Interim Results

Huveaux PLC 30 July 2004 HUVEAUX PLC Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2004 Highlights •Turnover of £4,638,000 (up 440 per cent) in the seasonally quiet first half. This figure includes £1,446,000 from our two acquisitions this year and also reflects a full six months' contribution from the businesses we acquired in 2003. •Pretax profits of £367,000 before exceptional costs of restructuring our new acquisition; £66,000 after exceptional costs (£13,000 in first half 2003). •Earnings per share of 0.35 pence before exceptional costs; 0.06 pence after exceptional costs (0.02 pence in first half 2003). •Two acquisitions completed in first half year •The outlook for the year is for substantial growth in sales and profits. John van Kuffeler, Chairman of Huveaux PLC, commented: 'The first half of 2004 was one of major achievement for Huveaux. We completed two acquisitions which almost doubled our size and, in addition, we substantially increased our sales, profits and earnings per share. Our businesses have high profit margins and excellent growth prospects and the outlook is for substantial growth in profits.' For further information, please contact: John van Kuffeler, Huveaux PLC 020 7245 0270 Charlotte Lambkin/Geoff Callow, Bell Pottinger Financial 020 7861 3876 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT The first half of 2004 was one of major achievement for Huveaux. We completed two acquisitions which almost doubled our size and in addition we substantially increased our sales, profits and earnings per share. Nevertheless, the first half of the year is our seasonally quiet period. Accordingly, Huveaux achieved a pre-tax profit of £66,000 as compared to £13,000 in the first half of 2003. Earnings per share were 0.06 pence, treble the figure for the first half of last year. These results were achieved after taking account of the £301,000 of restructuring costs incurred, as planned, from merging our latest acquisition, Parliamentary Communications Limited ('PCL') into our existing operations. The two new acquisitions completed during the period are performing well and together with the organic growth from our other operations has resulted in a good overall result for the first half of 2004. The results of Huveaux continue to be weighted heavily toward the second half of the year with a substantial proportion of sales occurring in September and October with the start of the parliamentary and academic years. Sales for the first half were £4,638,000 as compared to £859,000 in the first half of 2003, which reflects a combination of organic growth and acquisitions. This very substantial increase in turnover illustrates the huge strides Huveaux has made in its development over the last year. The results break down as follows: Sales Pre-tax Profits/(Loss) £000 £000 Political 1,933 (50) Education & Training 2,705 813 ---------------- ---------------- 4,638 763 Head Office - (396) ---------------- ---------------- 4,638 367 Restructuring - (301) ---------------- ---------------- 4,638 66 ================ ================ These results are analysed below: Political Division Following the last two acquisitions, Huveaux is now in a pre-eminent position in the UK and EU political publishing and information markets. Our operations now comprise: •7 political magazines and newsletters •6 political websites •the leading political and biographical databases in the UK, France and the EU •a political monitoring business •a public affairs recruitment business •the leading UK political conference and training business •offices in London, Paris and Brussels This market is showing significant growth. Huveaux's turnover in this sector was £1.9 million in the first six months, but the annualised turnover of all our political businesses is now in the region of £10 million. Key drivers of growth are: •the greater volume of proposed legislation affecting both companies and consumers •the exponential growth of regulation in all aspects of our lives •the multiplicity of sources of legislation and regulation e.g. Westminster, Brussels, Scottish Parliament, Greater London Assembly etc. •the need for companies, consumers, charities trade and other organisations to voice their opinion and influence legislation In order to take full advantage of these market opportunities following the acquisition of PCL, we immediately merged the management of the UK political operations of Dod's, PCL and the Public Affairs Newsletter under the collective name of Dod's Parliamentary Communications. Internationally, we merged the management of Le Trombinoscope with the EU operation of PCL. The benefits of these mergers are an integrated sales approach across all our publications and websites and, in addition, a saving of costs. In this context, we made 18 PCL staff redundant (an 18% headcount reduction) on the day we completed the acquisition. The total cost (treated as an exceptional item) of this restructuring was £301,000 and resulted in an annualised saving on staff of £620,000. Even though the management of the businesses has been merged it is possible to provide a commentary on each of the underlying businesses for the seasonally quiet first half of 2004. The business of Dod's is heavily weighted toward the start of the Parliamentary year in October and consequently some 75 per cent of sales fall in the second half. Sales in the first half were 4 per cent