303,590 17,071,291 Current assets Debtors 314,790 81,747 Cash at bank and in hand 133,667 63,339 448,457 145,086 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (2,508,085) (1,213,058) Net current assets (liabilities) (2,059,628) (1,067,972) Totals assets less current liablities 17,243,962 16,003,319 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than (4,000,000) (1,470,193) one year Net assets 13,243,962 14,533,126 Capital and reserves Called-up share capital 1,364,328 1,184,328 Share premium account 12,473,123 11,896,417 Revaluation reserve 339,371 3,868,690 Profit and Loss account (932,860) (2,416,309) Equity shareholders' funds 13,243,962 14,533,126 Net assets per ordinary share 9.54 p 12.27 p CATER BARNARD PLC CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Six months Period ended ended 31-Mar-01 30-Sep-00 (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ Turnover 522,006 - Other operating income - 437,663 Administrative expenses (226,412) (114,481) Operating profit 295,594 323,182 Provision on fixed asset investments unsold at (593,281) (2,404,901) period end Profit (Loss) on disposal of fixed asset 1,882,299 (313,838) investments Interest receivable and similar income 7,040 47,798 Interest payable and similar charges (108,203) (68,550) Income (Loss) on ordinary activities before 1,483,449 (2,416,309) taxation Tax on income (loss) on ordinary activities - - Income (Loss) on ordinary activities after 1,483,449 (2,416,309) taxation Dividends - - Retained income (loss) for the financial period 1,483,449 (2,416,309) Retained income (loss) at the start of the (2,416,309) - financial period Retained income (loss) at the end of the (932,860) (2,416,309) financial period Earnings per ordinary share 1.23 p (3.35) p Diluted earnings per ordinary share 1.16 p (3.35) p CATER BARNARD PLC CASHFLOW STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD Six months Period ended ended 31-Mar-01 30-Sep-00 (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ notes Net cashflow from operating A (2,752,466) 655,210 activities Returns on investment and (101,163) (20,752) servicing of finance Interest received 7,040 47,798 Interest paid (108,203) (68,550) Capital Expenditure and (362,556) (13,879,551) Financial Investment Payments to acquire tangible - (2,867) fixed assets Receipts from sales of fixed 562 - assets Payments to acquire investments D (3,129,092) (23,142,884) Receipts from sales of D 2,765,974 9,266,200 investments Net cashflow before Financing (3,216,185) (13,245,093) Net cashflow from Financing 3,286,512 13,308,432 Issue of ordinary share capital D 756,705 12,442,138 Debt finance raised 2,529,807 1,470,193 Expense on Issuing equity shares - (603,899) Change in cash during the period 70,327 63,339 Cash on hand at the start of the 63,339 - period Cash on hand at the end of the B, C 133,667 63,339 period CATER BARNARD PLC Six months Period NOTES TO THE CASHFLOW STATEMENT ended ended 31-Mar-01 30-Sep-00 (Unaudited) (Audited) £ £ A RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING PROFIT TO NET CASHFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Operating profit before taxation 1,584,612 323,182 and nett finance costs Non-cashflow items in the Income (4,337,078) 332,028 Statement Plus: Depreciation 150 717 Less: Non-Cash proceeds upon the (7,000,000) - sale of investments Plus: Cash cost of investments 4,190,842 - sold (Decrease) Increase in Creditors (1,295,027) 413,058 Decrease (Increase) in Debtors (233,043) (81,747) (2,752,466) 655,210 B RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET FUNDS Increase in cash in the period 70,327 63,339 Increase in debt in the period (2,529,807) (1,470,193) Movement in net funds in the (2,459,480) (1,406,854) period Opening net funds (1,406,854) - Closing net debt (3,866,334) (1,406,854) C ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN NET FUNDS Cash at bank and in hand 133,667 63,339 Amounts falling due after more (4,000,000) (1,470,193) than one year (3,866,333) (1,406,854) D NON CASH TRANSACTIONS Interim period During the interim period, 1,500,000 ordinary shares were issued as part-payment for an investment. This investment and the non-cash acquisition in the previous financial period were sold for a non-cash consideration of £7,000,000. The cash flow statement has been adjusted accordingly. Previous period 8,283,378 Ordinary shares were issued, at a deemed consideration of £1,242,506, to acquire an investment. The cash flow statement has been adjusted accordingly.


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