Notice of EGM

Media Content PLC 22 June 2001 Media Content PLC (the 'Company') 22 June 2001 Extraordinary General Meeting The Company has today sent an explanatory circular to shareholders, together with a notice convening an extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held on 10 July 2001 at 10.00 am at the offices of Brown Rudnick Freed & Gesmer, 8 Clifford Street, London W1S 2LQ. At the extraordinary general meeting, resolutions will be proposed to effect the following: - to make certain amendments to the Company's Unapproved Executive Share Option Scheme ('Unapproved Scheme'); - to adopt an Enterprise Management Incentives share option scheme ('EMI Scheme'); and - increase the authorised share capital of the Company and grant a revised authority to allot ordinary shares. Amendment to the Unapproved Scheme The proposed amendment to the Unapproved Scheme is to increase the limit on the number of ordinary shares over which options may be granted under the Unapproved Scheme. At present the rules of the Unapproved Scheme limit the number of shares which may be made available under the Unapproved Scheme to 5% of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company in any 10 year period. It is proposed to increase this limit to 15% of the issued ordinary share capital from time to time. The directors of Media Content (the 'Directors') support employee participation in the Company and believe that the existing limits may act as an impediment to the future retention and incentivisation of employees necessary for the continued growth of the Company. Whilst the proposed limit exceeds the limits recommended by the guidelines produced by the Investment Protection Committees of the Association of British Insurers ('ABI') and National Association of Pension Funds ('NAPF'), the Directors believe that the increased limit is in the best interests of the Company and is necessary to properly incentivise directors and employees of the Media Content Group, including those of any future businesses or companies which may be acquired. In particular, the remuneration committee of the board of directors of the Company has approved the grant of options to Stanley B Fertig and Leonard M Fertig over 35,000,000 shares each (being in aggregate 10% of the current issued share capital of the Company), subject to shareholder approval to the increase in the limits of the Unapproved Scheme. Neither Leonard M Fertig nor Stanley B Fertig will vote on the resolution to increase the Unapproved Scheme limits. The Directors believe that the increased limit is consistent with the limit typically adopted by companies that are comparable to the Company in terms of business focus and stage of development. Adopting the EMI Scheme The adoption of an Enterprise Management Incentives scheme will allow for the grant to employees and directors of options over shares capable of being 'qualifying' options for the purposes of schedule 14 Finance Act 2000. The Directors believe that the adoption of an Enterprise Management Incentives share option scheme is in the best interests of the Company because such options have more advantageous tax treatment for participants and for the Company than unapproved options and can therefore provide a better incentive. A summary of the principal features of the proposed EMI Scheme is contained in the Appendix to the circular to shareholders. Increase of the authorised share capital and authority to allot shares The proposal is to increase the authorised share capital of the Company from £8,000,000 to £9,500,000, by the creation of an additional 150,000,000 new ordinary shares, and substitutes for the existing authority of the Directors to allot shares, an authority to the Directors to allot up to 230,000,000 unissued shares. This substituted authority to allot is in accordance with guidelines produced by the Investment Protection Committee of the ABI which permit a general power to allot shares up to one third of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company. The Directors believe that the increase in authorised share capital and substituted authority to allot shares is in the best interests of the Company and is necessary to give the Company flexibility to issue additional share options and to expand its business through acquisitions and other strategic transactions that may involve the issue of shares. Recommendation The Directors consider that the amendments proposed to the Unapproved Scheme, the adoption of the EMI Scheme and the increase in the authorised share capital of the Company and substituted authority to allot are in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders and unanimously recommend that shareholders vote in favour of each of the resolutions to be proposed at the extraordinary general meeting, as they intend to do in respect of their own beneficial holdings amounting to, in aggregate, 510,056,347 existing ordinary shares representing approximately 73% of the current issued share capital of the Company, save that Stanley B Fertig and Leonard M Fertig will not vote on the resolution to increase the limits of the Unapproved Scheme. Copies of the explanatory circular to shareholders are available to the public, free of charge, at the offices of Brown Rudnick Freed & Gesmer, 8 Clifford Street, London W1S 2LQ for one month.
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