
Media Content PLC 21 June 2001 Media Content plc 21 June 2001 The Board of Media Content PLC is pleased to announce that Robert James Morgado, aged 58, has today been appointed as a non-executive director of the Group. Robert is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Maroley Media Group, a media entertainment investment company he established in 1995. From 1975 to 1985, Robert served under Governor Carey of the State of New York, first as Director of State Operations and then Secretary to the Governor. From 1985 to 1995, Robert was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Warner Music Group, Inc. While with Time Warner, he also served as Chairman of the NY Cosmos, the most successful soccer club in America to date. Robert serves on the Board of Trustees of the New School University and the Board of Governors of Mannes College of Music in New York City. Robert is also on the Board of Nest Family (Dallas, Texas), and Activision (Santa Monica, California). Robert also serves as a Trustee of The Maui Arts & Cultural Center (Maui, Hawaii), St. Louis School (Honolulu, Hawaii) and of New Milford Hospital Foundation (Conne). Commenting on the appointment, Leonard M Fertig, Executive Chairman of Media Content Plc, said: 'Robert will bring considerable media industry experience to the Board of Media Content.' Save for the following, no further details are required to be disclosed pursuant to Rule 15 and Schedule 2, paragraph (f) of the AIM Rules: Between 1997 and 2000, Robert was a director of Platinum Entertainment, Inc., a company which is presently in reorganisation, pursuant to a voluntary filing under U.S. code, led by the senior lender.
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