Offer Update

Media Content PLC 26 March 2001 MEDIA CONTENT PLC ('MEDIA CONTENT') RECOMMENDED OFFERS ('OFFERS') FOR SDCi LIMITED ('SDCi') UPDATE AND BOARD APPOINTMENTS On 13 February 2001, Media Content announced that it had reached agreement with the board of SDCi upon the terms of Offers to be made by Altium Capital Limited on behalf of Media Content to acquire the whole of the issued (and to be issued) share capital of SDCi. By 3.00 p.m. London time on 23 March 2001, valid acceptances had been received for the total issued Common and Preferred share capitals. 59,752,617 new Media Content shares have been issued under the Offers to date and these were admitted to trading on AIM on 12 March 2001. Application has been made to London Stock Exchange Plc to admit the 3,319,984 new Media Content shares to be issued, following receipt of further acceptances since 6 March 2001, to trading on AIM. Admission of these shares is expected to take place on or around 29 March 2001. In addition, following the Offers being declared unconditional in all respects, Leonard M. Fertig is appointed Executive Chairman of the Company with immediate effect. Stanley Barton Fertig (aged 49) also joins the Board of Media Content as Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer. Details of all companies and partnerships of which Mr Fertig has been a director or partner in the last five years are as follows: Current SDCi Limited Previous Warner Music Group The directors of Media Content accept responsibility for all information contained in this announcement. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the directors of Media Content (having taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained in this announcement for which they are responsible is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information.
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