Directors' Notification of Dealing in Shares

Anglo-Welsh Group PLC 6 April 2000 Anglo-Welsh Group announces that it was informed on 5 April 2000 on the following gifts of its shares all made on 5 April 2000 by a Director of the Company and his wife for nil consideration. Mr D Daynes, Managing Director, gifted 7,000 ordinary shares in the Company to Opalcrown Limited. Mrs L Daynes also gifted 18,000 ordinary shares in the Company to Opalcrown Limited. Opalcrown Limited is a company controlled by Mr Daynes and, accordingly, Mr Daynes remains beneficially interested in these shares. Additionally, the Company has been informed that Mr D Daynes gifted 11,000 ordinary shares in the company to his adult son, Mr M D Daynes. Mr D Daynes is no longer beneficially interested in these shares.


Mindflair (MFAI)
UK 100

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