("Athol" or the "Company")
NAV Update
The Board of Athol today announces that, in the light of the continued decline in the value of the Company's investments, the Company's Net Asset Value per share as at the close of play on 29 June 2012 has declined to 0.16p.
The Net Asset Value per share was calculated by taking the Net Asset Value of the Company based on the mid market prices of the quoted investments held by the Company as at close of business on 29 June 2012 and dividing by the number of shares currently in issue being 1,136,180,181 ordinary shares.
As previously announced, the Company is in the process of seeking a suitable replacement investment manager.
For further information please call:
Athol Gold and Value Limited
Jennifer Allsop +44 7788 451744
Libertas Capital Corporate Finance limited
Sandy Jamieson 0207 569 9650