(the 'Company')
The Company was advised on 30 December 2008 of certain dealings in its share capital by European Express Enterprises Limited ('EEEL'), a company which is a connected person (as defined in section 96(B)(2) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000) of Jorge Cosmen, a Director of the Company.
On the dates set out below EEEL purchased the following ordinary shares of 5p each in the Company at the stated average prices:
Date of Acquisition |
Average Price |
Number of Shares |
24 December 2008 |
450.79p |
10,371 |
29 December 2008 |
475.36p |
1,076,545 |
30 December 2008 |
474.71p |
172,944 |
As a result Jorge Cosmen now has an interest in 28,340,119 ordinary shares of the Company amounting to 18.54% of the issued share capital of the Company.
Additionally, EEEL on 22 December created security over a total of 11,650,000 ordinary shares of 5 pence each in the Company against loans made to EEEL. The secured shares, which represent approximately 7.5% of the Company's issued share capital, are charged pursuant to a loan facility agreement dated 22 December, 2008 between EEEL and BNP Paribas Bank.
No security exists over the balance of EEEL's shareholding in the Company.
The Company's close period will start tomorrow, 1 January 2009.
National Express Group PLC
Nicole Lander, Communications Director: 0121 460 8419
Tony McDonald, Group Company Secretary: 020 7506 4325