ahead of last year. Forward sales indicate that we should see a further year of increased sales and profit for Dod's in 2004. The seasonal trend is even more marked at Le Trombinoscope where more than 90 per cent of sales occur in the second half. Encouragingly, forward book, newsletter and website sales are 16 per cent ahead of last year, with advertising sales at the same level as last year. These two heavily seasonal businesses made a combined loss of £304,000 in the first half which was slightly better than budget, and are each on track to make a significant profit in the year as a whole. The Public Affairs Newsletter which was acquired in March, 2004 achieved a profit of £35,000 which was in line with expectations. Furthermore, we are seeing indications of an increase in its advertising revenue in the second half. In PCL's short period under our ownership sales were £1,376,000 and pre-tax profits were £219,000. The outlook for the remainder of the year is encouraging. The magazines and websites are benefiting from Government proposals such as those on healthy diets and fast foods; on the proposed banning of smoking in public places and the debate over renewable energy sources and the development of wind farms. Our databases and reference books are currently in demand due to the enlargement of the EU and the recent EU Parliament elections as well as the prospect of UK elections in 2005. We are holding over 100 political conferences this year as compared to 67 in PCL's last financial year. This augurs well for the results of the year as a whole. Education and Training Division The education and training markets are influenced by some of the factors affecting our Political Division. Government action has brought about many changes in education. Our Lonsdale Revision Guides provide a quick and inexpensive solution to assist in the improvement of standards in schools. We continue to expand the number of titles and Lonsdale looks set for another record year. The training market comprises both the private and public sector where the need for good management, professional standards and efficiency increase year by year. Fenman's position in this market is considerably assisted by our ownership of The Training Journal which has some 5000 subscribers and is the leading professional magazine in this field. Sales for the Education and Training Division totalled £2,705,000 with pre-tax pre-profits of £813,000 in the six months to 30th June, 2004. Meaningful comparisons for the first half of 2003 cannot be made as the two businesses comprising this division, Lonsdale and Fenman, were acquired in April and October 2003 respectively. Both businesses have made a good start to the year and we look forward to them making a significant contribution to the year as a whole. Head Office Costs Head office costs remained under tight control, despite the high level of activity on acquisitions, and totalled £396,000. Outlook We now have a strong position in political databases and publishing in both the UK and the EU which are benefiting from increased demand. We are also seeing the benefits of merging our four political businesses with both revenue and cost benefits flowing through to the bottom line. The Education and Training division is on track to make a significant contribution to the results of the full year. The overall outlook for Huveaux for the second half is therefore for substantial growth in sales and profits. We have a strong balance sheet with £2.7 million in cash and no borrowings. We continue with our objective of building a substantial publishing and media group over the next 10 years. Consequently, we continue to examine a range of further possible acquisitions as well as achieving significant organic growth. John van Kuffeler Chairman 30 July, 2004 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Notes For the For the For the six months six months year ended ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £000s £000s £000s Turnover Continuing operations 3 3,192 382 1,474 Acquisitions 3 1,446 477 3,101 -------------------------------- 4,638 859 4,575 Cost of sales (2,006) (344) (1,497) Gross profit 2,632 515 3,078 Administrative expenses (2,308) (543) (1,969) Exceptional expenses 4 (301) - - -------------------------------- Operating profit/(loss) Continuing operations 3 61 (96) 167 Acquisitions 3, 4 (38) 68 942 23 (28) 1,109 Other interest receivable 52 41 99 Other interest payable (9) - (3) --------------------------------- Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 66 13 1,205 Taxation 5 (20) (4) (250) --------------------------------- Profit after taxation 46 9 955 Dividends - - (629) --------------------------------- Retained profit for the period 46 9 326 ================================ Earnings per share - basic and diluted 6 0.06 p 0.02 p 2.01 p Adjusted earnings per share before exceptional items 6 0.35 p 0.02 p 2.01 p CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Notes As at As at As at 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £000s £000s £000s Fixed assets Intangible assets 8 37,967 11,430 19,451 Tangible assets 687 329 515 ------------------------------- 38,654 11,759 19,966 ------------------------------- Current assets Stocks 1,022 526 841 Debtors 3,522 523 1,153 Cash at bank and in hand 2,653 3,106 3,710 ------------------------------- 7,197 4,155 5,704 