Director Declaration
To the London Stock Exchange
13th February 2012
Mothercare plc: Director Declaration - Simon Calver
Further to the announcement on 8th February 2012 of the appointment of Simon Calver as Chief Executive Officer with effect from 30th April 2012, the following details are disclosed in accordance with Listing Rule LR9.6.13: -
(1) all directorships held by you in any other publicly quoted company at any time in the previous five years, indicating whether or not you are still a director;
Response: Datalex plc (Ireland, current director)
(2) any unspent convictions in relation to indictable offences;
Response: None
(3) any receiverships, compulsory liquidations, creditors voluntary liquidations, administrations, company voluntary arrangements or any composition or arrangement with its creditors generally or any class of its creditors of any company where you were an executive director at the time of, or within the 12 months preceding, such events;
Response: None
(4) any compulsory liquidations, administrations or partnership voluntary arrangements of any partnerships where you were a partner at the time of, or within the 12 months preceding, such events;
Response: None
(5) receiverships of any asset of such person or of a partnership of which you were a partner at the time of, or within the 12 months preceding, such event; and
Response: None
(6) any public criticisms of you by statutory or regulatory authorities (including designated professional bodies) and whether you have ever been disqualified by a court from acting as a director of a company or from acting in the management or conduct of the affairs of any company.
Response: None
Further details: Tim Ashby, Group General Counsel and Company Secretary 01923 206177;
Lynne Medini, Assistant Group Company Secretary, 01923 206186