Chairman's Statement

Media Content PLC 22 June 2001 Media Content PLC ('Company') 22 June 2001 Enclosed with the explanatory circular sent today to shareholders is an update from the directors of Media Content regarding the Company's plans for future growth and related matters. The text of this update is as follows: 'We wanted to take this opportunity to bring you up-to-date on some of the changes at Media Content and our strategies to take advantage of the dramatically evolving media marketplace. Media Content has begun to gain the benefits of our recent acquisition of SDCi and embark on new initiatives. We have secured new clients, launched what we believe is the industry's first online marketplace for sports media rights, and enhanced our management resources. We believe that Media Content is well positioned for the next phase of its growth. Key elements of our strategy include complementing our internal growth through strategic transactions, such as acquisitions and partnership agreements and other strategic relationships, to extend the scope of services that Media Content offers to our customers. We believe that extending our core advisory business to include a full range of marketing services will enable Media Content to enhance revenue from existing customers while also attracting new business. We expect to be announcing further details about these additional services and strategic transactions in the near future. Media Content recently launched With support from Sportel, a pre-eminent trade show operator in the sports business, we believe that we have made a strong start to establishing as the year-round meeting place for the sports marketing business. We look forward to keeping you advised of our plans and growth. Please visit our website ( for the latest updates.' Copies of the update to shareholders are available to the public, free of charge, at the offices of Brown Rudnick Freed & Gesmer, 8 Clifford Street, London W1S 2LQ for one month.
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