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (7,390) (849) (2,901) -------------------------------- Net current (liabilities)/assets (193) 3,306 2,803 -------------------------------- Total assets less current liabilities 38,461 15,065 22,769 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year - (1,800) (1,162) Provision for liabilities and charges (38) - (22) -------------------------------- Net assets 38,423 13,265 21,585 ================================ Capital and reserves Called-up equity share capital issued 10,646 5,095 7,146 Called-up equity share capital not issued 400 - 400 Share premium account 26,450 8,015 13,157 Merger reserve 409 - 409 Profit and loss account 518 155 473 -------------------------------- Equity shareholders' funds 9 38,423 13,265 21,585 ================================ CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Notes As at As at As at 30 June 30 June31 December 2004 2003 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £000s £000s £000s Cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 10 96 (112) 159 Returns on investment and servicing of finance Interest received 52 41 99 Interest paid (9) - (3) -------------------------------- Net cash inflow from returns on investment and servicing of finance 43 41 96 Taxation (7) - - Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (29) (58) (231) Purchase of intangible fixed assets - - (9) ------------------------------- Net cash outflow from capital expenditure (29) (58) (240) Acquisitions Purchase of subsidiary undertakings and assets (17,084) (5,116) (12,866) Cash acquired on acquisition of subsidiaries - - 352 ------------------------------ Net cash outflow from acquisitions (17,084) (5,116) (12,514) Equity dividends paid (629) (155) (155) ------------------------------- Cash outflow before financing (17,610) (5,400) (12,654) ------------------------------- Financing Short-term bank funding received - - 1,380 Short-term bank funding paid - - (1,380) Issue of ordinary share capital 17,500 7,573 15,573 Expenses paid in connection with share issue (707) (428) (810) ------------------------------ Cash inflow from financing 16,793 7,145 14,763 (Decrease)/increase in cash for the period 11 (817) 1,745 2,109 ============================= Notes to the Accounts 30 June 2004 1. These accounts comply with relevant accounting standards and have been prepared using the accounting policies set out in the Annual Report 2003. 2. The financial information included in this document does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The accounts for the year ended 31 December 2003, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies, received an unqualified audit report and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information contained herein in respect of the six month period to 30 June 2004 is unaudited. 3. Segmental information All amounts shown relate to one business segment, that of publishing. Period Period ended ended Year ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £000s £000s £000s Group turnover by geographical area United Kingdom Continuing operations 3,101 382 1,474 Acquisitions 1,214 477 2,586 --------------------------------- 4,315 859 4,060 --------------------------------- Continental Europe Continuing operations 91 - - Acquisitions 232 - 515 --------------------------------- 323 - 515 --------------------------------- Total turnover 4,638 859 4,575 ================================= Operating profit by geographical area United Kingdom Continuing operations 239 (96) 167 Acquisitions 261 68 722 --------------------------------- 500 (28) 889 --------------------------------- Continental Europe Continuing operations (178) - - Acquisitions (299) - 220 --------------------------------- (477) - 220 --------------------------------- Total operating profit/(loss) 23 (28) 1,109 ================================= Net assets by geographical area United Kingdom Continuing operations 38,526 13,197 20,706 Acquisitions 106 68 753 ---------------------------------- 38,632 13,265 21,459 ---------------------------------- Continental Europe Continuing operations 1 - - Acquisitions (210) - 126 ---------------------------------- (209) - 126 ---------------------------------- Total net assets 38,423 13,265 21,585 ================================== Turnover by geographic destination is not materially different from turnover by geographic origin. 4. Exceptional expenses Period ended Period ended Year ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £000s £000s £000s Redundancy and related people costs 285 - - Provisions for vacant property 16 - - ---------------------------------- Total exceptional items 301 - - ================================== Immediately following the acquisition of Parliamentary Communications Limited the Group carried out a significant cost reduction exercise in parts of that business that were loss-making. 18 people left the Group and a property was vacated. The exceptional charge for the property represents the costs incurred in vacating it and provisions for future rental cost net of expected rental income. 