17 December 2010
Issue of £100m US Private Placement Loan Notes
MITIE is pleased to announce the successful completion of an issue of US private placement loan notes with institutional investors.
The issue consists of £40m of notes denominated in sterling and fixed at 4.38% maturing in 9 years and £60m of notes denominated in US dollars ($96m) maturing in 7 years. The US dollar denominated private placement proceeds have been swapped into sterling debt, with half fixed at 3.88% and half with a floating sterling interest rate of LIBOR + 1.26%.
In addition to the above, MITIE has a committed banking facility of £230m maturing in January 2012.
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For further information, contact:
John Telling, Group Corporate Affairs Director
T: 020 3123 8683 M: 07979 701006
Erica Lockhart, Investor, Public and Media Relations Manager
T: 020 3123 8676 M: 07979 784488