TV Rights Agreement

Media Content PLC 18 April 2000 MEDIA CONTENT PLC RECORD TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION FOR THE SYDNEY 2000 PARALYMPIC GAMES, THE WORLD'S SECOND BIGGEST PARTICIPATION SPORTING EVENT. The Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games Organising Committee (SPOC) and Media Content Sports Media Advisors Limited announced today that the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games will have the widest television coverage of any Paralympics to date, easily surpassing the level of Atlanta and Barcelona, with the announcement of television rights being signed with broadcasting organisations in Europe, USA and Japan. An agreement was finalised this week with the European Broadcast Union (EBU), giving at least 48 European countries the rights to Sydney coverage; New York-based media company, We Media Inc, has bought the USA broadcast rights; and in Japan, the largest Japanese public network, NHK-TV, has acquired the rights for it's own market. These three deals - EBU, USA and Japan - represented a huge potential television audience for the Paralympics, according to SPOC Chief Executive Lois Appleby. 'It's a measure of the growth and success of the Paralympic movement worldwide that TV networks now want to ensure their audiences at home get to see the Games,' she said. In addition to Europe, Japan and the USA, Media Content is in the final stages of negotiation with broadcasters in Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, and China, with further deals likely throughout Asia and South America. Siabhan Graffius Manager of Media Content Sports Media Advisors Limited said: 'This level of commitment from international broadcasters in terms of coverage and rights fees is unprecedented. It not only establishes the credibility of the Paralympic Games in the worldwide community of sport, it also paves the way for future Paralympics to even higher television revenues'. Simon Thomas, SPOC's Senior Manager Television, said: 'While the Paralympic Games is not a mainstream sports TV product, we have been able to build a strong interest. 'He said 'broadcasters for the Sydney 2000 Games are paying more for the TV rights than in 1996 or 1992, but as we are providing a lot more coverage than at previous Paralympic Games, they are getting a lot more in return'. The announcement came on the day the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games celebrated its 'Six Months to Go' anniversary until the Opening Ceremony on 18 October. Media Content Sports Media Advisors Limited is a subsidiary of Media Content PLC, the AIM listed sports media advisory and investment company. For further information please contact: SPOC +61 2 9297 4112 Simon Thomas Media Content +44 20 8960 0422 Siabhan Graffius Square Mile Communications +44 20 7601 1000 Nick Oborne/Georgina Briscoe
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