5. Taxation The taxation charge for the six months ended 30 June 2004 is based on the expected annual tax rate. 6. Earnings per share Period Period ended ended Year ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £000s £000s £000s Profit attributable to shareholders 46 9 955 ================================== Adjusted profit attributable to shareholders before exceptional items (net of 30% taxation) 257 9 955 ================================== Weighted average number of shares in issue during the year - basic and diluted 74,142,326 35,890,583 47,473,307 Earnings per share - basic and diluted 0.06 p 0.02 p 2.01 p Adjusted earnings per share before exceptional items 0.35 p 0.02 p 2.01 p 7. Acquisitions Each of the following acquisitions has been accounted for by the acquisition method. An analysis of the provisional book value and fair value of the net assets acquired on each is set out below. Publishing rights have, for each acquisition, been valued to reflect their estimated fair values, and each publication can be separately identified and valued. a) Public Affairs Newsletter On 5 March 2004 the Group acquired the assets and trade of the Public Affairs Newsletter, a sole proprietorship, excluding the cash of the business. The following table sets out the provisional book values of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired and their provisional fair value to the group: Fair value Book value adjustments Fair value £000s £000s £000s Publishing rights - 819 819 Debtors 85 - 85 Creditors (85) - (85) ---------------------------------------------- Net assets acquired - 819 819 Goodwill - ------- Total consideration 819 ======= Satisfied by: Cash paid 750 Acquisition costs 69 ------- 819 ======= The summarised profit and loss account for the Public Affairs Newsletter for the year ended 31 January 2004 is given below. No taxation information is given, nor are the results for the period from 1 February to 5 March, as the Public Affairs Newsletter was a sole proprietorship and therefore under no obligation to disclose the taxation or results publicly. The results for the year ended 31 January 2004 are publicly available as they were disclosed in the 2003 Annual Report. Year ended 31 January 2004 Unaudited £000s Turnover 199 --------------- Pretax profit 119 =============== b) Parliamentary Communications Limited On 6 May the Group took effective control of Parliamentary Communications Limited. As part of the acquisition, a number of loss-making activities were hived out of Parliamentary Communications Limited prior to completion. The following table sets out the provisional book values of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired and their provisional fair value to the group: Fair value Book value Adjustments air value £000s £000s £000s Publishing rights 1 17,696 17,697 Tangible fixed assets 607 (439) 168 Stock 25 (10) 15 Debtors 2,407 (44) 2,363 Deferred taxation 285 429 714 Creditors (3,401) (937) (4,338) --------------------------------------------- Net assets acquired (76) 16,695 16,619 Goodwill - -------- Total consideration 16,619 ======== Satisfied by: Cash paid 15,679 Deferred consideration 471 Acquisition costs 469 -------- 16,619 ======== The summarised consolidated profit and loss account for Parliamentary Communications Limited for the year ended 30 June 2003 (before hive-out of the loss-making operations) and the period from 1 July 2003 to 30 April 2004 is given below: Period ended Year ended 30 April 30 June 2004 2003 Unaudited Audited £000s £000s Turnover 7,367 7,980 --------------------------- Operating profit/(loss) 228 (437) ---------------------------- Profit/(loss) before taxation 279 (417) Taxation (204) (271) ---------------------------- Profit/(loss) after tax 75 (688) ============================ 8. Intangible assets Period ended Period ended Year ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £000s £000s £000s Opening balance 19,451 4,950 4,950 Additions - - 9 Additions through acquisition 18,516 6,480 14,492 ------------------------------------------- Closing balance 37,967 11,430 19,451 =========================================== 9. Reconciliation of movements in equity shareholders' funds Total equity Shareholders' funds Unaudited £000s Profit for the period 46 Currency translation differences on foreign currency net investments (1) New shares issued 16,793 -------- Net increase in shareholders' funds 16,838 Shareholders' funds at 31 December 2003 21,585 -------- Shareholders' funds at 30 June 2004 38,423 ======== 10. Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities Period ended Period ended Year ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £000s £000s £000s Operating profit/(loss) 23 (28) 1,109 Depreciation and amortisation 25 5 45 Increase in stocks (166) (144) (106) Decrease/(increase) in debtors 794 (84) (258) (Decrease)/increase in creditors (580) 139 (631) --------------------------------------- Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 96 (112) 159 ======================================= 11. Analysis and reconciliation of net funds Period ended Period ended Year ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2004 2003 2003 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £000s £000s £000s Opening balance 3,470 1,361 1,361 Cash flow during the period (817) 1,745 2,109 -------------------------------------------- Closing balance 2,653 3,106 3,470 ============================================ Represented by: Cash at bank and in hand 2,653 3,106 3,710 Short-term loan - - (240) --------------------------------------------- Total net funds 2,653 3,106 3,470 ============================================= This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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