Final Results - Year Ended 31 October 1999

Anglo-Welsh Group PLC 17 March 2000 Anglo Welsh Group Plc Results for the year to 31 October 1999 CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am pleased to present the Group's results for the year ended 31 October 1999. The profit after taxation for the year was £19,816 and a final dividend of 0.25p is recommended which, subject to shareholders' approval, will be paid on 21 July 2000 to shareholders on the Register on 7 April 2000. This will make a total dividend of 0.50p for the year. These results reflect the extremely difficult trading circumstances faced by much of the domestic holiday industry during the year. The reduced level of bookings reported in my Interim Statement was only marginally recovered, despite increased marketing activity. This resulted in decreased turnover for the core business of providing narrow boat holidays on the canals of England and Wales, with a consequent adverse effect upon profitability. The modest increase in Group turnover for the year, from £3.051m to £3.062m includes the first five months turnover of £145,000 from Time Afloat Ltd, our developing timeshare division, and external boat sales of £232,000 from Falcon Boats, our boatbuilding operation. These gains were offset by lower sales from holidays and Falcon Agricultural sales. Our 2000 brochure shows that we ceased operating from bases at North Kilworth and New Mills. Continuing operational problems on the Cheshire Ring seriously affected bookings from New Mills to the extent that we no longer operate from that base although we will continue to turn round our popular one-way holidays from there. The year was not without good news, however, and I am very encouraged to report that the start up phase of Time Afloat Ltd has now been successfully completed. Sales of Water Time Club membership are expected to increase this year which will reinforce the Group's strategy in developing complementary activities to build long term income streams which will make the Group less dependent upon the seasonality of the holiday boat trade. Our boat building division too became further established during the year and turned out 12 first class steel craft for both our hire fleet and the Water Time Club, as well as a number of boats for the private market. These included a 70 feet long, wide beam, restaurant boat supplied to a private buyer in Dublin. Our pub at Norbury, the Junction Inn, continued to make a useful contribution. The introduction of our new top of the range Gold Class fleet of holiday narrow boats has proved very popular. Further boats of this Class are scheduled to join the fleet in the current season. A further success during the year was the granting of planning permission to develop seven acres of land at Great Haywood, which were acquired with the Falcon Engineering purchase in 1998. Plans for developing this strategically important site for waterside leisure purposes are currently in hand. Current Prospects Having carefully reviewed our pricing strategy, and with a re-designed brochure, I am very pleased to report that the advance holiday bookings for the 2000 season are substantially ahead of the comparable period last year, and marginally ahead of 1998, which was a successful year. This has given us confidence that the Group will return to trading profitability in 2000. Additionally, the continued performance of Time Afloat Ltd. is particularly pleasing, and as I reported in my Interim Statement, we are confident of seeing a positive contribution from the timeshare operation in the current year. Performance prospects of both the hire fleet and timeshare operations have been enhanced by the recent appointment of a specialist manager to take charge of all the Group's marketing activities. Plans are at an advanced stage to dispose of some under-performing non-core activities, and overhead costs are constantly under close review. The Group is determined to be at the forefront of electronic information and marketing, and our web site, already successful, is being upgraded. It would be remiss of me to close this report without recording the thanks of the Board of Directors to our staff, at all levels throughout the Group, for their support and loyalty during a particularly difficult year. David Court Chairman, Anglo-Welsh Group Plc Anglo-Welsh Group Plc Consolidated Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31 October 1999 1999 1998 ten months Total Total £ £ Turnover 3,063,722 3,051,552 Cost of sales (1,591,704) (1,574,101) Gross profit 1,472,018 1,477,451 Operating expenses (1,345,405) (1,017,923) Interest payable (130,857) (54,767) Loss before taxation (4,244) 404,761 Taxation 24,060 (17,050) Profit after taxation 19,816 387,711 Dividends (15,707) (92,745) ________ _______ Retained profit 4,109 294,966 Basic earnings per share 0.6p 12.5p Anglo Welsh Group Plc Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 October 1999 £ £ 1999 1998 Fixed assets 4,679,508 4,220,345 Fixed asset investments 15,686 15,686 Current asset investments - 8,320 Stock 745,098 625,412 Debtors 394,656 309,345 Cash 12,073 12,208 Creditors falling due within one year (1,993,733) (1,466,688) Creditors falling due after more than one year (733,963) (604,414) Provision for liabilities and charges (29,550) (34,550) __________ __________ Net Assets 3,089,775 3,085,666 Capital & Reserves Called up share capital 309,145 309,145 Share premium 1,784,377 1,784,377 Capital redemption reserve 164,667 164,667 Profit and loss account 199,286 195,177 Capital reserve 632,300 632,300 _________ _________ Equity shareholders' funds 3,089,775 3,085,666 Anglo Welsh Group Plc Notes 1. Turnover represents sales to external customers excluding VAT. 2. Earnings per share have been computed on the basis of profit after taxation of £19,816 (1998: 387,711) and the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period of 3,091,450. 3. The figures for the year ended 31 October 1999 have been abridged from the full group financial statements which are unaudited and have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The figures in respect of the period to 31 October 1998 are an abridged version of the full financial statements which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors have issued an unqualified report. The Report and financial statements for the year to 31 October 1999 will be mailed to shareholders and will be available for members of the public at the company's registered office, 5 Pritchard Street, Bristol, BS2 8RH. For further information, contact: David Daynes, managing director Tel: 0117-924-0332


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